My Iron Suit

Chapter 1202: That guy is not Earth at all!

"You can never accept the reality, your newest woman will be taken away by years!"

After having been with Sol for many years, Rocky understood Sol's weaknesses and knew what he cared about, so for his psychological attack, Rocky was full of confidence and would definitely make Sol outrageous. He was so angry that he had a sense of accomplishment that he couldn't help!

But this time Loki was miscalculated!

Unexpectedly, Rocky was not furious under his stimulation, but a smile appeared on his face.

Looking at the unexpected Rocky, Sol said with a careless expression.

"Who said she would be taken away by time? Maybe she would live longer than me!"

Rocky shook his head without hesitation.

"This is impossible! The life of the earth's people is no more than a hundred years, but we can live more than five thousand years. This is the difference between God and man, and it cannot be changed at all!"

Sol looked at the affirmative Rocky with a smile and said slowly.

"Don't forget who your **** was caught by!"

Rocky heard that Chen Mo's figure could not help but emerged in her mind, and she could not help but tighten her heart. She looked around in a guilty conscience, thinking that Chen Mo had flew towards the sky before, she should not be around the airship now, and Rocky soon relaxed After that, he turned around and said angrily to Sol.

"That guy might not be Earthling at all!"

Saul didn't argue with Rocky about whether Chen Mo was an Earthman or not, and said directly.

"Whether he is Earthman or not, at least he does master the method of turning ordinary Earthman into a super soldier. Steve has the same strength as Asgard soldiers. After 70 years, he has hardly grown old. I believe he can turn Jane into a protoss like us! "

Having said that, Sol looked at Rocky with a playful look and said with a smile.

"So get ready to get along with your sister-in-law!"

Rocky couldn't help but think of it, and Jane Foster had given him a slap in the face of New York on the previous meeting, which shows his fiery temper.

This is still just an ordinary person now. If Chen Mo really has a way to turn her into a protoss like them, what would she do?

Imagining that he has a terrible **** who is grumpy and teaches his uncle at every turn, Rocky feels that his future life is like the sky of Walt Alheim, dark!

As for Saul, Chen Mo has a method to create a protoss. Although Rocky is reluctant to admit it, he has already believed in eight!

Although he hasn't played against everyone in the Avengers, but after looking at Eagle Eye, from his mouth, Rocky also knows about the overall strength of Avengers and some related secrets.

Although the strength of other people is far inferior to Chen Mo, they are far superior to ordinary earth people. In Asgard, they can be regarded as excellent fighters, and their lifespan is indeed strengthened.

And Chen Mo himself defeated Sol and showed the power comparable to the Protoss!

Moreover, although Sol didn't say it directly, Rocky was able to infer from the series of reactions he had just made. Chen Mo must have told him beforehand that he could solve the problem of Jane Foster's life, otherwise it was just a guess , Sol won't be so sure!

Although he has been cleaned many times by Chen Mo, Rocky also has a deep understanding of Chen Mo. If Chen Mo really said it by himself, then probably this thing is true!

In other words, he really has the ability to make gods!

At this moment, Rocky felt that his thought of ruling the earth could be completely eliminated!

Or Asgard is safer!

Of course, the premise is that his impatient **** is about to become a god!

Originally, I wanted to stimulate Sol and hit him. I didn't expect to be hit by Sol in turn!

Immediately, Loki stopped saying more, sitting in the stern of the boat with a complicated mood, and drove the airship forward.

At the same time, the invisible Dark Elf battleship was hovering silently above Asgard.

The cabin, like Wat Alheim, was dark and gloomy, with only a few red lights emitting bursts of red light, looking claustrophobic and depressed.

But for the dark elves, this is their favorite environment. Just as humans like light, the dark elves love darkness!

In the command room, the wounded Malekis has completed his final repairs and is about to wake up. Several dark elves with white masks surround him.

After the raid on Asgard, although Malekis successfully entered the Golden Palace, the few remaining dark elves had also lost a lot. The dark elves would really be extinct a few more times!

The Dark Elves can't afford too much consumption!

But the time for celestial bodies to converge is getting closer and closer. If they cannot recapture the ether particles before the channel connecting the nine kingdoms is opened, all the sacrifices and efforts previously made will be wasted!

They have no way to wait another five thousand years!

If they did not take advantage of Asgard ’s defense collapse and recapture the etheric particles, they would be even less likely to regain their defense when Asgard regained their defense!

This time is their last chance!

In the eyes of the dark elves, the mask on Malekis finally opened slowly, revealing his cold and pale face, but although his injury had been repaired at this time, the entire right face became It's dark, like coke!

Sol's thunder left a lasting imprint on Malkis's face!

Seeing that Malekis finally woke up, Algorim strode in front of him and said in a deep voice.

"Time is running out, we must attack immediately!"

"Do not!"

Malekis shook his head coldly.

"No need to go to Asgard, the ether is on his way home!"

Malakis then ordered in a deep voice ~ ~ immediately set sail and returned to Wat Algem! "


Walter Alheim, suborbital space.

In a seemingly empty area, Chen Mo, who was in a stealth state, was quietly suspended in the air, quietly observing the movement of this cosmic space.

Suddenly, in an outer space area tens of thousands of kilometers away from Chen Mo, a long black T-shaped figure gradually emerged. It was the Dark Elf battleship that arrived from Asgard!

When Chen Mo saw this, she couldn't help but light up, and finally waited for it!

This battleship seemed to know the general orientation of the three Sols. After appearing, they quickly flew over here, flew over a few kilometers away from Chen Mo, and pierced towards the clouds below!

Chen Mo immediately turned around and flew away from behind the battleship!

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