My Iron Suit

Chapter 1186: confusion!

Latest website: Three pairs of long horns on both sides of the head protrude outward, two ivory curved tusks extend on both sides of the cheek, wrapping the entire chin, and the shoulders and other places are thick and long. The spikes look like monsters, stubborn and terrifying!

After the transformation, the severe pain has completely disappeared, replaced by the seemingly infinite power surging in the body!

Algorim glanced at the several prisoners who had been knocked to the ground, stepped forward and grabbed one's neck, lifted him, and pressed it against the energy barrier!

The cell's energy barrier is not only very strong, but also has a certain counterattack ability to external attacks. The prisoner's face was hardly pressed against the energy barrier by Algorim, triggering the energy barrier, even when a dazzling golden color was seen The energy light curtain was clearly visible at the cell door.

And the prisoner screamed desperately under the burning of this hot energy barrier!

At this moment, the two dungeon guards heard the sound and ran over. Standing in this prison room, they looked at the screaming prisoner and the monster Algorim behind them in surprise. They could not help but clenched their arms and guarded. !!

The cursed warrior, Algorim, ignored the screams of the captives in his hands, looked at the golden energy barrier that was fully exposed, and glanced over the two dungeon guards waiting outside, then raised his sturdy arms, clenched his fists, and suddenly turned towards Booming past the energy barrier in front of me!

In the incredible eyes of the two guards, they could block any prisoner so that they could not escape. The sturdy energy barrier was easily broken in the hands of Algorim, who became a cursed warrior!


The dazzling golden energy barrier exploded suddenly, and the prisoner with his head on it was immediately stunned, and the screams came to an abrupt end.

Throwing away the "inmate" who had died, Algorim strode out of the cell.

The two dungeon guards watched Algorim coming out of prison, and immediately waved the sword and spear in his hand and rushed towards Algorim!

The blade of the sword and the tip of the spear are all bright white light, which is obviously not an ordinary cold weapon.

The swords, shields and spears in their hands are all standard weapons of Asa Protoss soldiers. They seem ordinary, but in fact they are all advanced magic weapons. Swords and spears can evoke energy to strengthen their attack power in battle, and their destructive power is no better than that of thermal weapons. Poor, and the shield can activate the energy shield, which can take the attack of energy weapons!

Each of these weapons can be regarded as a magic weapon, and it can be easily cut when it is cut on the rock. However, under the full attack of the two people at this time, it has not exerted the destructive power as usual!

The long sword was slashed on Algorim's shoulder, but it only cut into it a little bit, and was stuck by the hard surface of the body.

The spear that stabbed at Algorim's belly was completely blocked, and he was not hurt at all.

Algorim then patted the arms of the two, and then held each of them directly, holding them directly by their necks and slowly lifting them up.

Under his overwhelming power, the two were powerless to resist, and could only be lifted into the air by him, struggling weakly.

But then, with the scarlet light shining on Algorim's hands, the faces of the two dungeon guards instantly lost their blood, became iron blue, and quickly dried up and withered. It became two dead bodies!

The vitality of the two was absorbed by him directly!

Throwing the bodies of the two guards to the ground, Algorim waved his hand, and flew the long sword embedded in his shoulder, then began to break the energy barrier of other cells one by one, and released the prisoners inside. !!

His purpose was to create chaos from the inside, distract Asgard, and prevent them from responding in time to the subsequent raid of the dark elves!

This dungeon is located under the Golden Palace. After the prisoners are released, they can just help him create chaos!

The defense in the dungeon was originally very strong, and the prisoners inside could not escape at all. Therefore, there were not many guards in general, and they were quickly killed by Algorim, and all the prisoners were rushed before the support arrived. The room was all open, releasing hundreds of prisoners inside!

It is naturally impossible to capture the Golden Palace by relying on these prisoners, but it is also enough to disrupt the Golden Palace's defense, leaving them no time to care!

Algorim walked all the way from the deepest part of the dungeon, breaking all the cells where the prisoners were held, but when he arrived at the last cell at the entrance to the dungeon, he found only one person inside!

And unlike other prisoners who were messy and shouting, this man inside was well-groomed, with a good look, standing behind the energy barrier and looking at him with a smile, not at all like a prisoner being held here.

Algorim stared at him for a moment, then released him without breaking the energy barrier.

Just as Algorim turned to leave the dungeon, Loki, the only dungeon still in the cell, was watching the direction he was going to, and suddenly reminded.

"You should take the stairs on the left!"

Algorim, who was about to walk to the right, could not help but turned to look at Rocky, hesitated, or turned the other way, and walked towards the left stairs that Rocky said!


Just as Chen Mo and Friega were talking in the garden, a sudden horn sounded in the direction of the Golden Palace.

Friega frowned, listening to her voice.

"What happened to the dungeon!"

Saul heard a change of expression.

"Rocky is inside!"

Although he captured Rocky back by himself ~ ~, Sol was no less concerned about Rocky than Jan Foster.

However, Chen Mo just said that the Dark Elf is likely to launch an attack today, but the dungeon happened at this time, and Sol had to suspect that it was related to the Dark Elf!

Just as Sol hesitated to pass, Friega, who was also worried about Rocky, said.

"Come on, I will take care of her!"

Saul did not leave directly, but turned to look at Chen Mo.

Chen Mo, who knew what was going on in the dungeon, nodded toward Sol, and said Shen Sheng.

"Rest assured, I will keep her safe!"

Protected by Chen Mo and Friega, Jane Foster's safety Sol was more at ease.

Although Frigga is best at illusions, his combat power is also not weak. It is a little worse than Odin and Sol, but it is not weaker than the three warriors and Shiv of the fairy palace!

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