My Iron Suit

Chapter 1184: 1 more person!

Latest website: Rocky heard Friega's words, and looked at her with her lips fixed. She shook her head a little bit guiltily, reached forward, and grabbed Friega's outstretched hands.

Although he hated Odin and was reluctant to admit that Odin was his father, his feelings for Friega have never changed.

Although he was not the biological son of Odin and Friega, Friega always treated him and Sol equally, and always asked Sol to protect his brother.

Even if he was now locked in the dungeon by Odin, Frigga tried everything to make his life less uncomfortable and sent him all kinds of furniture and books.

Rocky grabbed his hand towards Frigga's outstretched hand, but at the moment of contact, it seemed like a bubble burst. Frigga's hands gradually dissipated in a burst of light and slowly extended towards her body. past.

What turned out to be in Rocky's cell was a phantom created by Friega using magic.

Rocky was not surprised.

Odin ordered that he be kept in the dungeon forever and that he would never be allowed to see Frigga, so Frigga could only come to see him quietly through illusions.

This is one of the reasons why Rocky hates Odin so much!

Since being put in this cell six months ago, he has never felt the warm palms and arms of his mother again!

Feeling Friega's concerned eyes, watching Friega's figure slowly disappeared in front of her eyes, Loki couldn't hold it anymore, and closed her eyes in pain.

Many people can't sleep this night!

But it does not include Chen Mo.

Leaving Sol's dormitory to Sol and Jane Foster after a long absence, Chen Mo slept well in the guest room.

Through miniature drones all over the Golden Palace, Chen Mo knew that Algorim, carrying the Cursed Stone, had lurked into Asgard and was locked into a dungeon!

This also means that the Dark Elves' attack will not be coming soon!

However, Chen Mo did not prevent Algorim from entering Asgard, and did not reveal his identity as a dark elf.

Malakis sent him into the Golden Palace to destroy it from the inside and destroy the defense of the Golden Palace. There must be a way of connection between them. Otherwise, they cannot accurately grasp the attack time and cooperate well!

The Dark Elves are very technologically advanced, and it is not surprising that some of the special communication methods are hidden and imperceptible.

And if Algorim's operation fails and loses the greatest reliance on capturing the etheric particles, Malekis is likely to give up attacking Asgard directly, and then plunge into the darkness again, hiding, waiting for new opportunity.

With the long life of the Dark Elf, he has enough patience to wait!

In order to lead Malekis and completely destroy the dark elves, Chen Mo must keep Algorim!

Moreover, he also wants to experience for himself how strong the cursed soldier is!

There was a drone spying on Algorim in the dungeon, Chen Mo was comfortably asleep in the legendary fairy palace, and it felt no different from his castle.

How to say Chen Mo once ruled the whole of Europe and was revered as a god. Although he is now in a place of true protoss in Nordic mythology, he is not so excited.

The next morning, Chen Mo woke up from the palace's wide bed and stretched comfortably.

Getting up from bed, Chen Moxin stepped on several steps, passed through several corridor columns, and came to the outdoor platform.

The railings carved from special rocks glowed a faint golden light in the sun. Chen Mo put his hands on the railings. A softer and smoother touch than marble came from the fingers.

Chen Mo couldn't help thinking about whether to get some special rocks and go back and rebuild his villa.

This thought was just a flash. Chen Mo held his hands on the railing and looked up into the distance. Although it was not the first time he saw it, Asgard's beautiful and gorgeous sky still made him look twice. .

The sun, moon, and stars appear in the sky at the same time, and the purple nebula adds a bit of beautiful color to the sky.

Not to mention other, this strange and dreamy sky really feels a bit like a fairy palace.

The sun was dripping from the air, covering the entire Asgard with a layer of peaceful golden color, but Chen Mo knew that this peacefulness would be completely broken soon!

Not long after, Sol and Jane Foster came to Chen Mo's side. At this time, Jane Foster had already changed his original clothes and put on a silk dress of Asgard. With her ruddy complexion, she looked more and more beautiful.

When Chen Mo noticed her skirt, Jane Foster had a little more crimson on her rosy face, with an uncomfortable explanation.

"This, because ... my original suit was a bit dirty, so I changed it."

Chen Mo skimmed the proud Sol next to him, don't need to think about and know that the suit must be dead!

Chen Mo naturally does not care about the private affairs of the two. Although the crisis is now, after all, the two have not seen each other for a long time. Long thoughts have suddenly burst out.

Seeing Jan Foster was uncomfortable, Chen Mo exaggerated with a smile.

"The skirt is beautiful!"

Jane Foster smiled when he heard what he said, but then saw Chen Mo's face turned straight, and he said to them seriously.

"I feel like something could happen today, and we better prepare!"

"Today? So fast?"

Sol asked, surprised.

"Ascension of celestial bodies will soon reach its climax. Malakis will surely rush before this to seize the ether particles!"

Sol nodded, and then frowned at Chen Mo.

"But I can tell them that I have informed them to be ready. What else can we do?"

Chen Mo glanced at Jane Foster ~ ~ and said to Sol.

"Malkeith's goal is Jane. The ether particles on her should not be lost. For safety, we better find someone to help us protect her!"

Sol frowned.

"The only people I can help with are the ones I looked for yesterday, but they still need to be on guard so that when the battle occurs, the army can be mobilized in time. Heimdall cannot leave the Rainbow Bridge. In addition, no one else were able……"

Saul said, suddenly a sudden meal, then turned to look at Chen Mo, said excitedly.

"I almost forgot, there is another person who can help us! Come with me!"

After finishing talking, he immediately took Chen Mo and Jane Foster away from the Golden Palace and came to a garden by the lake. The person he was looking for would come here for a walk every morning.

Sol led them through the garden, and soon stopped by a colonnade near the lake.

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