My Iron Suit

Chapter 1182: Damn the warrior!

Latest website: Shiv watched as Sol was about to leave, he couldn't help but say.

"Don't accompany me for a drink?"

Saul said apologetically.

"No, I have to go to Heimdal."

Hiff heard that, but thought of another thing so fiercely, looked at Sol with a resentful look, and said slowly.

"I know you will disappear every night, but we have nine kingdoms, and the future king of Asgard cannot just stare at one of them!"

Sol heard that Shiv knew that he had to go to Heimdal every night to see what happened to Jan Foster.

Looking at Shiv, Sol didn't know if he should tell her that Jan Foster was in Asgard, and now in his dormitory, hesitated, Sol chose to conceal temporarily, Fu said.

"Thank you for your bravery and frankness, Miss Schiff!"

After Sol finished, he turned and left here directly. Shiv looked at the figure of Sol leaving and stood in place, his face full of loss.

Where did Sol care about these children's affection at this time, leaving the carnival crowd, Sol came to Rainbow Bridge alone.

When most people in Asgard were relaxing and carnival, Heimdall stood on the high platform with a giant sword in his hands like a mountain, looking through the endless starry sky in front of him into the unknown space!

Feeling the arrival of Sol, Heimdal said without looking back.

"Isn't your Earth Girl already here? What are you doing here? Odin's order has not been lifted, and I can't send you to Earth."

Previously, Sol would come to Heimdal every night, and let him use his eyes that can see through the Nine Realms to help check Jan Foster's situation, now naturally it is unnecessary.

Sol said as he walked to Heimdal.

"I'm not here to show you help to see Jane, nor to Earth, but to remind you to be alert!"

Heimdall finally turned to look at Sol, and his golden pupil looked at him quietly, as if to see him through.

"What happened?"

Heimdal asked in a deep voice.

When Odin ordered that Sol and Chen Mo should not be allowed to leave Asgard, Heimdall felt wrong, but later, when Sol came over and wanted to go to the earth, he refused to explain the situation. He left in a hurry, so Heimdal didn't know exactly what happened.

Moreover, under the control of the Rainbow Bridge connecting the Nine Realms, he was very sure that he did not teleport Chen Mo and Jane Foster, so how did the two of them come to Asgard!

Even when Soldang aggregated the celestial bodies, Chen Mo and Jane Foster accidentally passed through the wormhole from the earth to Asgard, as well as the etheric particles and the dark elves, and Malkis told everything to Heimdal.

After listening to Thor's whole story, Heimdall's expression could not help but stare.

Compared with others, Heimdall who can see through the Nine Realms has a clearer understanding of the huge crisis accompanying the celestial aggregation.

When the celestial aggregation phenomenon reaches its climax, the space boundaries of the nine nations will be broken and they will be completely connected by space channels. At this time, the army and strongman of any country can easily reach the other nine nations through these space channels. Among the nations, for the other nine nation races without the Rainbow Bridge, this is the only opportunity to invade other nations in 5,000 years!

Fortunately, the wars in the nine nations have now been completely calmed down. There is no need to worry about the phenomenon of celestial aggregation spreading the war to the nine nations.

The few remaining dark elves alone will not cause much damage to the nine kingdoms.

But if Malekis really gets the etheric particles, then he can take advantage of the opportunity of the nine nations that met once in 5,000 years to directly use the power of the etheric particles to completely sink the nine nations into darkness. !!

Heimdall is not as arrogant as Odin. As the guardian of Asgard, he does not have the arrogance of Odin who ruled the Nine Realms and the supreme **** king. His only duty is to protect the safety of Asgard, so He must ensure that the dark elves cannot invade Asgard and take the etheric particles.

With Sol's reminder, Heimdall, who had been paying close attention, was always vigilant against the sneak attack of the dark elves who might come at any time!

At the same time, he continued to use his God's eyes that can see through the nine realms to search the nine kingdoms, and wanted to find the traces of the dark elves, but how vast the nine kingdoms are. This kind of search is deliberately hidden by the dark elves. It's the same as finding a needle in a haystack!

While Heimdall was searching the Nine Realms for the Dark Elves, on the other side, Malekis was preparing to capture etheric particles!

After leaving Wat Algem, the spaceship of the Dark Elves returned to the meteorite belt that had been sleeping for 5,000 years. There are countless meteorites floating in the space here, and the environment is very complicated. location.

In the black dark elf battleship, Malekis stood on the bridge, watching the images of the nine kingdoms that were gradually forming a line on the huge virtual screen ahead.

"A celestial body is about to form!"

Malekis said, withdrew a dagger from his waist and turned towards Algorim, who was standing aside.

"You will be the last cursed warrior!"

Algorim looked at Malakis and said firmly.

"I am willing to sacrifice myself! Like our people! Like you!"

Malakis heard a deep look at the only remaining of the dark elf, and was also his most trusted general, and then stabbed Algorim's abdomen with a sharp face ~ www.NovelMTL. com ~ In the groan of Algorim, Malekis pulled out a dagger and lowered his head against Algorim's forehead. He could feel Algorim's body trembling slightly.

He reached out and handed the **** dagger to a dark elf soldier standing on the side, and at the same time he took a red-lighted, egg-sized stone from him.

This stone is the super weapon of the dark elves, which can transform ordinary dark elven soldiers into cursed stones of cursed soldiers!

Only after the war five thousand years ago, they still have only this last cursing stone, which is also the card and the biggest support for Malikis to recapture the ether particles!

"You will become dark, cursed by this world, until it is completely assimilated!"

"Until then, our enemies will not be your opponents!"

As Malekis said, he shoved the cursing stone into Algorim's belly from the wound that had been pierced by the dagger.

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