My Iron Suit

Chapter 1176: The power of technology!

When the three men appeared at the entrance to the dungeon, Rocky's footsteps wandering boringly in the cell were involuntary.

Damn, this is a dungeon, not a garden. What do you come over here to scare me? Well you succeeded!

Under Loki's feet, he could not help moving a few steps backward, away from the middle corridor, but found that the three did not look at him at all, walked quickly from the cell, and walked towards the inside.

Rocky could not help but be a little curious, what is in the cell?

什么 Are there any secrets he doesn't know?

The three Chen Mo didn't care what Rocky thought. They quickly passed through the long corridor and reached the end of the stone gate.

Although Jane Foster was very curious about the various weird humanoids in the cages on both sides, she was more concerned about the space passage to the earth and the evidence that Malekis was alive!

In front of the stone gate, the two soldiers who were guarding before were still far away, and when they saw Saul and Chen Mo wearing a dark steel armor, they couldn't help getting nervous.

怎么 Why are these two guys back!

He came to the stone gate, Sol looked at the two guards who ran to the medical room before him, waved the thunder hammer in his hand, and said in a poor face.

"Need to come again?"

He was so nervous about the arrival of the three guards that he looked at Thor's hammer in Thor's hand and could not help but swallow a spit.

They have seen the power of Thor's Hammer of Thor. Before being pushed by Sol, they knocked them apart. If they were hit by Thor's Hammer, even if Thor's mercy, they would at least You have to lie in bed for a few days.

Also, he had been invaded once by Sol before. The two of them couldn't stop Sol at all. Instead of asking for trouble, it would be better to cooperate.

The two stared at each other, then drew back to one side.

Seeing that the two were fairly familiar, he ignored them and raised his hand to push open the stone door, taking Chen Mo and Jane Foster into it.

I watched the thick stone door that had been closed by the two of them was closed with great effort by Sol, and the two guards who retreated to both sides were grateful for their decision.

With their strength, blocking Sol is simply trying to die!

"Shall we report it?"

I watched as the three of Sol disappeared deep in the passage, one of the guards asked towards the other.

The other person could not help but glance at him.

"What do you think?"

Thinking that Sol had reported the incident to Odin just now, but Sol didn't receive any punishment, and knew that Odin had acquiesced in Sol's behavior of breaking into the forbidden area, and it didn't make much sense for the two to report again. It's just not fun to ask for it.

I did n’t repeat the report again, and I just speared my spear and continued to stand up in front of the open stone gate.

Their task is to guard Shimen, whether he is open or closed, just keep it!

In the passage, Chen Mo and Soljan Foster traveled all the way, and the darker they got, the deeper they went.

默 Chen Mo and Saul can see the road in the dark. It's okay to say, but Jane Foster is just an ordinary person, and soon he can almost see nothing.

Chen Mo felt Jane Foster walking slower and slower, and soon realized the problem. Fortunately, Chen Mo space had everything, and immediately took out a hand and nodded to her.

I turned on the flashlight and Jane Foster felt better.

Not only can't see the road just now, he's in the dark. Even if there are two super strong men, Chen Mo and Saul, Jane Foster still feels very scared. This is human being's fear of darkness.

Jane Foster couldn't help wondering what would happen to humans if the world was really turned into darkness by the dark elves. It is estimated that most people will completely collapse in a short time!

Be sure to stop them anyway!

Although she has limited abilities, Sol has been arranged by her!

The three walked quickly along the tunnel towards the ground, and Jane Foster from time to time beamed the flashlight's beam around, and soon she noticed that, except for the short section they had just entered, inside the tunnel Most of the distance from the top has actually collapsed, and the signs of human destruction can be clearly seen.

But the rocks that should have collapsed to block the passage were all gone, so it seemed that the passage was widened.

I remembered that Odin had said before that the passage had completely collapsed, and Jane Foster couldn't help turning to look at Sol, and asked in confusion.

"What did you do? What about those stones?"

When Jan Foster wanted to come, although Thor's hammer of thunder could break the stone and open a way, it was impossible to be so clean. There was no stone in the passage, as if it had been cleaned up specifically. This She couldn't help but be puzzled.

Jane Foster had been in a coma before, but only from the two guards who went to sue knew that Thor had broken into the stone gate, but did not know what happened, and thought that Thor had opened the passage and went to the underground space She was rescued.

When he heard that, he shook his head.

"When I came to pick you up, you were already in front of Shimen, and I didn't come in at all."

He said Sol looked back at Chen Mo and asked in confusion.

"But how did you do that? It turned out to be absolutely sealed here. The forbidden area for storing ether particles cannot be protected by only a stone gate and two guards ~ ~ Also, you How did you find me without going through the stone door without alarming anyone? Don't tell me that Asgard's soldiers are blind. "

Speaking of this, Sol couldn't help thinking of Rocky's psychic magic, and said quickly.

"Shouldn't you be as mind-controlling as Rocky, controlling the door that the two idiots at the door opened for you?"

Chen Mo does have the ability to control the mind, but Chen Mo's method is obviously simpler than using mind control to avoid all Protoss guards.

默 Chen Mo also did not conceal, and directly said that he used space to carry stones, teleported transnational stone gates, and used the stealth ability of the steel suit to avoid guards.

I watched Chen Mo's figure suddenly disappeared in front of them, both of them were widened in surprise.

"Damn! I feel like you are more of a protoss than me!"

Saw Sol looked at Chen Mo again, can not help but said.

"Why do you have so many amazing abilities!"

"The Power of Earth Technology!"

Chen Chen shrugged and said as he walked.

事实上 "In fact, I am currently working on a new transformation and enhancement project, and I call it the" God Creation Project "!"

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