My Iron Suit

Chapter 1140: Seek usurpation!

博士 Dr. Abraham Erskine trusted Chen Mo very much, and Chen Mo helped him rewrite the fate of being killed in the experiment, making him one of the founders of SHIELD.

Super Soldier serum is not only destroyed, but also based on the original serum, Dr. Abraham Erskine developed an improved serum with a higher success rate and a fortified serum with a better fortification effect.

These three serums are not only of great significance to SHIELD, they also played a pivotal role in the development of Hydra!

博士 Dr. Abraham Erskine now saw Chen Mo again after 70 years. He was so happy that he patted his back and said excitedly.

"I knew it, your kid wouldn't die so easily!"

Chen Mo fell into the sea with the Goddess Valkyrie. The outside world always thought that Chen Mo had been killed, but Dr. Erskine and Steve were convinced that Chen Mo was still alive, and he would never die so easily!

Sure enough, whether it was Steve, Carter or Dr. Erskine, as soon as he woke up, he learned the good news that Chen Mo was alive!

After a long while, the two were separated. Dr. Abraham Erskine looked at Chen Mo's youthful appearance and couldn't help but sigh.

"You haven't changed at all, you still look like that, but you feel more mature!"

Howard, who was aside, heard the words, and looked at Chen Mo's face and the young and handsome face that had not changed in his memory at the same time, and he could not help but say something intriguing.

"Of course, we have to wake up to manage SHIELD in turn for more than 70 years. In addition to those years when SHIELD was just established, everyone has spent at least 20 years outside, even with super soldiers. The serum delays aging and is still a lot older. "

"And this guy is a good guy. He just left the SHIELD to us. He slept on the bottom of the sea for more than 70 years. I think the next director should let him do it, and he has to make up for all the time owed before! It's our turn to take a good rest! "

Chen Mo heard the words and looked at Howard coldly, said slowly.

没 "No problem, now that you are tired, you can go to sleep now, just let me go to SHIELD! I will wake you up in a hundred years!"

However, Howard felt a deep maliciousness from Chen Mo's words. He felt that if he really agreed, Chen Mo could really wake up himself after 100 years, and even he might forget to "carelessly" And let him continue to sleep for another 100 years, 500 years, 1,000 years or even 10,000 years!

With Chen Mo's character, he can do it completely!

Imagine standing in a ruin after waking up, feeling like something is wrong, Howard could not help but fight a chill!

No! Chen Mo must not be allowed to freeze him!

Howard secretly determined that as long as Chen Mo did not sleep, he would never sleep before Chen Mo!

Who knows how long this sleep will be, and what will happen outside, judging by the current crisis situation, maybe he will wake up, the earth has been ruled by the aliens or even destroyed!

He didn't want to be smashed into pieces in the freezer!

Alas, his director of the SHIELD has not been enough!

If everyone did not take turns to wake up in power, his management skills would not qualify him to be the director of this SHIELD, so he cherishes this director very much!

Seeing that Chen Mo actually wanted him to abdicate in advance, Howard was as if the most precious thing was about to be snatched away. He immediately changed his face and said excitedly towards Chen Mo.

"Do n’t think about it! My term has not yet come, even if you want to take over, you have to wait until the end of my term!"

Chen Mo was not as excited as Howard, but just glanced at him gently and said slowly.

"I think your ability is not enough to bear the responsibility of the director of the SHIELD. You didn't even notice the AIM affairs, and almost made Kirian's conspiracy succeed! I now start to doubt whether the decision to propose a rotating administration was wrong That ’s it. In my opinion, you still have to study your weapons honestly, and leave us the task of saving the world! ”

"You dream!"

Howard said with a bit of enthusiasm.

In fact, he had some guilty consciences. His management ability and sensitivity were indeed the worst among several people. He was not even as good as Dr. Abraham Erskine who escaped from the Hydra alone under his management. It is almost inevitable that SHIELD made some mistakes. If it was not for the other people's foundation, the SHIELD would have been defeated by him!

Moreover, if Chen Mo really wants to revoke his post of director of the SHIELD and "seeking usurpation", he really has no chance of winning!

Needless to say, Steve and Carter will definitely support Chen Mo 100%, Dr. Abraham Erskine also supports Chen Mo, and Colonel Phillips, who is still frozen, always considers Chen Mo as Aegis The best person for the Secretary.

If you wake him up, you do n’t even have to ask Chen Mo, this old-fashioned and stubborn soldier will definitely be the first to ask him to abdicate, and Chen Mo will take over the SHIELD!

The situation was obviously very bad for him, so Howard's voice couldn't help lowering, he said a little bit.

"I tell you, even if I die ~ ~ I will die in the position of the director of SHIELD!"

Dr. Abraham Erskine looked at Howard and Chen Mo with a smile on his face. He had long been accustomed to the fight between the two. When they were in the Strategic Science Reserve, the two often quarreled, but every time The end of this time all ended with Chen Mo's victory.

霍 Howard never seemed to know the lesson, and after a while he would take the initiative to look for abuse.

It's been more than 70 years now, and the two have not changed at all!

Looking at Howard eating 瘪, Dr. Abraham Erskine couldn't help laughing, and seemed to be back in the days of the Strategic Science Reserve!

I can't help but feel sorry for Dr. Abraham Erskine.

Although more than 70 years have passed and the Strategic Science Reserve has ceased to exist, it may seem like a sea of ​​vicissitudes, but in fact, for them, those are just like yesterday, and everything has just begun!

With the strengthening of the super soldier's serum, their lifespan has been greatly enhanced. Coupled with the frozen dormant technology, the past seventy years are just a few years for ordinary people.

All the old folks are alive and well, and Chen Mo is back now. They can continue their unfinished career and work vigorously!

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