My Iron Suit

Chapter 1137: Gangster fight!

到底 What the **** is this guy thinking? !!

默 Chen Mo could not help but doubt whether the decision made by several people in turn to thaw in charge of SHIELD was correct!

Even if he wants to take turns, he should get rid of Howard the unreliable guy!

Squinting as Howard seemed to have made a decision, he was ready to walk towards Tony in anger, and Chen Mo quickly reached out and held his shoulder.

Howard was emotional, struggling, and wanted to rush to the lesson and teach this lost son, let him know the majesty of his father!

"Don't stop me! See I won't kill this ... ohh!"

Not too far away, Tony and Maria hadn't seen each other for a long time, and they were chatting warmly to the sky. When they talked about Pepper, they suddenly heard Howard said something aloud.

The two immediately turned their heads and saw that Chen Mo was struggling with Howard's neck with his arms, and Howard blushed, struggling to extend his arm towards them, as if asking for help!

The mother and son looked at each other, and both shook their heads a little helplessly, then turned their heads and continued to talk together.

Howard's out of control is not a day or two, this time must have done something stupid to anger Chen Mo.

But they know the relationship between the two very well. This is just a quarrel between the brothers. It's good when they can't see, don't need to bother!

Howard was caught by Chen Moeller's neck, and he could not breathe for a moment, his face quickly turned red!

At first, he still struggled to continue to pack Tony, but soon realized the power gap between himself and Chen Mo. As the feeling of hypoxia increased rapidly, Howard quickly ignored the need to pack Tony and switched to Reaching out to the two with their front backs chatting to them, asking for relief.

When the two heard their voices turning around, Howard raised hope in his heart, thinking that Tony was his own son and still cared for himself!

However, the next moment, Howard felt the thunderous thunder!

Squinting at the sight of Maria and Tony as if they hadn't seen anything, they turned around and talked about the sky together. Howard suddenly felt abandoned by the whole world!

Maya Hanson on the other side also saw the scene where Chen Moeller lived in Howard. Seeing how Howard, the SHIELD director, was killed by Chen Moeller, the staff passing by the hall did not seem to see it.

If she didn't know Chen Mo's identity and her relationship with Howard, she would have thought that SHIELD had been invaded by evil forces, and the director who let others murder them would pretend to ignore them!

But soon, Maya Hansen, like everyone else, quickly turned his head and continued to look up and carefully observed the SHIELD badge on the wall in front of him, as if there was something hidden in it.

The matter between these big brothers, her captive, an evil organization who has just abandoned the secret cast, is completely ineligible to participate!

Even if Chen Mo really strangles Howard and snatches the throne of the Director of SHIELD, she only obediently accepts the fact that she will change to a new boss again!

But soon, Maya Hanson's attention was attracted by the two lines under the SHIELD badge.

Maintain world peace and protect the safety of the earth!

Is this SHIELD?

As soon as Maya Hansen thought about her, a voice suddenly sounded in her ear.

"SHIELD was an organization co-founded by Commander and Captain America, Captain Carter, Colonel Phillips, Dr. Abraham Erskine, and my father during World War II."

Maya Hansen turned to look, but Tony Stark did not know when he came to her, looked up at the SHIELD badge and the two lines of fonts hanging above the wall, and slowly spoke.

"The sword and shield on this SHIELD badge are the weapons the commander used that year!"

"Dr. Erskine and the commander jointly developed a super soldier serum that can greatly enhance physical fitness, just like the desperate virus, which can create a powerful super soldier!"

"In order to prevent the abuse of the Super Soldier Serum and to fully play the role of the Super Soldier Serum, they secretly established the SHIELD!"

When Maya Hanson heard this, she couldn't help thinking about Kirian. Her desperate virus should have benefited humanity, but in the hands of Kirian, a crazy ambitionist, she turned into an evil force. Abuse to fulfill his ambition to rule the world.

Because she has a deep understanding of the terrible consequences of the abuse of fortifying medicaments, Maya Hansen admires and admires Chen Mo and others for their prescient approach!

She was completely immersed in the great achievements that the Desperate Virus could change the world. She was only looking for funds to conduct research, she never considered the possibility of misuse of the research results!

If she could have foreseen even a little danger, it would not have happened later!

At the time of Maya Hanson's remorse, Tony Stark's explanation continued.

"The SHIELD is not affiliated with any country or force, and is not known to anyone outside the SHIELD. The purpose of the SHIELD is to maintain world peace, protect the security of the earth, and deal with and respond to all kinds of threats to human security. Special events ~ ~ For more than 70 years, SHIELD has been protecting the world in secret, and has solved many major threats without the knowledge of ordinary people! "

Maya Hanson listened to Tony Stark's explanation, and then she knew the history and responsibility of SHIELD and the relationship between Chen Mo and SHIELD.

No wonder, just now the commander almost cut off the neck of their director, and no one managed it.

The two veterans of SHIELD, the two fight, where can ordinary SHIELD members dare to control!

Moreover, although she is also the founder of SHIELD, Chen Mo's status in SHIELD obviously needs to be above Howard. To be precise, it should be above everyone else. In this regard, she uses Chen Mo's weapons from SHIELD. One or two can be seen as badges!

At the same time, Maya Hanson's heart is full of respect for Chen Mo and the several veterans who co-founded the SHIELD, especially Dr. Abraham Erskine, who developed the super soldier serum.

她 In her opinion, they not only created a great organization to protect the earth and humans in secret, but also prevented a huge disaster!

血清 If the serum of super soldiers falls into the same hands as Kirian, it will inevitably be used to make a large number of biological weapons, and countless people will die as a result!

Https: //

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