My Iron Suit

Chapter 1132: Planted framed!

Tony Stark felt that he seemed to know how Chen Mo's powerful swordsmanship was practiced!

When I was young, he often heard Howard mention Chen Mo's swordsmanship and his indestructible medieval two-handed knight's sword.

Howard only talked about Chen Mojian cutting the tank and killing countless enemies, but he did not explain in detail the specific process of killing countless enemies.

Considering that he was a child at the time, Howard must have been cut, and the scene he saw on the ship was clearly within the scope of the cut!

I do n’t know how many Hydra soldiers died under his sword. Presumably, the method of death is similar to those of the extremities under Kilian!

Moreover, as far as he knows, there were more than dozen Hydra soldiers that Chen Mo encountered on the battlefield that year, and each battle was at least several hundred, even thousands!

Tony Stark could imagine the scene at that moment. It was absolutely corpse everywhere, limbs everywhere, blood flowed into the river, terrible!

Imagining the **** scene like Shura **** in my head, Tony Stark couldn't help feeling cold all over!

默 Chen Mo's incomparable and powerful swordsmanship was actually trained by killing people. That simple knight sword did not know how much blood the enemy drank!

But Howard dared to dare to kill such a murderous sword. Tony Stark had to admit that he really admired his dad's courage for not dying!

In fact, Howard only dared to show his yearning for the sword of the king in front of Tony, a child. In the face of Chen Mo, he didn't even look at it twice!

At the time, he didn't have the idea of ​​this invincible magic weapon, but after Chen Mo let him experience the cold and sharpness of this sword, he would not dare to do it again!

Anyone was chopped against the skin by a long sword that can easily cut people into two, the clothes were cut into rags, and the skin could clearly feel the coldness on the blade, I ’m afraid I wo n’t Dare to look at the sword one more time, not to mention the vain attempt.

That's just dead!

托 As Tony sighed and prepared to eat breakfast, Pepper's cold voice sounded around him.

"Is it fun?"

Tony Stark was suddenly stiff, his brain was moving quickly, and then he looked at Pepper with an innocent expression.

"Pepper, I don't know she's next door, it's Hapy's arrangement!"

Tony Stark said, quietly giving Happi a look for help.

皮 Happy, who was having breakfast, saw Tony sell him so easily, he couldn't help but hesitantly made up his mind, and would never trust him again!

Seeing Pepper turning his head to him, Happi had to bite his head and said.

那个 "Well, everyone was tired last night. I thought you were going to sleep directly."

"Do we have any arrangements to report to you? This is not at the company! Harpy, I don't think the job of the Minister of Security is suitable for you."

Peipe looked at Happi with a serious look, and said slowly in his sudden change of expression.

"You will still follow Tony in the future. When he does an experiment, someone needs to hand him a wrench. I think you are better than Dami!"

Dami is a single-arm manipulator robot manufactured at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology by Tony University. It has simple intelligence, but it is clumsy and often makes mistakes, so it was named Dummy by Tony, meaning idiot!

Pepper asked him to take over Dami's job, the meaning is obvious!

"Hi, Hapy, good brother, welcome back to me!"

Tony Stark said happily to Hapi.

However, Happi saw the glee in his face!

He looked at Tony proudly, and Happi shook his head firmly.

"No, don't think about it, I won't help you work again!"

After Sahapi said, he turned to look at Pepper and said rightly.

"To this day, Pepper, I want to confess to you! I can't hide it for Tony anymore, in fact, he directed me!"

Tony Stark couldn't help glaring when he heard the words, and immediately realized that Happi was annoyed that he didn't hesitate to sell him.

I knew that I had shown a little sympathy just now, and I was so proud!

The current Harpy is no longer Harpy. Since following Pepper, he is no longer the one in his heart who wants to protect himself!

Thinking of this, Tony could not help but feel sour!

But it's too late to regret it now, feeling the cold look of Pepper beside him, Tony quickly distinguished.

"No! He was lying! My dear, I was by your side at the time, remember? How could I have ordered him?"

Sahapi said Pepper looked at him with an innocent spread of his hands.

"You know, Tony has a lot of high technology, and I don't understand it!"

Pepper heard the thought of Tony secretly staying in the basement before, controlling the scene of the steel suit and talking to her, and instantly believed Hapi's words.

He looked at Tony with an angry look, and Pepper stood up, took his own bag, and turned his head to Happi.

"Hapi, let's go!"

Seeing that the work was kept, Happi wiped her mouth happily and quickly got up to follow.


Until the two disappeared, Tony was still somewhat unacceptable to this fact.

I was framed by Happi, and most importantly, he was successful!

Who said Happi was a fool! He himself is!

At this moment, Tony couldn't help but doubt his intelligence.

Is n’t that too much really hurting my head? It seems that I need to pay attention to it later, otherwise maybe Happi will be killed!

Hey, when did he become so treacherous, IQ didn't rise at all when I followed him, stupid like a bear ~ ~ It didn't take long to follow Pepper, he became so savvy, even he was pitted!

When Tony doubted his life, there was a sound of gloat beside him.


Tony Stark turned his head to look at the cheerful Maya Hansen, angrily, staring at her with a frown, and threatened.

"You don't want to sleep tonight, do you?"

Maya Hanson stared back immediately.

"I want to change rooms!"

"Sorry, there are no other rooms!"

Tony Stark said blankly.

"Then I would rather sleep on the sofa!"

Maya Hanson showed no weakness.

Chen Mo watched the two quarrel like children, shook his head helplessly, and immediately interrupted the two.

好 "Well, Tony, get ready for battle, we should go."

Tony Stark couldn't help hearing it.

"Departure? Where to go?"

Chen Mo glanced at Tony Stark slowly, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.


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