My Iron Suit

Chapter 1123: Move out!

"Finally, the old man won!"

Tony Stark finished, glanced at Maya Hansen, and saw her slowly open her mouth because of shock, feeling more comfortable!

Maya Hansen was unbelievable to Tony's words, but she knew that Tony could not lie on this matter, which means that the commander standing in front of her actually defeated Thor. !

Sol is the legendary existence, the real Protoss, born with powerful power, and powerful power, and Chen Mo is just an ordinary earth person who has received physical reinforcement!

Maya Hansen suddenly realized the meaning of Tony Stark’s sentence just now!

Since Chen Mo can defeat Raytheon, it means that human beings can strengthen themselves to achieve a powerful strength comparable to that of Raytheon. Maybe they can really create a new protoss!

To understand this, Maya Hansen couldn't help but feel excited. At the same time, she couldn't help but think of Kilian, who wanted to rule the earth. Now, all that Kilian has been trying to plan is just a delusion!

Even the legendary Raytheon was defeated in the hands of the commander, how could Kilian be his opponent!

It was only because he had not provoked the commander and his Avengers alliance. Now he just got a pair of Tony Stark. In just a few days, the plan to successfully control the United States was destroyed. His powerful ultimate biological army is completely destroyed!

But this is a good thing for her, although it is “forced” to join the “Sheikh Shield” that she has never heard of, but it is clear that this SHIELD and Kirian’s AIM are not the same thing. !

The commander is a superhero who has saved the world several times. The SHIELD in his mouth should be a similar organization to the Avengers, and from the conversation between the two, Maya Hansen heard that they studied the purpose of the desperate virus. In order to deal with the threat of aliens, it is like an alien invasion in New York!

In other words, her desperate virus will be used to create more superheroes like the commander and the US captain to protect the planet, which is more meaningful than her original goal of curing the disease!

After experiencing the invasion of aliens in New York, all human beings have realized the enormous threats facing the earth. This time it is the evil gods Loki and the Chitars. What will be the next stronger enemy next time?

The legendary Thor and the evil **** Loki have already appeared. Will the evil spirits and powerful creatures of other myths and legends come to the earth?

Compared to treating diseases, it is obviously more important for the present earth!

As Chen Mo said, her desperate virus really has the potential to create a superpower that is comparable to Raytheon and create a protoss that belong to human beings!

The principles, functions, effects, and possible further development of the desperate virus quickly flashed in Maya Hansen's mind. She couldn't wait to pull Tony Stark into the lab and start the study of the desperate virus!

At that time, Maya Hansen also had a lofty ideal, and the research on the desperate virus was full of infinite passion, and one day he could benefit mankind!

However, since she accepted the recruitment of Kirian and joined AIM, she felt that she was farther and farther away from her previous goals. The lofty ideals, beliefs and passions of the past no longer exist!

But at this moment, Maya Hansen once again felt the long-lost passion, and the ideals and beliefs that had already collapsed were once again re-established!

Seeing Maya Hansen and Tony Stark’s research on the desperate virus are full of fighting spirit. Chen Mo’s heart nodded with satisfaction, and immediately did not continue to delay, the mind stalked the two, directly launched the teleport, disappeared in the original Ground.

Maya Hansen, who is fascinating, only feels a flash of light in front of her eyes. When she returns to God, she is shocked to find that they are no longer in the place just now!

Maya Hansen quickly turned around and saw that they soon came to the door of the desperate virus laboratory!

At the same time, the look of Maya Hansen in the surrounding situation is inevitable.

As the most important core department of AIM, the Desperate Virus Laboratory naturally arranges people to guard, and it is still four!

Seeing Maya Hansen and two steel armor that suddenly appeared in front of him, the four men immediately changed their faces and quickly pulled out their weapons, ready to shoot!

And when Maya Hansen was scared by the four men who had thrown out their weapons, Tony Stark quickly raised his hands and fired four consecutive palms, not giving the four people a chance to shoot. I killed them all!

I can only say that the guards who are outside the lab are not as clever as the two before, and they can only be killed if they are killed!

The guards were easily solved, and the three entered the lab with unimpeded access.

As Maya Hansen was arrested, the lab was stagnation and the study was completely shut down. At this time, only a few researchers stayed inside.

Just hearing the movement outside, a few people were afraid to hide in the corner. At this time, Maya Hansen, who was locked up by Kilian, came in with two armored and aggressive steel armor. Several people came in. Surprised by the mistakes, he hurriedly raised his hands and consciously stood by the wall.

For these ordinary researchers, Chen Mo did not bother let Tony put them in a room and hand it over to Phil Coulson.

Chen Mo is hand-in-hand, taking all the equipment, data and desperate virus samples in the lab into the space!

Maya Hansen looked at the ever-disappearing instruments and was shocked, but Tony was accustomed to it.

Chen Mo's space ability has not been deliberately hidden. People around him basically know that he has the ability to pick and drop objects.

Even the teleporting ability, there is nothing unacceptable in the storage space.

Soon, the most important core department of AIM, Kilian, who had been operating for many years, spent a lot of effort to build a desperate virus laboratory, and was completely evacuated by Chen Mo!

The minds covered the two, and the teleports started again. Just as Tony thought that Chen Mo had got what he wanted, and when he took them away, he found two more horrified armed men in front of him!

Seeing that the two quickly reacted, they were preparing to shoot their guns. Tony Stark raised his hands in a reflexive manner. "Boom! Boom!" The two palms quickly blew out, and the fingers of the two had not touched the handle. , it was killed directly!

Looking at the two people who had fallen to the ground, Tony Stark stunned. He just seemed to forget the chance to surrender to them!


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