My Iron Suit

Chapter 1120: That one night!

When the two men spoke, Chen Mo was on the deck, but the mind was already covering the whole boat. The conversation between the two naturally fell into his ears.

From the conversation between the two, Chen Mo knew the reason for the incident. It turned out that Maya Hansen had tried to contact Tony Stark before, and warned him that it was only discovered by Kilian, which shut her up.

Chen Mo couldn't help but think of the Maya Hansen in the movie going to the villa to warn Tony Stark.

Although the two were just a night of spring, Maya Hansen apparently had some thoughts on Tony Stark!

I don't know if Tony Stark still remembers the bed partner in that year!

Chen Mo immediately glanced at the two men holding their hands in front of the door and said to Tony Stark.

"Stun them and open the door!"

Tony Stark heard the words, immediately turned to look at the two, took a step in the panic of the two, and walked toward the two!

Pingtou Youth and Mawei Zhuanghan looked at the steel armor that Dangdang stepped toward them. His face changed greatly. He just wanted to ask for mercy, but he was stretched out by Tony Stark. He grabbed his head and left. Hit the middle with a force!


The heads of the Pingtou Youth and the Mawei Zhuanghan slammed together, and the two felt only a whirlwind, and at the same time they rolled their eyes and the body softened.

Tony Stark saw that he had a good grasp of his strength. He nodded with satisfaction and then waved his arms and threw the two fainted bodies to the sides.

When the two men in front of the door were fixed, Tony Stark immediately looked at the closed door. It seemed that he had just stunned and let him find a little feeling. Tony Stark immediately raised his right leg and prepared. One foot kicked the door open.


Later, Chen Moxi could not help but feel helpless, and quickly opened his mouth to stop him.


In the cabin, Maya Hansen was sitting in a chair with a worried face.

In recent days, she has been locked up here, knowing nothing about the outside world, and I don’t know what happened outside!

Although Maya Hansen is the chief scientist of AIM, she is usually only responsible for the study of the endangered virus. It is only a vague understanding of Kilian's plans and the actions of the desperate creatures, far less than Eric Savin and Allen. Brett knows clearly.

She did not fully understand his crazy plan from the mouth of Kilian until after coming to the yacht!

Maya Hansen knows that Kilian’s ambition is much larger than she imagined!

She originally thought that Kilian was only making money to use the desperate virus to build his business empire. Although he did not agree with many of Kilian's practices, he was forced to rely on Kilian's arrogance and the study of the most important endangered virus for her. She still chose to compromise.

But when she knew that Kilian’s real purpose was to want to rule the world, after several struggles, she overcame the fear of Kilian and decided to do something!

Before she heard the news of Iron Man and the commander's raid on the manor base from Kilian's mouth, and her special relationship with Tony Stark, she planned to quietly contact Tony to find a way to stop Kilian.

It’s just that she has been dealing with experiments all the time. The skill of the agent is about zero. I was accidentally discovered by Kilian and closed here.

She has been living in fear and fear for a few days. If Kilian’s plan is successful, she can’t imagine what the world will look like. For her betrayal, she’s also a cruel character of Kilian. There won't be a good end!

Maya Hansen feels that her future is as dark as it is in the world!

I hope that Tony and the commander can stop him!

Maya Hansen secretly prayed in his heart.

When the two guards outside talked about her, she also vaguely heard a little, but at this time, she had a mood to understand.

Just when she was worried about despair, she suddenly heard the two outside shouting something, but then there was no movement!

Maya Hansen felt that the situation was a bit wrong. She quickly got up from the chair and walked quickly to the door, and put her ear on the door and listened carefully.

Immediately, she heard a heavy and loud footstep sounding outside the door, and even the ground shook.

Just as Maya Hansen was puzzled, the strange footsteps quickly stopped, and then the impact of an object hitting it seemed to be a step away from the door.

Maya Hansen couldn't help but put the head closer to the door panel and wanted to hear more clearly.

This time, she finally heard the voice outside.


Maya Hansen remembers that this is not the voice of the two guards outside the gate.

Maya Hansen didn't know that she was almost killed by Tony Stark, and when she posted on the door and wanted to continue to eavesdrop, she suddenly felt the door slammed open. Come.

Her whole body was pressed against the door, and the door was suddenly pulled open. She stood unsteadily and immediately rushed out to the outside!

Tony Stark was stopped by Chen Mo, and then he reached out and opened the locked door with brute force. The door just opened, and he felt a figure rushing out from behind the door!

Tony Stark instinctively thought that someone had sneaked, and the arc pulse gun in the palm of his hand slammed up!

However, when he saw that he was a **** and hot woman, he quickly turned off the arc pulse gun and reached out to help the woman who was about to fall. He also saw the woman Face, um, pretty!

If it used to be...

After seeing the woman look up, he looked at him with a look of surprise, Tony Stark could not help but say.

"Hello, miss, the bad guy has been killed by us, you are saved now!"

Maya Hansen looked at the golden and red steel man who had lifted her up in front of her face, and said with a look of surprise.


But when she reacted to Tony's words, she couldn't help but look at her face.

"You don't remember me?"

Maya Hansen looked at Tony Stark, who was looking down at her, but quickly relieved.

"Well, I am not surprised at all!"

Tony Stark heard a slight wrong feeling. He just felt familiar when he saw Maya Hansen, but he didn't think much. Now, it seems that he doesn't feel wrong.

Without waiting for him to ask, Jarvis had taken the initiative to show Maya Hansen's information in front of his eyes, and Tony Stark's mind suddenly remembered the night in Bern, Switzerland!

To be honest, that night was really great!


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