My Iron Suit

Chapter 1118: The potential of a desperate virus!

Surrounded by more than 30 steel war clothes, which were densely packed in the air and the ground, the face of this desperate creature that survived was filled with despair!

However, Jarvis did not leave him the opportunity to beg for mercy or fight back. More than 30 sets of steel guns on the chest of the chest were lit at the same time. In the next moment, more than 30 fists of thick white light were simultaneously from the air and the ground. Going to the central desperate creatures!

An incomparably dazzling strong light erupted in the encirclement, making it impossible to see the middle of the scene for a while, and as the light gradually dissipated, there was only a piece of burnt black on the ground in the middle of the encirclement!

The last desperate creature was directly blasted into **** by more than 30 cluster guns shot at the same time, and even the body did not stay!

Tony Stark saw it, and some regrets shook his head, deeply regretting that he missed this last goal!

This battle has come to an end!

Desperate Creatures VS Steel Battle Troops! The steel warrior corps wins!

The desperate creatures were completely destroyed. The steel shirts only lost a few combative forces and weaker auxiliary armor. Overall, there was not much loss.

As for the confrontation of the top force, watching the only figure standing on the deck, you will know the outcome.

In fact, the battle between Chen Mo and Kilian seems to be fierce. In fact, there is no difficulty for Chen Mo. The strength of Kilian alone is limited. There is still a big gap between Chen Mo and the pressure brought to him is not as good as before. Dozens of people from the Desperate Brigade joined forces.

The only thing that could make Chen Mo feel a little threat is Kilian's ability to spray high-temperature flames.

Under the continuous burning of up to four thousand degrees Celsius, his outer steel armor is still intact, but the internal electronic components are almost scrapped, and the entire armor is completely paralyzed.

However, Chen Mo did not feel that it was a pity that the battle suit was smashed under the flame of Kilian. It was a huge flaw in the war suit and needed to be made up.

This time, he was facing a lot of Kilian who was weaker than him. Even if he was a warrior, he could easily cope with his own ability.

But if you are fighting a more powerful enemy, the armor encounters a similar situation suddenly, then he is likely to be in danger and face a more deadly threat!

Finding your own weaknesses and complementing them to make yourself stronger is what it means to fight!

Moreover, Chen Mo’s gains are more than that!

Although this battle with Kilian was a waste of time, he also scrapped his steel shirt, but at the same time, through the battle with Kilian, Chen Mo also thoroughly understood the power of Kilian and the desperate The power of the virus!

He also confirmed that the potential of the desperate virus is much larger than he imagined!

Just a deadly virus that is not yet perfect, it can already make Kilian's physical fitness six to seven times the level of ordinary people, and the strengthening effect should be above the serum of the intensive super soldier!

And this is far from the full potential of the desperate virus!

Chen Mo believes that after perfection, the desperate virus will definitely play a better strengthening effect than Kilian!

The battle ended completely, and Tony Stark immediately flew to Chen Mo, and said with some excitement.

"Daddy, the enemy has all been eliminated, and one has not escaped!"

Chen Mo stood on the side of the oil ship's ship and glanced at the pier below the corpse, and immediately said to Tony.

"My shirt is smashed, let the raiders come up, contact Colson and let him deal with the aftermath."

Speaking of this, Chen Molong paused and turned to look at a large luxury yacht parked on the shore not far away, Shen Sheng said.

"Let's go to the boat and see!"

Tony Stark couldn’t help but turned to look at the yacht. He thought quickly that the ship should be the place where Kilian and his men had been hiding for a while, and only at sea could they completely hide. Past their search!

"Okay, old man!"

Tony Stark promised that when the commander of the assaulter flew to the deck of the oil ship, he also contacted Phil Kersen, and he explained the situation here.

When Tony Stark and Phil Corsen called, Chen Mo walked into the Armored No. 25 armor opened by the armor, among the raiders.

Chen Mo's height is much higher than Tony Stark, and most of Tony's suits he designed can't be worn unless he changes his height and body shape as he pretended to disguise President Ellis.

This set of heavy armor designed for engineering construction, Raiders, Tony Stark did not intend to operate it himself, and for the convenience of construction, the size of the body is relatively large, so the internal space is relatively spacious, is not counted A few more large armor that Chen Mo can use directly.

After the raider's armor completed the dress, the heavy impact hammer in the arms was in a mechanical opening and closing sound, which fell off the armor and slammed on the deck, making a heavy sound.

Although these two heavy-duty hammers have good attacking power, they are useless to Chen Mo, but they are still cumbersome, so they were directly unloaded by him when they put on their suits.

At this point, this set of armor looks like Chen Mo's original Edelman alloy suit is not much different ~ ~ a little activity, Chen Mo found that control is better than his upgraded The suit is a little slow, but it can barely be used.

Immediately, Chen Mo directly activated the propeller, and the tall figure vacated from the deck and flew toward the yacht not far away.

Tony Stark also ended the conversation with Phil Corsen, and Chen Mo took off. He immediately turned around and followed Chen Mo to fly towards the yacht.

A few hundred meters away in the speed of the steel shirts, the two men came to the front of the luxury yacht in a blink of an eye, suspended in midair.

"Javis, scan!"

With the instructions of Tony Stark, a light was shot from the battle suit, slowly sweeping from the hull below, and the entire yacht was scanned. The inside of the yacht was completely in the eyes of Tony Stark. .

There are still dozens of people in the yacht at this time, but combined with the results of thermal energy detection, there is no thermal reaction of the dead creatures.

It seems that all the desperate creatures have been taken by Kilian, and no one has been sent to stay. The rest of the ship are ordinary people. Those who are armed with firearms in the scanned image are just some ordinary security personnel.

"Daddy, there are only a few ordinary armed men, the rest are civilians, no dead creatures are found!"


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