My Iron Suit

Chapter 1116: Kill!

For Kilian as the final card of the "Dragon", Chen Mo also thoroughly understand the details, there is no need to continue!

Chen Mo immediately launched a teleport, leaving the already completely smashed shirt in the same place, but he himself appeared in the back of Kilian.

The arm was lifted up, and the sword of the king appeared in the hands of Chen Mo. As the arm swung, he quickly smashed toward Kilian, who was facing him back!

Although Kilian’s attention was mostly on Chen Mo, who was surrounded by flames in front of him, he also had some energy to prevent Tony Stark from coming to trouble.

Although he did not know that Chen Mo disappeared in the war suit, but when Chen Mo appeared behind him, he felt a strange feeling, especially when Chen Mo’s long sword came to him, and Kilian felt the back of his neck. The cold hair was upright, and a huge sense of crisis shrouded him!

Someone sneaked behind! And still a deadly attack! In the mind of Kilian, the sword light in the hands of Chen Mo could not be seen!

Although I don't understand what is going on, but Kilian believes in his feelings, he immediately refuses to continue to attack the armor in front of him. The flame in his mouth keeps on, and the body is turning toward the back at the fastest speed, wanting to rely on " Long interest" forced back the other side, get a breather!

As his body and head turned, the flame ejected from the mouth followed in the air and swept toward the side!

However, his speed is still slower than Chen Mo’s Jianguang!

His head has just turned to half, and Yu Guangzhong saw a dazzling sword light flashing at a very fast speed!

Kilian's eyes slammed loudly, and his heart was dying, but he had no time to think, and he didn't even feel the pain. A feeling of death instantly drowned him!

Kilian seemed to see that he turned his head and saw the man standing behind him and the sword in his hand!

He seemed to see the sharpness and sharpness in Chen Mo’s eyes, and he felt the heat that was quickly lost on the tip of the sword.

The flame from his mouth swept away toward Chen Mo, but it dissipated when he was about to sweep him!

With a trace of regret and unwillingness, Kilian's vision quickly blurred, and finally, completely plunged into a boundless darkness!

Watching Kilian's head fall to the ground, Chen Mo turned and looked at the dock, and saw Tony's steel warrior army is fighting fiercely with the remaining desperate creatures!

An electric arc pulse gun, a cluster gun, and a miniature missile were blasted from the steel battle suit suspended in the air, and the desperate creatures below were constantly shot.

These strengths and speeds are far more than the ordinary people's desperate creatures, while avoiding the attack of the steel shirts, while constantly using the various steel pipes and heavy objects that have been smashed down, they are projected toward the air suits.

Most of their power is almost the same as that of the American captain. All kinds of steel pipes and heavy objects are projected by them. The speed is faster than the arrow, and the power is even better than that of the shells. Both have been affected.

The main battle-type armor is better. Most of them are only thrown out by the huge force. They quickly stabilize their posture and re-launch the attack. Some auxiliary armor specially designed for special purposes is weak because of the defense. Some even scrapped directly under the attack of desperate creatures!

In addition to the steel warfare in the air long-range attack, the ground battle is also very fierce, the most conspicuous is a nearly three-meter-high, stout blue armor, Mark 37, Igor!

Originally not designed to fight, Igor is actually a heavy-duty armor used to lift and carry heavy loads, and as such, its power is enormous.

A desperate creature that was stopped by it rushed to its front, and wanted to interfere with its system by its own high temperature, and fled directly with its enthusiasm. As a result, the thickness of the armor was too thick, and the high temperature was transmitted to the inside. Affecting the operation of electronic components, Igor’s heavy iron fist has fallen on him!

The strength of the dozens of tons of heavy iron fists hit him directly out, hit the crane bracket behind, and then fell to the ground, the whole body has become somewhat distorted, the body's bones are still broken!

However, he still didn't die. The whole body was filled with hot lava, and it quickly began to repair. It didn't take long to recover.

However, before he stood up, Igor was taking a heavy step and quickly rushed to his front, lifting up the huge steel soles and stepping on his shocked and desperate eyes!

"Do not!!!"


The tremendous strength and the heavy weight of the armor itself, the strength of this foot is nearly 100 tons, one foot down, like a watermelon, the red liquid splashed out, smashed the ground!

The body that had been struggling and twitching was twitched a few times, and it was completely softened. It was being repaired quickly, and the dazzling reddish lava that wrapped the whole body quickly faded.

In another place, two of the desperate creatures that are close to each other are avoiding the various attacks from the sky, one side and one right, while rushing toward a black and yellow high armor, want to work together to force it. Remove it directly!

Although this armored body is not as big and thick as but still much taller than ordinary armor, it looks full of strength, and it is not ordinary in its forearms. The arm is equipped with two huge heavy impact hammers.

This is a tall armor that is bigger than the other common battle suits. It is a heavy construction armor, Mark 25, Raider!

The heavy impact hammer on its arms can easily crush military concrete. When fighting, it is also a powerful melee weapon!

However, although this is very destructive to the heavy impact hammer, the speed of the assaulter itself is not very fast. If you attack directly against the two ultimate creatures, it is easy for them to escape.

So in the face of the two ultimate creatures that rushed to the front, the Raiders did not take the initiative to attack, but stood there, waiting for the two to rush forward.

The two ultimate creatures didn't care so much. They only thought that this cumbersome big guy was unresponsive and quickly rushed to the raiders. They both leaped and waved their hot arms toward the raider's head. Shred your head!

The high temperature emitted by their hands is the nemesis of all the machines and equipment. As long as they are caught by their hands, the equipment will be embarrassed in a blink of an eye, and the superb and powerful robots can only be dismantled into parts by them!


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