My Iron Suit

Chapter 1114: Steel Legion!

In fact, for Chen Mo's safety, Tony is not too worried, not to mention that Chen Mo that can defeat Thor's terrorist strength, just the ability to teleport, is enough to ensure his safety!

Not long ago, he had just experienced the magic of Chen Mo’s teleportation ability. It was only the simplest thing that Chen Mo took the freedom to enter and exit the Air Force No. 1 and escaped from the fire.

Tony Stark quickly understood that Chen Mo should have deliberately did not evade, took the initiative to stand there to bear the attack, and thought of what other intentions.

Tony Stark immediately stopped at Chen Mo’s request. He did not continue to intervene in his battle with Kilian. Instead, he turned around and continued his work.

Lifting the palm of his hand, a blazing arc pulse gun beam is shot from the palm of the Mark 42. A bald vest in the distance is desperately escaping through the beam, and the sturdy body that runs fast follows Throwed to the ground and lost his vitality.

The ultimate creature that was lucky enough to escape the catastrophe at the crucial moment, did not escape the end of the death caused by the arc pulse gun!

But after killing the desperate creature, Tony Stark immediately discovered that there was no ultimate creature on the deck of the oil ship!

The guy who had just been killed by him was the slowest running. The direction of choice was the farthest from the ship's side, so he became the last one to stay on the boat. Others either jumped into the sea or fled to the dock under the ship. on!

Tony Stark, even though he controlled the propeller, flew toward the dock and crossed the ship's rail. The whole dock was in the eyes of Tony Stark. At the same time, he also found the few docks below. Ten dead and escaping figures!

The dozens of desperate creatures brought by Aldridge Kilian were first slaughtered by Chen Mo, and only Tony Stark was killed. Today there are only more than 20, which is less than the original. half.

Speaking of these desperate creatures, the individual strength is comparable to the powerful power of ordinary superheroes. The dozens of people gather together, and the destructive power is even more terrifying, enough to change the ending of a war!

Only this time, they unfortunately met Chen Mo, the strongest planet on the planet that is powerful and terrifying!

Chen Mo, who was suddenly erupted, crashed directly and fled. He was escaping from Tony Stark. He sneaked from behind and killed a batch. Otherwise, Tony would have to work hard to get rid of them. .

But now, these people have successfully escaped to the dock and are completely dispersed.

The docks are not as empty as the decks of oil ships, and the huge steel frames, bases and numerous containers of several giant container cranes provide the best cover.

Coupled with their very tacit split, they were completely scattered throughout the dock, and the location was very scattered. It was almost impossible for Tony Stark to leave them all.

At their current speed, without waiting for him to kill a few, the rest of the people have already escaped!

Tony Stark saw it and didn't hurry to pursue it. Instead, he hovered over the dock and asked.

"Javis, how long does it take?"

"Sir, it is already here."

When Jarvis’s voice just fell, Tony Stark vaguely saw a bright moving light in the distant sky!

Tony Stark couldn’t help but see it.

As the distance quickly zoomed in, these spots became clearer and clearer. From the original vague point, it became a long dragon composed of bonfires, swooping from the sky to the dock, in the dark. It looks like a meteor fire that has fallen from the sky. It is very shocking!

The speed of these flares is very fast, and they fly to the front in the blink of an eye, and their true colors finally show up!

I saw more than 30 different styles of steel warriors spurting out a dazzling flame, arranged in a long dragon, swooping from the air!

After arriving at the dock, they quickly adjusted their posture, stopped the momentum, and hovered in the air in front of Tony Stark.

A Taiwanese uniform continued to fly, and they lined up in front of Tony to form a wall of people, which quickly extended to the sides and quickly surrounded the entire pier.

It was Tony Stark’s steel warrior army!

When the two arrived toward the dock, Tony Stark ordered Jarvis to dispatch all the steel shirts to support, but because the battle was too fast, he could not catch up with the original. fighting.

However, it was timely at this time. More than 30 steel warplanes were suspended in the air, completely encircling the entire pier, and also cutting off the path of the ultimate creatures that were running below!

These ultimate creatures were also shocked by the steel war clothes that suddenly appeared in the air in front of them. However, the fear of the **** killings before Chen Mo was too strong. They simply did not dare to stay, for fear that Chen Mo would catch up and continue the massacre!

Therefore, in the face of the numerous steel battle suits surrounded by the pier, they did not hesitate at all, still continue to move forward, want to break through the encirclement and escape from here!

Tony Stark floated over the pier and watched the steel warrior corps in a flash of pride in his eyes, screaming.

"Jarvis, aiming at the heat signal of the ultimate creature, for a devastating blow!"

"Yes, sir!"

Jarvis’s voice just fell, more than 30 steel helmets quickly began to act!

Their thermal detectors quickly lock the special heat source signals of the underlying creatures, and then automatically assign targets based on their respective positions, launching an attack.

Some raised their arms and pointed the palm of the arc pulse gun to the desperate creatures that rushed to the bottom, sending out a hot energy beam, and some directly opened the various missile launching bins under the armor and fired the missile.

Some of the armor that Tony designed to be good at melee directly turned to the figure and swooped down to the ground, launching a physical attack on the target!

However, these desperate creatures are not ordinary people, and the degree of reinforcement is even above Tony Stark. At this time, it is a frontal attack and there are some precautions. Most of the long-range attacks of the steel warrior corps have been dodged in the past. Those who rushed to melee did not quickly gain the upper hand.

These armor are all under the control of Jarvis, although the original version of Tony's "Javis" is not low in intelligence, but with Chen Mo's true artificial intelligence enhanced by the fire source is still completely Can't compare!


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