My Iron Suit

Chapter 1109: Rich widow!

Before they attacked Chen Mo, Chen Mo’s fists had already slammed into their faces one by one, and one of the desperate creatures was shot and flew out by Chen, and others continued to reunite.

Chen Mo did not want to break through, just standing in the encirclement, constantly dealing with the attacks from all directions, it seems to be trapped in place.

Aldridge Kilian saw Chen Mo being "trapped" by his men, his face was slightly faint, but when he looked at Tony Stark, he was still gloomy.

It’s all this **** guy!

When he was in Switzerland, he let himself taste the desperate taste, and today he destroyed his ultimate plan, but now he is no longer the weak existence of the year. This time, he wants to bring the new hatred and Tony together. Stark is clear!

With his boundless hatred in his eyes, Aldridge Kilian said to Tony with a sly look.

"Even if Pepper escapes, you don't want to leave here alive. After tonight, she will become a widow!"

As he said, Kilian slowly raised his hands, and the light that was just under the skin quickly became blazing. The whole arm became red, like the red iron in the furnace, dazzling. The light!

Contrary to Kilian's anger, now that Pepper has left safely, Tony Stark's mood is completely relaxed. Looking at the hated Kirian, Tony Stark shook his head gently. Said indifferently.

"You are not accurate. In fact, if I die, she will become a rich widow! But at least I will not die today! It is you, hey, you are already red, not afraid to put Burn yourself into a pile of ashes?"

Glanced at the camera set up in the distance, Tony Stark continued in the angry eyes of Kilian.

"Or you can start the live broadcast now, I will help you stage this last course of Mandalin, the title can be called, 'The terrorists are not good to end!'"

Under the mad temptation of Tony Stark, Aldridge Kilian was completely angered, and his eyes shot a fiery orange-red light, staring at Tony tightly, trying to choose someone!

"Tony Stark, your mouth is still so annoying, don't know if your teeth are harder than your armor!"

After Kilian finished, his feet slammed and rushed toward Tony Stark at a very fast speed!

Tony Stark quickly raised his hands and hands, pointed the palm of the electromagnetic pulse gun to Kilian, and fired quickly!

But Kilian's speed is faster than Tony!

At the moment when the beam of the electromagnetic pulse gun was fired, Kilian's figure quickly slid to the left and right. The figure was very strong and the speed was fast. Tony, who was reinforced by the improved super soldier's serum, could not keep up!

Although Kilian’s strength is weaker than that of Tony wearing a steel shirt, the speed is much faster than him. The effect of high temperature on the electronic system of the suit and the great destructiveness of the armor, as the battle continues, Li An gradually took the upper hand!

The damage of Tony's armor on the surface of the suit is getting more and more serious. However, with the sudden attack of the electromagnetic pulse gun from time to time, it is still barely maintaining the current situation, and it will not be defeated in a short time.

Although there are more enemies in Chen Mo, it is much easier to deal with than Tony Stark!

The space around Chen Mo must be limited. It is not only five or six people who can attack him at the same time. It is not too difficult to deal with Chen Mo’s reaction and speed.

As the battle progressed, Chen Mo quickly found out the strength of these desperate creatures!

Their strength is indeed stronger than the enhanced super soldier serum, and it is not strong!

The strength of these ultimate creatures is not exactly the same, there are strong and weak, but even the weakest of them, the power is more than three times that of ordinary people, and most of them are four times the level of ordinary people, comparable to the original super Soldier serum effect!

Coupled with their powerful self-healing ability and ability to control high temperatures, in addition to Raytheon and the Hulk, other people in the Avengers are really difficult to deal with!

And this is just the effect of a desperate virus that has not yet been perfected!

For the desperate virus, Chen Mo could not help but look forward to it!

But now, let him fight a painful battle, after all, it is not easy to find so many powerful and very resistant opponents, just borrow them to familiarize yourself with the steel shirts that have just been upgraded!

Just when Chen Mo’s fist hit another desperate creature again, a strong heat was suddenly coming from behind him, and in a blink of an eye he slammed into his back!

It was when Alan Brightt glared at Chen Mo to cope with other people and launched a sneak attack!

While other desperate creatures and Chen Mo fight, she did not rush to attack, but looked around on the outside.

Soon she discovered that the commander was not as strong as unbelievable as she had imagined!

Although Chen Mo was able to fall under the siege of a set of desperate creatures, but it did not break through the siege of everyone, can only stand in the encirclement and continue to passively counterattack!

Until then, Alan Bright's heart was settled.

What about the commander, the ants are more than dead, and they alone may not be Chen Mo’s opponents, but with so many people, even if the commander is stronger, there is only one dead road!

After all, he is just human not god!

The hesitation on Alan Bright’s face disappeared completely, replaced by a sinister and hot face.

However, she did not directly attack from the front, but first quietly wandered from the periphery to the rear of Chen Mo, and then mobilized the heat energy in the body, and then the whole arm became red and hot, only then suddenly launched a sneak attack!

When she wants to come, the strength of the commander is even stronger, and the body can't be harder than steel. The move of putting on the shirt before the war is a testament to this!

The commander is not invincible!

Her fists are enough to penetrate any armor when raised to the highest temperature, but it takes a little time to mobilize energy.

When she had an extremely hot fist to the heart of Chen Mo's back, Alan Bright seemed to have seen the commander being punched through her armor and exploding her heart!

But things didn't develop according to her expectations!



A sound accompanied by the sound of bone breaks, Alan Bright only felt a sharp pain in his arm, looked down, but found that the entire right arm was severely distorted, the broken bone directly pierced the skin, exposed !


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