My Iron Suit

Chapter 1098: Lava Devil!

There are not many vehicles in this road. There are only two lanes. At this time, the two people who stopped the road rushed over and left, completely blocking the road. On one side of the road is a cliff, and on the other side is a mountain wall. The width is not enough for the car to pass. There is no place to hide when you want to hide!

Happi looked dignified, his eyes fixed on the two people who were rushing in front of him. Not only did they not slow down, but they stepped on the accelerator and shouted at Pepper.

"Sit down!"

Pepper looked at his head and saw the two people rushing toward the car. Naturally, he knew that the situation was wrong. He immediately hugged the front seat back and his eyes continued to look at the front.

The distance between the two sides is not far away, the car rushed to the front of the two people in the blink of an eye, through the windshield, Happi and Pepper can clearly see the expression on the faces of the two outside.

Seeing the car that was about to be galloped, although the current speed has not been fully raised, it is enough to hit ordinary people into serious injuries, but Happi and Pepper did not see the slightest panic and fear from the front of the two faces. On the contrary, it is a relaxed and disdainful look.

The next moment, the two sides finally met!

The two men who were rushing still did not dodge. One left and one right were hit by the front of the car. The huge impact force caused the front bumper to sag in. The body of the two men slammed into the front cover. on!

The sudden impact of the collision made the car suddenly shocked. Both Happi and Pepper on the car can clearly feel the strength of this collision is not small!

But then, the scene that shocked the two happened!

I saw that the two people who had hit the car were not hit and flew out, and they were not caught in the car. Instead, they squatted on the front cover of the car and slowly raised their heads!

Like a flowing magma, the hot orange-red light emerged on the two people, quickly climbed up the cheeks along the neck, and the hands on the front cover of the car quickly became red, and changed in a blink of an eye. It's like a red iron soldering iron, and the surrounding air becomes distorted under the heat of baking!

Pepper didn't react to it for a while, but Happi recognized their identity at a glance!

At the Chinese Theater, Happi and Eric Severn had a hand in hand, and they were familiar with the magma and hot heat of the magma. Obviously, the two men in front of me were the same as Eric Severn. They are the ultimate creatures of Aldrich?

I looked at Happi and Pepper in the car coldly, and the two men kneeling in front of the car directly lifted the hot red arm and they had to move.

Happi couldn't help but see his eyes, and even if he wanted to hit the steering wheel, he would take the two men off the car.

However, at this moment, Happi’s head was a slamming hole, and a red arm stretched directly through the roof and grasped it on the steering wheel!

Happi wants to use force, but finds that his power can not turn!

At the same time, a hot high temperature rushed from the red arm in front of him, making Happi feel his hair curled up in a rapid scorching, and involuntarily turned the body back!

Sitting in the back row, Pepper looked shocked at the red arm that broke through the broken roof and felt the temperature in the car rise rapidly and became hot!

A molten iron water fell from the hole in the roof, just fell between the legs of Happi, and the seat burned a big hole in the blink of an eye. Happi felt the hot temperature between the legs. It’s a feeling of sorrow and coldness!

However, at this time, Happi did not have time to consider the following problem. After being held by the red hot arm, the leather-covered steering wheel became a red metal skeleton soon after burning. It was revealed that after the palm was burned, Happi had to loosen the steering wheel!

At the same time, the two people on the front of the front of the car will also squirm the arm with a surprisingly high temperature!

The hood was directly inserted as a film, and the two men's arms were deeply inserted into the front of the car, straight to the elbow, and then accompanied by a burst of sound, the original roaring engine sound quickly weakened, and soon I completely lost my motivation!

The two of them turned out to directly destroy the engine by their hands!

Happi felt the car that suddenly lost power and began to slow down slowly. His eyes were condensed, and he even stepped on the brakes!

This time, the inertia generated by the car's full brakes is much larger than the previous one. The two people on the front of the car flew directly from the front of the car. The arms inserted into the engine were plowed on the front of the car. Two deep gullies, the molten metal can be clearly seen at the edge, reddish!

The enemy on the roof of the car was not spared. Under the huge inertia, the root of the arm that the roof came in quickly moved toward the front, melting the roof iron and the windshield together for a long time. The crack finally pulled the red-hot steering wheel straight out, broke the windshield, and fell out toward the front!

Happi and Pepper, who are wearing seat belts, are still sitting in the car safely, and they are not injured, but their faces are not good-looking.

Through the big hole in the windshield, the two can see that the three people who were kicked out by Happi suddenly have nothing to do!

The two people in the front of the car rolled out on the ground quickly climbed up again, under the clothes that were rubbed underneath, the injured part was surging with hot magma, the injury was not heavy Quickly fixed as ever!

The figure that flew out from the roof of the car was not as embarrassing as the other two. Her figure flipped flexibly in midair, quickly adjusted her body shape, and finally fell back to the ground with their backs facing them.

Standing up from a half-squatting posture, the figure slowly turned around. He first glanced at the steering wheel that had been left in his hand and was burnt red. He threw it to the cliff next to it. Then I looked up at the two people and showed a cold smile!

It wasn't until then that Happi and Pepper finally saw the look of the man on the roof, and it turned out to be a pretty woman wearing a short skirt and short red hair!

Only at this time, the cold and cold look on her face was the destruction of the original beauty, leaving only the haze and venom of the snake!

The sleeves of the suit jacket that originally went to the elbows were also burned when the high temperature was just started. The reddish arms of the lava were all exposed to the air, and the red awns that flashed from time to time around the head and neck, the whole person looked like a lava from hell. demon!

Looking at the car that had been broken in front of him, Alan Brightt took the two men who came up behind him and surrounded them with the car!


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