My Iron Suit

Chapter 1082: The urge to vomit blood!

Tony Stark is enjoying his face and burying his face in Pepper's chest, but Tony's own height is much higher than that of Petite Pepper. At this time, his head is buried in Pepper's chest, his The lower body was in a strange position, bending his knees, licking his **** halfway there, looking very ugly.

Chen Mo looked at the two people next to the paint, no one showed love, but also a little speechless, looking at Tony's ass, the impulse to go up!

However, Chen Mo’s will is so powerful. In the face of his daughter-in-law, Chen Mo’s father-in-law still controlled his impulse to clean up his son and chose to give Tony a face.

Fortunately, the two men’s minds are still clear, and they still remember that Chen Mo was on the side. There was no direct development to continue down, and Chen Mo’s feet were reminded to remind Tony.

The face of Tony Stark’s hair was touched with a lot of love. When Tony was enjoying his face and arched his head to find a comfortable posture, Pepper suddenly pushed him to the side.

Tony Stark was pushed out to the side without any precaution, and finally regained his position. He turned around and looked at Pepper, and he still had some intentions.

Pepper did not pay any attention to Tony, smiled and went to Chen Mo and said.

"You are finally back, this time Tony's illness should be good!"

Tony Stark heard the words on the side, first the face was red, but then he looked up at Chen Mo, and said with approval.

"Daddy, it’s good that you are back. I feel that my anxiety is already good!"

Chen Mo looked at Tony Stark and his status was indeed much better than before.

Tony Stark’s anxiety disorder was originally due to lack of strength, fear of another alien invasion like the last time, or the inability of other powerful enemies to cope. Under severe anxiety, this will stay up late. Constantly research and develop new steel battle suits to enhance their own strength.

Now Chen Mo has defeated the superpowers of the figure and Raytheon. The burden of guarding the earth is naturally taken up by Chen Mo. Even if a similar crisis breaks out again, Chen Mo can cope with it, and the heavy pressure on Tony Stark. Natural smoke disappears, and anxiety disorders will naturally be better!

Tony Stark felt that he was relaxed and no longer worried. He couldn't help but turn his head to look at Pepper, and he couldn't wait to take her to bed now and fill in all the things that had been pulled down before!

Or, they can go out for a honeymoon, be happy and happy, and drive him crazy in the meantime, and it’s time to relax and relax. As for other things, isn’t there an old man? When the sky falls, naturally, this tall man is standing up!

Chen Mo looked at Tony Stark's appearance. He was so arrogant that he did not do anything, and gave everything to him to deal with it. To Tony's gaze could not help but become dangerous.

Tony Stark did not notice Chen Mo’s eyes. He looked at Pepper with a smirk and looked at her face with a reddening. She naturally knew what Tony’s guy was thinking!

Just as Tony Stark blinked at Pepper, he suddenly heard Chen Mo's cold voice ringing behind him.

"I only stayed here for a few days, I hope that after I leave, your illness will not recur!"

Tony Stark heard a big change in his face, and the pressure that just shattered back instantly returned to his body. He felt that breathing was a little difficult, and it seemed to be ill again!

He also looked at the tone and affection that Pepper had eyebrows, and turned around in a hurry, looking at Chen Mo with a flustered expression, excitedly said.

"Daddy, you just came back, why are you leaving? What should I do if you leave?"

Pepper's look also became anxious. After listening to the words that Tony had just told Chen Mo, she naturally knew the pressure that Tony faced. If Chen Mo is the super strong, Tony's pressure will naturally be much smaller, and if He left again, and Tony’s situation is estimated to be the same as before!

Chen Mo glanced at the two people, but his eyes finally looked at the circular platform that Tony Stark stood before, and said with a light face.

"Don't you have so much armor? Using the sea tactics, it is estimated that even Sol will have to be beaten by you!"

When Tony Stark saw Chen Mo’s gaze looking at the platform in the middle of the lab, he knew that Chen Mo knew his “secret arsenal”, but he was still aware of the power of his armor. Explained to Chen Mo.

"Don't be kidding, old lady, except who, can anyone let the guy out of Saul's fart, my armor will be together, it will only be hammered by him, all turned into scrap iron! You can't go!"

Chen Mo angered his unbelievable look at Tony Stark, who started to swear, and sternly scolded.

"Are you going to hide behind me forever? I can't stay with you all the time. If someone wants to hurt Pepper, what do you do?"

When he heard Chen Mo's words, Tony Stark couldn't help but turn his head and look at Pepper. The rogue expression on his face gradually disappeared, and a meditation appeared. The whole look became serious.

But soon, Tony Stark frowned and looked up at Chen Mo, some lost.

"I also know that I have to rely on myself, but I have done my But the power of the steel shirt has been developed to the maximum, and how can it be improved, the power is limited, it is impossible. It’s Sol’s opponent. If the Zitaris people come again, without you, we won’t win!”

Under Chen Mo's intervention, the current Tony Stark is much stronger than the movie.

Tony Stark in the movie is just an ordinary person when he is not wearing steel shirts. Today, Tony Stark is strengthened by super soldier serum and X gene serum, but has three times the physical fitness of ordinary people. Self-healing ability and mindfulness, even in the case of not wearing steel shirts, can also deal with the Qita Swiss soldiers.

But it is also limited to this. Compared with Thor, the incomparable horror, even if he wears his strongest steel shirt, Tony Stark's strength is still far from Sol's opponent!

Chen Mo looked at the lost and confused Tony Stark, but nodded and said slowly.

"Yes, your strength is indeed a little weak!"

Tony Stark originally thought that Chen Mo would comfort him, or promised to stay, but he did not expect to give him a knife so straightforward. Tony Stark only felt a pain in his chest and had an urge to vomit blood. Are you so direct?

Looking at Chen Mo with a look of resentment, Tony Stark felt that his condition was serious!


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