My Iron Suit

Chapter 1071: The ultimate creature!

Tony Stark’s artificial intelligence system, Jarvis, although it is intelligent or intrusive, computational, and analytical, is much weaker than the “Javis” that Chen Mo’s hands have strengthened through the fire source. This world is already very powerful artificial intelligence.

Invasion of the national strategic defense attack and the logistics support network is more difficult, but the FBI and CIA network can be broken by taking more time!

Just as Tony Stark investigated the terrorist attacks, on the other side, Stark Industries, Tony Stark’s girlfriend, Stark Industries President Pepper Potts welcomed an old friend.

Pushing the door of the meeting room, Pepper Potts stepped in. The man waiting inside heard the voice turn around. Pepper Potts looked at the man in a suit and tall, in front of him. Surprise and surprise.

In front of this person and her memory of the sly, wretched, sly figure can not be linked together, it seems that two people!


The man looked at Pepper Potts who walked in and smiled and said.


Pepper Potts said somewhat uncertainly.

The other party did not seem to see the surprise of Pepper Potts, looking up and down Pepper, smiling.

"The color is good, you look really good!"

Pepper Potts was watching Kirian, some incredible.

"Oh, Scorpio! You look good too! I, I really can't recognize you, what are you doing lately?"

Pepper Potts couldn't imagine how a person could make such a big change. If she couldn't see the original look, she would have to wonder if the person in front of her was the Aldrich Foundation she knew. Ryan!

Not only the body and size, Aldrich Kirian's temperament has undergone earth-shaking changes. Compared to the original wretchedness and embarrassment, now Aldrich Kirian is becoming full of powerful Confidence and arrogance, just like two people before!

In the face of the astonished Pepper Potts, Aldridge Kirian’s face was a light smile, an understatement.

"Nothing, just physiotherapy in the last five years. In addition, it is called Kirian too, please call me Aldridge!"

Pepper Potts looked at Aldrich Kirian, who was confident in his face and angry, and his expression on his face could not be restored for a long time.

Before joining Stark Industries, Pepper Potts worked with Aldridge Kirian, but that was a lot of years ago.

At that time, Kirian was suffering from rickets, short stature, sly, thin, and even more cumbersome, but still wanted to ask her, making Pepper Potts feel very bored.

When he received a meeting request from Aldridge Kirian, Pepper Potts didn't really want to see him, but they used to work together for a long time, no matter how long they refused. Not too good.

Finally, Pepper Potts accepted the request from Aldridge Kirian. She just wanted to talk casually and send him away as soon as possible, but in front of Aldridge Kirian, it was like a reincarnation. The great change is to let her forget the previous plan.

"It's nice to meet you, Kirian!"

Aldrich Kirian’s huge changes made Pepper Potts no longer hate him as much as he used to, but she didn’t call his name directly, as the other asked, no matter what, they just The ordinary colleague only has not been close to the point of directly calling the name.

The two sat down together on the sofa in the reception room. After a brief chill, they quickly talked about business!

"After years of evading the president's ban on immoral biotechnology research, my think tank has developed an insignificant little thing, and I call this idea the ultimate creature!"

Aldridge Kirian said that he took out a silver-sized slap-sized metal box, and first took out a finger-sized device from the inside and put it behind the ear, and then took out a device like a universal remote control. , pointing to the wall lamp above the reception room.

"I have to turn off the light."

As Aldridge Kirian pressed the remote control, the lights above the reception room went out and the room suddenly became dark.

Aldridge Kirian then reached out and grabbed three quail-sized silver **** from the silver metal box and gestured to Pepper Potts.

"About the human brain!"

Aldridge Kirian said, throwing the three steel **** in his hand toward the coffee table in front of him. The three steel **** rolled forward and gradually spread out. When they were separated by a distance of ten centimeters, they formed a triangle. The steel ball suddenly slammed and stopped.

Immediately, at the top of the three silver steel balls, a yellow light suddenly illuminates, and a beam of light is emitted from each of the three steel balls, which are interwoven into the space above the starry river, occupying the whole picture. room.

These three seemingly ordinary steel balls, turned out to be a portable holographic projection device, do not look much worse than the holographic projection device of the biohazard world~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The area of ​​this reception room is about a hundred square meters, and the holographic projection picture of this comet river is full of the whole space, making Pepper Potts feel like being in the innocent universe!

"Hey, wait a minute, wait a moment, wait a moment! That is the universe, I got it wrong, it should be this!"

Aldridge Kirian said as he took the remote control and the picture of the cosmic galaxy in the space changed. There was a similarity. It seemed to be the same blue color composed of countless stars. "cluster"!

This "star cluster" is composed of countless blue light spots, but in it, there is a yellow light like the electric light that travels through the passage, moving quickly and regularly "breathing"!

The blue and yellow rays are intertwined in the "Star Cluster" and look as magnificent as the cosmic galaxy of the past, Wei Li!

"This is the brain, the two are very similar, aren't they?"

Aldridge Kirian looked at Pepper Potts with a smile.

Pepper Potts looked up at the yellow light in front of him, like a "star cluster" of the brain picture, involuntarily muttered to himself.

"Oh, it's incredible!"


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