My Iron Suit

Chapter 1065: Transformers!

In the eyes of Sharon Rogers and Steve, Chen Mo’s hand appeared a metal cube of more than 20 cm square out of the air and placed it on the roof.

Subsequently, Chen Mo took his customized version of the holographic smartphone from his pocket and gently dropped it toward the cube. The phone began to split and reorganize rapidly in the air, and soon it was transformed into a height of only 20 cm. Black humanoid armor, Sharon Rogers and Steve at a glance, found that this small black armor looks exactly the same as Chen Mo wearing an alloy armored combat uniform, but the size has shrunk a lot.

Looking at the shape of the flexible black car armor, Sharon Rogers can not help but shine.

"It’s so cute, oh, is this the robot Barbie that I gave to me? Wow, he will move on his own!"

Chen Mowen couldn’t help but glance at the roof of the car, the height of more than 20 centimeters, is moving towards the source of the fire, the tiny Transformers, thinking that Sharon’s definition of cuteness is not normal, and the Tang Dynasty Transformers, How did it become a machine Barbie in her mouth!

Chen Mo wants to correct it, but finds that Sharon Rogers is right!

Transformers itself is a kind of mechanical life, so there is no problem with it. As for Barbie doll, this miniature transformer transformed from a holographic smartphone is not much different in size from Barbie. Call it Robot Barbie. There is nothing wrong with the doll. Is it difficult to call the machine Altman, or the machine armor warrior?

Sharon Rogers couldn't help but think about it!

Steve Rogers looked at his daughter's excitement, and couldn't help but be annoyed, how could he not think of it!

Girls seem to like Barbie, if she gives Sharon a beautiful Barbie earlier, she will be very happy!

Steve Rogers didn't know that if he really sent an ordinary Barbie doll, he would be thrown into the locker by Sharon, and he would never touch the second, probably because of Steve. Get angry with her as a child!

As the daughter of Captain America, Iron Man's sister, Sharon Rogers's preference for Barbie is also completely different from that of ordinary girls. Compared with Barbie, who wears a beautiful skirt and is curly with curly hair, Sharon Rogers prefers this mighty. Domineering alloy armor!

Just as Sharon Rogers and Steve stared at the tiny Transformers on the roof or were surprised or annoyed, the next moment, the change in front of them was to make both of them open their eyes at the same time!

I saw the small robot of the size of Barbie walking in front of the metal cube of its height and reaching out and touching it.

As its hands continually traversed the cube, a blue arc suddenly emerged on the surface of the cube and quickly spread over the pink beetle below.

Soon, the blue arc will completely wrap the tiny beetle, and amazing changes will follow!

The body of the beetle, which was parked there quietly, suddenly moved!

"Kuku 咔咔...!"

Along with a while, it was very similar to the steel warrior dress, but it was even louder and more powerful. The body shell of the beetle quickly split and spread out, and the internal complex mechanical structure was revealed, and in a dazzling deformation. In, regrouped into a huge robot!

The original car shell became the pink armor on his body surface, but the mechanical structure of many parts of the body is still exposed, looks complex, powerful, and full of science fiction beauty!

But the pink armor is to make this original mighty and domineering robot less sharp, the round head and the two tentacles on the top of the head, let it have a lovely feeling!

Sharon Rogers and Steve looked at the amazing changes in the Beatles, the favorite of Sharon Rogers, even if Steve picked her up and down every day, not using the car, she also When I moved to New York, I took the car and forced Tony Stark to upgrade it in all directions.

She can be sure that although this car has been improved by Tony Stark, all aspects of performance are much stronger than ordinary cars, but still an ordinary car, absolutely no deformation ability!

Tony's guy has been studying the deformation function all the time, but so far it has been limited to the slight deformation of armor dressing and use. It is absolutely impossible to achieve the degree of turning a car into a mighty robot!

There is no doubt that the change of this car is because of Chen Mo!

Sharon Rogers saw the real process, the car has just become a robot, and the process of Chen Mo’s mobile phone becoming a small robot is very similar!

And the strange blue arc that has just been emitted from the cube and shrouded the entire car is clearly the cause of this amazing change!

"Hey, what the **** is this?"

Sharon Rogers looked shocked at Chen Mo, who stood next to this huge robot, and asked.

Now she doesn't think that this kind of robot is just a moving toy, although the pink cute robot with obvious beetle features has Barbie feeling, but it is nearly four meters, and the tentacles on the top of the head are almost up to the top. The garage ceiling, the mighty and powerful body, the protective armor covering the key parts of the and the two cannons with amazing caliber on the outside of the arm, all indicate that it was born for the battle!

This is simply a war machine with amazing destructive power!

Chen Mo will fly back in front of the miniature Transformers holding the source of the fire to recover the space, and then put it back into the phone shape and put it back in the pocket, which is the body of the tall robot that is transformed from the Beatles. Armor, said to Sharon Rogers.

“This is Transformers, a mechanical life that has been transformed with alien technology.”

Sharon Rogers couldn't help but nod and said to himself.

"Transformers, mechanical life bodies that can be deformed, this name is very appropriate!"

I heard Chen Mo continue to say.

"After transformation, your car has been given life. The fire in its chest can continue to provide powerful energy, maintain its survival, action and battle, no need to add gasoline, and it can be free in the car form. It changes with the shape of the robot. Under the robot form, its combat power is very powerful!"

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