My Iron Suit

Chapter 1053: New action!

The supersonic private jet has also been said to be a toy for the rich, and has nothing to do with ordinary people!

Holographic smartphones have also not been spared, and they have also suffered a lot of attacks and accusations.

High price, huge difference configuration, and the minimum version of the standard version of the holographic smartphone can only be 2D projection, even if Aegis's 3D holographic film was taken, it cost a full 10,000 dollars to purchase the standard version of holographic intelligence. The vast majority of ordinary users of mobile phones simply can't watch!

In short, all the products of the Aegis Group have been identified for various reasons, and they have been criticized from beginning to end. Although many people have seen that some people are behind the scenes, the sales of Aegis cars and holographic smartphones are still Received a certain impact.

Aegis cars are okay, can afford to buy Aegis cars are successful people, see things more thoroughly, not so easily affected, Aegis's powerful performance is there, five million dollars can buy This performance of the car is very worthwhile for them!

The sales of supersonic private jets were not affected at all, and the number of orders was still growing steadily. However, the main mission of Aegis Aerospace was the construction of spacecraft. Chen Mo strictly controlled the output of supersonic private jets. Every month, there are a few downlines, and the order has already been scheduled for one year!

However, unlike the two, the sales of holographic smartphones have been greatly affected, especially the standard version of holographic smartphones, sales are almost stagnant!

The biggest gimmicks of holographic smartphones are artificial intelligence systems and holographic projection technology. If there is no 3D holographic movie, although the performance of the standard holographic smartphone is castrated much compared to the elite version and the distinguished version, it has A far superior to the basic artificial intelligence system of ordinary mobile phone intelligent programs and true 2D projection.

In the face of huge price differences, people are still willing to spend 10,000 US dollars to buy such a sci-fi smart phone with powerful functions that can replace all functions of mobile phones and computers.

However, after learning that Aegis started to shoot 3D holographic movies, and they spent 10,000 pieces of purchased standard holographic smartphones but could not watch them, people’s psychology was unbalanced, and the sales of standard holographic smartphones were affected. Great impact, almost stagnant!

The standard version of the holographic smartphone also began to have a large backlog. Bradley specifically asked Chen Mo whether to temporarily stop the production of the standard version of the holographic smartphone, but Chen Mo directly denied it. Not only that, Chen Mo also ordered to accelerate the full force. Production, the more inventory, the better!

Chen Mo is not blindly optimistic, but has absolute confidence!

From the moment he realized that other film companies were behind the ghosts, Chen Mo was ready to fight back. He also knew that they would never stop shooting. The situation is completely in the expectation of Chen Mo, and there is nothing to be nervous about.

The acquisition of real estate, the construction of a cinema, and the entry into the cinema line are only part of Chen Mo’s entire plan. Since you want to suppress the Aegis Film Company, you must be prepared to be suppressed by the Aegis Group!

The cinema line is the main way for film companies to recover their profits and earn profits. It is also the foundation of a film's success or failure. What Chen Mo has to do is to suppress them fundamentally!

Moreover, Chen Mo has to do more than just think that they are just in the field of cinema. According to Chen Mo’s plan, the entire theater field and even the entire film industry will be said by the Aegis Group. Count!

Chen Mo relies not only on the huge funds to build the theater, but the most important thing is technology. The future 3D holographic film will inevitably become the mainstream. Now the traditional film will be eliminated. At that time, master the production and projection technology of 3D holographic film. The Aegis Group will master the voice of the entire film industry!

At that time, what eight major movie companies must rely on the aegis of the Aegis Group, want to knead them, not too easy!

Although the sales volume of the products has been greatly affected by the public opinion, it is impossible to cut off the capital chain of the Aegis Group as the other party thinks!

And the stagnation of sales is only temporary, waiting for the production of portable holographic projection equipment, coupled with the shocking effect of 3D holographic movies, Chen Mo will only worry that the inventory of holographic smartphones is not enough to sell!

According to Chen Mo’s plan, there is really no problem. As long as the film is filmed, it can be completely reversed. However, Chen Mo has ignored one point. Not all of the eight major film companies are satisfied with the current suppression results of the Aegis Group.

Most of them are waiting for the Aegis Group's capital chain to break, but one company has not stopped!

Soho Film Company is affiliated to the Soho Group, and the Soho Group has a great contradiction with the Aegis Group!

The main products of the Soho Group, smartphones and computers have been greatly affected by the Aegis holographic smartphones. Since the launch of the holographic smartphones, the sales volume of the smartphones and computers of the company has dropped significantly, and the company’s share price has also been greatly The big impact has been falling The company's losses are huge!

Soho has long hated the Aegis group for a long time, but has never found a chance.

This time, Aegis Group's shooting of 3D holographic movies not only threatened their film company, but also violated the interests of Hollywood!

So they took the opportunity to attack the Aegis group with other major film companies!

In this suppression of the 3D holographic film of Aegis Movies, Soho Films has always been the most powerful one, and they are the first to spread the war to the entire Aegis group, especially to them. Aegis technology is the main goal of their suppression.

At this time, although the Squadron’s attacks have achieved great results, they have not relaxed their vigilance. Compared with other film companies, they have been defeated by Aegis in their familiar electronic field. A better understanding of the true strength of the Aegis Group!

They know that the Aegis Group is not so easy to be defeated!

Therefore, while continuing to work with other film companies to create public opinion to suppress the Aegis Group, Soho has another new move!


After the launch conference, Enron’s film officially started shooting. After Su Shi’s expression of Chen Mo’s absolute support, the entire crew was relieved, no longer in charge of the outside, and devoted himself to the filming.

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