My Iron Suit

Chapter 1045: "tyrant"

Agent No. 0 still wants to struggle again, but Su Shi’s next sentence makes him directly paralyzed.

"Would you like me to ask the boss for help, you said you are not willing?"

"do not!"

Agent No. 0 heard that his face changed, and he quickly refused, and then he said as if he wanted to go to the battlefield.

"Since it is the boss's order, even if it is a raging sea, I am also embarrassed!"

Enron looked strangely at Agent 0, wondering why he was so afraid of Chen Mo.

Judging from his performance, he is obviously reluctant to appear, but Su Shi just used Chen Mo’s name to scare him to honestly agree. It seems that their boss is very fierce, even the No. 0 agent. The bodyguards who are very strong at first sight are afraid!

Enron couldn't help but add a "tyrant" label to Chen Mo!

However, the problems faced by the crew before the help of Chen Mo, the "tyrant", were solved in a blink of an eye!

The equipment was in accordance with her original idea, using the "" alloy armored combat uniform!

The protagonist is still a Chinese superhero!

The actor is played by Agent No. 0 Nord!

Everything is the perfect result, whether it is Enron or Su Shi, full of confidence in the final effect of the film!

As for the acting of Agent No. 0, after audition according to a plot in the script, Enron surprised to find that Agent No. 0 fully achieved the effect she wanted!

Although the performance of Agent No. 0 still has a certain gap compared with professional actors, this role is very compatible with him, almost can be said to be the true color!

And Enron also found that Agent No. 0 is very talented in performances. Some of the shortcomings, as long as she is a little bit, he can quickly learn, and the performance is improved quite quickly!

This is the credit of the super soldier's sero-enhancement. It has several times the level of brain development of ordinary people. The learning ability of the No. 0 agent is naturally far more than ordinary people!

However, in order to achieve the best performance, Enron decided to conduct a short-term training for Agent No. 0 before the film started, so that his acting skills can reach a certain level as soon as possible. As for the training candidates, it is also ready-made!

Half an hour later, a tall, mighty black knight was parked in front of the Aegis Group office building.

The doors on both sides were opened, and two petite and beautiful figures climbed out of the car and stepped on the pedals to the ground!

Fortunately, the chassis of the Cavalier off-road vehicle can be lifted and lowered, and the altitude will automatically drop to the lowest after parking, so it is convenient to get off the bus. Otherwise, it is estimated that the height of the two people will climb down all the way!

The person who came to find the teacher who was asked by Agent No. 0 was also the first two actors signed after the establishment of Aegis Film Company, Zhang Wei and Xu Qing!

As a loyal little girl of Enron, the two talents who are very talented in acting are directly entrusted by Enron and become the two heroines of her first film!

In fact, when I first decided to use two people, Enron was only planning to shoot a low-cost action movie. The two said that the actress is actually not too much. Although both of them are newcomers, they are both good. The acting is also fully competent.

However, this film was directly taken by the Aegis Group. It was not only invested heavily, but also set up a film company for this purpose. It was directly under the responsibility of the newly appointed Aegis Group President Su Shi, which is visible to the Aegis Group. The value of the movie!

And this original low-cost action movie has also been upgraded to a super-production superhero sci-fi movie!

Originally, Enron also worried that Su Shi would brush the two women and replace these two roles with other more famous actors, but what she did not expect was that the two little girls didn’t know if they had gone. Not only has it not been replaced, but it has also been signed by Aegis Film Company and became the only signing actor of the company!

Enron knows that Su Shi and the two women originally knew that if they were from a personal relationship, it would be nothing to sign the two women in the company. After all, the talents and abilities of the two little girls are very good, and the future is still very promising!

But still let the two women participate in the film, and still the heroine, Enron was a little surprised.

She knows that Aegis Group attaches great importance to this film. The performance of this film is related to their next business strategy. Every detail is considered to be perfect. Su Shi even tells her directly, no need to worry about spending money. The effect of the film is first, and one hundred million is only the initial investment. When the time is over, it can be added at any time. Even if she spends one billion billion, as long as the film is taken, it is not a problem!

Even the entire Aegis group will help the crew, as long as the crew needs it, the Aegis car is enough, the scene is chasing the big show, and the ten cars and eight cars are completely no problem. The Aegis supersonic private jet can also be transferred to two. Shelf, other props, equipment, equipment, etc. are all responsible for Aegis Machinery and Aegis Technology. As long as she can think of something, Aegis can create it for her!

The actor is also in the blood of the Aegis group. The established roles are all connected with the famous actors in Hollywood and The photo has already been determined to have reached tens of millions of dollars, which is still not determined. In the case, the Aegis Group will definitely not be willing to spend tens of millions of dollars on the price of a piece of money, even a few Oscar winners!

In this case, Zhang Wei and Xu Qing are just two newcomers who have appeared in the Aegis Group's commercials. They are firmly seated in the heroine's position and have not been replaced. Fall!

Enron doesn't think this is something Su Shi can decide by personal relationship. Whether it is from the professional ethics, the interests of the Aegis group, or the impact in the company, she should not continue to let the two women hold this. Important role!

Although she is the president of the Aegis Group, it is only a professional manager who helps Chen Mo manage the company. The two women are signed in to the Aegis Film Company. The two are placed in the position of the heroine of such an important movie. It is.

Enron also worried about Su Shi, but found that this matter was decided by the big boss Chen Mo personally, saying that it is a newcomer to train their own company!

With the title of the world's first holographic film, the excellent script, and the realistic shocking effect that can be achieved with 3D holographic projection technology, the final box office must be very popular, and it is not necessary to use big stars to support the scene, at the box office. If you have a guarantee, holding a newcomer to your own home is a good thing.

Having said that, Enron still feels this thing is a bit strange.

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