My Iron Suit

Chapter 1041: The problem facing the movie!

As long as Chen Mo sets the price of the standard version to a level acceptable to ordinary users, when the holographic film is released, the sales volume of the holographic smart phone will surely usher in a huge explosion, and it may be worse to completely occupy the mobile intelligent terminal. However, it can also greatly increase the market share of holographic smartphones, and compete with the old smartphone manufacturers.

Later, with the introduction of more 3D holographic films and other development plans for holographic projection technology, holographic smartphones completely rule the entire mobile smart terminal market, but it is only a matter of time!

Chen Mo focused on the situation of Aegis Movies.

This new company, which is extremely important for the subsequent development of the entire group, is still personally responsible by Su Shi. With the help of Jarvis, it has now completed the formation and officially started the preparatory work for the first holographic film.

However, they also encountered some trouble.

Su Shi’s original plan was to shoot a small-cost movie, so the setup in many aspects is relatively simple, and now Chen Mo’s initial investment is one hundred million, which is still not calculated by all equipment investment and special effects production. Switching to other film companies is at least equivalent to three or four billion investments.

And according to Chen Mo's statement, do not have to consider the issue of funds, everything is based on the premise of the best shooting results, the funds are not enough to add at any time!

The Aegis Group is rich in money, and it is not a big deal to take out hundreds of millions of dollars to make a movie. Not to mention that this movie is still compatible with holographic smartphones. It is related to the important products of Chen Mo mobile intelligent terminal and network layout!

As long as it can achieve the desired results, even a billion dollars is completely worth it!

In this case, Enron is naturally striving for excellence!

The original script has also undergone a lot of changes, and many scenes and plots that had been abandoned by her have been replenished.

Other costumes, props, and casts naturally changed.

And the problem lies in props and actors!

The script written by Enron was based on Chen Mo in her mind and the "" that was later encountered in the shooting of the library. It was combined with the inspiration of the Los Angeles-based Mafia cleaning incident and finally completed. An action adventure movie.

Enron doesn't care about literary films and commercial films. She just wants to shoot the stories in her mind. In fact, compared to the more literary films, Enron prefers simple and straightforward commercial film presentations.

And after the high school period of Chen Mo and the mysterious black man who appeared in the library, Enron also has a deep obsession with heroism, and this is precisely the type of movie that the audience nowadays most like!

Originally due to budgetary issues, Enron’s plan was to favor ordinary action movies. With the right amount of gun battles, the protagonist’s setting was also a normal combatant. After the full support of the Aegis Group, Enron decided. According to his original thoughts, make it into a real sci-fi action movie to create a real superhero!

Only in this way, the protagonist's equipment will naturally be upgraded. Ordinary clothing and superheroes are not too good, at least they must have their own exclusive uniforms.

The black steel armor that she had seen in the library shooting incident was a very good choice, but because of the fear of the existence of the *LACKMAN, Enron had to give up this plan and turn to design. Other equipment has been used, but so far, the designers of Aegis have given many plans, including she has redesigned many times, but none of them have satisfied her.

Enron's heart is very clear, in fact, the set of black steel armor is the best choice, other programs, whether it is tights or battle suits, feels worse than the same!

In addition to the equipment problem, the protagonist's candidate is also a problem that has troubled the crew for a long time!

According to Enron’s idea, the superhero created by this film should naturally be a Chinese. If it’s just a small-cost movie, no matter how Enron will stick to his own ideas, but in the Aegis Group’s huge investment of 100 million yuan, And with great expectations and requirements for the effects of the film, from the perspective of the Hollywood film market, Enron had to consider whether to continue to adhere to his own ideas and continue to use Chinese actors.

In the country of rice, Asian actors have always been in a relatively awkward position, and are not valued by the mainstream film circles, but they have a role in the content, they would rather give black actors than to Asians.

In most cases, Asian actors usually appear in the film as passers-by with only one or two lines, or some Asian images that are stingy, embarrassing, and unreasonable.

There are only some action movies that will show some supporting roles played by Chinese Kung Fu stars, and they are only supporting roles!

It’s not that there are no Hollywood movies featuring Chinese characters, but the final result is almost all the box office’s fiasco, and the producers’ losses are serious.

If it is only a small cost to make Enron has the confidence to recover the cost, but with the current Aegis Group investment, although the film can make a better effect, but Enron has no confidence to recover the cost, and reach God The degree of influence expected by the Shield Group!

And even if we insist on the original idea and continue to use Chinese actors, there is still a problem.

There is no suitable Chinese actor!

The veteran star's fame and influence is enough, but Enron's protagonist in this movie is a young kung fu master, who is too different in age, but the young Chinese actors do not meet the requirements of Enron. Candidates.

These two problems cannot be solved, and the film naturally has no way to start shooting.

Now this movie is invested by Aegis Film Company. Enron naturally brought these two questions to Su Shi. Su Shi knows that Chen Mo values ​​the film because it is related to a series of layouts behind them. When Chen Mo asked about the preparations for the film, Su Shi directly raised these two questions.

On the actor side, Chen Mo knew the concerns of Enron.

Out of this heart, she naturally hopes to continue to maintain the original Chinese protagonist according to the original script, but she has cooperated with the Aegis group for so long, naturally she is not willing to affect the interests of the Aegis group for her own obsession. Commercial layout.

She is not a person who only cares about her own ideas and does not consider the interests of investors.

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