My Iron Suit

Chapter 1036: Queen Alice!

Alice and others were not able to accept the "dictatorship" system proposed by Chen Mo at the beginning, although the people who control the absolute power of dictatorship are them!

However, when Chen Mo Chen Ming was interested, everyone was wise to choose to follow Chen Mo’s suggestion and implement dictatorship!

Bennett’s foresight is still in front of him. Not all survivors are as kind and selfless as they are. Compared to the hand that gives the right to the object, the future of mankind is handed to the hands of those who don’t know how to be good or bad. It is safer for them to come to "dictatorship."

And this is actually not really a dictatorship!

As chairman, Alice has the highest rights, but others, as members of the committee, also have the right to restrict and supervise.

Although they all believe in Alice's personality, even if Alice makes some wrong decisions, they can veto.

This is more like a parliamentary system, but the number is even smaller. Only those elderly people who came from prison with Chen Mo, plus Jill Valentien, are not counted as Chen Mo, but there are only eight people.

But it is enough to ensure the correctness of the decision, and with the help of a completely rational red, it is definitely more reliable than the big council of more than 10,000 people!

And relying solely on the system is not enough to completely eliminate the conspiracy calculations of those with ambitions, so Chen Mo still left two guarantees!

The first guarantee, cloned soldiers!

When Jarvis controlled the submarine base, there were thousands of clones that had been produced and not activated in the base. Chen Mo did not choose to destroy them, but changed the memory and turned them all into loyal soldiers!

Now that the t virus is about to be completely wiped out, the threat of zombies will soon disappear completely, and the pressure on foreign actions is not great. In addition to obtaining relevant equipment, instruments, materials and materials from outside, the main task of future cloned soldiers will be It will protect the base of the sea and ensure the stability and security inside the base. All vicious and illegal acts will be severely punished, confusing people, and if the act of inciting the insurgency is discovered, it will be immediately arrested, sentenced to imprisonment, or even directly shot!

For the existence of these threat bases, there is no need to be merciful!

In addition to the military deterrence, some of the cloned soldiers will be placed among the survivors, living with them as ordinary survivors, playing the equivalent of a spy, keeping abreast of the movements of survivors and preventing them from being Some hidden deep people are encouraging people in the dark.

With these spies inside the survivors, any hidden dangers will be discovered and reported in the first time as long as they take the lead, so they can be processed in the fastest time!

In addition to cloning soldiers, Chen Mo’s second guarantee is red!

After the optimization of Jarvis, the analysis and processing capacity of the red has been greatly improved. Combined with the monitoring equipment throughout the seabed base, everything in the entire seabed base is under the control of the red, and no wind and grass can move through. Red eyes!

Moreover, after the upgraded red, you can monitor and observe the records, analyze and evaluate all survivors, judge each person's personality, concepts and ideas, and pay special attention to the existence of threats, as long as you reveal a little bit of feet, Waiting for them will be cloned soldiers who are directly arrested!

However, it is only these two measures that still cannot guarantee absolute stability and safety!

After all, the surveillance of the cloned soldiers and the reds is impossible without loopholes, especially after returning to the ground in the future, the control power after the red will be greatly discounted.

So in addition to these two conventional means, Chen Mo still left a hole card!

Compared with the cloned soldiers and the red, Chen Mo is most trusted by Alice. After releasing the antiviral agent, Alice's super power disappears again. Although it still has strong combat power, it is not enough to ensure absolute. Safety.

So Chen Mo finally used A gene serum to strengthen Alice!

And his ability to choose for Alice is the power of mind!

After the t virus in the body was killed, Alice lost her super power, but the powerful mental power did not disappear. After receiving the strengthening of the x gene serum, Alice's mindfulness not only recovered, but also became more powerful!

The original t-virus fortification only made her wake up, but she couldn't control her mind precisely. In addition to her lack of exercise, the most important thing is the defect of the m-awake awakening itself.

The power of the virus awakening is only a simple function of mind control. It is also very shallow in use, that is, it cannot control objects precisely like Chen Mo, and there is no function such as mind exploration and telepathy!

The power of the x gene serum is relatively powerful but relatively powerful!

Under the guidance of Chen Mo, Alice quickly grasped the various functions of the mind, and the only difference was more exercise.

With the killer of this power, even if someone in the future really succeeded in avoiding the surveillance of the cloned soldiers and the red, and launched a rebellion, Alice can also directly suppress the strong power of the strong!

As for whether Alice will be corrupted by power and become a true dictator.

First of all, with Chen Mo's understanding of Alice, because of the umbrella company, she does not have any good feelings about the rights. If she is required to lead the people to rebuild the civilization, she is more willing to work with others in the small town in the suburban test site. live on!

The life there made her very happy and satisfied. In comparison, becoming the chairman of the committee and leading the survivors to rebuild the civilization is a responsibility for her, but it is also a burden!

Besides, even if Alice likes then, Chen Mo has already raised a Queen of Selena in the world of "The Legend of the Night", and there is nothing wrong with another Queen Alice. !

While Chen Mo taught Alice's use of the power, and exercised to familiarize himself with the improvement of a large number of abilities, others did not idle.

Gil Valentien and Claire, Chris are responsible for managing cloned soldiers, performing rescue and policing.

Luther West, Angel Ortiz, Christo and Kim Yong are responsible for the placement of survivors.

In a few days, the surviving humans on the surface were rescued by the rescue team. Many of them were malnourished, injured or sick, and they needed to be dealt with accordingly. Fortunately, the submarine base had sufficient medical facilities and supplies, survivors. There are also many professional medical staff, and a hospital in the Berlin test site quickly became a real hospital, and everyone's situation was well controlled.

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