My Iron Suit

Chapter 1022: Alicia Marcus!

As early as Dr. Isaacs killed his father, Alicia Marcus, who inherited his father's shares, was completely erected. The board of directors was all on his side, and the umbrella company was completely in his grasp!

Alicia Marcus, who can only sit in a wheelchair and linger on her back, does not pose any threat to him. It is almost completely awkward, and it is for this reason that she can live to the present and not follow her father's footsteps!

Even if Alicia Marcus didn't agree with his plan to kill the world, he couldn't stop it. He could only watch his crazy plan to implement it step by step!

However, despite this, Alicia Marcus is the top executive of the umbrella company. Even if he has been overhead, he still has some permissions, but it has caused some minor troubles. For example, he was uploaded to red before. After the host's meeting minutes!

Dr. Isaacs has long been aware of the small movements of Alicia Marcus. Now that the plan has reached the final stage, it is only one step away from success. Now, he wants her to see her carefully. The dark hand failed completely in his hands!

Dr. Isaacs did not look at Alicia Marcus in the wheelchair and turned to look at Alice and continued.

"Alicia has a deadly disease that can't be cured, premature aging, it will make people prematurely aging, and then die! Marcus developed a T virus to save her, but unfortunately the effect is not lasting, I have been waiting She is dead!"

Alice never thought that she might have been a clone. Although she did not fully believe Dr. Isaacs, her emotions could not help but be out of control. The voice shivered.

"I am not... I am not a clone!"

"is it?"

Dr. Isaacs’s voice is full of jokes.

"You must be wondering why you can't remember your childhood? Your father! Your mother!"

"I lost my memory!"

Alice explained.

"No, you have no memory because you have not experienced it!"

Dr. Isaacs looked at Alice’s eyes and said slowly.

"Before we create you, everything is blank! Your life begins with us awakening you in the mansion!"

Alice did not completely believe in Dr. Isaacs’s words and stared at him with hate.

"I know who I am!"

"I don't think so!"

Dr. Isaacs shook his head with a smile and said disdainfully.

"You're just a broken puppet, wandering around for a while, and you think you are a real person. But you are not! You are just a clever clone! A headache copy!"

Dr. Isaacs turned and walked to the side, with a sneer on his face.

His purpose is to completely destroy Alice's psychological defense, he enjoys the feeling of destroying others' hearts!

Chen Mo did not stand up to stop him in the whole process. It wasn't Chen Mo who wanted to watch Alice collapse. His thoughts were exactly the opposite of Dr. Isaacs. He hoped that Alice would find out after knowing the truth about his life. true self!

He can actually prevent Dr. Isaacs from saying everything, but he does not want Alice to live in a false lie, change him, and he wants to know his true identity.

What about cloning people, as long as they have their own persistence and belief, there is no difference between them and real human beings. Even clones can be more human than humans!

She is Alice, not Alicia Marcus!

But now Alice is clearly not fully convinced of Dr. Isaacs.

"You lied to me!"

Alice said with a faceless face.

She will not believe that she is a clone because of Dr. Isaacs!

However, at this moment, the stereoscopic projection after the red suddenly appeared in front of her, said openly.

"He is telling the truth!"

In the astounding eyes of Alice, the red slowly said.

"You created it in her appearance. Me too, my appearance and voice are taken from the childhood video taken by the father of Alicia Marcus."

With the red, Alice's screen behind her changed, Alice couldn't help but turn around and see a lot of video footage, all of them being the same as the red girl playing and lying. The picture of the bed.

"Your genetic structure is extracted from her DNA and adjusted to avoid suffering from premature aging."

"I was what she was when she was a child, and you are the woman she should have grown up!"

Looking at the video on the screen, Alice's face changed and her heart fluctuated drastically. At this moment, she actually believed Dr. Isaacs!

She is really just a clone!

Alice couldn't help but turn to look at the old Alicia Marcus, she is the real body!

"No! You are much stronger than me!"

Seeing the look in Alice's eyes, Alicia Marcus spoke excitedly.

"It's all that I caused! I'm too weak! You can't be like me!"

Alicia Marcus said, but there was a touch of regret and guilt on her She had the opportunity to stop Dr. Isaacs, but because of her weakness and retreat, Dr. Isaacs succeeded. The ground has launched a plan to destroy the world, destroying most of the world’s life!

Among them, she also has an unshirkable responsibility!

Just as Alice listened to the words of Alicia Marcus, when her look changed, Dr. Isaacs, who was leaning on the table and watching the play with his hands, stood up again and sighed.

"It's so touching! Three sisters united by hatred!"

But then his tone sank and went to Alicia Marcus to look down at her and said with a stern look.

"However, it doesn't help! I can always take you one step. You can't change anything. No one can save it! The world will still be cleared, and the umbrella company will still be the last winner!"

Having said that, Dr. Isaacs was proud of his face and said to Elias Marcus in a high-profile manner.

"The only difference is that I don't have to listen to your self-righteous grievances anymore! When you upload the file to the red data stream, you have betrayed the company! After other board members are awakened. You Will be dismissed, and I will take control of the whole situation!"

Dr. Isaacs’ face is the excitement of controlling the world!


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