My Iron Suit

Chapter 1009: Clean team!

As for Luther West and Christo, there is a great possibility of dying inside!

And she has now restored her strength in the peak period, coupled with the strength of Chen Mo, is enough to deal with any situation, with other people in addition to the increase in casualties, it will not have much effect!

So Alice doesn't want them to take risks together!

Claire and Jill Valention and others later learned from the Reds that Chen Mo and the two left and went to the Raccoon City to seize the news of the antidote.

They wanted to catch up immediately, but under Chen Mo’s orders, the red channel temporarily closed the passage to the ground. Everyone could only wait for the news of Chen Mo and Alice in the base, looking forward to their return. !

Under the driving of Chen Mo, the plane crossed the endless Pacific Ocean and returned to the United States again!

Alice sat in the position of co-pilot and looked at the broken, distant city like a ruin. Her mind could not help but emerge the bustling city and quiet town I saw in the seabed base. Her eyes could not help but change. Sharpened up.

Everything should be the same as before, people live a normal life in their respective cities, work hard during the day, go home at night and have a happy family together, they can work hard to pursue the life they want, without going through the experience. After the wife and the scatter, after the family breaks down, they must face the threat of zombies at any time. Every day, they will be amazed and alive. If they are not careful, they will be torn into pieces by the zombies and eat alive!

The culprit that caused all of this, but still hiding in a safe underground base, waiting for the human beings on the surface to be completely extinct, stand up and take control of the whole world with the attitude of the savior!

Alice couldn’t wait to get to the hive, killing the man behind the scenes that made it all!

The plane slid over the ruins of the city and flew towards the Raccoon City, but just a few hundred kilometers from the Raccoon City, Alice found the anomaly!

"Look, what is that?"

Alice pointed to a moving black shadow on the ground below and shouted to Chen Mo.

Chen Mo naturally discovered the abnormal situation on the ground. His vision is much stronger than Alice, and he can clearly see the ground without a telescope.

"It’s a zombie!"

Chen Mo said, slowly pushing the joystick and lowering the height of the aircraft.

Alice listened to Chen Mo's words, and could not help but frown to observe the following situation. If it is really a zombie, then the number of zombies will never be less than the zombies outside the prison!

As the height continued to decrease, Alice quickly saw the following situation. As Chen Mo said, the moving shadow is a huge corpse!

The scale is even on the corpse outside the prison!

But how do they get together and move forward?

Is there a survivor who fled in front?

Alice thought that she couldn’t help but get upset, and quickly turned to Chen Mo.

"Let's go ahead and see if someone needs help!"

Chen Mo does not agree with Alice's thoughts.

"I don't think so!"

Alice couldn’t help but look at Chen Mo with a frowning look, but she listened to Chen Mo’s adjustment of the plane to a helicopter state and flew forward over the corpse and said.

"The speed of the zombies is the same as the speed of running people, but the endurance is stronger. If it is an ordinary survivor, either drive away from the corpse or catch up with it. It is impossible to attract so much. The zombies keep catching up!"

Looking at the boundless zombies on the ground, Chen Mo said with a serious tone.

“It seems more like someone is deliberately attracting zombies and moving in a certain direction!”

Alice couldn't help but wrinkle her brows and looked up at the front of the corpse. As the plane continued to move forward, they finally saw the end of the corpse!

The closer to the front, the higher the density of the corpse, and the more concentrated it is. At the forefront of the corpse, Alice finally sees the things that attract these zombies to run, two huge armored vehicles like giant tanks!

This type of armored car is completely different from the armored vehicles of the past military equipment. Alice has never seen such an armored car of this shape and size, which makes Alice's heart can not help but have a bad idea!

And when the distance was further narrowed, Alice’s eyes violently radiated two murderous!

She saw behind the two giant armored vehicles, two survivors running forward in the chase of the zombies!

Both hands were tied by ropes, and the armored vehicles pulled forward and ran forward. The speed of the armored vehicles was just at the same speed as the zombies. The zombies behind were only a few meters away from each other. Both of them could be caught by zombies at any time. live!

They are obviously using survivors to attract zombies!

On the tailgates of the two armored vehicles, Alice saw a familiar sign, a red and white umbrella group!

Umbrella company!


Alice’s eyes were full of anger and she said angrily.

Chen Mo said while slowly manipulating the plane.

"It’s the clearing team of the umbrella company. It seems that they can’t wait, and they take the initiative to make a final cleanup of the survivors on the ground!”

"We have to stop them!"

Alice said with hate.

"of course!"

Chen Mo said, he directly controlled the plane and descended below!

The man on the armored vehicle quickly found the plane that was chased after him, and a communication request was sent.

Chen Mo did not pay attention to it, directly lowered the plane to a height, hovered a few meters above an armored vehicle, opened the rear hatchback while controlling the plane to keep flying at the same speed as the armored vehicle, Chen Mo Said to Alice at the opening.

"give it to you!"

Alice immediately got up from the co-pilot's seat and strode to the rear hatch. When the door was fully opened, Alice looked at the armored roof below and jumped straight down!

After re-injecting the T virus, Alice's physical strength has returned to its peak state, and the height of several meters is not difficult for her.

The feet fell heavily on the armored roof and made a loud noise. Alice bent down and squatted, and her hands were forced on the roof to cushion the impact of the fall!

The people in the armored car have already found something wrong!

When they first discovered the umbrella company flying behind, they thought that their own personnel happened to pass by, but when they lowered the height and did not respond to their communication request, they realized that there was a problem!

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