My Iron Suit

Chapter 1001: Alice's suspicion!

Obviously, this is the picture taken by the umbrella company satellite that is still running in the Wesker mouth!

The high-definition images of those cities and neighborhoods correspond to the flashing cursors on the national satellite map!

Alice doesn't think that Wesker will use satellites to monitor these locations just because it is boring!

Contacting Wesker's surveillance of her, and his use of the Arcadia to attract survivors as "food", Alice quickly guessed the answer!

“There are survivors in these places?!”

Alice turned excitedly and looked at Chen Mo, excitedly asked.

Chen Mo did not rush to answer, but continued to operate on the control keyboard. Soon, the image of a block on the screen magnified the entire screen and continued to zoom in!

Soon, Alice saw an active figure on the roof of a building!

Really have survivors!

At this time, he was standing on the edge of the building, holding a telescope to observe the zombies roaming the streets, and I was completely unaware that someone was watching him through the satellite!

On the roof of the building behind him, he painted a large SOS with red paint. Obviously, their situation is similar to that of Luther West in the previously trapped prison, and they look at the surrounding environment and even Still more dangerous!

Determined the previous guess, Alice's mood is very exciting, there are other survivors in the world, the world has not been completely destroyed!

"We have to save them!"

Alice turned sharply and looked at Chen Mo with a firm look.

Chen Mo smiled and nodded.

"Of course! But let's save the people on board first!"

Alice heard this and remembered that more than 2,000 survivors on this ship were still locked in the glass cabin!

With more than two thousand people, plus the survivors who survived in the cities, human civilization has hope for recovery!

However, Chen Mo did not rush to return to the previous cabin to help save people, but to control the keyboard again.

The picture on the transparent display in front of the two also turned, turning into a thumbnail of the cabin, which was densely arranged with more than 2,000 octagonal patterns, most of which were blue. Only a few dozen have turned red.

Alice quickly understood that the above showed the cabin of the survivor, and the dozens of red octagons suddenly represented the opened glass compartment.

It seems that Claire and others are slow.

However, considering that you have to open the hatch one by one, lift the person down, and then remove the mechanical spider on the chest to destroy it, it is really not fast.

However, with the operation of Chen Mo, a logo of a mechanical spider with a ruby ​​body and six sharp silver feet was displayed on the side of the display, and the color quickly darkened.

Then the color of the remaining more than 2,000 glass cabins was changed from blue to flashing yellow. Alice looked at Chen Mo inexplicably, but Chen Mo explained.

"The mechanical spiders used to control the survivors' minds have all been shut down by me, their consciousness and memory are recovering, and the door will open when the state returns to normal."

Alice nodded her head and looked at Chen Mo with her eyes burning. This is indeed much faster than saving them one by one!

But why didn't she think that Wesker could control it more conveniently here?

Before, after Chen Mo completely destroyed Wesker's body, she directly ignored Wesker's head, and the final facts proved that she almost made a huge mistake!

Fortunately, Chen Mo discovered and eliminated this huge hidden danger in time, otherwise it would not be long before they were estimated that they would be attacked by Wesker again or even directly attacked!

With the powerful force of the umbrella as a backing, I don’t know how many people will die in his hands!

And with this lesson, Wesker will never appear directly in front of them like this one, and it will be very difficult to kill him again!

There are other survivors of the city. Both of them clearly heard that Wesker mentioned the satellite. When I first came in, I also saw the picture on the transparent display. Why didn’t she realize it? Is monitoring other survivors!

Alice couldn't help but wonder how she survived these years. Before that, she always thought she was very smart. Now, it seems that she has some bias in her own estimation!

Is my brain destroyed by the T virus, or, this is not her problem, she is still much stronger than others, but Chen Mo’s observation is too allergic?

This is also the case. Even if Chen Mo is not familiar with the huge advantages of the plot, Alice is far from being able to reach ten times the physical quality and mentality. The brain and senses are far more powerful than ordinary people. Beautiful!

When there is a T virus enhancement and a strong mental power, the gap between Alice and Chen Mo can be slightly smaller.

After being inoculated with virus immune serum by Wesker, deprived of super power and most of the reinforcement, today's Alice is only a little stronger than the average person, relying on rich experience and the strengthening of the body by the T virus in the past~www.NovelMTL .com~ can barely achieve twice the physical fitness of ordinary people, much stronger than Luther West and Claire, but there is absolutely no comparability with Chen Mo.

Even if Chen Mo hides most of his strength, he only uses a pistol to fight, and the strength he has shown is completely beyond their imagination!

Reflecting on the performance of himself and Chen Mo, and recalling the power of Chen Mo from the escape from prison to killing Wesker, Alice quickly realized that the problem is not on her!

Her performance is not good, just because Chen Mo's performance is too good!

Even the strength of Wisker, which is stronger than her heyday, is not Chen Mo’s opponent. It shows how strong Chen Mo’s strength is!

More than just strength, the powerful "secret weapon" that Chen Mo had previously produced is obviously high in technology. It is definitely not something that anyone can have. According to her understanding, even if it is a umbrella company, it is not With such advanced high-tech weapons!

Alice is full of curiosity about Chen Mo’s identity. Who is he?

Alice looked at the control chair like the former Wesker, and Chen Mo, who was dressed in a neat black suit, couldn’t help but have a thought in her mind.

Will he be a person at the umbrella company?


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