My Immortal Cultivation Game Life

Vol 2 Chapter 211: The Air of Chaos, 9 Roar of the Deep

"I want to break through to the eleventh floor of the body." Lu Yi said to himself.


Break through to the eleventh floor of the body.

Reward: A Wisp of Chaos Air

Whether to accept the task: yes/no

Lu Yi was stunned for a moment, a little shocked.

The air of chaos? Chaos is born and all things are born, this is the original power that is older than the Dao!

Unexpectedly, the mission reward this time was to reward the Qi of Chaos!

If one absorbs the energy of chaos, wouldn't one be able to transcend the Great Dao and swim in chaos?

Lu Yi was overjoyed and quickly accepted the task.

The rewards for this mission are really generous.

With such a mission reward, Lu Yi naturally worked harder to cultivate.

Enter closed state again.

Of course, from time to time, he will also practice double cultivation with Jian Ruyu, Donggong Mingyue and Yun Xi, and his cultivation speed will not be slowed down.

However, every time Jian Ruyu wanted to find Lu Yi, she had to sneak around.

Liu Ningshuang became more and more suspicious that Jian Ruyu and Donggong Mingyue seemed to be doing something behind her back, which made Liu Ningshuang stare closely.

It was only when Liu Ningshuang was in seclusion that Jian Ruyu and Donggong Mingyue dared to come to Lu Yi.

Lu Yi felt very helpless.

Not only Lu Yi was helpless, even Yun Xi and Donggong Mingyue were also helpless.

As Lu Yi's strength became stronger and stronger, coupled with these years of studying the Nine Revolutions Heavenly Demon Physique, he gained a deeper understanding of body training techniques, and his physical body became stronger and stronger.

As for Lu Yi's physical strength, the most direct situation is that the three of Jian Ruyu are becoming more and more unable to withstand it.

Even though the three of them practiced together with Lu Yi every time, in the end the three of them couldn't take it anymore and passed out, and Lu Yi became more and more unsatisfied.

This made Lu Yi ask for more and more.

On this day, after the double cultivation, Jian Ruyu, Donggong Mingyue and Yun Xi woke up one after another. They were lying on the bed like salted fish, their faces were exhausted, and even their bodies were trembling slightly instinctively.

Donggong Mingyue said to Jian Ruyu with a mournful face, "Sister Ruyu, I beg you, why don't we go talk to Senior Sister Shou about this?"

Yun Xi's face was numb, and there was a look of exhaustion in her smart eyes. She also looked at Jian Ruyu: "Sister Ruyu, sister Ningshuang shouldn't kill us, right? Is it better than now?"

Jian Ruyu rubbed her sore waist, her tired pretty face was full of tangles: "But..."

"Stop it! If this continues, the three of us won't be able to hold on anymore. Senior brother's physical body is becoming more and more perverted. How can the three of us stand up?" Donggong Mingyue looked desperate.

Jian Ruyu couldn't help shivering when she thought of the double cultivation experience in the past few days.

She thought for a while in silence, then gritted her teeth, with an expression of death: "Okay then! Let's talk to Ningshuang later!"

Donggong Mingyue: "???"

Yun Xi: "???"

Hearing this, both of them were dumbfounded.

Donggong Mingyue didn't want to go, and said, "Why do we have to go too? Isn't this sister Ruyu, you should talk about it?"

Yun Xi nodded again and again: "Well, I won't go."

Jian Ruyu's head was full of black lines, and he said, "How can that be done?! Obviously the three of us have already double-cultivated with the perverted junior brother, how can I bear all this alone?! We have to be together!"

Donggong Mingyue and Yun Xi's pretty faces collapsed, and they were both a little reluctant.

Jian Ruyu gritted her teeth, and said, "If I'm only allowed to go alone, then I won't do it! At worst, the three of us will be like this."

Jian Ruyu's look of dying together made both Donggong Mingyue and Yun Xi numb.

The two looked at each other, and then they also showed expressions of looking at death as if they were at home.

"Alright then, let's go together!"

The two can only submit.

After a short rest, the three of them felt a little stronger.

The three of them left the room.

They saw that the door of Lu Yi's practice room was closed, and they understood that Lu Yi was practicing.

The three looked at each other, and Jian Ruyu whispered, "Let's go directly."

Both Donggong Mingyue and Yun Xi nodded.

Afterwards, the three of them slipped out of Lu Yi's cave, all three of them forgot about the little Xingxing's closeness to Qingqiu's paintings, and went to the little Xingxing every day to increase their favorability, but unfortunately, the little Xingxing still didn't answer, and let them three People are outraged.

Afterwards, the three of them soon arrived outside Liu Ningshuang's cave.

The three of Jian Ruyu looked at each other, then Jian Ruyu coughed lightly, and said softly: "Ningshuang, are you there? We came to talk to you."

Soon, Liu Ningshuang, who was dressed in white, opened the door of the cave. Her cold and pretty face was full of doubts: "The last time I discussed the Tao was not long ago, why did you suddenly come to me to discuss the Tao again?"

"Hahahaha...let's go in and talk about it." Jian Ruyu said with a guilty smile.

Donggong Mingyue and Yun Xi also nodded beside them.

Liu Ningshuang raised her eyebrows, stepped aside and let the three of them in.

Entering the hall, the four of them sat down, Liu Ningshuang glanced at the guilty expressions of the three of them, and said, "Do you have something you want to talk to me about?"

Jian Ruyu laughed dryly and said, "Yes."

"What's the matter?" Liu Ningshuang narrowed her eyes, her pretty face was cold and she couldn't see any expression.

Jian Ruyu scratched her head, said with a dry smile: "That's right, the three of us have double-cultivated with the perverted junior brother."

Liu Ningshuang: "???"

With a calm expression on her face, she looked at Donggong Mingyue and Yun Xi: "You two want to talk about this too?"

Both Donggong Mingyue and Yun Xi nodded, shrinking their necks, not daring to speak.

The atmosphere suddenly fell silent.

Afterwards, strands of extreme chill came from inside Liu Ningshuang's cave, and the entire cave was frozen.

There was a terrible chill escaping from the entire Lingluo Peak.

All the monks of the Baiyun Sect were alarmed and looked at Ling Luofeng with a dazed expression, not understanding what happened.

The next moment, Jian Ruyu, Yun Xi and Donggong Mingyue all rushed out, their bodies were still covered with ice scum, their delicate bodies were still trembling slightly, and a look of fear appeared on their faces.

Jian Ruyu glanced at the cave behind her in fear, the cave was filled with cold air, she shivered: "I knew, with Ningshuang's temperament, we must be miserable!"

"Now is the time to talk about this?!" Donggong Mingyue thought of the scene of being suppressed by Sister Smelly before, the corners of her mouth twitched, and she said, "Hurry up and think of a way! I don't want to be suppressed by her for a hundred years!"

"Let's run first, how about we go to Wanhuazong?" Even if he is as straightforward as Yunxi, he is a little scared now.

Jian Ruyu and Donggong Mingyue nodded at the same time: "Let's go, hurry to Wanhuazong!"

The three turned into streamers and rushed out quickly.

And Lu Yi, who was practicing, also felt Liu Ningshuang's terrifying chill. He was startled awake, stunned for a moment, left the cave with a blank face, and looked towards Liu Ningshuang's cave.

In the direction of Liu Ningshuang's cave, a faint blue cold air rose into the sky like a beam of light, which means that Liu Ningshuang deliberately controlled it, otherwise the entire Baiyun Sect would be frozen.

Even so, the temperature in the Baiyun Sect still dropped significantly, and it was snowing heavily in the sky. Many weak monks were shivering with horror on their faces.

The corner of Lu Yi's mouth twitched: "What's wrong, Senior Sister? She seems very angry?"

Lu Yi turned into a streamer and came outside Liu Ningshuang's cave.

Seeing that the door of the cave was open, he walked in.

Then Lu Yi saw Liu Ningshuang's pretty face was cold, there was a snowflake imprint between her brows, and her black hair turned into snow.

Liu Ningshuang noticed Lu Yi's arrival, her pretty face was still cold, she looked at Lu Yi.

Lu Yi looked blank: "Senior Sister, what's wrong? Are you okay?"

On Liu Ningshuang's icy pretty face, there was a smile that was not a smile, her blue eyes were like a gloomy ice lake, and her voice

Like a cold wind blowing: "Junior brother, have you and Ruyu practiced together?"

Lu Yi: "???"

His heart skipped a beat, and he had some bad thoughts.

The corner of his mouth twitched, and he nodded slightly: "Yeah."

Liu Ningshuang's smile became brighter: "You have also double cultivated with your junior sister?"

Lu Yi knew that his premonition was right, it must be Senior Sister Ruyu and the three of them, those three guys didn't tell him, but went to tell Senior Sister directly? !

How can anyone sell teammates like this? ? He wasn't even prepared!

Lu Yi could only bite the bullet and nod: "Yes."

"Yun Xi too?" Liu Ningshuang's smile became brighter.

Lu Yi's scalp was numb, without thinking, he hugged Liu Ningshuang, lowered his head and kissed her red lips.

Liu Ningshuang's eyes widened, she looked at Lu Yi with blue eyes.

After a long time, the two parted their lips, and there were traces of crystal lines at the corners of their mouths.

Lu Yi looked at Liu Ningshuang seriously, and said, "Senior Sister, I love you."

Liu Ningshuang's eyes were bigger, and her blue eyes fluctuated violently, as if a stone had been thrown into the icy lake.

She sneered: "You think I can forgive you...uh..."

After another moment, the two parted.

Lu Yi looked at Liu Ningshuang seriously, and said, "Senior Sister, you have always been extremely important in my heart, and I hope you can always be with me."

Liu Ningshuang's body was stiff, her eyes softened a little, and she said coldly: "You and the three of them have double cultivated, but I don't! If they didn't tell me, I still don't know!"

Upon hearing this, Lu Yi hugged Liu Ningshuang and walked towards the room.

Liu Ningshuang was taken aback, a little confused: "Junior Brother, what are you doing?"

Lu Yi said seriously, "Shuangxiu."

Liu Ningshuang: "????"

She was stunned, and then exclaimed: "Wait! Wait! I'm not ready yet! Brother, don't want it!"

Lu Yi said with a serious face: "I think what Senior Sister said is right, the three of them have double cultivated, and I can't leave Senior Sister alone. If others have it, Senior Sister must have it too."

Liu Ningshuang's chest heaved in anger: "What kind of words are these?!"

Lu Yi looked at Liu Ningshuang with both eyes, and said seriously: "Sister, don't you want to?"

Liu Ningshuang's tender body froze, and then slowly softened. She looked at Lu Yi and said, "For the next six months, you have to stay with me alone! You can't go to Ruyu and the other three bastards!"

When Lu Yi heard this, he nodded immediately: "Of course it's no problem!"

He walked towards the room with Liu Ningshuang in his arms, and said cheerfully, "Come on, Senior Sister, I'll teach you the double cultivation technique..."

Although Liu Ningshuang said to let Lu Yi accompany her for half a year, but only two months later, Lu Yi was kicked out of the cave by Liu Ningshuang.

"Senior Sister, you clearly said that it will take half a year, how can you drive me away?" Before Lu Yi left, he was very sad: "Senior Sister, why don't you say nothing?"

Liu Ningshuang's delicate body was weak, she stretched out her hand to support the wall, her cold pretty face had a blush that couldn't dissipate, she looked at Lu Yi coldly: "Go! Or I'll never see you again!"

Lu Yi had no choice but to leave.

After leaving, Lu Yi went to the caves of his junior sister and senior sister Ruyu to find someone, but found that none of them were there.

Lu Yi's head was full of black lines, and he was angry in his heart. These three guys must have escaped!

Don't get caught by him, or they will not be able to get out of bed for a year!

Lu Yi secretly made up his mind.

With a depressed mood, he returned to his cave and continued to practice.

It has to be said that two months of double cultivation with his senior sister has made great progress for him, his cultivation base has improved a lot, and his yin and yang power has finally been raised to the realm of law.

After raising the power of yin and yang to the realm of law, Lu Yi has a deeper understanding of the dual cultivation of yin and yang, and the speed of dual cultivation has also increased faster.

his training speed

There has also been a substantial improvement, which can be compared with my normal practice for four months.

Lu Yi smacked his lips, feeling a little disappointed, but it's a pity that the senior sister didn't want him to continue his double cultivation.

Otherwise, he might be able to break through to the eleventh floor in a short time.

Lu Yi shook his head and continued to practice.

After another ten years, Lu Yi successfully broke through to the eleventh floor of the body and completed the mission reward.

Lu Yi showed that ray of chaotic air, it was a misty aura, although it was just a ray of aura, it was extremely heavy, even if Lu Yi's physical body was extremely powerful at the moment, his strength was equally terrifying, and he was a little helpless. Holding on to this ray of breath, tiny cracks appeared on his body, so he had to use the law of indestructibility to recover.

If this ray of breath falls on a small star, it is enough to crush the star.

Lu Yi was terrified in his heart. Fortunately, his strength was strong enough. If he was a general fit power, his body would be shattered just by touching this ray of chaos.

This wisp of aura has an incomparably mysterious flow of light, even if Lu Yi carved a mysterious and incomparably large shielding formation in the cave, he can still feel a wisp of aura slowly escaping.

This made Lu Yi quickly integrate this ray of chaos into his space ring.

Fortunately, his interspatial ring is a low-grade immortal artifact green wheel ring, which can store this ray of chaotic energy.

Otherwise, even the interspatial ring, which is a top-grade spiritual weapon, would probably be directly crushed by this ray of chaotic pressure.

After obtaining such a treasure, Lu Yi was naturally overjoyed.

After that, he continued to practice, hoping to break through to the peak of the thirteenth level of integration soon, and use the energy of chaos to break through to the Mahayana realm.

East China Sea.

The original location of Misty Island has now turned into a pitch-black hollow, and deep and strange black flames are burning inside the hollow.

The flame has no temperature at all, and any monk will feel cold in his heart just by looking at it.

This is the flame from Jiuyou.

Around the Nine Nether Abyss, there are incomparably mysterious dao patterns circulating. These dao patterns are connected together to form an extremely mysterious and complex formation.

And outside the big formation, there are wisps of white mist floating, as if the mist is at the junction of void and reality, isolating the Nine Nether Abyss from the waters of the East China Sea.

Even so, within a radius of hundreds of thousands of kilometers where the Nine Nether Abyss is located, there is not even a single fish, and all creatures retreat instinctively, not to mention the sea people who originally lived here have already migrated to other places up.

On this day, inside the Nine Nether Abyss, the Nine Nether Fire, which had been burning peacefully, suddenly became violent.

The terrifying Nine Nether Fire shot up into the sky, as if a black waterfall rushed out of the Nine Nether Abyss and crashed heavily into the incomparably mysterious formation.

The dao pattern on the big formation flickered, and a golden light flowed. All the fires of the Nine Nethernesses were immediately dispersed and turned into black smoke, filling the sky above the Nine Netherness Abyss.

Soon, the entire inside of the formation was filled with darkness, and the formation emitted an incomparably dazzling light, like a golden sun appearing above the East China Sea.

The terrifying, strange and awe-inspiring aura appeared at the same time, permeating millions of miles. The monks in the entire East China Sea area were horrified, and turned their heads to look in the direction of the Nine Nether Abyss.

"That ominous place?!"

"What happened there? It's such a terrifying aura, the big formation arranged by the immortal has been touched?!"

Incomparably powerful monks soared into the sky one by one, approaching the Nine Nether Abyss, including the Sea Clan and Eastern Region monks.

Everyone saw the golden light in the mist, and the deep darkness surging under the golden light. It seemed that the power that the world could not tolerate, just appeared, and even the monks who were at least at the powerful level shuddered.


At this moment, an incomparably terrifying roar came out from the deep darkness, the black mist billowed, the black smoke burned, the entire array of light flickered, and there were flickering flickering scenes in the array pattern.


Among the monks who were tens of thousands of kilometers away, there was a weaker fusion power who coughed up a big mouthful of blood on the spot, and his face was extremely pale.

The other monks also stared wide-eyed, their faces full of horror, and they retreated one after another, like avoiding snakes and scorpions.

They looked terrified.

"The array pattern can't support anymore, the fairy array is about to collapse?!"

"What kind of terrifying monster is inside? With a roar, even through the fairy formation, it makes the old man's blood boil?!" A Dujie ancestor couldn't believe it.

"No, if the fairy array collapses, the monsters inside will rush out, and the whole dawn will be over!"

A monk's face was pale and full of At this moment, a void crack appeared above the white mist.

An old woman stepped out of the crack.

The white-haired old woman looked at the tumbling fire and air of the Nine Nethers below, her face was cold, and she said in a low voice: "Presumptuous! This place is not the Nine Nethers, go back!"

She reached out her hand and stretched out to the Nine Nether Abyss.

The next moment, a misty breath emerged, and the white mist outside the fairy formation rolled, as if with incredible power. The black mist and flames inside the formation seemed to be disturbed by some strange force, and they subsided slowly.

The black mist dissipated, the flame subsided, and the terrifying creatures below seemed to calm down.

The white-haired old woman glanced at the peaceful Nine Nether Abyss, and exhaled slightly. Then she noticed a broken corner of the fairy formation, and her face changed dramatically.

Thank you for the 1500 points rewarded by the plane gourmet master, and thank you for the 100 points rewarded by the 08a master~

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