My Immortal Cultivation Game Life

Chapter 168: Donggong Mingyue: Sister Yunxi is my sister

After discussing with Donggong Mingyue several times, and obtaining a lot of spiritual essence, as well as the insight reward from the field of thunder, Lu Yi is satisfied.

During the break, Lu Yi saw that Donggong Mingyue was a little hesitant to speak, and asked doubtfully, "What's wrong? Junior sister, you seem to have something on your mind?"

Donggong Mingyue stiffened, her pretty face blushing slightly: "No, senior brother, you just think too much."

Lu Yi stopped talking and said, "I'm tired of learning from each other, why don't you go back to the cave and talk about Taoism?"

Donggong Mingyue's eyes lit up and nodded slightly: "Okay!"

The two returned to Lu Yi's cave, and Lu Yi took out the spirit wine and spirit food.

Because Liu Ningshuang was not there, only Lu Yi and Donggong Mingyue were there.

Donggong Mingyue drinks in a hurry, and soon, her pretty face turns red, and her drunk eyes are hazy.

Lu Yi's head was full of black lines: "Junior sister, you can drink less."

His junior sister's wine has always been bad, he is really afraid that this guy will go crazy.

At this moment, Donggong Mingyue brushed up, stood on the stool, stepped on the table with one foot, looked down at Lu Yi, put his hands on his hips with incomparable expression: "Senior brother! Miss Ben told you! You must be Miss Ben's. People! Yunxi and Senior Sister, I will suppress them one by one!"

Lu Yi's head was full of black lines, and sure enough... this guy started to become arrogant as soon as he drank.

"Yes, yes, Junior Sister is the most powerful, Junior Sister is invincible!" Lu Yi said in a perfunctory manner.

Donggong Mingyue nodded in satisfaction, jumped off the chair, sat beside Lu Yi, staring at Lu Yi non-stop.

Lu Yi felt a little embarrassed to be looked at, and said speechlessly: "Junior sister, why are you looking at me like this?"

Donggong Mingyue said, "This young lady is thinking in her heart that she must first engrave my imprint on my senior brother."

Donggong Mingyue took advantage of the wine to get closer to Lu Yi.

The aroma of the wine and the fragrance was tangy, and Lu Yi only felt a soft touch on his lips.

However, Donggong Mingyue is obviously inexperienced and has no sense of touch.

Faced with such an opportunity, Lu Yi naturally would not let it go.

"Junior sister, just take advantage of this opportunity, shall we double cultivation?"

"Eh? Ah?! No, no!"

Donggong Mingyue was a little scared and struggled slightly, but how could it compare to Lu Yi's body?

She was easily suppressed by Lu Yi.

So, it didn't take long for the sound of dragon and phoenix to be heard in the cave, and the mysterious Yin-Yang Dao Yun circulated in it.

Two days later, the sound of dragons and phoenixes slowly dissipated.

Lu Yi walked out of the resting bedroom, his expression was the same as before, his face still full of meaning.

When Lu Yi and Yun Xi first double cultivation, Yun Xi's strength is similar to the current Donggong Mingyue, and the physical strength of the two is not too different. However, the persistence time, Donggong Mingyue is not even as good as Yunxi. God can't take it anymore.

Maybe it's because my junior sister is more sensitive?

Lu Yi felt very uncomfortable. In these days, he had been practicing with the real dragon essence blood that he had received from the Heavenly Dragon Son. His qi and blood were surging, and his physical strength was much stronger than before.

Lu Yi felt that before he started, the East Palace Mingyue was over.

This is hard.

Lu Yi sighed faintly, it would be nice if there was a chance to let Junior Sister and Yun Xi be together, so he should be able to satisfy a little.

At this moment, Donggong Mingyue was in a coma. Lu Yi returned to the training room and began to count the harvest of the task.


Junior Sister Donggong Mingyue Falls in Love with Me (Completed)

Deduction of the Mahayana Great Array (Completed)

Break through to the Void Realm (Completed)

Just like the situation with Yun Xi before, after the double cultivation, the task of making his junior sister fall in love with him can be regarded as complete.

In addition, there are also the tasks of breaking through the realm of the virtual world and the task of deducing the Mahayana Great Formation.

The quest rewards for making my junior sister fall in love with me are the artistic conception of 40% thunder, the golden elixir technique "Thousand Thunder Curse", and the mid-grade treasure purple thunder crown.

This task was announced by Lu Yi a long time ago. At that time, Lu Yi's strength was still very weak, and the reward seemed extremely rich at the time.

But for the current Lu Yi, it was very common.

At that time, Lu Yi thought that the task was a bug, and he couldn't finish it.

If he knew that the prerequisite for the completion of this task was the need for actual action, Lu Yi would probably be able to complete this task earlier.

Now the reward for this task is very common to Lu Yi.

Only 40% of the mood of thunder is still useful.

Lu Yi absorbed the perception of the mood of thunder, and felt that his field of thunder had improved a little, and the degree of improvement was almost equivalent to the improvement in strength of learning with a junior sister.

This made Lu Yi speechless for a while, even the improvement brought by double cultivation was greater than this...

As for the golden pill technique and the middle-grade treasures, Lu Yi kept them away, even if it was for his junior sister, he couldn't take it out.

Lu Yi shook his head helplessly and began to check other rewards.

The quest rewards for deducing the Mahayana Great Array are the improvement of the formation path perception and an innate array pattern fragment.

The perception of the formation path this time far exceeded the perception reward of the previous deduction of the great formation. It took Lu Yi several hours to absorb the perception completely. If the surrounding visions of the formation path were not arranged by Lu Yi in his training room After covering the great formation, I am afraid that it will already rise into the sky, alarming the entire White Cloud Sect.

And that innate array pattern fragment surprised Lu Yi the most.

The truth between heaven and earth will condense the innate array pattern under some kind of chance. The innate array pattern contains unimaginable power. For the array master, it is the most precious treasure. The array master can perceive the innate array pattern The profound meaning of the formation, and even the innate formation pattern can assist the formation master to arrange the big formation!

If it is a complete innate formation pattern, it belongs to the level of immortal treasures. Even the fragments of the innate formation pattern are broken immortal treasures, even surpassing the top-quality spiritual tools, which are extremely precious.

This is the case with the Innate Formation Fragments that Lu Yi rewarded.

Lu Yi received the quest reward, and a mysterious white rune appeared in his hand, which was almost half the size of a palm.

This innate array pattern is different from the one depicted by Lu Yi himself. It has an entity and is a pattern created by heaven and earth, representing the power of heaven and earth.

The innate array pattern fragment in Lu Yi's hand is a killing array fragment, which holds the power of killing between heaven and earth.

With this fragment of the innate formation pattern, Lu Yi realized that the killing formation would be more effective with less effort, and not only that, setting up the killing formation would also have an excellent effect.

Coupled with Lu Yi's sky formation diagram, even if it is a big formation in the Mahayana realm, Lu Yi can easily arrange it successfully!

Lu Yi absorbed the white runes into his dantian.

The white runes are suspended around the Nascent Soul, circulating around the Nascent Soul.

On Nascent Soul, there are avenues of air flowing, and the colorful streamers slowly merge into the white array patterns, making the array patterns flash with splendid brilliance, containing mysterious Taoism.

This made Lu Yi happy. His Nascent Soul was formed entirely by the power of the Great Dao. If he nourished this innate array pattern fragment for a long time, perhaps one day the innate array pattern fragment could be completed and turned into a complete innate Array pattern, that is a powerful treasure of the fairy treasure level!

It will be a great help for him then!

The last is the task of breaking through to the Void Realm. The reward is a Dao enlightenment tea tree species, 100 catties of enlightenment tea leaves, a top-quality spiritual weapon to break the empty boat, the secret technique "Little Void Technique", and the specified spell level +3

Every time the task of breaking through the big realm is quite rich, Lu Yi is used to it.

Enlightenment tea tree species and Enlightenment tea leaves needless to say, the top-quality spiritual weapon breaks the empty boat, this is a top-quality flying magic weapon, consumes aura, can even shatter the void, pierce the void, and even fly in the galaxy!

This is an oval, silver-colored metal flying boat full of runes.

After Lu Yi saw this introduction, his face was a little weird.

Shattering the void to fly, can fly in the universe, isn't this a spaceship? !

And it's the kind of spaceship that Lu Yi has only seen in the sci-fi movies in his previous life, that can travel through the void wormhole!


However, Lu Yi is still very happy. Although such a top-quality spiritual tool consumes a lot of spiritual energy, it can travel through the void. This speed is naturally extremely fast. Even a tribulation cultivator may not be able to catch up.

With this broken empty boat, Lu Yi feels that his security has been greatly improved. Even if he is facing the ancestor-level task of transcending the calamity, he can still escape if he can't beat him.

As for the secret technique "Little Void Technique", this reward also surprised Lu Yi.

This secret technique can actually make the cultivator realize the power of the void and travel through the void by himself. It is an extremely terrifying secret technique of escape!

According to the introduction of "Little Void Technique", this is a secret technique involving the mysterious and mysterious space avenue. If you master the small void technique to the extreme, there may be hope to get a glimpse of the mystery of the space avenue and comprehend the laws of space!

On top of the small void technique, there is also the "big void technique", which is a secret technique that can only be mastered by mastering the laws of space, and it can even be called a fairy technique!

Based on the laws of space, in a single thought, the endless void is shattered, which is an unbelievably terrifying power!

Lu Yi was looking forward to ranking the training sequence of "Little Void Technique" at the top.

He must cultivate this "Little Void Technique" to the extreme level and master the laws of space!

Even if there is no space law, oneself integrates into the void and travels through the void, which is itself an extremely powerful means of life-saving.

For any cultivator, winning or losing is not really important, the important thing is that he can run away and live long.

Unless it is truly invincible, there is always an existence stronger than you, and in the face of such an existence, if you can escape, then there is hope for the future, right?

The last designated spell level is +3, and this quest reward, Lu Yi naturally intends to use it on the "Indestructible Sword Sutra" in the hole.

After counting all the harvests, Lu Yi heard voices from outside the training room.

Lu Yi raised his eyebrows, walked out of the training room, and saw Dong Gong Mingyue sitting on the chair with a tired face.

After seeing Lu Yi, Donggong Mingyue's body stiffened, she shrank her neck, and said with a dry smile, "Senior brother..."

Lu Yi walked over with a smile: "How is your sister resting?"

Donggong Mingyue shrank back: "Not bad."

"Really? That's great, how about we continue our dual cultivation?" Lu Yi's eyes lit up.

"Fake!" Donggong Mingyue responded quickly.

Lu Yi was a little disappointed, he came to Donggong Mingyue and sat down: "Okay then."

Donggong Mingyue was clearly relieved.

Then her eyes lit up, she thought of something, and smiled proudly: "Hehehe~"

Seeing Donggong Mingyue's smirk, Lu Yi asked with some doubts, "Junior sister, what's the matter with you?"

Donggong Mingyue said: "It's nothing, I'm just happy, after all, I'm the first person to become a brother and a Taoist companion."

But Donggong Mingyue is very proud, this young lady is the first person to become a senior fellow!

What Yunxi, what senior sister, are all eating ashes behind this young lady!

When I see them, Miss Ben must show off!

Especially Yun Xi, that shameless woman, I wonder if her expression will be very exciting after knowing the news?

Donggong Mingyue is very proud.

And when Lu Yi heard this, his expression was a little weird for a while. Seeing the extremely happy Donggong Mingyue, Lu Yi was a little hesitant to say whether Yun Xi had actually been cultivating with her before.

But when he thinks of his junior sister's temperament, it is estimated that if he doesn't say anything, it won't be long before this guy dares to go to Yun Xi to show off.

Thinking of that scene, Lu Yi's scalp felt a little numb.

He coughed dryly and said, "Junior sister, brother has something to tell you."

Donggong Mingyue looked at Lu Yi with a smile on her face: "What's the matter, brother?"

"When I went to Wanhuazong to set up the guardian formation for Wanhuazong, I cultivated with Yunxi."

Donggong Mingyue: "????"

The smile on her face gradually stiffened, her mind was full of question marks, and she looked at Lu Yi in disbelief: "Senior brother, what did you say?!"

Lu Yi felt guilty and said, "So, the first one should be Yun Xi."

Donggong Mingyue's whole body was numb, as if it had turned into a gray and white stone statue.

What? ! Isn't this lady the first? !

how can that be? !

Lu Yi looked at the stiff Donggong Mingyue with some worry: "Junior sister, are you all right?"

Donggong Mingyue came back to her senses, she jumped up and bit Lu Yi's arm: "Bad senior brother! You actually touched that shameless woman Yunxi first!"

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Donggong Mingyue's silver teeth bit Lu Yi's arm, and Lu Yi didn't dare to let his body's instinctive reaction tighten, so as not to collapse Donggong Mingyue's teeth.

He grinned and let Donggong Mingyue bite the teeth marks on his hand.

Donggong Mingyue cried out angrily, biting Lu Yi while crying: "Brother stinky, bite you to death!"

After biting for more than half an hour, Lu Yi was covered in tooth marks, and Donggong Mingyue let go.

Donggong Mingyue glared at Lu Yi angrily, and said, "I don't care! What do you do to Yunxi, this lady also wants! This lady is more and better than her!"

Hearing this, Lu Yi had a strange expression: "Is what Junior Sister said true?"

"Of course it's true!" Donggong Mingyue folded her arms around her chest and puffed out her mouth, indicating that she was very angry now.

Lu Yi nodded, stood up, picked up Donggong Mingyue, and walked towards the bedroom.

Donggong Mingyue froze and struggled frantically: "Senior brother, what are you doing?!"

Lu Yi opened his mouth and said, "Junior sister didn't tell me what to do with Yunxi, do you want it too? Back then, Yunxi and I had both cultivated for over a month. We have to come here for at least two months, right? I'll give you double! "

Donggong Mingyue: "???"

Her face suddenly turned snow-white, and her face was full of horror.

Two days ago, she felt like she was dying, two months?

will die! really will die!

Donggong Mingyue was about to cry again, shouting: "Senior brother, I don't want it anymore, I don't want to be like that shameless woman Yunxi!"

"That won't work, your brother, I'm not the kind of person who favors one over the other." Lu Yi is very serious: "I need a bowl of water to be level."

"Senior brother, I want to go back to practice." Donggong Mingyue looked at Lu Yi pitifully, her eyes were about to fall.

Lu Yi smiled brightly and said, "Just in time, I will teach you those secret techniques, which are very beneficial to your cultivation, and can even improve your physical body and help you understand the way of yin and yang... By the way, You eat this Yuanyang fruit and Yuanyin fruit by the way."

Then, Lu Yi returned to the bedroom with Donggong Mingyue, who was struggling frantically. Not long after, the sound of dragon and phoenix sounded again.

After more than a day, Donggong Mingyue fainted again.

Lu Yi is very helpless, his junior sister is really weak.

Perhaps it was also because of his cultivation that he became stronger?

However, the improvement brought by double cultivation is not small for Lu Yi.

Needless to say, the improvement of the cultivation base, the Yin and Yang mood, after Lu Yi left Wanhuazong, basically had little improvement, and now it has begun to improve again.

Lu Yi was very happy.

Now his yin and yang mood has reached about 96%, and it may not be long before he can reach Consummation and realize the realm of yin and yang.

Lu Yi looked at the sleepy junior sister, thinking in his heart, maybe he has to make some nourishing spiritual food and spirit wine to make up for the junior sister.

Otherwise, even if the younger sister is already a spiritual cultivator, the Longyin Fengming Secret Art is a double cultivation secret technique that is beneficial to both parties and is harmless to the body, but the younger sister may also be empty.

Fortunately, there is such a formula in the spirit wine recipe and spirit food recipe obtained before.

Xuanyin Brewing is a kind of spirit wine suitable for female nuns. It can nourish yin and nourish the face, and even achieve the effect of permanent beauty. It is a kind of spirit wine of the Void Realm. Although the level is not too high, it is very suitable for junior sisters to use.

Lu Yi thought to himself, Master, Senior Sister and the others might like it too.

After all, women definitely like to be beautiful, nourishing yin and nourishing the face.

So Lu Yi started to practice while Donggong Mingyue was asleep.

For the next Lu Yi didn't let Donggong Mingyue leave the cave, and every time she recovered a little, the two started double cultivation.

I have to say that the effect of dual cultivation is really good. Donggong Mingyue's cultivation is several times faster than his own cultivation.

But even so, Donggong Mingyue was not very happy.

When it was about the same time as Yunxi, Donggong Mingyue's first sentence when she woke up was: "Senior brother, go to Yunxi, please."

Lu Yi was stunned for a moment, and looked at Donggong Mingyue with some astonishment: "Looking for Yunxi? Don't you hate Yunxi very much, Junior Sister?"

Donggong Mingyue shook her head earnestly. The two ponytails that had been messed up during her double cultivation kept shaking. Donggong Mingyue said, "Sister Yunxi is my sister, how could I hate her? You have to accompany her! Haven't you seen each other for a long time?"


Change first and then change~

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