My Immortal Cultivation Game Life

Chapter 146: 2 fairy treasures

Lu Yi checked it and found that there were a lot of things inside.

There are some blood-colored crystals, exuding a strong blood energy, which is somewhat different from ordinary blood essence, and should be a relatively high-quality blood essence.

In addition to blood essence, there are some medicinal herbs, clothes and the like.

The quality of the medicinal pills is not as good as that made by Lu Yi himself, and it is basically useless, not to mention the clothes.

There are also useful things. There are a few treasures of heaven and earth. For Lu Yi, he has obtained some by doing quests.

There are only three things that really make Lu Yi feel unusual.

One is a blood-colored axe, which is a magic weapon used by Lu Yi's ancestors of the Blood Spirit Sect before, and it is a low-grade spiritual tool.

Spiritual tools are extremely precious, and even some fit and even Mahayana monks are difficult to obtain. There are aliens in the Void Realm. It is conceivable that these aliens are somewhat unusual.

In addition to this spiritual tool, there is also a blood-colored stone tablet.

The stele still had a trace of cracks, and it seemed a little worn out, but it exuded a terrifying aura.

The last thing that surprised Lu Yi the most was a small sapling!

The small sapling was blood red, like a blood-colored gem, very delicate.

Its roots are distinct, the branches are evenly distributed, and there are several leaves like ruby ​​on each branch.

This little sapling actually exudes a strange trace of Taoism, which Lu Yi has never sensed from other heavenly treasures before.

If it wasn't for Lu Yidao's foundation, and his keen sense of Dao Yun, I'm afraid it would be difficult to discover this.

This is no ordinary treasure.

Lu Yi came to a conclusion.

Lu Yi looked at it roughly, but didn't watch it carefully.

He put away the space ring and flew towards the three of Liu Ningshuang.

"Are you okay?" Lu Yi asked, looking at the three of them.

Liu Ningshuang shook her head slightly: "We're fine, how are you, Junior Brother?"

"Of course I'm fine." Lu Yi smiled.

Although he used the blood burning technique, but eating a thousand-year-old blood ginseng can replace the essence and blood, but there is no need to worry about side effects.

Hearing Lu Yi's words, the three of them breathed a sigh of relief.

Donggong Mingyue's eyes flickered, very bright, and she said with some admiration: "Senior brother is so powerful! That alien is so powerful that you were killed by you."

Yun Xi also nodded slightly: "Lu Yi is very powerful."

Later, Donggong Mingyue asked curiously, "Brother, why do you still have such a powerful talisman?"

Lu Yi explained: "I got it by chance on the way back from Divine Sword Sect."

Hearing this, the three of Donggong Mingyue fell silent.

Yun Xi said in surprise: "Lu Yi, you are so lucky. You have obtained a lot of treasures by chance. They are all precious. _o_m"

After all, all the precious treasures that Lu Yi used for them before were all explained by Lu Yi's chance.

Even Liu Ningshuang was extremely surprised.

Hearing this, Lu Yi said cheerfully, "Of course, my luck has always been excellent."

After all, there is a mission.

Liu Ningshuang looked at the Blood Spirit Sect cultivator on the other side and said, "Junior Brother, what about those people?"

Lu Yi turned his head and looked at a few Blood Spirit Sect cultivators. When several Blood Spirit Sect cultivators saw Lu Yi looking over, their expressions were full of horror.

Lu Yi's strength, these monks see it, it is extremely terrifying, they can't resist it at all!

Even the two peak old monsters of the incarnation of the Blood Spirit Religion trembled in their hearts.

Several high-level Blood Spirit Religion leaders begged for mercy.

"Lu Yi! We all know we were wrong! Spare our lives!"

"Lu Yi, the Blood Spirit Religion has been destroyed by you, we will definitely not appear again, it will be quiet but remnants of life, let the outside be a way of life!"

Hearing these words, Lu Yi's expression was extremely calm, but his eyes still had killing intent.

Noticing that Lu Yi's killing intent was unabated, several of the powerhouses in the God Transformation realm glanced at each other, then roared and killed Lu Yi with filial piety.

"Since we have to die, let's die together!"

They roared and rushed towards Lu. (This chapter is not over!)

Chapter 146 Two Immortal Treasures


However, before they got close to Lu Yi, sword lights shot out from the sky array, twisting several god-turning cultivators into blood mist.

Lu Yi's expression was calm, and he sighed slightly: "It's over."

Liu Ningshuang glanced at the Blood Spirit Pope Sect, which was completely turned into magma, and calmly said, "The monks of the Blood Spirit sect refine mortals and monks, condense the blood essence for cultivation, and they will die."

Yunxi nodded slightly, looking at the surging magma below, a hint of complexity appeared in his eyes: "Senior sisters under Jiuquan can rest in peace."

Lu Yi smiled: "The movement here is not small, let's go back."

Liu Ningshuang nodded. At this moment, the white fog in the sky had dissipated. She glanced around, and a stream of light appeared in her eyes: "There are many monks coming here."

"Well, let's go." Lu Yi nodded.

The four got on the green leaf boat, turned into a streamer, rushed into the **** abyss, and flew in the direction of Baiyunzong.

And behind them, the original blood spirit abyss, in the battle between Lu Yi and the ancestor of the blood spirit religion, the cliff collapsed and turned into a huge basin.

The basin was turned into a sea of ​​magma in Lu Yi's last use of the Six Yang True Fire Talisman, and the blazing high temperature lasted for a long time.

When Luyezhou left the Blood Spirit Abyss, Lu Yi glanced not far away and felt a few secret breaths, the breath was the realm of Nascent Soul.

Lu Yi didn't say anything, his expression was calm.

Because he had felt these auras in the White Cloud Sect before, and he was the elder of the White Cloud Sect.

Lu Yi was not surprised that the Blood Spirit Religion closed the mountain, but the location was now within the territory of the White Cloud Sect.

It was good in the early stage. When Lu Yi and the ancestor of the Blood Spirit Sect fought, even the formation could not cover the movement, which naturally attracted attention.

When the green leaf boat disappeared into the sky, only a few strong people in the Nascent Soul realm flew into the sky.

They glanced at the direction in which the green leaf boat disappeared, looked at each other, and looked confused.

"That was... Lu Yi?"

"...Impossible? Isn't Lu Yi retreating at Lingluofeng?"

"There is such a huge movement in the direction of the Blood Spirit Religion, could it be related to him?!"

Several Nascent Soul cultivators flew in the direction of the Blood Spirit Abyss.

In addition to them, there are many monks with powerful breaths breaking the sky and coming to the sky above the blood spirit abyss. These monks are the weakest in the Jindan realm, and there are several strong people in the Nascent Soul realm, even including Baiyunzong. One of the god-turning elders.

When these monks saw the blood spirit abyss that had turned into a sea of ​​magma, they were all stunned.

This was originally the residence of the Blood Spirit Religion!

Now the sect of the Blood Spirit Religion has disappeared, and the original Blood Spirit Abyss has turned into a sea of ​​magma!

Everyone was shocked, unbelievable, and discussed it one after another.

At this moment, Lu Yi and the others were almost back to the White Cloud Sect.

On the green leaf boat, Donggong Mingyue smiled brightly, very happy, and was very satisfied with the performance of the previous battle.

"I didn't expect this young lady to be so strong! Humph! It won't be long before I break through to the Nascent Soul realm, I might be able to defeat Senior Sister!" Donggong Mingyue put her hands on her hips arrogantly.

Liu Ningshuang glanced at Donggong Mingyue, but did not answer.

Yunxi looked at Donggong Mingyue and reminded: "Sister Ningshuang has mastered the domain, and Sister Mingyue, you are a lot worse."

Donggong Mingyue frowned and glared at Yunxi: "Who is your sister?! Stop screaming! You want to call me Daoist Donggong Mingyue! Daoist Yunxi!"

Yun Xi thought for a while, shook his head, and said, "But we all want to be Lu Yi's Taoist companions, and the relationship is sisters."

"What..." Donggong Mingyue's pretty face suddenly flushed red, angry and ashamed, and she stuttered at Yunxi, who was extremely straightforward: "! What did you say?!"

Yun Xi blinked: "The truth?"

Donggong Mingyue's chest rose and fell, and Yun Xi's chest swelled and hurt: "I won't tell you!"

Even Liu Ningshuang on the side had a look of embarrassment on her cold little face. After all, Yun Xi called her sister just now.

Seeing that the two were arguing again, Lu Yi felt a little stunned and said, "When you two were fighting just now, didn't you cooperate well? (This chapter is not over!)

Chapter 146 Two Immortal Treasures

? Why are you arguing all of a sudden? "

Donggong Mingyue puffed up her face: "Humph, who has a good relationship with her?"

Lu Yi is a little suspicious of life, doesn't it mean that fighting side by side can deepen the relationship? Could it be wrong?

Lu Yi felt a little helpless.

Back at Baiyun Sect, Lu Yi and the others returned to Lingluo Peak.

To celebrate the destruction of the Blood Spirit Religion, the four of them had a good meal in Lu Yi's cave.

The four of them drank and chatted. Donggong Mingyue had the lowest cultivation base and the least amount of alcohol. After a while, her pretty face flushed red after drinking it. She was lying on Lu Yi's shoulder and said words that no one could understand. Her arms were as white as jade. *** Outside, wrapped around Lu Yi's neck, it was very sticky, and there was a big difference from when he was awake.

Liu Ningshuang drank silently, glanced at Donggong Mingyue, and did not trick her with ice cubes as before and asked her to practice.

Lu Yi poured wine at Yun Xi and Liu Ningshuang, and said with a light smile: "Senior sister is getting stronger and stronger, so is Yun Xi, a toast to you."

Liu Ningshuang shook his head and chuckled: "Compared with junior brother, our progress is not enough. Junior brother's strength is really amazing, it is amazing that even that alien can be killed."

Yunxi likes Qingdan wine, and she drank Mingxin wine. She took a sip, her pretty face was slightly red, she nodded and said, "Well, Lu Yi, your strength is getting stronger and stronger."

A slight smile appeared on Liu Ningshuang's cold and pretty face: "I'm working hard to cultivate now, but it's just so that I can't see my back from being dumped by my junior brother."

Yun Xi blinked and nodded in agreement: "Sister Ningshuang is right. If you don't work hard, I'm afraid you won't even be able to see Lu Yi's back."

Hearing this, Lu Yi smiled and said, "Whether it's Senior Sister or Yun Xi, your talents are very good. If you work hard, we will naturally be able to walk on the path of immortality together."

The three of them drank and talked, and they also talked about some interesting things from the past, and chatted for a whole day.

During the period, Donggong Mingyue woke up once, and saw that they were still drinking, and drank a few more glasses.

In the end, the four of them all got drunk and leaned against Mi Mi Hu Hu, and it was rare that they did not practice and fell asleep.

The next morning, Lu Yi woke up and felt that his body was a little heavy. He opened his eyes, looked around, and found that Liu Ningshuang, Yunxi and Donggong Mingyue were still sleeping.

The three of them had their snowy arms slightly exposed, leaning against Lu Yi, the alcohol on their pretty faces had dissipated, and their skin was as crystal clear as white jade.

Lu Yi moved slightly, and Liu Ningshuang woke up.

She opened her eyes and noticed that she was leaning on Lu Yi, her head resting on Lu Yi's stomach, she couldn't help but froze.

She turned her head and looked at Lu Yi. The two looked at each other, and Liu Ningshuang was silent.

She sat up slowly, her jet-black hair fell like a waterfall, and she looked away slightly.

Lu Yi smiled: "Senior sister, good morning."

Liu Ningshuang nodded slightly: "Well... I drank too much last night."

Lu Yi said solemnly, "I don't mind."

Liu Ningshuang: "…"

She glanced at Lu Yi angrily, but Lu Yi didn't care at all, he laughed.

Liu Ningshuang glanced at Donggong Mingyue, who hugged Lu Yi's arm like a kitten, and used Lu Yi's arm as a pillow, and Yunxi, who was leaning on Lu Yi's shoulder on the other side, and exhaled slightly.

The next moment, two ice cubes appeared behind the necks of the two and slid down the necks.

Suddenly, Donggong Mingyue jumped up screaming: "It's so cold!"

Yun Xi also shivered and slowly opened her eyes. She saw Lu Yi next to her, smiled at Lu Yi, and closed her eyes again, leaning on Lu Yi's shoulder, trying to continue sleeping.

Donggong Mingyue noticed this, her chest heaved with anger, and lightning flashes appeared, and she shouted: "Yunxi! Get up! Don't lean on my senior brother's shoulder!"

She ran over and pulled Yun Xi up abruptly.

Yun Xi was helpless and stood up.

Lu Yi was equally helpless, both of them were very soft, and Lu Yi had not enjoyed enough.

He glanced at Liu Ningshuang helplessly, the corners of Liu Ningshuang's mouth raised, a smile appeared, and then he said, "After a day of indulgence, it's time to practice. Junior brother, practice hard."

Yun Xi also said, "Lu Yi, I'm going back."

Donggong Mingyue's eyes rolled. First Release Update@(This chapter is not over!)

Chapter 146 Two Immortal Treasures

Without speaking, Liu Ningshuang glanced at her and said with a small smile, "Junior sister should go back to practice."

Donggong Mingyue's body froze, and her head was downcast: "Oh..."

Lu Yi gave the three of them two talismans and some training resources, so that the three of them could practice well.

After that, the three of them left, and Lu Yi's cave was quiet.

Lu Yi closed the door of the cave and entered the training room.

He began to receive mission rewards.


Destroy the Blood Spirit Cult (Completed)

Kill the ancestor of the Blood Spirit Sect (completed)

There are a total of two tasks to destroy the Blood Spirit Religion, all of which have been completed at this moment.

The quest to destroy the Blood Spirit Religion will reward you with the spell "Shattering Seal" in the realm of fusion.

Lu Yi originally thought that the reward for this task was very high, but now it seems that it can only be said that it is ok.

After all, the ancestor in the Blood Spirit Religion is extremely powerful. Although he is only in the Void Realm, his combat power has already reached the realm of fusion. Finally, after he uses the secret technique, in the realm of fusion, he is probably a king-level existence, even in the realm of Mahayana. The attack was blocked twice, one can imagine how strong it is.

Lu Yi glanced at Zhen Tianyin's introduction, and then his eyes lit up, revealing a hint of surprise.

This shocking seal turned out to be a technique of the way of refining the body.

Through the simultaneous use of physical strength and spiritual energy, an extremely powerful seal is cast, which is very powerful. If it is attacked at close range, the power is even more terrifying.

This technique is very suitable for Lu Yi.

So far, Lu Yi's most powerful attacking techniques are the Heavenly Sword Nine Slashes and Yellow Springs Biluo in the Void Realm.

With the Earth-shattering Seal, Lu Yi's attack methods will be improved.

However, this needs to be done after Lu Yi has raised the level of Zhentian Seal up.

As for the task of killing the ancestors of the Blood Spirit Sect, the reward was two 100,000-year-old blood ginseng.

Generally speaking, elixir that is more than ten thousand years old is already extremely powerful, and elixir that is more than one hundred thousand years old is extremely rare in the whole of Tianming.

You can imagine how precious these 100,000-year-old blood ginseng are.

Even now, Lu Yi uses the blood burning technique with all his strength, as long as a thousand-year-old blood ginseng can replace the blood essence.

If you use 100,000-year-old blood ginseng, you probably only need a few ginseng slices.

Even if Lu Yixiu is upgraded to the realm of integration or even the realm of Mahayana, it can be used.

This is an extremely rare good thing.

As for the secret "Thousand-Variation Technique", after reading the introduction, Lu Yi was really pleasantly surprised.

This secret method is regarded as the super-realm version of "Transformation".

Unlike the Alteration Technique, which can only change in a small area, this Thousand Alteration Technique, like the "Blood Burning Technique", is an extremely rare and powerful secret technique.

The Thousand Transformation Technique can change the form on a large scale, not only can it change into other people, it can even change into various animals, including birds, tigers and so on!

What surprised Lu Yi the most was that although this Thousand Transformation Technique could not change a person's origin, it had the effect of blocking the qi machine. Even if one cultivated the Heavenly Eyes, he might not be able to see through the changing methods of the Thousand Transformation Technique!

This technique can be called a must-have for home travel!

Lu Yi immediately placed the cultivation of Thousand Transformations a high priority.

This technique must be learned!

With this technique, even if Lu Yi goes out, he doesn't have to worry about being discovered.

The rewards given by these two tasks are quite generous, and Lu Yi is very satisfied.

Then Lu Yi began to check the treasure left by the ancestor of the Blood Spirit Sect.

The last time I checked, I just took a quick look and didn't observe it carefully. This time, Lu Yi planned to take a good count of the rewards.

After a while, Lu Yi threw away some of the things he didn't need, leaving only the things he could use, including a lot of spirit stones, which were basically high-grade, and some top-grade spirit stones. It is outrageous to have a top-quality spirit stone.

There are also some medicinal pills, the quality is not as good as that made by Lu Yi himself, but the level is quite high, and they are basically in the Void Realm. Lu Yi can't make it now, he doesn't need it himself, but he can give it to others, and Used when making friends with others.

There were still a few treasures from heaven and earth, which Lu Yi naturally put away.

. (This chapter is not over!)

Chapter 146 Two Immortal Treasures

In addition, there are two other talismans, which are Wanli talismans, which are extremely precious and rare, and there are not many in Lu Yi.

In addition, there is a formation plate, which was used by the blood spirit sect ancestor to seal the town space. It was put away by him and was not destroyed.

The three most important items, the low-grade spiritual weapon tomahawk is a spiritual weapon that can increase the strength of qi and blood. It is very suitable for physical training. Of course, it is also useful for Lu Yi.

His current weapon is the Mingxin Sword, which is only a top-quality treasure. With this battle axe, his combat power can be improved a little.

Lu Yi found that there were a lot of Dao patterns circulating on the stone tablet, and it was extremely mysterious. Even Lu Yi felt it was very complicated and couldn't understand it.

Lu Yi guessed that this should be an extremely precious treasure, which may involve laws.

After all, Lu Yi had seen treasures involving laws, and the Divine Sword Stele was such a thing.

Lu Yi suspected that this blood-colored stone tablet was similar to the Divine Sword tablet.

In this way, the identity of the ancestor of the Blood Spirit Sect must be even more You must know that the Divine Sword Stele is the treasure of the Divine Sword Sect, and this stele was unexpectedly taken by a person in the Void Realm. Alien carry? !

One can imagine how powerful the people behind this alien race are.

Lu Yi felt a little cold when he thought of the feeling of being stared at.

Wouldn't this alien be the illegitimate child of that peerless immortal?

He felt his head a little too big.

In the end, the ruby ​​sapling was also extremely precious. Lu Yi discovered that this ruby ​​sapling could actually generate aura by itself, which is a function that Tiancaidibao does not possess at all.

Coupled with the surging Taoism around it.

Lu Yi had some doubts that this ruby ​​sapling might be Xianzhen.

For a time, Lu Yi's mood was very complicated, and he didn't know whether to be happy or sad. .

Chapter 146 Two Immortal Treasures

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