My Immortal Cultivation Game Life

Chapter 144: Demonic alien race, white tiger killing array

【My Immortal Cultivation Game Life】【】

The rolling screams echoed in the blood spirit abyss for a long time.

At this moment, a terrifying breath emerged, the world was silent, and a **** wave rushed out from a cave in the depths of the blood spirit abyss.

The incomparably rich **** smell filled the air, with a disgusting smell.

The next moment, a ray of blood rushed out of the cave, and a terrifying breath surged into the sky.

It was a little old man with white hair.

The old man hunched his body, his face was full of wrinkles, his eyes were cloudy, but his breath was as deep as abyss.

Lu Yi frowned and looked at the old man with some seriousness.

The Void Realm, and it is not the ordinary Void Realm, even Lu Yi felt a lot of threats.

Unexpectedly, such a strong person exists in the Blood Spirit Religion.

Lu Yi's body was surging with spiritual energy, and the formation patterns in the sky were flickering and disappearing. The Qi machine locked the old man in the Void Realm. At the same time, he sent a voice transmission to Liu Ningshuang, Donggong Mingyue and Yunxi, and asked them to come back.

The three retreated and returned to Lu Yi.

As their opponents, none of the powerhouses of the Blood Spirit Sect dared to pursue them, and everyone looked at the flashing formations in the sky with fear.

They naturally knew that Lu Yi had even killed cultivator Dongxu through this pattern before.

The hunky old man raised his head and looked at the flickering pattern, his turbid eyes also showed a solemn look. Error free update@

He looked at Lu Yi and sighed faintly: "It's really a hero. We are so old at such a young age."

He bowed his hands to Lu Yi, took a low attitude, and said, "Little Brother Lu, what happened before was the fault of my Blood Spirit Religion. Now that the Blood Spirit Religion has almost been destroyed by you, it can be regarded as repaying the cause and effect, why not? Let's stop here, how about that?"

Xue Tianhou waited for the god-turning cultivator and the surviving Yuanying and Jindan cultivators flew behind the ancestors of the Blood Spirit Sect, looking at Lu Yi with vigilance and hatred in their eyes.

Lu Yiling felt astonishing, and he naturally noticed it.

He glanced at the living Blood Spirit Sect powerhouse and said with a chuckle: "The great feud has already been forged, why is it that we just give up? You ask the head of the Blood Spirit Sect, if I killed his parent and son, he is willing to Let go of this great hatred?"

"You!" The **** weather stared at Lu Yi, as if he was going to eat him raw.

The old man looked at the **** weather, and then abruptly reached out to the **** weather, and directly penetrated his body.

The blood did not spurt out, but slowly merged into the old man's body along the old man's dry arm.

Xue Tianhou widened his eyes and looked at the old man in disbelief: "Old, old ancestor..."

He just uttered a few words, and his body was visibly withered and turned into a mummified corpse.

When the others saw this, their eyes widened, and they hurried away from the old man in horror.

The old man didn't care. He shook his arm, and the mummified body turned into fly ash. He looked at Lu Yi and said, "The **** weather is dead, little brother Lu, is this possible?"

Lu Yi looked at the old man and was shocked. This old man was so cruel. As the ancestor of the sect, he could even kill the headmaster without blinking an eye.

It's okay to just kill him, even his blood essence is absorbed, this old guy is simply a big devil.

Lu Yi felt a little chill in his heart. Who knows if this time is over, this old guy will take revenge in the future?

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【My Immortal Cultivation Game Life】【】

He didn't like keeping such a ruthless enemy.

Lu Yi said to himself in his heart, "I want to kill the ancestor of the Blood Spirit Sect."


Kill the ancestor of the Blood Spirit Sect

Reward: Two 100,000-year-old blood ginseng, the secret technique "Thousand Changes"

Whether to accept the task: yes/no

Lu Yi was overjoyed when he saw the mission reward.

This reward is so good?

Blood ginseng can be used as essence and blood. Lu Yi has a secret technique of burning blood, which is a rare life-saving method. , of course the best.

Not to mention there is a secret technique!

Lu Yi accepted the task.

He looked at the old man with a smile on his face, also smiled slightly, and said, "Old man, I'm afraid it won't work, the Blood Spirit Sect will not be destroyed, I feel uneasy."

Hearing this, the old man's expression darkened. (This chapter is not over!)

Chapter 144: Evil and alien race, white tiger kills array


There was a thick and rich blood flow around him, like blood flowing on the surface of his body.

He slowly said, "Little Brother Lu, this old man really wants to reconcile with you... Unfortunately, since that's the case, we can only fight to the death."

As soon as the old man's words fell, his withered body suddenly swelled, turning into a strong man more than two meters tall.

This brawny man's skin was red, his meridians protruded, and his strong muscles were extremely terrifying, exuding the power of qi and blood like the sun.

The strong man's face also became young, and a blood-colored horn appeared on his forehead, exuding an unimaginably sharp edge.

The surrounding space was distorted, as if the old man just stood there, and the space could not bear his existence.

As the old man turned into a strong man, Lu Yi's scalp became numb and his body hair exploded. His body instinctively told him that this was an extremely dangerous person, even far more than that of the Yuanzong cultivator that Lu Yi met earlier. Approaching the fusion power of Yuanzong that day!


Lu Yi's eyes widened, a look of astonishment on his face. Error free update@

In Tianming, humans, monsters and seas are relatively common races, and naturally there are other races.

Some races have never been seen before, and in the eyes of the human race, they are naturally aliens.

The ancestor of the Blood Spirit Sect in front of him is obviously an alien race, and it is also an alien race that Lu Yi has never heard of.

Lu Yi had never seen such a face even in books before.

He couldn't believe it: "The ancestor of the Blood Spirit Religion is a foreign race?"

Not only Lu Yi couldn't believe it, but Liu Ningshuang, Donggong Mingyue and Yunxi were also shocked.

In addition to the demon clan, the sea clan, and a small number of alien races, most of the alien races are very bloodthirsty. They did not expect that the ancestors of the human sects would be aliens.

Even the cultivators of the Blood Spirit Religion and a group of powerhouses were dumbfounded at the moment, looking at the greatly changed ancestor of the Blood Spirit Religion with disbelief.

"The ancestor is actually an alien? How is this possible?"

"Yeah... how is that possible??"

All the monks in the realm of gods were stunned and their expressions were shocked.

The eyes of the ancestor of the Blood Spirit Sect were blood red. He looked at Lu Yi calmly, and there was a blood mist flowing around his body, like blood flowing on the surface of his body.

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【My Immortal Cultivation Game Life】【】

After he recovered his body, he also released his true nature, with a bloodthirsty expression on his face, and his voice seemed to come from Jiuyou Purgatory: "Lu Yi, I didn't want to expose it, but unfortunately, you left me with no choice."

Lu Yi looked at the ancestor of the Blood Spirit Sect, and said slowly: "You are a foreign race, you established a sect in Qingzhou, and you spread magic arts, aren't you afraid of being besieged?"

"No one will know." The blood spirit sect ancestor's killing intent was like a stormy sea, even the strong blood spirit sect behind him were all cold.

The ancestors of the Blood Spirit Sect planned to kill everyone, and even the powerhouses of the Blood Spirit Sect did not intend to let them go.

Lu Yi's spiritual energy circulated all over his body and smiled: "If I want to leave, even if you are stronger, you can't stop it."

Hearing this, the ancestor of the Blood Spirit Sect laughed. He raised his head and laughed loudly. There were many disciples of the Blood Spirit Sect who were still alive in the realm of Qi and Foundation Establishment, and were shocked by the terrifying laughter. body shattered.

He stared at Lu Yi and smiled, "Of course I know that you are a genius of the human race. Even I have never thought that Xiao Tianming still has a monster like you. But... Since I have appeared, Naturally, I won't give you a chance to escape!"

He shouted loudly, blood flashed, and his hand squeezed the mysterious and complicated seal.

The next moment, the world was in turmoil, and the entire Blood Spirit Abyss was shaking.

A terrible pressure emerged.

Lu Yitong shrank, raised his head, and looked at the sky.

Up above is the **** abyss. Originally, the **** light was flashing, which was the great formation of the Bloody Spirit Religion, but now, the **** light has become more intense, turning into a blood-colored mask, completely covering the entire **** abyss.

The ancestor of the Blood Spirit Sect looked at Lu Yi murderously, and said, "This is my secret treasure, even the space is blocked, no one can escape! This abyss is your cemetery!"

The blood spirit sect powerhouses in the back were shocked.

An old monster shouted: "The old man is leaving. (This chapter is not over!)

Chapter 144: Evil and alien race, white tiger kills array

here. "

He turned into a **** light and rushed towards the blood-colored mask.


The old monster burst out with all its strength, and shot a blood-colored light beam that fell on the blood-colored mask. Under the roar, the blood-colored mask didn't even shake.

"How is that possible?!" The old monster was shocked.

The powerhouses of other Blood Spirit Religion were equally shocked.

Lu Yi glanced at the blood-colored mask, and his expression became a little more solemn.

The three Liu Ningshuang behind Lu Yi also frowned.

Donggong Mingyue looked around and said, "Senior brother, what should I do?"

Lu Yi looked deeply at the alien species in the distance, and said calmly, "It's okay, it's not necessarily that we died."

Hearing this, the ancestor of the blood spirit sect laughed: "As expected of the arrogance of the human race, if you and I are of the same rank, I will naturally turn around and leave, but I am a big realm higher than you! You still think you can win I?"

Lu Yi's expression was calm, he stepped forward, and chuckled, "How do you know if you don't try it?"

Lu Yi's spiritual energy was turbulent, and the pattern flashed in the sky, exuding terrifying coercion.

The ancestor of the Blood Spirit Sect heard the words and sneered: "It is impossible to succeed!"

He shouted loudly, his body exuded a fiery blood-colored radiance, and the blood flowed like a blood-colored sun burning.

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【My Immortal Cultivation Game Life】【】

The next moment, he turned into a streamer and rushed towards Lu Yi. With the movement of the ancestor of the Blood Spirit Sect, the space was distorted and even cracks appeared.

As a foreigner, the ancestor of the Blood Spirit Sect has an extremely powerful physical body. The cultivation technique seems to be different from that of the Blood Spirit Sect, and it has a very powerful effect on the physical body.

The momentum is like a terrifying monster, and the blood is soaring.

Lu Yi's expression was sharp, incomparably complicated patterns appeared in his eyes, and the patterns in the sky lit up.

This time, a full one-third of the formation pattern lit up, exceeding the area of ​​the formation pattern that Lu Yi faced with the Tianyuan Zongdong cultivator before.

There are black peaks condensed in the sky. The black peaks are like meteors, suppressing the past towards the ancestor of the Blood Spirit Sect. The black peaks seal the surrounding space, and the space seems to be frozen. Twisted, and cracks appeared.

The body of the ancestor of the Blood Spirit Sect was sealed in place. The next moment, he shouted, his whole body was shaken, and there was a sound of collapse, and the sound of space collapsing sounded.

He raised his head and roared, his huge fist smashed towards the black mountain peak.


Under the roar, the mountain peaks that exceeded ten thousand miles were directly smashed into pieces by the fists of the ancestors of the Blood Spirit Sect. Stones as huge as houses splashed in all directions, with a trace of terrifying blood.

A piece of stone fell on the ground, smashing the ground into deep pits of different sizes, like a meteorite falling to the ground. First Release Update@

Lu Yi was a little shocked. This burst of magic was enough to suppress the monks on the eighth and ninth floors of Dongxu, but it was so easily broken by the ancestor of the Blood Spirit Sect.

Sure enough, his strength is very unusual.

Even Lu Yi was surprised, let alone others.

Seeing such terrifying battle fluctuations, the hearts of all the cultivators were cold.

Both Lu Yi and the ancestors of the Blood Spirit Sect wanted them to die.

How can they resist such power?

No matter who wins or loses, they will die!

For a time, the faces of the Blood Spirit Religion powerhouses were ashen, with despair in their eyes, even the two old monsters at the peak of God Transformation.

They cursed secretly in their hearts, it would be better for Lu Yi and the ancestors of the Blood Spirit Sect to perish together!

And Liu Ningshuang and the three were equally frightened and worried about Lu Yi.

The ancestor of the Blood Spirit Sect laughed: "Lu Yi, you can use whatever means you have! Today, you will be convinced!"

Like a **** sun, he continued to charge towards Lu Yi.

Lu Yi's expression was calm, he didn't speak, and the seal was formed again, and a more complex and vast array appeared, occupying almost half of the area of ​​the sky array.


The sky sank, as if unable to withstand such pressure, the blood spirit abyss was shaking, and cracks appeared on the bottom and on the stone wall.

Under such coercion, the surviving Blood Spirit Sect disciples in the Foundation Establishment realm had cracks in their bodies, blood flowed across their bodies, and were severely injured on the spot, even if they were Jindan cultivators. (This chapter is not over!)

Chapter 144: Evil and alien race, white tiger kills array

His face was pale, as if being pressed against his chest by a mountain.

Everyone looked up at the sky in astonishment.

In the picture of the sky formation, the spiritual energy flowed and roared, condensing a white tiger that was several thousand meters long.

As soon as the white tiger appeared, he raised his head and roared in filial piety, the air was turbulent, and the cultivators under the golden core vomited blood again and again.

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【My Immortal Cultivation Game Life】【】

Under the pressure, the ground below the white tiger turned into a deep pit, and the ground was covered with cobweb-like cracks.

"This is... White Tiger Killing Formation?! It is rumored that if the combined powers fall into it, they will suffer." The god-turning monster of the Blood Spirit Religion has spent many years and has a lot of knowledge. Eyes widened, horrified.

He had no idea that Lu Yi could condense such a terrifying formation!

The ancestor of the Blood Spirit Sect raised his head and looked at the huge white tiger with a more solemn expression.

"The phantom of the white tiger, you want to kill me too?!" The ancestor of the Blood Spirit Sect raised his head and roared filially.



He stepped out, the space was dented by one of his feet, he made a fist with his right hand, and punched fiercely at the white tiger: "Rakshasa killing fist!


Under the burning blood, the fist turned into a golden-red sun and charged towards the white tiger.

Lu Yi's thoughts moved, the white tiger roared filial piety, its claws stepped on the sky, and slapped the sun fiercely.



Under the roar, the space shattered, forming a pitch-black void, and the terrifying aftermath surged. Even if the blood spirit cultivators had retreated again and again after the battle, they had retreated to a great distance. thump.

The three of Liu Ningshuang stood behind Lu Yi, and Lu Yi blocked the aftermath, but it had no effect.

Everyone watched the collision at the moment, almost holding their breath.

After the aftermath dissipated, the ancestor of the Blood Spirit Sect stood in the air, facing the white tiger, and the two attacks were evenly matched.

The powerhouses of the Blood Spirit Sect were too shocked to breathe.

"Old Ancestor... No, this alien, actually blocked the White Tiger Killing Formation?! It's terrifying! This is a big formation that can deal with the power of fit!


"Isn't Lu Yi the most terrifying thing? He is only on the seventh floor of the Nascent Soul Realm, yet he can set up such a killing formation! Even if he uses the power of a magic weapon, it is very unbelievable!"

Everyone woke up and looked at Lu Yi, who had a calm expression. Only then did they remember that Lu Yi is only at the Nascent Soul Realm!

For a cultivator in the Nascent Soul realm to be able to set up such a formation, it is simply a fantasy.

Even with the help of magic weapons, it is equally surprising.

Lu Yi was equally astonished. If it was six years ago, Lu Yi would not have been able to activate such a powerful formation.

In the past six years, Lu Yi's cultivation has improved, and the quality of his spiritual energy has also greatly improved. In addition, his formation realm has also greatly improved after absorbing the top formation analysis and the inheritance of the formation from the Imperial Palace.

Even so, Lu Yi was still very reluctant to use the sky formation map to arrange the white tiger killing formation.

This can be said to be the most powerful means under Lu Yi's normal state.

Even if his current kendo field is fully stimulated, it cannot be compared with the White Tiger Killing Formation.

But even so, this white tiger killing formation was unable to suppress the ancestor of the Blood Spirit Sect.

This alien race is definitely a top genius. His cultivation base is in the Void Realm, and he actually has the combat power of the Combined Realm. Looking at the entire Eastern Region, it is an extremely terrifying and powerful existence.

When Lu Yi was shocked, the ancestor of the Blood Spirit Sect was not shocked, even he did not expect that Lu Yi could condense such a formation.

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【My Immortal Cultivation Game Life】【】

His blood was surging all over his body, his fighting spirit was fierce, his killing intent was like a tide, and he roared with filial piety: "Kill! Rakshasa divine power!"

Behind him condensed a ferocious figure with a long, horned head and a sturdy figure. Error free update@

The phantom raised his head and roared filial piety, and the killing intent spread like a tide, turning into a ray of blood and merging into the body of the ancestor of the Blood Spirit Sect. UU Reading

There were bright red lines on the crimson skin of the ancestor of the Blood Spirit Sect, and his breath increased again, turned into a streamer, and rushed towards the white tiger.

Lu Yi frowned slightly, and with a thought, the white tiger roared filial piety and rushed towards the ancestor of the Blood Spirit Sect.

. (This chapter is not over!)

Chapter 144: Evil and alien race, white tiger kills array

One white and one red two spiritual lights intertwined, the roar resounded through the heavens and the earth, and the aftermath of the ring spread to all directions, the blood spirit Pope Sect below has been completely destroyed, leaving only one huge pit.

The area under the abyss is huge enough, and the ground is shaking at this moment, and cracks are constantly emerging.

The white tiger roared with filial piety, and the roar of the ancestors of the Blood Spirit Sect was like a drum of war all day long, resounding through the heavens and the earth.

The monks of the Blood Spirit Sect retreated again and again until they reached the edge of the blood-colored mask before they stopped.

In the entire Blood Spirit Religion, only a few disciples survived.


At this moment, a deafening roar sounded, and a white tiger whine resounded through the heavens and the earth, the white light dissipated, the blood spirit sect ancestor was covered in blood, covered with large and small scars, and stood in the sky, and the white tiger phantom, It slowly turned into white light and disappeared between heaven and earth.

Although the ancestor of the Blood Spirit Sect was injured, his aura was even more terrifying. He looked at Lu Yi with blood-filled eyes, with a hideous smile on his ugly face: "Lu Yi, your time of death has come."

Lu Yi's expression was still calm, and he sighed slightly.

Since conventional means are not an opponent, it is better to use a little unconventional means. .

Chapter 144: Evil and alien race, white tiger kills array

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