My Immortal Cultivation Game Life

Chapter 139: Eastern Vibration

Lu Yi's spiritual energy circulated, and the pattern on the talisman flickered, emitting a dazzling brilliance like the sun.


Compared with the fire phoenix condensed by the previous sky formation, a hotter temperature emerged, and the blazing white flames rose into the sky, like a storm, sweeping the whole world, forming clusters of flame beams.

Three True Fire Talismans.

Lu Yi obtained the husk a long time ago, and its power is extremely extraordinary, even in the face of a cultivator in the realm of integration, it can pose a threat.

The Sanyang True Fire Talisman seemed to turn an area of ​​hundreds of kilometers into a world of white flames, the heaven and earth shrouded by the Tianyuan Sect collapsed, and a mass of flame columns surrounded the great power of the Tianyuan Sect.

The Dao light on Tian Yuanzong's face flashed, and his heart was very uneasy.

Without holding the magic formula in his hand, a large white seal appeared on his head, and the big seal condensed a stream of white light, surrounding him.



Sanyang True Fire fell together, as if a star exploded, and a white beam of light shot up into the sky, straight up to the stars, even in a very distant domain, you could see a beam of light that penetrated the sky and the ground.

The monks looked shocked and stared at the area where the beam of light was.

"What a mighty power!"

"Is there a great power at war?!"

After a while, the beam of light slowly dissipated, and Tian Yuanzong's combined power rushed out, the big seal on the top of the head was darkened a lot, the long sleeves were turned into gray, and the skin was a little charred.

He breathed a little weaker, coughed up a wisp of blood, and looked away, but Lu Yi was nowhere to be seen.

The fit master raised his head and shouted: "Lu Yi! You can't run!


He turned into a streamer and rushed towards Qingzhou.

Not far from the battle area, many monks are approaching here.

They were attracted by the battle between Qian Lu Yi and several Dongxu monks.

Hearing the fit and powerful roar of filial piety, their faces changed one after another.

"Lu Yi?! The inheritor of the Sword Extermination Sutra?! The natural sword fairy?!"

"He's actually here?"

"The breath just now, I am afraid it is the fit of the power! He escaped in the hands of the fit power??"

Everyone was shocked and flew over.

When they came to the battlefield area, when everyone saw the scorched black with a radius of hundreds of kilometers, and the black pit with a radius of more than ten kilometers in the central area, they all gasped and were shocked.

"What is it?! It actually caused such damage??"

"That Immortal Seed, I am afraid that the means surpassed all thoughts, and the combined body almighty failed to catch him!"

There was a lot of discussion.

There are also monks who have noticed that the powerhouses of the gods in the Tianyuan sect cave have come out, and the few monks and monks have disappeared, and they have incredible guesses in their hearts.

Lu Yi was afraid that he had killed a few Dong Xiu and Shen Hua Xiu, and was still running away in the hands of the fit power.

This news shocked everyone for a while, and spread out like a storm)

More than a month after the Immortal Sword Sect was born, Lu Yi once again appeared in the field of vision of the monks in the Eastern Region. As soon as he appeared, he killed many monks of Dongxu and Shenhua by means of shocking everyone, and even killed many monks. Escaped in the hands of the integrated monk.

The monks who heard this breath were all in an uproar and had many discussions.

"It's really surprising that Lianhe was able to do it himself, but he couldn't keep him. He's just a Yuan Ying cultivator!"

"I don't know which powerhouses are out to deal with Lu Yi, saying that the immortal who is not Jianzong, even the sacred land of the eastern region, has spoken out, how dare they make a move?"

"Hehe, the benefits brought by the immortal scriptures are too great, and those old masters know the consequences and will give it a shot. Besides, no one knows who is doing it now, right?"

"However, I haven't been able to catch Lu Yi in this way. I'm afraid he has become a climate. If it takes another thousand years, he may be able to run rampant in the Eastern Region."

"As expected of a worldly demon that even immortals admire."

At this moment, Lu Yi did not know the news.

He is using Sanyang True Fire (this chapter is not over!)

Chapter 139: Eastern Territory Vibration

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After the talisman, he didn't stay to check the results, and without any reservation, he used the extreme level of Jian Yuandun.

Jian Yuan Dun, as a technique in the Nascent Soul realm, has been transformed into a kind of rapidity in the world after training to the extreme level, coupled with Lu Yi's kendo realm.

When Yang Zhenhuo broke out, he had already rushed out a long way.

After that, Lu Yi changed his form again, used the breath-holding technique, and went directly into a forest.

Lu Yi didn't move in the direction of Qingzhou. He turned a corner and moved tens of thousands of kilometers to the north before finally stopping in a mountain range.

Lu Yi sighed slightly. Judging from the breath he got from his soul search, Tian Yuanzong only deduced his position once, not all the time. In a short time, Lu didn't have to worry about it. That combination can catch up.

However, the Mahayana Great Master of Yuanzong may not continue to play. If he plays again, Tianyuanzong cultivator may continue to catch up.

The most troublesome thing is that the monks who can deduce divination are not only Tianyuanzong, but they may not be stable on their way back.

He is a little helpless in his heart, and he has scriptures, just like a child holding gold in the market, it is too easy to attract people to spy)

If you also have a certain understanding of the way of divination, it is good to cover up your qi.

Lu Yi didn't come down, he continued to use the breath-holding technique, and he didn't even use the spiritual energy. He just relied on his own body to walk through the forest.

At the same time, Lu Yi glanced at his panel.

The task just now should be completed.


Kill the chasing soldiers in the rear, and the reward depends on the number of kills (completed)

Reward: The Dream Cloud Jade Pendant, a mid-grade spiritual tool.

Whether to receive rewards: / No

Lu Yi glanced at the reward, then stopped and smiled.

This dream cloud jade pendant can stabilize his own machine, and even cover the air machine, it is exactly the spiritual tool he needs at this moment!

Lu Yi was very pleasantly surprised, but he was also expected.

After all, after doing so many tasks before, Lu Yi found out that task rewards are generally distributed according to the task object.

For example, in the task of sparring with the Heavenly Dragon Son, the basic prizes are all related to the real dragon, and the basic prizes are also related to their sense of mood.

This time, the target of the task is Tianyuanzong monks, who are proficient in divination, and the rewarded spiritual weapon is just to restrain them, which is reasonable.

Without saying a word, Lu Yi directly put the Mengyun jade pendant on, and immediately felt a strange wave of fluctuations from the jade pendant, shrouding him.

This kind of feeling is very mysterious. If it weren't for Lu Yi and Dao's meeting, I'm afraid it would be difficult to detect.

This is probably the feeling of covering up your qi, right?

Lu Yi smiled, and with the Mengyun Jade Pendant, he didn't have to worry about being noticed again.

I am afraid that it is a tribulation cultivator who wants to predict his position, and I am afraid that he will be extremely disturbed.

In addition, this Dream Cloud Jade Pendant can also be used in the transformation technique, so Lu Yi is not afraid of being recognized as long as he is careful.

Lu Yi breathed a sigh of relief, and then moved in the direction of Qing again.

However, along the way, Lu Yi changed his position from time to time, not in a straight line, for fear of another accident.

When encountering the ancient city, Lu Yi tried his best not to enter, and was very low-key.

Not long after, Lu Yi finally returned to the Qingzhou boundary.

As soon as he entered the Qingzhou boundary, Lu Yi discovered something was not quite right.

Qingzhou is weak in the entire Eastern Region, and the strongest monks are only monks in Dongxu, and the realm of transformation is already the existence of the Supreme Elder.

But even if Lu Yi didn't enter, he could see cultivator Dongxu flying across the sky from time to time.

Lu Yi narrowed his eyes, guessing that these monks probably came from other places.

After all, Lu Yi's sect is in the Baiyun Sect. Although many monks were very afraid and did not dare to enter Baiyun because of the Mahayana and the Fit Power before disappearing into Baiyun, but not in Qingzhou, if they could stop Lu Yi on the road, That might pay off.

Lu Yi thinks clearly about the situation (this chapter is not over!)

Chapter 139: Eastern Territory Vibration

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After the situation, he sneered in his heart, but unfortunately he now has a dream cloud jade pendant, which conceals the secret.

Lu Yi took a step, passed the territory of Wenjian Villa, and continued to cross the territory of Wanhuazong.

When Lu Yi passed the Wanhua Mountains, he really wanted to meet Yunxi.

But his current identity is sensitive. If he goes to see Yunxi now, I am afraid it will bring bad consequences to Wanhua Sect. Lu Yi thought for a while, but in the end he didn't go in.

When passing through the Ten Thousand Flowers Sect's territory, Lu Yi found that there were more powerhouses in each area. Lu Yi felt the aura of the power of the fusion realm flashing past, and there was even a deeper and more powerful aura.

There is a hidden Mahayana practice in the dark.

Lu Yi narrowed his eyes, feeling very unhappy. When he becomes stronger, will these guys stay here! If he really stayed here, he would be killed one by one.

When he crossed the Ten Thousand Flowers Territory and came to the White Cloud Sect Territory, what surprised Lu Yi was that there were no strong men.

But Lu Yi quickly guessed the cause.

After all, there are strong people in the White Cloud Sect. No matter how bold these cultivators are, they will not stay in the territory of Baiyun.

But Lu Yi thinks they think too much. With the lazy appearance of her master, she must have come to the door. She is probably still sleeping...

Before entering Yunzong Great Power, it was completely self-destruction.

Of course, this was naturally a matter for Lu, but he felt a lot more relaxed.

Even so, Lu Yi kept a low profile, and soon came to outside the gate of Baiyun Sect.

Lu Yi changed back to his original appearance.

Perhaps because there are a large number of strong people outside the White Cloud Sect, the one guarding the mountain gate turned out to be Elder Qiling.

When Elder Qiling saw Lu Yi, his eyes widened as if he had seen a ghost.

"Yi?! Your kid came back alive??"

When Lu Yi heard this, his head was full of black lines, and it was very unpleasant: "Why do you always sound like you want me to die?"

"How is that possible?" Qi Ling was speechless, then looked at Lu Yi in amazement: "Do you know how many powerhouses are looking for you in Qingzhou now?! Even the Mahayana monks have a large number! We all thought you would come back, but I didn't expect you It's time to come back."

Ling was very surprised and kept chattering: "You kid can actually pass through the blockade of this great warrior, it's just... It's a pervert of a special mother!"

Lu Yi's head was full of black lines, and he couldn't tell for a while whether the old man was praising him or being with him.

"Do you know? The great master who entered the sect did not know who was destroyed by it, otherwise, the White Cloud Sect would probably be in trouble." Qi Ling continued: "I didn't expect that there would be a tribulation cultivator hiding in my Yun sect. But after looking for it for so long, we don't know who it is, otherwise, I will beg him to bring you!"

Lu Yi felt strange, it seemed that no one knew that his master was so strong?

Then Qi Ling patted his forehead and said, "You kid just came back, you should be tired and go back to rest first? I'll go to inform them that you're back. Old Man Ming was trying to find you before, but we stopped him. He also looked at his own strength? A holeshot, not enough to be slapped outside..."

Listening to Ling's chatter, Lu Yi felt a little overwhelmed, and quickly said goodbye to Qi Ling. First, he went home and met Lao Lu and his mother.

This time the matter is a bit big, so we have to report safety first, lest they worry.

When Lu Gaoyang and Wang Siqi saw Lu Yi, they were first surprised and incredulous, and then relieved.

"It's good to come back, it's good to come back!" Wang Siqi hugged Lu Yi, and even opened her mouth, her voice was a little choked)

Lu Gaoyang also showed a smile.

Although the two of them have reached the realm of Jindan, their strength is still too weak, and they have helped Lu Yishi at all, so they can only pray in Yunzong.

Seeing Lu Yi coming back, the two of them relaxed.

The two talked a lot to Lu Yi, and seeing the worried and tired look of the two, Lu Yi felt a little guilty, which made people worry.

However, this time, it was really impossible.

Lu Yi talked to the two of them, and left some treasures and magic treasures for Lao Lu (this chapter is not over!)

Chapter 139: Eastern Territory Vibration

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I used it with my mother and ate a meal made by my mother at home.

The news of Lu Yi's return was spread by the elder Qi Ling, and soon spread throughout the entire Baiyun Sect. Wu Qingfeng, the headmaster, Elder Ming, and all the elders and elders were all alarmed.

The disciples of the entire sect also received the news and were full of excitement.

Lu Yi is famous in the Eastern Region, a peerless monster that even immortals admire!

It is the immortal of their Baiyun Sect. Now that he has returned safely, it is a very pleasant surprise for the entire Baizong.

In the end, Elder Wu Qingfeng, Elder Ming and other Baiyun sects came to Lu Yi's house. After seeing Lu Yi, everyone felt relieved.

"Boy Lu, you're finally back. It's good to be back, and it's good to be back safely!" Elder Ming was very happy and cheerful.

Elder Wu Qingfeng and others also smiled.

These days, they have been worrying in their hearts.

Everyone knows that there are probably a few masters who want Lu Yi's life, but unfortunately their White Cloud Sect's cultivators are weak and can't help Yi at all.

And the mysterious powerhouse in the White Cloud Sect, no one knows who it is, they searched the entire White Cloud Sect and couldn't find it.

I can't even get that mysterious powerhouse to bring Lu Yi back, so I can only worry.

Now that Lu Yi came back, the big stone in their hearts fell.

"I don't know which senior lives in my Baiyun Sect. If you can know, you can invite him out of the mountain." It was an old man with white hair and a young face.

His name is Liu Zhenyang. Lu Yi heard that he had some insight when he first broke through the realm of Nascent Soul.

This is a good thing, but unfortunately Lu's situation was not good at the time, and not many people were happy.

Headmaster Wu Qingfeng was helpless: "If such an existence is not willing to be discovered by us, how can we find it?"

The crowd was also a little silent.

Lu Yi was speechless. If he knew that this powerful man was the master who slept late every day, what kind of expressions would they have?

"But anyway, Lu Shi-nephew is back, which is a good thing.

"Hahaha, even the great power of the body can't catch you, you can come, I don't care at all!" A Taishang elder laughed.

The news of Lu Yi's escape from Tianzong's combined master spread throughout the East, and Baiyunzong naturally also received the news.

The atmosphere of everyone was happy, Lu Yi came back, and everyone in the White Cloud Sect put down their worries and was very happy.

Lu Yi slept at home that day. Early the next morning, Yi Cai left and returned to Luo Feng.

After returning to Lingluo Peak, Lu Yi thought about it and felt that he still had to go to Shizun first, not that he wanted Shizun to help him beat up the great powers outside, and use his own Shizun's reputation. Temperament, it is estimated that you don't want to go out, and it is also realistic.

He just felt that he was back, and he had to report safety. Of course, the teacher may have known that he was back.

Moreover, he had run out of epiphanies, and Lu Yi planned to let Master preach a sermon by the way.

Lu Yi came to the top of Lingluo Peak, stood in front of the bamboo house, and said, "Master, disciple Lu Yi asks to see you."

There is no movement in the bamboo house)

Lu Yi was not surprised, his master was always sleeping, and Lu Yi sometimes called him several times.

Lu Yi looked calm and continued to speak: "Master, get up and eat!"

At this moment, a white shadow appeared in front of Lu Yi, and it was the Peak Master Ling Luo.

Her face was sleepy, and there was still confusion in her lacquer eyes, and there was a hint of greed on her pretty face.

But after seeing Lu Yi, she froze for a moment, scratched, and made the hair on her face a little more upturned, and said, "'s your kid."


Lu Man's head was full of black lines, and he said nothing: "Master, your apprentice I just came back from death. Your reaction is too calm, right?"

Master Lingluo stretched his waist, Bai's arms and abdomen flashed like jade, and he didn't care about being seen by Lu, maybe he was used to it.

She snorted, turned around and entered the bamboo house, and opened (this chapter is not over!)

Chapter 139: Eastern Territory Vibration

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Said: "Anyway, you're fine, why am I surprised?"

Lu Yi's own master looked calm, and he felt that she was really unusual. Lu Yi remembered that his master had said before that he had practiced the Great Destiny Technique.

After learning about Tianyuanzong's divination method, UU reading Lu Yi realized how powerful and terrifying it is to practice the Great Destiny Technique)

I am afraid that the master has already passed it.

Lu Yi thought about it, looked at his master curiously, and asked, "Master, did you deal with those Mahayana monks and integrated monks who entered the White Cloud Sect?"

Master Ling Luo didn't hide it either, and nodded indifferently: "Yes."

Lu Yi became even more curious. He looked at his master and asked, "Master, how strong are you?"


Change first and then change~

Chapter 139: Eastern Territory Vibration

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