My Immortal Cultivation Game Life

Chapter 119: blood of fairy

【My Immortal Cultivation Game Life】【】

On this day, a powerful and incomparably powerful aura rose to the sky outside the Baiyun Sect's sect and pressed towards the sect.

Lu Yi woke up from his practice and left the cave.

In addition to him, a large number of monks were also awakened, and the elders and disciples of the White Cloud Sect rose into the air and flew in the direction of the breath, with very angry expressions.

It has been a long time since no one dared to provoke Baiyunzong like this.

Lu Yi, Liu Ningshuang and Donggong Mingyue also flew over.

Outside the mountain gate, Lu Yi saw a group of people confronting Wu Qingfeng and a group of elders, including elder Ming.

The people here have a strong aura, and Lu Yi is somewhat familiar with them. The people from the Blood Spirit Sect, the Heavenly Snake Sect and their alliance are all old men.

The breath of these old men is as deep as the sea, and all of them are monks in the realm of God Transformation.

In addition to these old men, there is also a handsome young man,

This young man had wisps of dragon air circulating around his body, and his breath was extremely powerful. When he raised his hands and feet, his blood energy was like a stormy sea, which was extremely terrifying.

All the cultivators carefully accompanied the young man, as if his status was very high.

Lu Yi was a little surprised, the young man's aura was very strong, like a real dragon roaring in his body.

I am afraid that this guy has also broken through the three-layered heaven restriction, and he is practicing extremely powerful body training exercises.

Not only Lu Yi, but other cultivators were also paying attention to the young man, wondering who he was.

Lu Yi turned to look at Liu Ningshuang and asked, "Senior sister, do you know who that person is?"

Liu Ningshuang glanced and shook her head: "I don't know, but his strength is very strong."

Lu Yi nodded slightly.

Wu Qingfeng's face was cold, he glanced at the young man with a calm expression, then glanced at the other cultivators, and said faintly, "Blood, are you here to die?"

An old man from the Heavenly Snake Sect sneered: "Today we are not here for the **** battle, but to accompany the Son of Heavenly Dragon."

Hearing this, Wu Qingfeng's expression changed slightly.

"The Son of Heavenly Dragon? A person from Heavenly Dragon Holy Land?"

When the others heard this, they were also in an uproar.

Like the Divine Sword Sect, the Heavenly Dragon Holy Land is one of the holy places of the Immortal Sect in the Eastern Region. There have been immortals in the ancestors, and the background is amazing and the strength is extremely powerful.

The crowd immediately began to discuss.

"I've never heard of a Holy Son in the Heavenly Dragon Holy Land, how come a Holy Son suddenly appeared?"

"Yeah, if there really is a Holy Son, then it shouldn't be a nameless name. On the Eastern Region Tianjiao list, Bei Lianfeng from the Heavenly Dragon Holy Land ranks sixth. Even he is not a Holy Son."

People are puzzled.

An old man from the Heavenly Snake Sect smiled and said, "What do you know? The Holy Son has been in seclusion in the Holy Land, hid in the snow for twenty-five years, and refined his body with the blood of the supreme dragon. "

Wu Qingfeng frowned, looking at the young man, the young man's body was full of dragon air, and his breath was terrifying, indeed unusual.

He took a deep breath and said, "Why did the Son of Heavenly Dragon come here?"

The Heavenly Dragon Saint son carried his hands on his back, his face was calm, and he said, "I have just completed my magic, and I need someone to stand up. The immortal seed in your sect is a good choice. I plan to suppress him."

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【My Immortal Cultivation Game Life】【】

These words made Wu Qingfeng and others look gloomy, even the monks in the back whispered earnestly.

Beside Lu Yi, Liu Ningshuang also frowned, and Donggong Mingyue's chest heaved with anger, clenched her fists and said, "Who is this person? So arrogant! I really want to kill him!"

The Son of Heavenly Dragon didn't care about everyone's reaction, and Tan Ran said, "There was only one thing before, but now there is one more thing."

Wu Qingfeng took a deep breath and said slowly, "What else is there?"

"I came here and found out that the Serpent Sect is the legacy of my Heavenly Dragon Holy Land, and now I'm being bullied at my door. I'm here to seek justice."

Hearing this, everyone was shocked.

"The Heavenly Snake Sect turned out to be the legacy of the Heavenly Dragon Holy Land?"

"The Nine Transformations of the Celestial Snake of the Celestial Snake Sect seems to be a fragment. I heard it is very interesting. Could it be from the Immortal Sutra of the Heavenly Dragon Holy Land?"

No one thought that the Snake Sect would have such a background on this day.

But this also made people even more angry.

"It was clearly the Tian Snake Sect who first attacked Junior Brother Lu Yi and attacked our White Cloud Sect together with the Blood Spirit Sect first, and yet came to seek justice?! This is too shameless!"

"That's right, what the **** son!"

Even Wu Qingfeng's face was cold.

He looked deeply at the Heavenly Dragon Son, but did not make a move.

After all, the Heavenly Dragon Holy Land is extremely powerful, much stronger than the White Cloud Sect.

If possible, the best choice is naturally not to have a grudge against the Holy Land.

Wu Qingfeng opened his mouth and said, "We can discuss the matter of the Heavenly Snake Sect. As for my sect, Lu Yi, he is still in retreat and cannot fight."

"Can't fight? Isn't it because of fear?" An old man from the Heavenly Snake Sect sneered.

"Haha, isn't Lu Yi very powerful? The rumors are so amazing that they all understand the field of kendo. So powerful, why don't you fight the Heavenly Dragon Son?" An old man from the Blood Spirit Sect grinned and said slowly.

All the disciples of Baiyun Sect were full of atmosphere, and Wu Qingfeng and other god-transforming powerhouses were also frowning.

The Son of Heavenly Dragon calmly said, "Are you worried that I will kill him? As long as he admits defeat, I will spare his life."

Liu Ningshuang frowned even tighter.

Nangong Mingyue next to her gritted her jade teeth, wishing she could rush up by herself.

Even Lu Yi himself had a big fire and wanted to hit people.

But it's not good for him to go out now. After all, there is Tianlong Holy Land behind him. If Lu Yi hits him, he won't panic, but it's easy to bring disaster to the sect.

At this moment, a lazy voice came from behind Lu Yi: "Want to hit him?"

The three of Lu Yi turned their heads and looked at Lingluo, who was standing on top of him, with a sleepy look on his face, as if he hadn't woken up.

She grumbled in dissatisfaction: "This **** is very arrogant. Boy, do you want to beat him?"

Lu Yi said speechlessly: "Master, are you kidding me? Can I beat him?"

Peak Master Lingluo waved his hand indifferently: "Of course, with me, it's fine if you kill him."

Hearing this, Lu Yi was a little startled.

Sure enough, his own master is not simple.

This is the holy son who was released from the snow in the Tianlong Holy Land for 25 years. It's okay to kill himself?

"Master, is what you said true?" Donggong Mingyue was a little skeptical.

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【My Immortal Cultivation Game Life】【】

"Will I lie to you as a teacher?" Peak Master Lingluo rubbed Donggong Mingyue's head in dissatisfaction, and Donggong Mingyue immediately covered her head with a look of grievance.

When Lu Yi heard this, his heart relaxed, the corners of his mouth were raised, a smile appeared, and he said to himself, "I want to defeat the Son of Heaven."


Defeat the Son of Heaven

Reward: 1 drop of true dragon blood

Whether to accept the task: yes/no

When Lu Yi saw the quest reward, he was stunned for a moment, and then he was ecstatic.

It turned out to be the blood of a real dragon!

His previous real dragon blood has been absorbed, and now the physical strength is extremely terrifying, and his understanding of the real dragon pattern is getting deeper and deeper.

However, it may be that the blood of the real dragon is just ordinary blood, and the power contained in the blood is somewhat insufficient.

If there is real dragon essence blood, he may transform his body.

Not only that, the true dragon pattern contained in the blood of the true dragon is definitely more esoteric and mysterious, perhaps enough for him to improve the Heavenly Thunder True Dragon Art again.

The reward for this mission is really generous.

Just defeat, and even reward the blood of the real dragon, which is equivalent to the blood of immortals.

It seems that the talent of the Heavenly Dragon Son is indeed very unusual, otherwise the quest rewards would not be so generous.

Lu Yi happily accepted the task.

Then, he took a step forward and suddenly appeared beside Wu Qingfeng.

Wu Qingfeng's faces were ugly, and they were thinking about how to send Tianlong Shengzi.

Seeing Lu Yi appear, their faces changed.

Elder Ming said: "Little Lu, why are you here? The Son of Heaven is here for you. If you come out, we will be very passive."

Wu Qingfeng's expression also changed slightly. He was about to speak, but at this moment, his face froze, and then he showed ecstasy. He patted Lu Yi on the shoulder with a bright smile: "Nephew Lu, are you willing to talk to me? The battle between the Dragon and the Son of Heaven?"

The expressions of Qi Ling and others changed at the moment, as if they had received some news, and then they became excited.

The cultivators behind him were not clear. Seeing Lu Yi coming out, their faces changed again and again.

"Why did Junior Brother Lu come out?"

"Yeah, whether Junior Brother Lu wins or loses, I'm afraid he won't be good."

"Headmaster is also true, how can Junior Brother Lu be allowed to join?"

The monks looked worried.

On the other hand, the god-turning cultivators of the Blood Spirit Religion and other sects were full of surprises and smiled.

"Holy Son, he is that Lu Yi!"

The Heavenly Dragon Saint raised his head and looked at Lu Yi with star-like eyes. The dragon qi turned into a real dragon and wrapped around his body, and the terrifying aura escaped. Even a few cultivators felt a little uncomfortable.

"It's him? Very good." Tianlong Shengzi smiled, stepped into the sky, and said: "Lu Yi, come up for a fight, today is my first fight in the WTO, I will step on you to create my invincible reputation!"

Hearing this, Lu Yi smiled slightly, and also came to the sky, standing opposite the Heavenly Dragon Son.

Lu Yi looked at the Son of Heaven, with a calm expression, and said, "Your strength may be a little short, and you may be defeated in the first battle of your entry into the WTO."

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【My Immortal Cultivation Game Life】【】

Tianlong Shengzi is very confident. Hearing this, he just chuckled and didn't care.

The next moment, he waved his hand casually, like a real dragon waving its tail, the terrifying power of qi and blood surged, and a dragon roar faintly sounded in the sky.

The void is like a canvas, constantly twisting and shaking under the mighty power of the Heavenly Dragon Son.

One after another dragon energy roared and rushed towards Lu Yi, just with a wave of his hand, there was such a mighty force.

Heavenly Dragon Saint Son's cultivation base is only at the peak of Jindan. Lu Yi guessed that it may have broken the restrictions of the Heavenly Dao of several Jindan realms, and because of the use of dragon blood to refine the body, the strength is extremely terrifying.

This coercion is not much worse than that of his own senior sister.

Facing the dragon's roar of filial piety, Lu Yi's face was calm, and a clear sword sounded, forming a special little world in the sky.

Within a radius of several hundred meters, all are golden sword lights, filled with immortal sword intent.

After all the dragon qi approached the field of kendo, they were all wiped out by the sword will.

"It's the field of kendo! This is the field of kendo!"

"Sacred Son Long was really good that day. This blow, the average Yuan Ying peak has to avoid it, right? It's a pity that Junior Brother Lu's kendo field is stronger, and within the field, I am invincible!"

Many Baiyun Sect disciples were full of excitement.

When Tianlong Shengzi saw the kendo field, his expression became solemn, and he said, "The kendo field is really unusual. Such an opponent is worthy of being my stepping stone! Tianlong changes!"

He let out a low roar, like a real dragon roaring filial piety, and the dragon energy rolled around, and there were condensed lines all over his body, forming dragon scales on the surface of his body.

With the appearance of the dragon scales condensed by the Dao Rune, the aura of the Heavenly Dragon Son increased greatly and became extremely powerful, as if a real dragon was waking up.

Originally seeing Lu Yi in the field of kendo, some discolored blood spirit cultivator monks and others showed joy when they saw this.

Lu Yi was a little surprised when he saw the dao pattern on Tianlong's body. This pattern was very similar to Lu Yi's kendo through the blood of a real dragon.

I heard that the Heavenly Dragon Son used the supreme real dragon blood to quench the body before, so it seems that the Heavenly Dragon Son is really using the real dragon blood.

Probably only the Holy Land has such a generous hand, using the blood of the immortal to cultivate a holy child.

However, the Dao pattern mastered by the Heavenly Dragon Son doesn't seem to be too many, not even as many as he does, perhaps because of the lack of understanding?

Lu Yi sighed in his heart, and saw Long Shengzi shouting angrily that day, the dragon energy rolled around, and rushed towards Lu Yi.

Relying on his supreme body, he planned to rush into Lu Yi's sword domain and fight Lu Yi, very domineering.

Lu Yi's face was calm, and he took a step forward. One after another, golden sword lights as thick as an arm and more than ten meters long condensed, and hundreds of sword lights rushed towards the Heavenly Dragon Son.

The surging meaning of immortality and the incomparably sharp kendo will surging, tearing apart pieces of the sky.

Even the Son of Heavenly Dragon's face changed drastically. Before the sword light came to his body, there was a slight tingling pain in his body, and the dragon scales condensed by the Dao pattern flickered and seemed to be broken.

Lu Yi's kendo cultivation is far beyond the expectations of Tianlong Shengzi, and it does not look like a sword cultivator who has just condensed into the field of kendo!

Tianlong Shengzi shouted, clenched his fist and punched out, the dragon energy roared with filial piety, his fist strength condensed a yellow dragon hundreds of meters, roaring filial piety and rushed towards Jianguang.

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【My Immortal Cultivation Game Life】【】



The roar sounded, the space at the collision was twisted and torn apart, and the violent aftermath of the spiritual energy turned into a gust of wind. The mountain peaks outside the Baiyun Sect were swept away layer by layer of stone skin by these gusts, and the ground was even more devastated.

The expressions of Wu Qingfeng and the others on the side changed slightly, and they quickly reached out to resist the aftermath, so that the aftermath did not spread to the disciples of Baiyun Sect at the rear.

Even so, the disciples of Baiyun Sect were still in a cold sweat.

"This power is too terrifying!"

"Is this really a battle in the Jindan realm? Even in the Nascent Soul realm, I am afraid that few people have such strength, right?"

"Although this Heavenly Dragon Holy Son is very arrogant, his strength is indeed very strong. He can even block the swordsmanship of Junior Brother Lu."

The crowd exclaimed.

In the aftermath, Lu Yi stepped out, stepping on the sword light, like a sword fairy coming to the world, and walked towards the Dragon Son that day.

One after another, terrifying sword lights with a length of more than ten meters followed Lu Yi and shot at the Heavenly Dragon Son.

The Son of Heavenly Dragon roared with filial piety with dragon energy all over his body, and the Dao pattern flashed out, like a young dragon.

It's a pity that facing Lu Yi's sword light, he retreated again and again, and even the dragon marks all over his body began to darken.

Lu Yi's strength far exceeded the imagination of Tianlong Shengzi, and he was easily suppressed.

The Son of Heavenly Dragon saw that he was retreating again and again, his eyes were filled with anger and unwillingness, and he roared again: "Heavenly Dragon Claw!"

He condensed the dragon energy all over his body, and complex Dao patterns flashed in his eyes. He reached out to Lu Yi and grabbed it like a dragon's claws.

The next moment, a huge dragon claw with a radius of nearly 1000 meters descended in the sky and grabbed it towards Lu Yi. The pressure of the dragon claw was extremely powerful. Before it got close to the ground, the ground seemed to be unbearable, and the ground was sunken. go down.

Seeing this, Lu Yi was also a little surprised. Not to mention the Heavenly Dragon Son, his strength was indeed quite good.

He snorted lowly, and the sword lines condensed in the small world. That was the truth of kendo that Lu Yi learned from the Divine Sword Monument. The sword lines flashed with sharp and dazzling brilliance, making all the disciples watching feel the tears flowing. , couldn't help but closed his eyes.

Only some cultivators and Liu Ningshuang could open their eyes and watch.

That's what made them terrified.

Elder Ming said in shock: "The realm of kendo mastered by Lu Xiaozi is already somewhat unimaginable to me."

One after another sword pattern merged into the sword light, and the sword light suddenly released a more terrifying aura.

The sword light merged and turned into a thousand-meter golden sword light, streaking across the sky, directly slicing the dragon's claws in half, the dragon's claws cracked, and then turned into flying ash, like stardust scattered, flying all over the sky.

Tianlong's claws were broken, Tianlong's son's face changed drastically, and before he could react, the kilometer-long golden sword light slashed at him.

The sword light swept across the sky, and cracks appeared one after another on the ground, like an invisible long sword being drawn on the ground.

The sword light slashed at Tianlong's body, and a roar sounded.

The dragon pattern on the Son of Heavenly Dragon shattered on the spot, and his fleshly body was like porcelain, with cracks appearing one after another, and blood spurting out with golden light.

His fleshly body shot directly into the ground, smashing a 100-meter-defense pit on the ground, and his breath became extremely weak.

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【My Immortal Cultivation Game Life】【】

The golden sword light in the sky dissipated, and Lu Yi stood in the sky, his white clothes like snow, his black hair crystal clear, his skin as clear as jade, his graceful appearance was peerless, like a god.

The world fell silent for a while, and then the monks of the White Cloud Sect all cheered.

"As expected of Junior Brother Lu Yi!"

"Hahaha, what about the Holy Son of the Holy Land? In front of Junior Brother Lu Yi, he is still vulnerable!"

Especially the female disciples of Baiyun Sect, looking at Lu Yi's eyes were full of brilliance, and their expressions were extremely excited.

Donggong Mingyue and Liu Ningshuang are also looking at Lu Yi at the moment.

With a trace of admiration in Donggong Mingyue's eyes, UU Reading said, "Senior brother is amazing!"

Liu Ningshuang also nodded slightly, with a small smile on her cold little face: "Junior brother has not used all his strength yet, if he had done his best, I am afraid it would have surpassed me by a lot."

After all, the Heavenly Dragon Saint Son had extraordinary strength. Although it was just a golden pill, if she made a move, she would have to go all out.

In the end, facing Lu Yi, but being defeated so easily, Liu Ningshuang understood that Lu Yi's strength had surpassed her at the moment.

"Domain..." Liu Ningshuang's eyes flickered, the domain has greatly improved her strength.

Her ice artistic conception has exceeded 80%, but she is still a long way from perfection, let alone the realm of perception.

It was because of this that Liu Ningshuang understood how enchanting Lu Yi was in condensing the field of kendo right now.

At this moment, the Blood Spirit Religion and other sects' god-turning cultivators are still dead silent. Everyone is looking at Tianlong Shengzi in disbelief. He never expected that even a person like Tianlong Shengzi would be easily suppressed by Lu Yi. .

At this time, one person said, "By the way, what about that one? Where is the senior behind the Son of God?!"

Everyone was startled, and then a little stunned.

The Holy Son's cultivation base is small, and he goes out to practice. Naturally, there are Taoist guardians. The Taoist guardians are extremely powerful. It is difficult for them to even measure their realm, which is enough to protect the safety of the Holy Son.

But now, the Holy Son is about to be beaten to death, what about the guardians?

For a time, all the cultivators of the Blood Spirit Religion Alliance were stunned.

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