My Immortal Cultivation Game Life

Chapter 113: Standing shoulder to shoulder with monk Dongxu

, the fastest update to the latest chapter of my life in the game of immortality!

Jian Ruyu is the top swordsman of the younger generation in Divine Sword Sect, and naturally, countless people pay attention.

The moment she made a move, the cultivator noticed it, and there was a lot of discussion.

"It's Jian Ruyu! Jian Ruyu is going in!"

"It is rumored that Jian Ruyu's sword intent has already been completed, and she is not too far from perfection. She is only at the Nascent Soul realm! This kind of sword intent cultivation level even exceeds that of most senior Dongxu sword cultivators! This talent is hard to come by. imagine."

"Who are the two people beside Jian Ruyu? The old man has a deep and vast aura around him. I'm afraid he is a very powerful sword cultivator. Has his cultivation base reached the realm of emptiness? Another young man seems to be a golden pill? He has the confidence to enter the kendo. tower?"

"Can you enter the kendo stage in the Jindan realm? If it is really successful, then I am afraid that it is not weaker than the arrogance of kendo like Bai Shaoming."

"Don't you know? That young man is a very famous Tianjiao in Qingzhou. It is rumored that he realized the sword intent in the realm of qi training, and even attracted the thunder tribulation of qi training! The talent is extremely evil!"

"Hey..." Everyone gasped, their eyes changed when they looked at Lu Yi.

"Really?! It's so powerful? If you really realize the sword intent by practicing Qi, how strong is his sword intent now?!"

Everyone was talking about it, and they also began to pay attention to Lu Yi.

In the sky, Xing Jiuzheng and the other Mahayana elders were also paying attention to Jian Ruyu.

An old man with a round face smiled and said, "Ruyu's sword intent is stronger than before."

"Yeah, with her talent, there should be no problem with the Mahayana realm, and it may not be impossible to achieve the realm of transcending tribulation. It is a rare piece of jade."

"The little guy next to Ruyu doesn't seem to be ordinary..." An old man said a little unsure.

When the others heard the words, they also looked over and paid close attention to Lu Yi. Then, they also showed a hint of surprise: "Huh? Can't feel the sword intent? This little guy... What's going on?"

Even Xing Jiuzheng couldn't help but glance at him, frowned and said, "The sword intent in the body returns to its original nature... This little guy is very extraordinary. Where did he come from?"

"I don't know. Seeing that they have a good relationship, they should be old acquaintances?"

During their exchange, Lu Yi and the others had come to the edge of the Sword Intent Platform.

The three of them stepped inside, and Elder Ming's sword intent rose into the sky, causing the wind and clouds to shake. Even the aura of Caixia was shaking. The monks in the kendo platform looked sideways, surprised by Elder Ming's sword intent.

Elder Ming's sword intent was powerful, and the sword intent rushed from the Kendo platform, and it slowly dissipated before it approached his three-foot range.

He stepped in.

On the other side, Jian Ruyu also stepped in. She was surrounded by jade-colored sword intent and condensed the jade dragon body protection.

As the Yulong roared and filial piety, the originally vibrating sword weapon calmed down, and no sword intent was fired.

When Lu Yi stepped into it, the movement was minimal. He walked over step by step like an ordinary person. The swords on the kendo platform didn't seem to respond, and even the sword intent was not stimulated.

He walked into the Kendo stage calmly.

Many monks were stunned when they saw this scene.

"...What's going on? That kid stepped into the kendo stage, why wasn't the sword intent aroused?"

"Isn't there something wrong with the Kendo platform?"

Some monks leaned over cautiously, intending to try to see if there was really a problem with the kendo platform.

However, as soon as they stepped onto the kendo stage, they were blasted out by the terrifying sword intent, coughing up blood again and again.

This made the cultivator who was eager to try it stunned.

They looked at Lu Yi's expression with suspicion.

"The kendo platform is not broken, how did he do it?!"

"He really realized the sword intent in the realm of qi training? I believe it a little bit now, he is not simple."

In the sky, Xing Jiuzheng and several people were very silent, deeply looking at Lu Yi who was slowly entering the Kendo stage, his expression was shocked.

"This... Sword Intent is like a sea, returning to the original, the Kendo Platform regards him as a long sword, and it is difficult to stimulate Sword Intent."

"This kid is really unusual! His Sword Intent cultivation is extremely high, probably more than 90%."

"But how is this possible? He is only in the golden core realm, and has more than 90% sword intent?! Could it be that he is a natural sword fairy?!"

Xing Jiuzheng's eyes flickered with brilliance.

As a kendo holy place, they naturally understand what it means for a Jindan cultivator to achieve this level of sword intent cultivation.

If there is no accident, such a monk will surely prove the Dao with the sword and ascend to immortality.

Xing Jiu was silent for a moment, then said, "Inform the old headmaster, there is a natural sword fairy seedling here, I must be very happy with the old headmaster."

An old man's eyes flashed and he said, "I wonder if he is willing to worship my Divine Sword Sect?"

"Such a sword fairy seedling should cultivate in my Divine Sword Sect, otherwise it would be a waste of talent! I am willing to accept him as a direct disciple!"

"Bah! I still want to accept him as a personal biography!"

A group of elders opened their mouths one after another, and they quarreled because of this.

Lu Yi went to the kendo platform and discovered the strangeness of this kendo platform.

Standing on the kendo platform, Lu Yi could clearly feel the ever-changing kendo mysteries. These kendo mysteries seemed to emanate from the swords on the kendo platform and the kendo platform itself.

It may in itself be equivalent to the narration of the idea of ​​kendo.

In particular, one after another sword intent has been hovering on the kendo platform. If a cultivator wants to stand firm on the kendo platform, he must use his own sword intent to fight against it. This is a kind of tempering.

The sword is neither sharp nor sharp.

If you sharpen your sword intent, you can naturally improve your sword intent.

No wonder so many kendo geniuses come to the kendo conference.

Just this kendo platform is enough to improve the sword intent of ordinary sword cultivators.

This is a rare treasure!

Lu Yi sighed in his heart, as expected of the Immortal Sect, the things he took out were so precious.

Moreover, such a precious treasure, Divine Sword Sect is willing to share it with the entire Eastern Region sword cultivator, which is a kind of grandeur.

It's a pity that the sword intent contained on this kendo platform is too weak for him, and can't sharpen him.

When Lu Yi sighed, Jian Ruyu came over. She was dumbfounded and said in surprise, "Junior Brother, your sword intent seems to have improved again?"

Lu Yi smiled and said, "I have a little insight these days."

Jian Ruyu has envy in his eyes: "Junior brother's kendo talent is so good, it's really enviable."

The elder Ming next to him also widened his eyes, looked at Lu Yi, and sighed, "Little Lu, I didn't expect your kendo talent to surpass that of the old man."

Lu Yi smiled and said, "If there was no Elder Ming, my sword intent would not have reached this level. The kindness of Elder Ming's preaching will never be forgotten by this kid."

Elder Ming chuckled and shook his head, and said, "You kid... the most important thing is that your own talent is amazing. If it were someone else, even if the old man talked about it late, it would not have such an effect."

The three talked and walked inside.

Wherever the three of them passed, Jian Xiu who was resisting the sword intent glanced sideways, with surprise in his eyes.

Elder Ming and Jian Ruyu's sword intent are soaring to the sky, and how strong their kendo cultivation is, as long as they are not blind, they can see.

And Lu Yi's performance is different from ordinary people, and it seems to be very extraordinary, which makes people look at him.

They walked all the way towards the core of the Kendo platform.

The closer to the center, the denser the swords on the kendo platform, the stronger the sword intent, and the better the sharpening effect on sword repair.

Strong sword cultivators would choose to go inside.

However, sword cultivators who are unable to advance within a certain range will sit and talk about Taoism, each discussing his own perception of Kendo.

In the kendo conference, the collision of genius swordsmen's kendo can always collide with bright sparks.

At this moment, a sword of the imperial way pressed Lu Yi towards Lu Yi, and the majesty was like the wrath of an emperor, causing the faces of many nearby sword cultivators to change slightly.

Lu Yi frowned slightly and looked over. He saw Feng Mingming and a few monks from Taihuangjianzong standing not far away. A young man from Taihuangjianzong stared at Lu Yi, with bright yellow sword lights flashing all over his body. , with a curious look in his eyes.

Jian Ruyu frowned slightly, the guardian sword dragon around him raised his head, stared at Feng Mingming, and said, "Feng Mingming, what do you mean?"

Feng Mingming's sword light circulated all over his body, resisting the sword intent around him, looking quite relaxed, he looked at Jian Ruyu and smiled slightly: "Of course it's fighting swords, this kid is very unusual, my junior brother wants to fight him. Jian Dan, try his sword intent cultivation."

The young Jianxiu looked at Lu Yi, grinned and said, "Boy, to be honest, you are a little bit of a trickster, obviously you don't have a sword intent to protect your body, why are you able to stand firm on this kendo platform and even go deep? I want to try your sword. How strong is it?"

Hearing this, the surrounding monks looked over with curiosity in their eyes.

"It's about to start, is someone finally going to shoot?"

"This is Lin Yu from the Taihuang Sword Sect. His kendo talent is extremely powerful. Although it is not as good as Feng Ming's, it is not too bad. He heard that he realized the sword intent in the realm of Jindan, and now he has reached the Yuan Ying cultivation level. I'm afraid it's no less than 50%. It looks like he's staring at the kid next to Jian Ruyu."

"Fairy Wood"

"To be honest, this kid is indeed a little strange, and the old man is also very curious. He obviously has no sword intent body protection, how can he be unimpeded on the kendo stage?"

"I'm also curious. I'm afraid it's not just us. There are many people who are curious. Otherwise, Lin Yu would not have tried it."

Hearing this, Lu Yiming understood. He had heard that there would be sword fighting at the Kendo Conference before. Is that probably the case?

Fighting swords is about sword intent, compared to which sword cultivator has a deeper understanding of sword intent. In this respect, Lu Yi still has some confidence in himself.

Lu Yi lightly smiled and said, "If you want to try it, fellow Daoist, just come."

He said to himself in his heart, "I want to defeat Lin Yu in sword fighting."


Defeat Lin Yu in the sword fight

Reward: kendo cultivation base is improved, 1 sword intent grass.

Accepted or not: yes/no

The quest reward is still good, this guy should not be weak.

Lu Yi silently accepted the task.

Seeing Lu Yi's indifferent expression, the young Jianxiu frowned, his expression became cold, he snorted lightly, and stepped forward: "In that case, let me see if you are really strong, or if you are playing tricks!"

He let out a low voice, squeezed his sword fingers, and slashed at Lu Yi. Minghuang Jianyi was like the sword of the king, with unmatched power, he slashed at Lu Yi.

The King's Sword is majestic, crushed with momentum, with supreme majesty, the sword intent on the kendo platform is squeezed away, the surrounding air is surging, and the space is distorted.

Just when the sword of the king was about to fall, Lu Yi reached out a little, and a golden sword light rushed out at an extremely fast speed and landed on the sword of the king.

Silently, the golden sword light passed through the bright yellow sword intent, and the bright yellow sword intent collapsed on the spot and disappeared.

The golden sword light rushed towards Lin Yu, Lin Yu felt the terrifying and sharp sword intent, and his face was pale with a hint of horror.

At this moment, a bright yellow sword light shot out from the side and met the golden sword light.



A terrifying roar sounded, sword energy splashed in all directions, the space was distorted, shaking like a canvas, and Feng Wuming, who was beside him, had a solemn expression, staring at Lu Yi, as if he was facing a great enemy.

Seeing this scene, the expressions of the nearby monks changed again and again.

"This... The Taihuang Sword Intent of Taihuangjianzong is so powerful that it was broken so easily?!"

"Lin Yu's sword intent is 50% higher. Why does this sword energy look like it's being squeezed by mud? Even if Feng Wuming made a shot, he couldn't suppress this golden sword intent?!"

Everyone exclaimed again and again, and Lin Yu's face changed again and again, with a look of disbelief.

Feng Ming stared at Lu Yi and said, "I underestimate you, I didn't expect your sword intent to reach such a level."

As he said that, he stepped in front of Lin Yu, facing Lu Yi, and said, "Originally I planned to find Jian Ruyu and Wang Qifeng to fight swords, but now it seems that you are also a good opponent, before defeating them , I'll meet you first."

Jian Ruyu on the side heard the words, his face was a little strange, he glanced at Feng Wuming, and then looked at Lu Yi.

Before Jian Ruyu lost to Lu Yi, she never said it, and naturally no one knew.

Lu Yi didn't care, and issued the task again in his heart: "I want to defeat Feng Wuming in Doujian."


Defeat Feng Ming at Sword Fighting

Reward: kendo cultivation base is improved, 1 sword intent grass.

Whether to accept the task: yes/no

The reward for this task is similar to Lin Yu's, but Feng Ming's talent is better than Lin Yu's. Lu Yi feels that the improvement in swordsmanship will definitely be greater.

Lu Yi naturally accepted the task.

With a smile on his face, he said, "If that's the case, let's try it out."

Feng Ming's face was solemn. He would not underestimate Lu Yi. After all, Lu Yi's sword intent was enough to show how powerful his swordsmanship was.

He held a complex magic formula in his hand, and the next moment, the bright yellow sword light flashed violently, and the terrifying breath circulated, and the sword energy shot towards Lu Yi like a little sword rain.

The sword rain had an incomparably sharp aura, and seemed to be tearing apart the space. The surrounding monks felt the sharp aura flowing, as if they were about to split their bodies, their faces changed drastically, and they stepped back again and again to get out of the way.

Lu Yi calmly faced Jian Yu, and with a swipe, the inextinguishable sword curtain appeared, like a golden barrier, blocking him.

One after another sword rain fell on the barrier, which could only arouse the starting point, but could not make the barrier shake.

When the sword rain dissipated, the barrier still stood still.

This made Feng Ming Tong Kong shrink and his expression became more dignified.

The Taihuang Jianzong Jianxiu also changed his face again and again and exclaimed.

"Taihuang Jianyu was blocked so easily?!"

"Impossible! Brother's sword intent is close to 80%, reaching the realm of Dacheng, but he can't break through this kid's sword curtain?!"

The monk next to him was equally shocked.

"It's incredible... Feng Mingming is the genius with the highest kendo cultivation level among the younger generation of Taihuang Jianzong, and he can even be compared with the older generation of cultivators Dongxu. In terms of sword intent, he is not as good as a Jindan sword cultivator?"

"Who is this Jindan Jianxiu? Such a sword intent cultivation base, I'm afraid it will not be worse than Jian Ruyu and Wang Qifeng, right?"

Many cultivators were discussing, and their faces were full of curiosity.

Lu Yi looked at Feng Mingming and chuckled lightly, "This fellow Daoist, I also have a sword, how about you?"

While speaking, Lu Yi pointed a finger, and a golden sword light shot out towards Feng Mingming.

Feng Mingming only felt that there was a monstrous sword rushing towards him, and there was an irresistible feeling.

Cold sweat broke out from his back, and he snorted lowly. The bright yellow sword light was as dazzling as the sun. He condensed a sword shield in front of him, trying to resist this golden sword light.

The golden sword light and the sword shield collided, and a roar sounded. Many monks only felt their ears buzzing, and the sword energy raged, like a sharp blade, making these monks with strong sword will feel a tingling pain all over the body. .

They couldn't help but retreat again and again, looking at the collision with astonishment on their faces.

Soon, they saw that the golden sword light had unimaginable tenacity and sharpness. It only lasted for a few breaths, and broke the shield of sword intent that Feng Wuming was condensed with all his strength, and shot at Feng Wuming.

The golden sword light stopped when it approached Feng Ming's chest, and then dissipated.

Lu Yi smiled slightly: "Feng unknown Daoist friend, let it go."

Feng Wuming's expression was stiff, he raised his head silently, and looked at Lu Yi: "Who are you? Your sword intent is so flexible, even Jian Ruyu and Wang Qifeng can't compare, right?"

Jian Ruyu, who was beside him, smiled and said, "My junior brother and I had a competition a few years ago, and I had already lost at that time."

Hearing this, everyone was even more surprised.

Everyone did not expect that the enchanting youth of the Divine Sword Sect had lost to the Jindan cultivator who few people knew a few years ago.

Feng Mingming silently glanced at Jian Ruyu, his face was not very good-looking, if Jian Ruyu had said it earlier, he would definitely not have fought with Lu Yi. Isn't this asking for trouble?

Jian Ruyu didn't care and said with a smile, "Junior Brother, let's go in."

Lu Yi nodded slightly and continued to go deeper with the three of Ming Lao.

Feng Mingming and a few monks from Taihuangjianzong looked at each other and followed.

Their Sword Intent cultivation base is quite good, and they will not stop in this area. The reason why they stop here is entirely because they are curious about Lu Yi entering the Kendo stage without condensing Sword Intent before, and want to try Lu Yi's details.

Soon, they continued to go deep into the kendo stage.

As he went deeper into the kendo stage, the sword intent became stronger and stronger, but Lu Yi didn't feel it, but most sword cultivators couldn't resist and stopped there.

Only monks with a sword intent of more than 70% can go further.

At this point, the swordsmen of the older generation are basically the older generation, and there are only a few swordsmen of the younger generation. Apart from Lu Yi, Jian Ruyu and Feng Mingming, there is also an ordinary-looking one with a transparent sword light all over his body. Surrounding the body, there is even a strange sword cultivator similar to the coercion of heaven.

He is Wang Qifeng, who together with Jian Ruyu is called the evildoer of Shenjianzong.

In Lu Yi's perception, Wang Qifeng's sword intent was a little stronger than Jian Ruyu's, more than 80%, but not too much.

In addition to him, there are several talented disciples of the powerful Sword Sect in the Eastern Region. Even if they are not as good as the Sword Sect of the Divine Sword Sect, they are not far behind.

Being able to reach 70% of the sword intent in the Nascent Soul Realm, looking into the future, the Mahayana can be expected, and the transcendence of calamity may not be impossible. These are all candidates for the top powerhouses of the Eastern Region Sword Cultivator in the future.

At this point, it is close to the core area of ​​the Kendo platform, and it is a little difficult for the monks to resist.

Seventy percent of the sword cultivators with sword intent stopped one after another, honing themselves with the sword intent of the kendo platform, and at the same time discussing the sword with the monks who had a similar understanding of sword intent.

Only less than 20 people remained and continued to advance, and they advanced for a further distance. At this point, even Jian Ruyu could not bear it. The jade Stegosaurus might collapse at any time. Her pretty face was pale and her forehead was sweating.

Jian Ruyu sighed, looked at Lu Yi and said with a smile: "Senior sister can only stay here, you can go by yourself."

The elder Ming on the side also felt extremely stressed, and frowned: "Little Lu, the old man can only stop here."

In addition to the two, Wang Qifeng, Feng Mingming, and even many sword cultivators in the Void Realm stopped, even they felt extremely stressed.

Apart from Lu Yi, the monks who were still standing were only two middle-aged men and a beautiful woman.

The breath of these three people is like a sea, and they are all in the realm of emptiness.

Divine Sword Sect stipulates that only the sword cultivators in the realm of Dongxu and below can step into the kendo stage. The aura of the integrated cultivator is too strong. Even if the sword will be suppressed, they cannot feel the pressure of the kendo, and they will not be able to sharpen the kendo. Effect.

Otherwise, even if it is a sword cultivator in the fusion realm, there may be a strong person coming to the kendo stage.

The kendo cultivation of these three sword cultivators in the Void Realm was extremely powerful, and Lu Yi could sense that their sword intent had exceeded 90%.

Coming to the Kendo Platform, I am afraid that it is to sharpen oneself with sword intent and sharpen one's own sword intent to perfection.

Although Lu Yi didn't know the three of them, but he was able to perceive this kind of sword intent in Dongxu Realm. I'm afraid he is also a peerless figure in the Eastern Region.

At this moment, the three peerless sword cultivators in the Void Realm looked at Lu Yi with complex expressions on their faces.

After all Lu Yi's cultivation was at the golden realm, and at this moment he was standing with the three cultivators of Dongxu.

It's not just them, the sword cultivators outside the Kendo platform are also extremely shocked at this moment. It is unimaginable that a Jindan cultivator can surpass a large number of Dongxu cultivators in terms of sword intent, reaching such a level.

The three Dongxu cultivators looked at Lu Yi with very gentle expressions. After all, Lu Yi's talent was so good, such a talent in swordsmanship was simply appalling.

The beautiful woman was carrying a delicate long sword and said with a chuckle, "Little guy, can you go further?"

The other two also looked at Lu Yi.

Lu Yi nodded with a smile: "I can still walk with the three seniors."

"Hahahaha! It's gratifying that such a swordsman genius has appeared in my Eastern Region." A handsome middle-aged man with sword eyebrows and star eyes laughed loudly, with a kind of heroic air, and said with a smile: "If that's the case, then we will keep going."

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