My Immortal Cultivation Game Life

Chapter 111: rise to fame

Hearing this, Lu Yi chuckled and said, "This is not due to me alone. If I didn't have Senior Sister, I wouldn't have been able to deal with that cultivator. Besides... what's so good about being famous?"

Liu Ningshuang smiled lightly and said no more.

She turned her head and looked in the direction behind her. Very far away, the battle between the powerhouses in the Void Realm was still going on. The sky was uncertain, sometimes pitch black and sometimes silver. Even if they were here, they could feel the extremely terrifying spiritual power fluctuations.

Liu Ningshuang whispered: "Let's go, let's leave this place first."

Lu Yi nodded, he had no intention of going back to join in the fun.

Just kidding, the powerhouses in the God Transformation realm are already so powerful that Lu Yi almost used his trump cards.

In the face of the battle in the Void Realm, even if he is not in the central area, I am afraid that he may not be able to survive.

If he goes back, it will only cause trouble for Old Ming. After all, the shadow's target has always been him.

"Let's go, let's go to Tianlu City in Qinzhou to wait for the old man."

The two turned into streamers and flew towards Qinzhou.

There was Old Ming blocking the monk Dongxu, and no one came after him, so Lu Yi and Liu Ningshuang easily escaped.

That night, Lu Yi checked the reward.

Needless to say, the blood of the real dragon and the thousand-year-old spiritual marrow are mainly the low-grade spiritual artifact Ding Divine Pearl.

It is a kind of spiritual bead that can nourish the soul. Putting it into the sea of ​​consciousness can protect the soul, nourish the soul, and has extremely powerful effects.

The effect of Lu Yi drinking jasper wine at this moment is much smaller than before. After all, his mental power is too strong, even surpassing the average god-turning cultivator. Even the jasper wine in the Jindan realm has no obvious effect on him. .

This bead came at just the right time.

And there is another point, that is, some powerful cultivators, as well as even more powerful cultivators, have extremely powerful souls, and there may be a means of attacking their souls that are hard to guard against. With the Divinity Orb, Lu Yi doesn't have to worry about this.

Lu Yi put away the reward when Liu Ningshuang was not paying attention.

The blood of the real dragon and the thousand-year-old spiritual marrow are collected into the space ring, and the meditation bead can be collected into the sea of ​​​​consciousness, floating above his golden lake, with a trace of colorful light sprinkled from the bead, falling on the golden lake, and slowly nourishing the landing Easy spirit.

Lu Yi and Liu Ningshuang acted in the deep mountains and old forests, very fast and very concealed. It took a few days to finally get out of the Tian Snake Sect's territory.

The territory of the Heavenly Snake Sect is connected to the territory of Haoyue Valley, and Haoyue Valley has not yet joined the Qingzhou War, so Lu Yi and Liu Ningshuang are more at ease.

However, just in case, Lu Yi taught Liu Ningshuang the transformation technique. With Liu Ningshuang's talent, within a few days, he still managed to gain access to this secret technique.

Although there are many flaws in the transformation of the entry level, and it cannot change all the time, it is basically impossible for monks with low cultivation bases to see, and they will not appear in front of others all the time.

Lu Yi and Liu Ningshuang changed slightly and entered a city to inquire about news.

They want to know the current situation of Ming Lao.

Not long after, they heard the voice of the guests discussing in a restaurant.

"Have you heard? The Immortal Seed of the White Cloud Sect left the White Cloud Sect. It seems that they planned to participate in the Sword Dao Conference of the Divine Sword Sect, but they were intercepted and killed by the powerful men sent by the four Blood Spirit Sects on the way."

"What?! Really? The Baiyun Sect's Immortal Seed's talent is unparalleled, and its strength is shocking. When the Donglin historic site changed, he saved a lot of people with his own power! Could it be that he died just like this?! It's a pity ,pity!"

"Then you are wrong, that immortal seed is not dead."

"Didn't die? The four powerhouses shot, but failed to kill the immortal seed? Are those powerhouses so weak? Or did the four powerhouses not pay attention?"

"Enough attention, even the secluded old man of Youluo Sect, You Ying, did it. Unfortunately, they underestimated the importance of Baiyun Sect to the immortal seed. That extremely strong sword Xiu Nan Luo Ming actually guarded the immortal seed. By my side, I couldn't get it."

"It turns out that it's no wonder. It was already a famous sword cultivator thousands of years ago. After breaking through to the Void Realm, I'm afraid it will be even more amazing, enough to protect the Immortal Seed."

"This is not the most amazing, the most amazing thing is that there were three Spirit Transformation monks and thirteen Nascent Soul monks among the powerhouses killed at that time. Two Spirit Transformation monks cooperated with the shadow to stop Nan Luoming, and the other one The Spirit Transformation cultivator and the thirteen Nascent Soul monks have all gone to hunt down the Immortal Seed, what do you think? When You Ying looked over, he found that the Spirit Transformation cultivator and the thirteen Nascent Soul monks were all dead."

"Hi..." The guests on the side all gasped, their eyes full of shock.

"All dead?! Could it be that they were all killed by that immortal seed?! How old is he, and his strength is so terrible??"

"I heard that this time the immortal seed went out, in addition to Nan Luoming, Fairy Liu Ningshuang also followed. I am afraid that Fairy Liu Ningshuang and the immortal seed started together."

"Fairy Liu Ningshuang? That Fairy Liu Ningshuang on the Tianjiao list? Although she is extremely talented, but if you want to kill the cultivator of the gods... I'm afraid she may not be able to do it?"

"I guess it should be the two of them who started together, or they still have some cards left."

"If Fairy Liu Ningshuang and Lu Yi really killed the cultivator of the gods together, then this news will probably disturb the entire Eastern Region."

"Yeah... I heard that the immortal seed is now in the Jindan realm. Even if it is teamed up with Fairy Liu Ningshuang, it is still an ancient anecdote to be able to kill a Spirit Transformation cultivator and thirteen Nascent Soul cultivators."

"I have long heard that the immortal seed is like an ancient evildoer. Such a record confirms this, and I am afraid that in the future, the peerless geniuses of the Eastern Region will pay attention."


Hearing these words, Lu Yi and Liu Ningshuang looked at each other, Lu Yi became a handsome young man, and Liu Ningshuang became a girl with ordinary appearance.

Liu Ningshuang raised the corners of her mouth, with a smile, she said, "Junior Brother, it seems that you will soon be famous in the Eastern Regions."

Lu Yi smiled helplessly, and then asked aloud, "Brother, what happened to Nan Luoming?"

Hearing this, the cultivator smiled and said, "Of course he left easily. That senior's kendo strength is so amazing that even the shadow and the two cultivators couldn't stop him."

Lu Yi got the news that Nan Luoming was safe, and his heart calmed down.

He dropped a few spirit stones to settle the bill and left with Liu Ningshuang.

After that, the two continued on their way and flew towards Qinzhou.

Two days later, the two suddenly saw a group of cultivators flying across the sky. These cultivators had strong auras, some were wearing blood-colored robes, and the aura of the Blood Spirit Religion was unobstructed.

This made Lu Yi and Liu Ningshuang frown.

"This is the territory of Haoyue Valley. How could the monks of the Blood Spirit Religion blatantly appear here?"

"Looking at their appearance, I'm afraid they are looking for something... Could they be looking for us?" Liu Ningshuang also frowned slightly.

The two looked at each other, Liu Ningshuang frowned and said, "Could it be that Haoyuegu and the four blood spirit sects have united?"

Lu Yi's face was solemn: "If that's the case, it's not good news."

The two discussed it and proceeded in the direction that the group of monks flew in. Not long after, they appeared in a city.

The two changed their forms and entered it. Soon, they saw the wanted order in the city.

The wanted order is naturally what Lu Yi and Liu Ningshuang look like.

This made both of them feel a little heavy.

Liu Ningshuang sighed: "It seems that the Haoyue Sect has really joined the alliance of the four Blood Spirit Sects."

Lu Yi was also helpless, and asked Sword Villa to join the Baiyun Sect. Not long after the balance between the two sides was maintained, it was broken again.

It can be seen that the two sides have fought fiercely for so many years, and they have both fought a real fire. Regardless of the outcome, I am afraid they will not give up.

This is not something that Lu Yi and Liu Ningshuang can manage, they can only continue on their way.

A few days later, they left the Haoyue Valley territory.

Haoyue Valley was already on the edge of the border between Qingzhou and Qinzhou. They left the Haoyuegu territory and entered Qinzhou.

Lu Yi is not very familiar with the boundaries of Qinzhou, but Liu Ningshuang has experienced in the Eastern Region, so he naturally knows Qinzhou, and introduced the situation of Tianlu City to Lu Yi.

Tianlu City is a very famous city in Qinzhou.

There is a mountain range outside Tianlu City, and there is a Tianlu Mountain in the mountain range. According to ancient records, the surrounding Tianlu Mountain was originally the scope of a powerful sect. The rule of this sect was very cruel.

Later, when the gods descended on a mountain in that mountain range, the sect master wanted to capture the **** deer as a guardian beast. As a result, overnight, the powerful sect was wiped out, and the monks and mortals under the sect also disappeared. to breathe.

In order to commemorate the deer, the locals call the mountain where the deer descended as Tianlu Mountain.

No one can tell whether the legend in this ancient book is true or not, after all, time has passed too long to be verified.

However, the legend of Tianlu Mountain has attracted many monks to go to the Tianlu Mountains to experience. They think that since the gods descended from the sky in the area, maybe it was because there were some sacred objects located in the Tianlu Mountains that attracted the deer to the past.

It's a pity that no one has achieved anything for so many years.

When he came to Qinzhou, Lu Yi didn't need to worry that Qingzhou Zongmen would chase him.

The two of them relaxed a lot, traveled all the way north, flew for a few days, and came to Tianlu City.

It was a huge and prosperous city. Lu Yi went all the way from Qingzhou to Qinzhou. There were few cities that could be compared to Tianlu City.

There was a lot of traffic in the city, monks flying with swords from time to time in the sky, mortals and monks mixed together.

Lu Yi and Liu Ningshuang entered the city, found an inn to stay, and waited for Elder Ming to come to them.

Early the next morning, Lu Yi and Liu Ningshuang were awakened by a powerful sword intent. They left the room and looked at each other with smiles.

"It's Old Ming's breath, he's notifying us of our arrival."

The two flew out of the inn at the same time and flew in the direction of the breath.

Many monks in the city were carried out by powerful sword intents, and many people were floating in the air, and some people were looking at it in disbelief, and there was a lot of discussion.

"What a powerful sword intent! Almost pierced the sky!"

"This breath should be monk Dongxu, right? And it's still a sword cultivator with such a sword intent! Which one should not die, dare to provoke such a powerful monk?!"

"Maybe there is a lot of fun to watch, let's go and have a look?"


Someone flew out of the city, planning to take a look.

At this moment, a loud laughter sounded: "Which fellow Daoist is visiting my Tianlu City? The old man has lost his way, and I hope to forgive him!"

"Is it the Supreme Elder of Yuexi Sect?"

"Even he was shocked!"

The crowd exclaimed again and again.

Then, they saw a ray of cold silver light streak across the sky, like a moonlight passing through, flying outside the city.

Lu Yi and Liu Ningshuang naturally sensed everyone's reaction. They looked at each other and saw a hint of helplessness in each other's eyes.

"I didn't expect Old Ming to make such a big noise." Lu Yi said with a wry smile.

Liu Ningshuang nodded slightly, also speechless.

The two continued to fly over.

Then they saw Elder Ming standing outside the city. No one dared to stand in a radius of hundreds of meters. In the distance, there were monks watching the situation here.

A silver-haired old man landed in front of Elder Ming and looked at Elder Ming with some vigilance.

Elder Ming smiled slightly and cupped his hands: "Don't worry, fellow Daoist, the old man came here to find people, and has no other intentions."

Hearing this, the silver-haired old man breathed a sigh of relief and said with a chuckle, "If that's the case, do fellow Daoists need help?"

"No need, I have already found it." Elder Ming smiled and declined.

Lu Yi and Liu Ningshuang were already very close. Neither of them deliberately hid their breath. With Elder Ming's powerful consciousness, they were easily found.

The silver-haired old man saw that Elder Ming didn't want to say more, so he didn't ask any more questions, and said with a chuckle, "So that's the case, if you find someone, it's fine, do you want to go to my house and sit?"

Elder Ming smiled and declined again, indicating that he was leaving.

The silver-haired old man stopped talking, turned into a streamer, and flew back to Tianlu City. Elder Ming also flew to the Tianlu Mountains in the distance.

Seeing that nothing happened, the monks also left one by one.

Lu Yi and Liu Ningshuang glanced at each other. Like ordinary monks, they left the city and headed for the Tianlu Mountains. Not long after, Elder Ming found them in an uninhabited forest.

Elder Ming glanced at the two of them and asked, "You two, killed the thirteen Nascent Soul cultivators and the Spirit Transformation cultivator?"

Lu Yi and Liu Ningshuang both nodded slightly.

Elder Ming rubbed his palms and laughed loudly: "Hahaha! Not bad, a Jindan and a Nascent Soul can kill so many Nascent Soul cultivators and a Spirit Transformation cultivator, the faces of the four Blood Spirit Sects must be green."

You must know that even in such a Qingzhou war, the cultivators of the gods have only died so far.

Now that one of them died in the hands of two juniors, it is conceivable how wonderful the faces of the strong men of those sects will be.

"Let's go, out of Qingzhou, it will be difficult for them to catch up. Let's go to Divine Sword Sect now."

Lu Yi and Liu Ningshuang both nodded.

The three acted again and flew towards Wangzhou.

Because they are out of Qingzhou, they don't need to be so low-key and can settle down in the city.

There was still more than a month before the start of the Kendo Conference. They flew and traveled all the way. After a month, they finally entered the boundary of Wangzhou.

As the state where the kendo holy land Shenjianzong is located, Lu Yi found that almost all the monks in Wangzhou carried their swords, not to mention all the ten of them were swordsmen, and there were also eight who practiced kendo.

Sword repair is a trend in Wangzhou.

The three came to a city along the way, and heard a discussion about the Kendo conference in the inn.

"I heard that the old headmaster of the Divine Sword Sect is back, and maybe he will explain kendo to the juniors in person at the kendo conference. This year's kendo conference will be very lively!"

"Yeah, and the kendo geniuses in the Eastern Region have sprung up like bamboo shoots after a spring rain, one by one. The swords in the Divine Sword Sect are like jade, not to mention the two evil characters Wang Qifeng, and Yu Weiwei of the Jade Girl Sword Sect also seems to have realized the power. Sword Intent, there are also many talented sword cultivators outside Wangzhou, which was a shock."

"Except for the sword cultivators of the older generation, I am afraid that these genius sword cultivators will come this time? I am afraid that the sword fighting will be very interesting at that time."

"Yeah, every time the geniuses of the world who have performed brilliantly in sword fighting are exceptionally invited to the Divine Sword Monument of Divine Sword Sect to comprehend the Tao, which is really enviable."


The three of Lu Yi were sitting not far away. When Elder Ming heard the discussion, there was a look of surprise in his eyes, and he said, "I didn't expect the old headmaster to come back."

Lu Yi asked with some doubts, "Is that old headmaster not originally from the Divine Sword Sect?"

Liu Ningshuang opened the mouth and said: "It is said that the old senior Shenlong sees the beginning but does not see the end. He rarely stays in the Divine Sword Sect and is almost always outside. I didn't expect him to come back this time. Every time the swordsman conference, if the old headmaster is there, He will definitely preach for Jianxiu. Junior Brother, your luck is really good."

Lu Yi's eyes flickered, revealing a hint of surprise, and said with a smile: "It seems that my luck is indeed good."

If the old headmaster really explained kendo, I'm afraid the quest reward will not be bad, right?

After all, the eldest man who was only half a step away from the calamity should be regarded as one of the most powerful people in the entire Tianming.

Lu Yi had some expectations in his heart.

At the same time, Lu Yi also has other expectations. The Excalibur Sect's Excalibur Monument is famous throughout Tianming. It is rumored that it was left by the ancestor of Excalibur Sect and returned to Tianming after his ascension. It is engraved with extremely profound kendo concepts. .

You must know that the strong man is an immortal, and he is also a sword cultivator who specializes in kendo. The kendo concept left by a strong man of this level must be extremely profound.

If he can comprehend the Dao under the Divine Sword Monument, then breaking through to the realm of kendo should not be a big problem.

Lu Yi secretly made up his mind, no matter what, in the sword fight, he must win.

Thinking of this, he thought to himself: "I want to win the sword fight at the Kendo Conference."


Win the sword fight at the Kendo Tournament.

Reward: The best treasure Mingxin sword.

Accepted or not: yes/no

Did not expect it to be a superb treasure?

Lu Yi was and then was also surprised, the top-quality treasures are very precious, and if there is one more, Lu Yi will naturally not refuse.

He happily accepted the task.

After the three rested, they continued on their way.

Soon came to Divine Sword Sect not far away.

When he was still hundreds of miles away from the Divine Sword Sect, Lu Yi saw an incomparably huge stone sword stuck on the ground, the hilt soaring into the sky, making it impossible to confirm how high it was.

But to be able to see this only from a few hundred miles away, I am afraid it is extremely exaggerated.

Around the stone sword, there are white clouds, and above the clouds, there are beautiful and magnificent immortal mountains floating.

All the immortal mountains are floating around the stone sword, there are clouds, smoke, birds and birds, immortal energy fluttering, and the rich spiritual energy forms a colorful haze, covering the entire area, making the entire Divine Sword Sect not like the mortal world.

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