My Immortal Cultivation Game Life

Chapter 108: Low-grade Spirit Artifact Dingshenzhu [Happy National Day~]

Hearing the voice, the faces of Lu Yi and the others changed slightly and stood up.

Elder Ming frowned and looked towards the top of a mountain, where an old man was standing at an unknown time.

The black aura flashed around the old man's body, and the terrifying spiritual pressure distorted the space.

In other areas, there are also a few deep auras that are like abyss.

Elder Ming looked at the old man, and a powerful sword intent appeared all over his body. He said coldly: "Old Shadow Shadow, did you recover from the last sword? You dare to appear in front of the old man."

The old man laughed, and his whole body was full of spiritual light: "Old man Ming, your strength is indeed strong, and your sword will reach the sky. We can't keep you, but you are not our goal."

Lu Yi felt that every strong man had locked him with Qi, which made him frown.

These guys really came after him.

Liu Ningshuang's pretty face was cold and she said, "I didn't expect that we were so careful, but we were discovered. Junior brother, follow me later."

Lu Yi nodded slightly.

Elder Ming glanced around, sneered and sarcastically said: "One hole, three gods, and thirteen Nascent Souls, for a little guy with golden core, you have taken great pains."

You Ying didn't care about Elder Ming's irony at all, he didn't take it seriously and said: "This little guy in the golden core realm is not ordinary, breaking through the golden core will lead to twelve li thunder tribulation, which puts us under too much pressure... If not Afraid that you will get away, we will gather more people. However, these should be enough for now, right?"

Elder Ming's sword intent became more and more fierce, and he said: "You guys are shameless."

"Hehe, in order to kill the immortal seed of your White Cloud Sect, what if this old face is gone?" The shadow's aura was surging with Elder Ming, and the two could strike at any time.

At this time, Elder Ming said through a voice transmission: "I stopped the shadow and the three gods, you all go first, leave Qingzhou, and meet at Tianlu City in Qinzhou."

Hearing this, Lu Yi and Liu Ningshuang both responded.

Then, a sound of Qingyue sword sounded, and Elder Ming had a cold silver light all over his body, and a fierce sword intent shot up into the sky, like the Milky Way rewinding, turned into four paths, and rushed in four directions.

Among them, the thickest sword light shot at the shadow, and the other three shot at the three god-turning powerhouses.

Shadow snorted: "Kill! Kill Lu Yi at all costs!"

He took a step forward, leaving an afterimage of his body on the spot, and he had already risen to the sky, with dark twilight appearing all over his body and turning into a pair of big hands, blocking the sword intent.

The other three Spirit Transformation cultivators shouted angrily and sacrificed their magical treasures. The magical light flashed, shaking the space, and facing the sword light.

At the moment when Elder Ming started, Lu Yi and Liu Ningshuang disappeared at the same time, turned into rainbow lights, and flew towards a direction far away from Qingzhou.

"Stop them!" A group of Nascent Soul powerhouses shouted angrily, rushing towards Lu Yi and the two.

Liu Ningshuang's pretty face was cold and icy all over her body. A long sword appeared in her hand, and ice icicles condensed all over her body.

The terrifying power of frost made all the Nascent Soul cultivators feel cold and their skin tingling so much that they resisted with all their might.

The two Nascent Soul cultivators in front of Lu Yi and Liu Ningshuang were all grim expressions.

They played two magic weapons, one was a green bead, and the bead released wisps of green smoke, corroding everything around, and even the air made a corroding sound.

The other is a dark red flag, the flag has a strong blood flow, the flag is waving in the air, and the blood light rushes out, hitting Liu Ningshuang and Lu Yi.

Liu Ningshuang snorted lightly, a wisp of frost flashed in her eyes, she pinched the art with her jade hand, and snow began to fall in the sky.

The extreme chill enveloped the sky and the earth, and the pieces of snow were stained with green smoke and blood, and the green smoke and blood condensed, turning into frost and falling to the ground.

The two Nascent Soul cultivators looked horrified and couldn't help but take a step back.


"Be careful, this woman is one of the top five in the Eastern Region's Tianjiao Ranking, and she is extremely powerful!"

Liu Ningshuang is like an ice fairy, her body is fast, her pretty face is icy cold, and the pattern in her hands changes continuously. The next moment, the cold wind whistles and the blizzard becomes more intense.

In the goose feather snow, the cold wind and frost condensed into a pair of big hands that covered the sky, and patted the two Nascent Soul cultivators.

The two Nascent Soul cultivators roared again and again and resisted, but they were still defeated. They were slapped and flew out. The two of them were in a dark light, and half of their bodies were frozen into ice, and their bones were broken and tendons were broken.

The two high-level cultivators of Nascent Soul could not stop Liu Ningshuang's blow.

"Junior Brother, let's go!" Liu Ningshuang's pretty face was calm, and she led Lu Yi out of the encirclement and rushed into the distance.

Behind the two of them, terrifying spiritual energy surged, and the roar resounded through the world.

The entire mountain range was shaking, the peaks shattered, and cracks appeared on the ground.

In the mountain stream where they were barbecuing, the stream was evaporated to dryness on the spot, and the rocks on the bottom of the water turned into powder.

Like a huge earthquake.

That was the confrontation between the monks of Dongxu.

Even Lu Yi felt cold all over his body.

The aftermath alone has such terrifying power, it's hard to imagine what it would be like in the middle of the confrontation.

However, this was not something he could manage.

They rushed out of the encirclement and flew into the distance.

Behind them, a tyrannical aura followed, the Nascent Soul cultivator who was chasing them.

Lu Yi was enveloped in inextinguishable sword energy, like a long sword, and the speed was extremely fast.

The escape technique he used at the moment was no longer the Raikage step he used before.

After all, Lei Yingbu was just a technique for establishing the foundation realm, and it could no longer keep up with Lu Yi's footsteps.

The technique Lu Yi is practicing at the moment is called Jian Yuan Dun, which is the kendo escape technique in the Yuan Ying realm, which Lu Yi found from the Book Collection Pavilion.

After all, he is now in the library, even if it is the Zhenzong exercise, he can look at it at will, and it is no problem to find a few techniques.

When he first broke through to the Golden Core Realm, he had already learned Jian Yuan Dun, and at this moment, his spell level has reached lv9.

If it is a normal Nascent Soul technique, even if Lu Yi is very talented now, it is difficult to cultivate to this level within four years, but Lu Yi himself has an extremely powerful sword intent, and it is more effective to practice with half the effort.

In just four years, a powerful Nascent Soul technique has been cultivated to this level.

However, Lu Yi didn't need to use the lv9 level Jian Yuan Dun, just using the True Realm realm was enough to maintain a certain speed and would not be overtaken by the Nascent Soul cultivator behind him.

Liu Ningshuang was surrounded by cold air, as if being pushed forward by frost, her speed was obviously more than that, just to cooperate with Lu Yi and maintain this speed.

When Liu Ningshuang saw Lu Yi's speed so fast, a hint of surprise flashed in her eyes, and then she smiled and said, "Junior brother's speed is really fast. I originally wanted to fly with you, but now it seems that I don't need it."

Lu Yi was shocked when he heard this, and then said seriously: "Senior sister, my current speed is already at the limit, so I may not be able to get rid of the chasing soldiers behind, why don't you take me to fly, senior sister, let's leave quickly, It's safer that way."

Hearing this, Liu Ningshuang thought for a while, then nodded slightly: "If that's the case, then fine."

Liu Ningshuang waved her hand, and the next moment, a gust of cold wind entangled Lu Yi, making Lu Yi's body feel cold.

a little cold.

Afterwards, Liu Ningshuang took Lu Yi to fly.

Lu Yi's face was a little pale from the cold. He originally thought that he was flying with him by pulling him or something. That's all?

Lu Yi was a little regretful and a little cold.

However, he didn't say much, turned his head and glanced behind him, and saw the Nascent Soul cultivators being gradually thrown away.

As the top genius among Nascent Soul monks, Liu Ningshuang is naturally not comparable to ordinary Nascent Soul monks.

Behind those Nascent Soul cultivators, there was a terrifying flash of aura.

He saw that the originally clear sky had turned into a night, and the night was silent and seemed to contain endless murderous intent.

He also saw a silver sword of unknown length rising into the sky, piercing the night, slashing the night, and the sun reappeared.

Seeing the black giant hand covering the mountains and rivers slammed it down, the earth shook, the mountain peaks turned into basins, and the ground was full of cracks. Even if it was far away, Lu Yi could still feel the ground shaking violently under his feet.

I also saw the silver light shining on the heaven and the earth, and wherever it went, everything disintegrated and turned into the most primitive dust.

The battle of the cultivator Dongxu was even more terrifying than a nuclear bomb.

At this moment, a terrifying roar sounded from there, and black light and silver light flashed at the same time in the distance, mixed with other brilliance.

Then a powerful breath rushed out and quickly approached them.

That is the breath of a god.

Feeling this tyrannical aura, Liu Ningshuang's calm and pretty face changed slightly, and she frowned: "There are cultivators who are chasing after him."

Lu Yi also frowned: "Well, I'm afraid Old Ming couldn't stop him and let him get away."


Liu Ningshuang said nothing, the spiritual power surged, the speed increased again, and those Nascent Soul cultivators were getting farther and farther.

However, even so, Liu Ningshuang still couldn't get rid of the cultivator, he was extremely fast, he was always following behind the two of them, and he was slowly approaching.

Liu Ningshuang frowned slightly and said, "It's not the way to go on like this, you will be caught up."

Having said this, Liu Ningshuang thought for a while and said, "Junior Brother, I will block the cultivator for a while, you go first."

Lu Yi was stunned and looked at Liu Ningshuang: "How can I do that? Although Senior Sister is very strong, she may not be an opponent in the face of Spirit Transformation cultivators."

Liu Ningshuang smiled and said, "Even if it's not an opponent, he can't stop me if I want to leave."

Hearing this, Lu Yi glanced at Liu Ningshuang in surprise, he was silent for a while, and said, "Senior sister, can you fight the cultivator of the gods?"

"Resist for a moment, no problem."

When Lu Yi heard this, his eyes flashed, and he said to himself, "I want to kill the pursuers behind."


Kill the rear chaser

Reward: 100 drops of Millennium Spiritual Essence, 10 drops of True Dragon Blood

Accepted or not: yes/no

Seeing the reward, Lu Yi took a short breath and widened his eyes.

Spirit weapon!

There will be a reward for a spirit weapon!

You must know that the spiritual tool is the most powerful magic weapon that a normal mortal monk can possess. Above the spiritual tool, there is the fairy tool.

Generally speaking, even a cultivator of Dongxu would not have a spiritual weapon.

Even the overhaul of the fusion realm is rarely possessed.

One can imagine how precious spiritual tools are.

In addition, there are actually 10 drops of real dragon blood.

Lu Yi had obtained a drop of true dragon blood before, which greatly improved him.

Now, there are actually 10 drops!

Relatively speaking, 100 drops of Millennium Spirit Essence is the worst reward.

Lu Yi was very pleasantly surprised, the reward for this task was too generous.

However, Lu Yi thought about it, after all, there are thirteen Nascent Soul cultivators and one Spirit Transformation cultivator behind.

Killing them can complete the task, and the rewards should be more.

Lu Yi accepted the task without saying a word.


Seeing the change in Lu Yi's expression, Liu Ningshuang frowned slightly: "Junior brother? What's wrong with you?"

Lu Yi returned to his senses and smiled: "Senior sister, we can kill them."

Hearing this, Liu Ningshuang was stunned for a moment, looking at Lu Yi, her cold little face was stunned: "Kill them?"

Lu Yi nodded slightly: "Well, together, we can kill them all."

Liu Ningshuang frowned, her expression uneasy: "Junior brother, are you serious? Do you know how strong the cultivator is?"

Lu Yi nodded: "I'm confident, even if we can't kill them, we can go."

After speaking, Lu Yi thought of one thing. He looked at Liu Ningshuang and said with a smile, "Senior sister, I have a gift for you."

Liu Ningshuang's thoughts were still on killing the cultivator. When she heard this, she instinctively asked, "What gift?"

Lu Yi smiled and took out a long sword that released the cold air all over his body.

This is the reward Lu Yi obtained from completing the task of breaking through to the Jindan realm before, the top-grade treasure cold glass sword.

For Lu Yi, there are enough treasures in his hands. The Xuanyang sword and the red-flame copper furnace are enough for him to use. This high-grade treasure can greatly enhance the power of ice spells. The usefulness in his hands is far less than in the hands of Senior Sister.

Senior sister is willing to stay and resist the cultivator of the gods, and let him go first, but also take a lot of risks.

Since Senior Sister treated him like this, he naturally wouldn't be stingy.

This cold glass sword, Lu Yi intends to give her.

In fact, Lu Yi still had a small expectation in his heart.

That is, he still has a task to make his senior sister fall in love with him.

Now the task of the little junior sister is like a mistake, and it can't be completed even in death.

Lu Yi can only think about getting the senior sister first.

What if Senior Sister's mission is completed?

The moment Lu Yi took out the Hanli Sword, Liu Ningshuang was attracted.

As a congenital ice spirit body, she is naturally the most aware of the degree of fit between this instrument and her.

There was a hint of surprise on her pretty face: "What a powerful frost power, this magic a top-grade treasure?!"

Lu Yi nodded with a smile: "Well, this is a high-grade treasure, the cold glass sword. Junior brother obtained it by chance, and it is most suitable for senior sister to use."

Liu Ningshuang's calm eyes were like broken lake water, fluctuating slightly, she raised her head to look at Lu Yi with complicated eyes: "Junior Brother... do you know how precious high-grade treasures are? Even a spiritual cultivator is willing to give everything to exchange it with you. want to give it to me?"

Lu Yi smiled lightly and nodded slightly: "Well, although the magic weapon is precious, it is not as important as you, senior sister, in your younger brother's heart. The entire net worth of a spiritual cultivator is not as important as senior sister, your happiness."

Liu Ningshuang's breath fluctuated, she looked away slightly, and a gentle voice sounded: "... Junior Brother, when did you learn to speak so eloquently?"

The corners of Lu Yi's mouth twitched, and he doubted life in his heart. Could this be wrong?

A few days ago, he went to Bai Yulong and other senior brothers who were good at hooking up with female cultivators to talk about this issue.

Lu Yigan laughed and said, "Junior brother is naturally speaking from his heart. This cold glass sword is meant to be given to you by junior brother."

Liu Ningshuang was silent for a moment, and then smiled lightly: "If that's the case, then Senior Sister will accept it."

She stretched out her hand to Lu Yi, Lu Yi put the hilt in her hand, and her fingers touched Liu Ningshuang's hand, which was as white as jade, which was cold, similar to her temperament.

Liu Ningshuang held the sword, turned her back to Lu Yi, and faced the Spirit Transformation cultivator who was chasing behind her. A cold voice sounded: "Since Junior Brother is confident, Senior Sister will accompany you and kill them."

While speaking, cold air circulated around Liu Ningshuang, and flakes of snowflakes danced around her. How much stronger than before?

Just holding the Hanli Sword, Liu Ningshuang's breath became so much stronger.

This made Lu Yi sigh in his heart, it is indeed a top-grade treasure.

Lu Yichang smiled: "Okay, today, our brothers and sisters are going to make a big fuss together."

While speaking, Lu Yi also took out the Xuanyang Sword, and together with Liu Ningshuang, faced the many monks who were chasing him.

The first to catch up was naturally the cultivator that transformed the gods.

It was an old man wearing a blood-colored robe, with a thin, skeleton-like body and sparse hair.

He exudes a strong and disgusting **** smell all over his body, his breath fluctuates, and he seems to be a little weak.

In order to break out of Elder Ming's blockade, he still paid a certain price even if there was a shadow cave monk and two other spiritual monks to open the way for him.

He saw that Lu Yi and Liu Ningshuang actually stopped, grinned wickedly, and said hoarsely: "Run? Why don't you run?! No matter how you run, today, you will all die."

Liu Ningshuang held the cold glass sword, and the long sword pointed directly at the blood-robed old man, and a cold voice sounded: "It may not be us who died."

When the old man in the blood-robed robe saw the terrifying chill released from the Hanli Sword, Tong Kong shrank slightly, and then ecstasy appeared in his eyes: "This magic a top-grade treasure?! Hahahaha, God help me too! My blood jade has a great chance!"

Then he turned his head and saw the Xuanyang Sword in Lu Yi's hand again, his eyes flashing: "And the middle-grade treasure?! Good! Good! Two little things, I really want to thank you very much!"

Spiritual energy circulated around him, and blood light emerged, like a tide of blood, flapping the stormy waves.

The next moment, Xueyu reached out and grabbed Lu Yi and Liu Ningshuang, a huge blood-colored palm condensed and grabbed towards them.

This is one of the unique skills of the Blood Spirit Religion, Tian Luo Xue Hand, cultivated deep enough to block the space, like a net of heaven and earth, trapping the monks in it, making it impossible for them to escape.

At this moment, a cold wind swept across, and Luo Xue's hand froze in the air that day, and the next moment, it turned into pieces of blood-colored ice and shattered, falling to the ground.

"Huh?" Xueyu looked at Liu Ningshuang with a look of astonishment, with a strong killing intent in his eyes: "I heard that Liu Ningshuang of the White Cloud Sect is a peerless arrogance, UU reading is really extraordinary, if you grow up, I am afraid it is A big trouble like Peak Master Ling Luo, I killed you today!"

Liu Ningshuang didn't speak, took one step and disappeared in place, the next moment, the endless ice sword condensed on the blood jade head, like a rainstorm, slashed towards the blood jade.

Xueyu was furious, her whole body surging with spiritual energy, and she stood with Liu Ningshuang.

Lu Yi didn't step forward, he turned to look at the way they came.

Thirteen rainbow lights approached quickly, the terrifying aura of the Nascent Soul realm surged, and the air waves swept through, forming a gust of wind.

Lu Yi grinned, his eyes full of coldness.

The Spirit Transformation cultivator was dragged by his senior sister for the time being, so he killed these guys first.


Change first and then change~

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