My Immortal Cultivation Game Life

Chapter 105: 90% 9 Sword Intent


Break through to the realm of golden elixir (completed)

Rewards: High-grade Treasure Cold Glass Sword, Top-grade Treasure Red Flame Copper Furnace, One Pound of Enlightened Tea Leaves, Designated Spell Level +2

Whether to receive rewards: yes/no

High-grade treasures and top-grade treasures, even monks in the realm of God Transformation, may not be able to possess such precious magical treasures.

Before enlightening the tea leaves, Lu Yi's rewards were only a few pieces, but this time, it was all about the weight. Lu Yi himself didn't quite believe it at first.

The effect of Dao Enlightenment tea is great. So far, Lu Yi has only drank a few pieces of Dao Enlightenment tea leaves, and he feels that his comprehension has improved a lot.

This time around, Lu Yi felt that he could drink it every day... No, drinking every day is a bit too extravagant, but drinking it every month can be done.

At that time, his comprehension will probably be raised to an unimaginable level, and coupled with his Daoyin, his understanding of the Dao will be raised to a new level.

The final designated spell level +2 is also a very precious reward.

Lu Yi has now broken through to the Golden Core realm, and can practice the Golden Core chapter of the Indestructible Sword Sutra. At that time, the rewards for raising the level of this spell can be used for this, which can save him a lot of training time.

Lu Yi did not receive the quest reward immediately, because he saw that his master had already flown over with his senior and junior sisters.

Donggong Mingyue smiled and came to Lu Yi's side: "Congratulations, brother, you have broken through to the golden pill."

Lu Yi smiled slightly, and then said earnestly: "I'm all golden, Junior Sister, you have to work hard."

He also counted on this guy to break through to the golden core realm, and then his thunder mood can also improve faster, and he can also brush more centuries of spiritual essence.

After all, Yunxi and Hanyu were not in the White Cloud Sect, so it was definitely not as convenient to ask them to swipe the Centennial Spiritual Essence.

Hearing Lu Yi's words, Donggong Mingyue's smile froze, and she suddenly shut herself up.

Liu Ningshuang smiled lightly: "Congratulations, Junior Brother, you are going a step further on the road to immortality."

Lu Yi smiled and looked at Liu Ningshuang: "Senior sister is waiting for me in front of me. In the future, junior brother will definitely catch up with senior sister, and everyone will go down the fairy road together."

Liu Ningshuang nodded slightly with a smile on her cold little face.

Peak Master Lingluo looked sleepy and said, "The speed of this practice is very good, and the foundation is solid enough. I will continue to work hard to become an immortal."

Lu Yi was speechless, his master said Chengxian was the same as having a delicious meal tomorrow...

But he still nodded: "Disciple must work hard!"

Elder Ming, Wu Qingfeng and others also flew over, including the elders of the God Transformation Realm and the elders of the Nascent Soul Realm, and congratulated Lu Yi for breaking through to the Golden Core Realm.

Lu Yi naturally responded with a smile, these elders are elders to Lu Yi, and Lu Yi will not be impatient.

Lu Yi was not impatient, but Peak Master Lingluo was a little impatient.

Not long after, Peak Master Lingluo looked at the crowd and said, "Okay, this kid has just broken through and needs to stabilize his cultivation. Don't bother him, just go back."

Seeing that Peak Master Lingluo started chasing people, Wu Qingfeng and the others looked at each other in dismay, but nodded.

After everyone said goodbye, Lu Yi and Lingluo Peak, together with Liu Ningshuang and Donggong Mingyue, flew towards Lingluo Peak.

On the way, Ling Luofeng yawned and said speechlessly, "I'm so sleepy... I won't let anyone get a good rest."

Lu Yi's expression was stiff. He suspected that his master was driving the others away because he was sleepy.

Back in his cave, Lu Yicai realized the mission reward.

The top-grade treasure, the cold glass sword, is a long sword made of black ice and sapphire, exuding a cold air.

This sword is similar to the Xuanyang Sword. As a treasure, its power is naturally extraordinary. Moreover, the Cold Glass Sword has a strong boosting effect on ice spells. It is a rare and powerful magic weapon.

It's a pity that he didn't learn any ice-type spells. For him, its usefulness is not much different from that of the Xuanyang Sword.

As for the red-flamed copper furnace, as a top-quality treasure, it is naturally more powerful. Not only is it extremely strong, it can be used to seal opponents, it can be used for defense, and space is blocked, and it also has a very hot flame inside. If there is enough spiritual energy, it can be refined and powerful. Incomparable monk.

It is a powerful magic weapon that can be attacked and defended. It is extremely comprehensive, and Lu Yi likes it very much.

Lu Yi put away the pound of Dao Enlightenment tea leaves, and then took out three pieces of Dao Enlightenment tea leaves to brew a pot of tea at one time.

The Jindan chapter of the Inextinguishable Sword Scripture is much more mysterious than the foundation-building chapter, but Lu Yi has a certain understanding of the meaning of immortality, and he doesn't feel that it becomes too difficult. With Enlightenment tea drinking, Lu Yi entered the door after a short time.

After that, Lu Yi began to practice again with peace of mind.

Breaking through to the Jindan realm, the cultivation talent of the physical body has become stronger, coupled with the practice of the inextinguishable sword scriptures of the Jindan chapter, Lu Yi's aura absorption efficiency has been improved again, even the powerful spiritual energy contained in the Wannian Spiritual Milk has no effect. The way to support Lu Yi to practice for a few hours.

Fortunately, Lu Yi had obtained a lot of Centennial Spiritual Essence during the three exchange meetings before, otherwise the resources would not be enough.

Lu Yi used the Breitling marrow to continue his stable cultivation.

Time passed, and a year passed in a hurry.

After breaking through the thirteenth floor of the foundation building and condensing the golden core of the road, Lu Yi's foundation is unparalleled. After breaking through to the golden core realm, the cultivation speed is extremely fast.

In just one year, Lu Yi broke through two realms in a row and reached the third level of Jindan.

In addition to the improvement of his cultivation, Lu Yi's biggest improvement was his sword intent.

Because Elder Ming broke through to the Void Realm, Sword Intent has also been greatly improved, and the rewards for Lu Yi and Elder Ming's Taoism task have increased a lot.

Coupled with the fact that Elder Ming is now retired and no longer guards the library, Lu Yi has more time and often talks with Elder Ming.

This has also led to the rapid improvement of Lu Yi's Sword Intent in recent years. Just a few days ago, Lu Yi's Sword Intent had increased to 99%, and he was only one step away from reaching the Perfection level.

If the Sword Intent is complete, he can condense the Sword Intent and turn it into the field of Kendo. At that time, Lu Yi's combat power will be greatly improved.

It's a pity that this last step is extremely difficult. Lu Yi and Elder Ming have been discussing the Tao recently, and the sword intent has not improved much.

This made Lu Yi a little distressed.

In addition, Lu Yi's Lei's artistic conception improvement is not bad. After all, his own little junior sister has worked hard to cultivate, and the cultivation base can also be improved. After discussing with her, Lei's artistic conception has been steadily improving.

However, compared to Sword Intent, the gap is relatively large. So far, it is only 85%.

This is the previous Tianlei, Lu Yi had a sudden realization of the mood of thunder, which improved a lot.

The artistic conception of water, because Senior Brother Jiang Fan always goes out to do quests to obtain resources, the improvement is relatively slow, and now it has only reached more than 50%, but it is still better than the artistic conception of ice and the natural artistic conception.

After all, it was rare for Lu Yi to see Yun Xi and Han Yu once, and they hadn't discussed each other for a year.

In addition, Lu Yi's skills and techniques improved quite quickly.

The blood burning secret technique obtained before has been cultivated to the lv8 level, the amount of burning blood essence has been reduced a lot, and the power of the improvement is getting bigger and bigger.

The Heavenly Thunder True Dragon Art, which was perfected a year ago, has also been upgraded to level 6. At this moment, Lu Yi's physical strength is incomparable, and it is no problem to overturn mountains.

The golden elixir technique "Seven Profound Swordsmanship" has been raised to its limit a long time ago, and the same is true of "Transformation Technique".

In addition, Lu Yi has also mastered the sword-hitting style step by step, and has reached the level of lv7.

Even with the Nascent Soul magic technique "Aoki Metamorphosis Technique", which was acquired not long ago, Lu Yi has also cultivated to the lv6 level.

It can be said that Lu Yi's progress is quite comprehensive, and there are huge improvements in all aspects.

A lot has happened this year.

Lu Yi often went to run errands for Master, and went to Fang Market to buy food and drink, and heard a lot of news.

After the exchange meeting of the three sects, the three sects have been determined, and they will try to break into the mountain gates of the Serpent Sect and the Blood Spirit Religion.

Among them, Elder Ming, as the Dongxu Sword Cultivator, is the core main force.

Nine months ago, Elder Ming went to the mountain gate of the Blood Spirit Religion with the coalition of the three sects.

These cultivators included several Supreme Elders from the God Transformation Realm from the three sects, dozens of Elders from the Nascent Soul Realm, and naturally more cultivators from the Gold Core Realm and the Foundation Establishment Realm.

However, the three allied forces were stopped before they reached the gate of the Blood Spirit Religion.

The interceptors were naturally the powerhouses of the Blood Spirit Sect and the Heavenly Snake Sect. In addition, there were two other sects, the Huangshan Sect and the Youluo Sect.

The coalition forces of the two sides launched a **** battle, and You Luozong also produced an old monster in the Void Realm, which was powerful and stopped Elder Ming.

If it weren't for the fact that Elder Ming's kendo cultivation was extremely powerful, his combat power surpassed that of the old monster in the hole, and he would eventually repel the old monster in the hole, forcing back the four coalition forces of the Blood Spirit Religion, the final consequences would be unimaginable. .

Even so, the powerhouses of the three sects still paid a huge price. Many Jindan and base-building cultivators died. Even the Nascent Soul Elder died several times. Even the Supreme Elder in the God Transformation Realm died. Winter Valley.

Of course, the four sects, including the Blood Spirit Religion, also suffered heavy losses.

The battle was extremely tragic. Lu Yi listened to the words of the brothers and sisters who had personally experienced it in Fangshi. The battlefield at that time was a thousand miles of red and blood flowed into rivers.

Being able to survive is also due to the scruples of the strong on both sides, otherwise, none of the Jindan and the base-building cultivator will be left.

"It was a fluke to be able to come back alive."

When the brothers and sisters talked about the war, they still had a heart-wrenching look on their faces. It was conceivable how terrible the war was at that time.

The seven sects have suffered such heavy losses, and naturally their eyes are red.

The five wars that had gradually subsided, started again, and were much more intense than before.

Last time, there were only five sects, this time, there were seven sects involved.

The Huangshan Sect was no weaker than the three Baiyun Sect, and there was a superior Youluo Sect. The three sects were gradually suppressed during this period of time, and the battle situation was not particularly good.

That is to say, in the previous interception battle, Elder Ming's sword intent was shocking, which made the four blood spirit sects extremely jealous and did not dare to push too hard, otherwise the aggression of the four sects would only be stronger.

Even so, the three major sects still lost many disciples in the battle, and even the powerhouses of the Jindan Yuanying realm would also fall.

Under such circumstances, Baiyun Sect, Wanhua Sect and Bitter Winter Valley would not sit still. The Blood Spirit Sect and Heavenly Snake Sect could continue to unite with other sects, and so could the three sects.

"Invincible begins with the sacrifice of ancestors"

The entire Qingzhou has a vast territory and countless sects, among which there are as many as thirteen top sects with powerful strength.

Now seven have joined the battlefield, and the remaining five sects are also very passive.

The flames of war are burning, even if other sects do not want to participate in the war, it is easy to be affected, and it is difficult to survive alone.

Three months ago, each of the seven sects sent strong men to the other six sects, Haoyuegu, Tiexinmen, Hongyunzong, Heiyufeng, Wenjian Villa, and Molin Valley. into your own camp.

At the same time, the battle of the seven sects continued.

The entire Qingzhou was in chaos, until now.

Lu Yi sighed in his heart, that is, his current cultivation resources are sufficient, and he does not need to go out to do tasks and obtain any cultivation resources.

Otherwise, even with his current strength, going out is not particularly safe.

On this day, Lu Yi was cultivating, and suddenly he heard Liu Ningshuang's voice from outside the cave: "Junior brother, come out and see."

Lu Yi was stunned for a moment, a little surprised. His senior sister was cold-hearted and seldom came to him, so why did she suddenly come here?

Lu Yi went out of the cave, and saw Liu Ningshuang dressed in white, standing outside the door, with a peerless face like white jade, flawless.

Besides Liu Ningshuang, Lu Yi also saw another woman.

The woman was dressed in sackcloth, holding a long white jade sword in her hand, with slender eyebrows, thin red lips, a high nose bridge, and an unparalleled appearance.

Although she is a woman, she has a rare heroic spirit.

Lu Yi was taken aback for a moment, then glanced at her in surprise.

This woman... Lu Yi had never seen it in Lingluofeng before.

Lu Yi smiled and said, "Senior sister, why are you here? Junior sister is not with you? Who is this one?"

Generally speaking, every time Liu Ningshuang came over, Donggong Mingyue accompanied her. This time, she came with another woman, which surprised Lu Yi.

Hearing this, Liu Ningshuang smiled and said: "This is Jian Ruyu, the young master of Wenjian Villa, she has joined the Divine Sword Sect, she is a peerless genius of the Divine Sword Sect, and she is a friend I made while practicing abroad. Today Ruyu came over with the owner of Wenjian Villa, and was very curious about your sword intent, junior brother, so let me bring her over to meet you."

When Lu Yi heard this, Tong Kong shrank slightly, and his heart shook a little.

Asking Sword Villa, one of the thirteen sects in Qingzhou, is naturally not weak. I didn't expect that their young master would join other sects.

One can imagine how powerful this Divine Sword Sect is.

However, when Wen Jian Villa came to the White Cloud Sect at this time, it was probably because he intended to join the alliance of the White Cloud Sect.

This is a good thing for Bai Yunzong.

Moreover, this woman is also a friend of his own senior sister, so Lu Yi naturally couldn't be rude. He smiled and said, "It turned out to be the master of Young Master Jian. Lu Yi has met the Master of Young Master."

Jian Ruyu looked at Lu Yi and smiled brightly: "You are Ningshuang's junior brother, don't be so polite, just call me Sister Ruyu."

"Miss Ruyu."

Jian Ruyu nodded, looked at Lu Yi, there was a trace of strange light in his black and white eyes, and he said, "Little brother Yi, your kendo talent makes Ningshuang full of praise, even Senior Ming said he was ashamed, Is it really that strong?"

Lu Yi smiled: "Senior sister and Ming Lao won the prize, so I'm just ordinary!"

Jian Ruyu was eager to try, and said with a smile: "I came to Baiyunzong with my father this time, and the biggest purpose is to meet you. I want to compete with you!"

Lu Yi was stunned for a moment, and said strangely: "Sister Ruyu, your cultivation base is already Nascent Soul, you want to compete with me?"

If it's just an ordinary Yuan Ying cultivator, it's fine. Jian Ruyu is a peerless genius of the Divine Sword Sect. I'm afraid it's not much worse than his own senior sister. Lu Yi really doesn't have the confidence to defeat her.

Jian Ruyu smiled and said, "Of course, we only compare swordsmanship, nothing else."

Hearing this, Lu Yi raised his eyebrows and said to himself, "I want to learn swordsmanship with Jian Ruyu."


Learn kendo with Jian Ruyu

Reward: Sword Intent upgrade, Sword Intent grass.

Accepted or not: yes/no

Lu Yi naturally accepted.

Since Jian Ruyu can become a peerless genius of the Divine Sword Sect, then I am afraid that the kendo talent will not be bad. His current sword intent is just 90%, and there is no improvement. If he can improve in the sparring with Jian Ruyu , that's a good thing.

Moreover, there is also a Sword Intent Grass, which is a good thing. When Lu Yi was building the foundation, Master went to the Divine Sword Sect to ask for one.

Thinking of this, Lu Yi chuckled: "Since Sister Ruyu has said so, then it is not easy for me to refuse."

These words made Jian Ruyu's eyes sparkle, and she said with a smile: "Okay! It's better to choose a day than to hit the sun, let's do it now!"

While speaking, Jian Ruyu's body was full of incomparably sharp sword intent.

This terrifying sword intent soared into the sky, as if to tear the sky and cut everything off.

The thick clouds above Lingluo Peak were broken inch by inch under the impact of such sword intent.

Such movement naturally attracts attention.

Soon, the sound of breaking through the air sounded, and Wu Qingfeng came together with a handsome middle-aged man who was somewhat similar to Jian Ruyu.

In addition to the two, Qi Ling and a few Taishang elders followed.

Lingluofeng's Nascent Soul Elder, and all the brothers and sisters also broke through and exclaimed.

"What a powerful sword intent!"

"This sword intent... is Junior Brother Lu's sword intent?! With such a sharp edge, I am afraid that everything in front of this sword intent will be cut off!"

"Go and see what's going on!"

The monks volleyed to look outside Lu Yi's cave.

On the other side, Elder Ming did not know when he had appeared at the top of a big tree, silently.

In the sky, Wu Qingfeng looked at the sword Ruyu, whose sword intent was rushing into the sky below, and exclaimed: "Brother Jingtian, Ruyu's niece's sword intent has reached the realm of transformation. It's really amazing."

Jian Jingtian looked at his daughter below, and showed a satisfied smile, but his words were very modest: "Brother Qingfeng has won the prize, Yu'er's sword intent can be tempered to such a state, thanks to Divine Sword Sect. After all, it is the Holy Land of Kendo. ."

He looked at Lu Yi in front of Jian Ruyu, a strange look flashed in his eyes, and smiled: "That young man, I am afraid that he is the immortal seed of Baiyun Sect, Lu Yi, who has been praised by the elders of the Ming Dynasty, right? To such a sword intent, you can keep your expression still, it's really extraordinary."

Wu Qingfeng nodded slightly and said with a smile: "It's really Lu Yi, it seems that Ruyu's niece wants to learn kendo with Lu Yi kid? Ruyu's niece is known as a swordsman wizard in Shenjian Sect, Lu Yi kid's sword The meaning is equally astonishing, and this discussion is worth looking forward to.”

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