My Immortal Cultivation Game Life

Chapter 103: Breakthrough


Go to the Purple Flower Sea with Yunxi.

Reward: Nascent Soul Magic "Aoki Metamorphosis", 10 drops of Breitling Essence

Accepted or not: yes/no

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be the Yuan Ying technique! And there are a full 10 drops of Breitling marrow.

This is much higher than the reward for sparring with Yunxi.

Lu Yimei accepted the task.

Lu Yi turned to look at Liu Ningshuang next to him, and said with a smile, "Senior sister, do you want to go together?"

Liu Ningshuang thought for a while, then nodded slightly: "Well, I heard before that the sea of ​​​​purple flowers in Wanhuazong is a wonderland in Qingzhou. It is rare to come here once, so naturally you have to see it."

So, the four of them, led by Yun Xi, went to Ziluo Flower Sea.

Ziluo Flower Sea is located in the depths of Wanhuazong Valley. Violet flowers bloom all over the valley, and even the mountains in the distance are a continuous purple, which is extremely beautiful.

There are many female cultivators from the Wanhua Sect who are admiring the flowers, sitting in twos and threes and talking about it, the environment is quite good.

After seeing Yun Xi, many female cultivators looked over, and after seeing Lu Yi next to Yun Xi, all the female cultivators looked surprised and talked in a low voice, and then some people suddenly saw Lu Yi's eyes flashing Brilliant.

Yunxi didn't see all of this, but just smiled and introduced the origin of Ziluo Huahai to Lu Yi. It is said that the beloved of the ancestor of the Wanhua Sect died unexpectedly. She was heartbroken and no longer had the heart to cultivate. Came here to establish the Wanhua Sect to spend the rest of his life.

Because her beloved loved violets the most during her lifetime, she planted a violet flower with her own hands, and then carefully cultivated it every year. Thousands of years later, a sea of ​​flowers was formed.

Before the Wanhua Sect patriarch sat down, he also instructed the headmaster to continue to take care of this sea of ​​flowers, which has continued to this day.

Yun Xi was walking in the sea of ​​flowers with his hands on his back, and a light voice sounded: "The ancestors and the beloved of her old man are buried in the depths of this sea of ​​flowers. Before they were alive, the two could not work together to grow old, and after their death, the ancestors also hoped that they would be able to sleep in the same hole."

On the side, Donggong Mingyue's eyes were red and she kept sobbing: "Although you are not a good person, the feelings of your Wanhua Sect Patriarch are so touching."

Liu Ningshuang swept across the sea of ​​flowers, and sighed softly: "The Patriarch of Wanhua Sect is a man of temperament."

Lu Yi also had some feelings. In his last life, maybe it was because the times had changed. In fact, there were more feelings just for fun, all kinds of social software were popular, and the cost of making friends became very low. too much.

Lu Yi had a roommate when he was in college. He could find five different girls for the night in a week, and there were two days for rest.

Lu Yi was also envious at first, but later when he was chatting with that roommate, he said that he is very numb now. He can easily make a girl feel good about him, and even go to bed with him that day, but his heart But there is no fluctuation, no emotion exists, as if it is a routine, always on the way to pursue freshness and excitement, like an animal without emotion, after every late-night passion, it seems particularly empty, and even hates itself.

"I probably won't know what love is like in my life, my heart is dead."

When Lu Yi listened to the roommate's words at the time, he only felt that he was pretending to be coercive, but now after hearing the story of the patriarch of the Wanhua Sect, Lu Yi recalled the roommate's words again, but had some feelings.

It's hard to say which is better or worse, but the feelings of the Wanhua Sect patriarch made Lu Yi even more shocked.

He thought of the two words from his previous life, chuckled lightly, and sighed: "Ask the world, what is love? Straight teaching promises life and death."

"Reincarnation Paradise"

Hearing this, Donggong Mingyue, Liu Ningshuang and Yunxi all froze slightly, looking at Lu Yi in surprise, with different eyes.

Lu Yi noticed that there was something wrong with the atmosphere, turned his head to look, and saw that the three of them were staring at him.

Lu Yi looked puzzled: "What's wrong?"

The three of them returned to their senses, Donggong Mingyue's pretty face blushed slightly, and she looked away slightly: "Senior brother, I didn't expect such a good literary talent."

Liu Ningshuang smiled and said, "I haven't seen my younger brother have a Taoist companion, how can you recite such a sentence?"

Yun Xi looked at Lu Yi curiously: "Fellow Daoist Lu Yi, could it be that you also have a Taoist companion like the Patriarch?"

Lu Yi's head is full of black lines, who is such a Taoist companion! I would like to have it!

When he saw the three of them, he felt strange.

Having said that, this world is different from the previous life after all. Many poems do not exist in this world, and they came from their own time. If they were born in the mortal world, maybe they could become a copywriter and a coquettish poet?

It is a pity that he was born in the world of immortality and is destined to become an immortal in the future. This is another story.

Lu Yi lightly smiled and said, "I just heard the story told by fellow Daoist Yunxi, and I feel it. As for the literary talent? This is probably innate, right? My talent, both senior and junior, know that it is strong in every aspect."

Hmm... He is very thick-skinned, and he has no burden to copy.

The four of them strolled until the evening before going back to rest.

After returning to the room, Lu Yi absorbed the reward.

To Lu Yi's surprise, "Green Wood Transformation" turned out to be a very rare healing technique. Running wood-type spiritual energy can speed up the recovery of one's own injuries. body, the effect is better.

There is also a secret technique in this technique, which can absorb the life essence of natural flowers, plants and trees to restore one's own injuries, but this type of secret technique consumes a lot of money, and ordinary monks will not use it easily.

For Lu Yi, there is one more way to save his life.

It can only be said that it is indeed a technique in the Nascent Soul realm, which is indeed quite extraordinary.

Early the next morning, the monks from Bitter Winter Valley also came, and Han Yu was among them. Lu Yi was even happier when he saw Han Yu, and then he could play quests to get rewards.

Therefore, in the following time, Lu Yi often invited Yunxi and Hanyu to discuss, besides them, Donggong Mingyue naturally wanted to discuss, as well as Jiang Fan and Tieman.

As for Bai Yulong, he discussed it a few times at first, and later he became addicted to the beauty of the female cultivator of the Wanhua Sect.

Lu Yi was too lazy to care about this guy.

In addition to them, the three sects exchange meeting is aimed at the exchanges between the three young monks. Lu Yi also competes with other young genius disciples of Bitter Winter Valley and Wanhua Sect. It can be said that the rewards are very generous.

As for the leader Taishang elders and a few Nascent Soul elders, from the first day onwards, they went to discuss something every day, and they often couldn't see anyone.

Later, Lu Yi learned that the original three exchange meetings were only exchanges between young monks.

However, because the White Cloud Sect had a Dongxu Sword Cultivator like Elder Ming, the situation changed.

The three sects began to discuss whether there was a chance to hit the gate of the Blood Spirit Sect or the Heavenly Snake Sect.

The five wars in the past few years have made the Blood Spirit Sect and the Snake Sect have deep grievances with the three sects.

If there is a chance, the three sects all hope to directly kill the Blood Spirit Sect and the Heavenly Snake Sect with one stick, so as not to give them a chance to make a comeback.

These days, they are discussing these things every day.

After Lu Yi found out, he didn't care at all. Anyway, it's best to kill him. If he can't, just wait for him to be stronger and break the two sects' great formations, and see what they do when the time comes.

The three exchange meetings lasted for more than a month. Because Yunxi and Hanyu both improved their cultivation and the rewards increased, Lu Yi could get more than 60 drops of Centennial Spiritual Essence every day, adding up to more than 2,000 drops.

It is more than double the one hundred years of spiritual marrow that was given to Elder Ming before.

At the end of the three exchange meetings, Lu Yi was satisfied.

The group returned to Baiyunzong calmly, and Lu Yi, Liu Ningshuang, and Donggong Mingyue also returned to Lingluo Peak, and each returned to Dongfu.

After the three sects exchange meeting, Lu Yi guessed that the three sects might make some moves on the Serpent Sect and the Blood Spirit Religion next, but it is none of his business at the moment, so he can practice with peace of mind.

Time continued to pass, and a year and a half later, after Lu Yi used the epiphany again and again on the Inextinguishable Sword Sutra, his Inextinguishable Sword Sutra finally reached the limit level of the Foundation Building Chapter.

After reaching this level, Lu Yi had a chanting of Daoyin in his mind, and he had a little understanding of the immortality of the immortal sword.

The more he understood, the more Lu Yi felt that the Immortal Conception was profound and inexplicable. It was an extremely powerful artistic conception.

Lu Yi just felt a little bit, and transformed the immortal artistic conception he felt into Dao pattern and engraved it in his flesh and blood. He only felt that his physical body had improved a little.

You know, Lu Yi's own Heavenly Thunder True Dragon Art is already an extremely powerful body training technique.

Now, after the immortal dao pattern is inscribed, it can still be improved. It is conceivable how powerful this inextinguishable mystery is.

Even, Lu Yi tried, even after being injured, he can recover quickly, because the immortal dao pattern is playing a huge role.

Lu Yi also began to try to engrave the immortal dao pattern in the sword intent, condensing a more powerful immortal sword intent, and I am afraid it will be even stronger by then.

It's a pity that integrating the two moods is an extremely difficult thing. Lu Yi tries every day, but has no results.

He is not in a hurry, anyway, there is time, you can try slowly.

The foundation-building chapter of the Inextinguishable Sword Classic, which reached the limit, made Lu Yi's cultivation speed even faster.

After just three months, Lu Yi reached the limit of the thirteenth floor of the foundation.

At this moment, Lu Yi felt the bottleneck again.

There is only a bottleneck leading to the realm of Jindan.

Lu Yi didn't have any hesitation, and immediately began to hit the bottleneck.

Lu Yi was neither happy nor sad, calm, and used his spiritual energy to hit the bottleneck for half a month.

Half a month later, Lu Yi sat cross-legged, and a crisp sound rang in Lu Yi's ear.

Lu Yi was suddenly shocked, he was about to break through!

He immediately took out a colorful spirit bead and took it.

This is the Dao Lingzhu rewarded by Lu Yi for breaking the restrictions of the Dao of Heaven.

The Dao Lingzhu entered Lu Yi's body and turned into strands of heavy and profound power, spreading in Lu Yi's body.

That is a powerful force that surpasses the quality of spiritual energy, and is a higher-level power of the Dao.

With the spread of the power of the Dao, the sound of Dao sounded in Lu Yi's mind. There were jade lotuses blooming around Lu Yi, golden rings condensed behind his head, and colorful haze suddenly appeared, covering Lu Yi.

Against the background of various visions, Lu Yi, who was sitting cross-legged, floated like a fairy.

The colorful aura vortex in Lu Yi's body also sensed it, echoing the power of the avenue spread by the avenue spirit beads.

Soon, the spiritual energy in Lu Yi's body gradually solidified from the original liquid state to form a paste.

The paste-like aura whirls and gradually condenses into a spherical shape.

This spherical source of spiritual energy contains unimaginable and terrifying power. The lines with the avenues on it flow and flash, and the sounds are released one after another.

With the transformation of the spiritual vortex in the body, the inextinguishable sword species above the spiritual vortex also released a golden light under the sound of the Dao, the mysterious inextinguishable Dao pattern flickered, and the terrifying sword intent surrounded Lu Yi. The whole body, like a dragon, guards Lu Yi in the colorful haze.

Lu Yi mustered his strength and hit the bottleneck again.


The spiritual energy after the transformation was unstoppable, and with an extremely tyrannical posture, it impacted the bottleneck, and a dense sound of shattering sounded.

With a bang, Lu Yi felt that the world was open, as if he had entered a whole new world.

Heaven and Earth opened a new door for him, and all kinds of mysterious artistic conceptions seemed to be approaching Chi Chi.

Lu Yi understood that he had broken the bottleneck and entered the realm of golden elixir.

Without hesitation, he directly took out the other Dao Lingzhu, took them one by one, and began to condense his own golden elixir.

The golden pill condensed by the avenue!

The spiritual beads of the Dao entered the body one by one, turning into a rich and profound aura of the Dao, with profound Dao patterns that Lu Yi couldn't understand, swimming freely in Lu Yi's body.

Some scattered Dao patterns fell on Lu Yi's flesh and blood, and Lu Yi's flesh and blood shone brightly, exuding gleaming treasures, and a hint of fragrance faintly emerged.

His body underwent an inexplicable transformation under the Dao Rune.

Lu Yi could clearly perceive that his ability to sense spiritual energy was several times stronger than before.

You know, Lu Yi has been practicing with spiritual milk during this period of time, and has improved his talent to a certain extent.

Although it is not as good as the acquired spirit body, in the mortal body, it is definitely a top existence. If he uses the Centennial Spiritual marrow to cultivate, then it is very simple to transform his own body into an acquired spirit body.

But now, the lines are scattered, Lu Yi's flesh and blood have undergone an unknown transformation, and the training speed has been greatly improved, directly surpassing the mortal body, I am afraid that it is much stronger than the ordinary acquired spirit body.

This is just the scattered Dao lines. Most of the Dao lines are wrapped by the power of Dao and enter Lu Yi's condensed golden core.

As the incomparably rich power of the Dao entered the golden core, the paste-like golden core flashed with colorful rays, as if to completely illuminate Lu Yi's body.

His body, which was originally flashing with gleaming light, now has a colorful glow, and the vision around him has become even more majestic.

The jade lotus blossomed, blooming in unison, exuding a fragrance of fragrance, and the colorful clouds flowed, even more mysterious and mysterious, completely shrouding Lu Yi's body, the golden wheel in his mind released a golden streamer, extremely majestic.

The sound of the avenue even sang from Lu Yi's body and reverberated in the training room.

In Lu Yi's body, the paste-like dantian condensed at an extremely fast speed. From the original paste-like shape, it gradually transformed into a solid. From the original somewhat irregular shape, it turned into a regular circle in the rotation, like a big round. The day was settled in Lu Yi's dantian, and the spiritual light shone on the entire dantian.

The whole body of this golden core is like colored glass, and the interior contains colorful rays of light, as if the color rays from outside the sky fall into the mundane world and are absorbed into the body by Lu Yi.

As the golden elixir took shape, more mighty and mysterious Dao sounds emerged, and the Dao sounds reverberated in Lu Yi's mind. Lu Yi seemed to understand but not understand.

In his mind, he couldn't help recalling the various exercises and techniques he had cultivated, and the various Taos and principles of enlightenment, only to feel more transparent.

Daoyin chanted, and then, in the glazed golden dan, mysterious dao lines appeared and disappeared in the colorful rays of light, and the golden dan was twisted around, releasing rays of rays, which permeated Lu Yi's entire dantian, and soon, rays of light appeared. It enveloped the entire dantian.

A golden elixir floats up and down in the colorful glow, with an inexplicable charm.

Only then did Lu Yi completely condense the golden core and break through to the golden core realm.

He opened his eyes, there was a flash of colorful rays of light in his eyes, and the rays of light disappeared, Lu Yi's black eyes were deep, like a black hole, which was enough to make people addicted, and the visions around him also disappeared.

The temperament that was originally like a banished immortal descended to the world is once again attributed to Pingdan.

Lu Yi got up, stretched out, felt the power that was constantly emerging in his body, and showed a smile.

Finally broke through to the Jindan realm.

The golden core in his body is different from the golden core of ordinary monks.

Generally, the cultivator's golden core will condense a stripe pattern based on the foundation he has built, as well as the Dao and principle mastered in the foundation-building realm, as well as the skills and techniques mastered, and engraved on the golden core.

The more Dao lines, the stronger the foundation and the stronger the strength.

But his golden core is different, there is no Dao pattern on it.

After all, his golden core is completely condensed from the Dao.

It can be said that it is unique and has no comparison with others.

At this moment, Lu Yi felt a ray of heart season, and his chest was a little depressed.

The familiar pressure emerged, causing Lu Yi to look up, and over the cave, it seemed that he could see the sky through the rocks.

The coercion of heaven is thunder tribulation.

Lu Yi smiled, took a step, and his body disappeared in place.

The next moment, Lu Yi's spiritual energy surged in his body, entered the inextinguishable sword species, and transformed into golden sword energy. He turned into a golden sword light, disappeared in place, and flew into the distance.

Last time, because of lack of preparation, Lu Yi could only survive the calamity on Lingluo Peak. This time, Lu Yi would naturally not survive the tribulation on Lingluo Peak again, so as not to destroy Lingluo Peak.

If this is the case, it is difficult to guarantee that his master will not be angry.

It's still quite scary for his master to be angry.


Back in time a few minutes ago.

A roar sounded on Lingluo Peak, and an incomparably powerful aura slowly dissipated, shaking all the closed monks in the inner door of Lingluo Peak.

One by one, the monks rose into the sky and came into the air, in shock.

"What a powerful breath, which monk is going to break through?"

"It was uploaded from Lingluofeng. Lingluofeng is indeed a gathering place for geniuses, and another cultivator is about to break through!"

At the top of Lingluo Peak, the master of Lingluo was lying on the bed, still sleeping badly, with his snow-white thighs and arms exposed.

The roar sounded, and Ling Luofeng was shocked to wake up. Her hazy eyes showed a hint of surprise: "This breath... is that kid? That kid broke through?"

Her body disappeared in place and came outside Lu Yi's cave.

Not long after, Liu Ningshuang also appeared. She looked at Lu Yi's cave and said, "Master, Junior Brother has made a breakthrough!"

"Yeah." Peak Master Lingluo nodded slightly: "Calculate the time, this kid has stayed in the foundation building realm for a few years, and it's almost time to break After a while, Donggong Mingyue also flew. Come over, her cultivation base has reached the ninth floor of the foundation building, and she is only one step away from the tenth floor of the foundation building, and her cultivation speed is very fast.

But the real difficulty of the foundation building realm lies in breaking the restrictions of heaven, which is the most time-consuming.

Lu Yi only stayed on the first ten floors for about two years.

As soon as she came over, she saw Peak Master Lingluo and Liu Ningshuang, and hurriedly saluted: "Master, Senior Sister, you are here too!"

At this moment, a golden sword light shot up into the sky and flew towards the outside of the sect.

"It's Senior Brother!" Donggong Mingyue exclaimed.

Peak Master Lingluo glanced at the dark clouds that were slowly condensing, and said, "It's about to cross the calamity... Sure enough, this kid broke through to the realm of the golden core, which also attracted thunder... Let's take a look."

She rolled up Liu Ningshuang and Donggong Mingyue and chased in the direction of Lu Yi.

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