My Immortal Cultivation Game Life

Chapter 98: Building the 11th floor

Outside the cave, Lu Yi saw Han Yu, and surprisingly, Jiang Fan, Bai Yulong and Tie Man were also there.

"Fellow Daoist Hanyu is here, welcome, why are the three brothers with Daoist Hanyu?"

Jiang Fan smiled and said, "I met you on the road, and when I saw Daoist Hanyu wanted to see you, I brought him here."

Lu Yi said suddenly: "If that's the case, then come in."

The four entered the cave with Lu Yi, and Lu Yi naturally brought out delicious wine and spiritual food to entertain them.

After the exchange, Lu Yi understood that Han Yu really came with the elder Taishang from Bitter Winter Valley.

Unlike the headmaster of the Wanhua Sect, Bitter Winter Valley was not too willing to join forces. Instead, Han Yu kept persuading him. In addition, he heard that the Wanhua Sect also wanted to unite with the Baiyun Sect, which made Bitter Winter Valley change his mind.

Lu Yi raised his glass to Hanyu and said with a chuckle, "Thank you for your persuasion, fellow Daoist Hanyu, and toast to you."

Han Yu smiled: "Daoist friend Lu Yi is very polite, you have saved me so many times at the Donglin Historic Site, why bother with such trivial matters?"

Then several people talked about the recent battle in the territory of Baiyunzong.

Unlike Lu Yi, Jiang Fan, Bai Yulong, and Tie Man often went to accept missions.

Bai Yulong's eyes lit up, and he said, "The reward for killing a disciple of the Blood Spirit Sect is too rich, can you believe it, Junior Brother Lu? Killing a disciple of the Blood Spirit Sect on the first floor of the Foundation Building will get two bottles of high-grade Qi Gathering Pills! This was completely unimaginable before!"

Lu Yi was also very surprised when he heard Bai Yulong's words.

Although for Lu Yi, two bottles of top-grade Qi Gathering Pills are not in his eyes.

But that is only for him. For ordinary disciples, most of them use middle-grade Qi Gathering Pills and high-grade Qi Gathering Pills when they cultivate in the Foundation Establishment Realm. Otherwise it would be too extravagant.

I didn't expect that killing a Blood Spirit Sect disciple on the first floor of Foundation Establishment would have such a generous reward.

This time, the White Cloud Sect is probably bleeding profusely. Even if the White Cloud Sect has a big business, such a consumption is very exaggerated.

Lu Yi sighed in his heart, no matter which world he is in, fighting is all about money.

The three of Jiang Fan killed a lot of foundation-building cultivators recently, and gained a lot of resources. The speed of the three of them was quite good. Jiang Fan had improved from the third floor of the foundation to the fourth floor of the foundation in one year.

Both Bai Yulong and Tie Man have also improved, and have been promoted to the second floor of the Foundation Building.

Although this cultivation speed cannot be compared with Lu Yi, it is much faster than that of ordinary monks.

Lu Yi tried to publish information about the three of them discussing with Senior Brother Jiang Fan, and found that the quest rewards of the three of them improved a little with the improvement of their cultivation.

However, for the current Lu Yi, it was not enough.

Only the artistic conception of water rewarded by Senior Brother Jiang Fan is still very useful to Lu Yi.

What surprised Lu Yi was Han Yu, who, like Yun Xi, had been promoted to the Golden Core Realm, and the rewards were also very generous.

1 drop of Breitling essence and ice mood.

Lu Yi and several people communicated for a while, and Lu Yi couldn't wait to make a request for discussion.

With Lu Yi's strength, Han Yu was naturally very happy to propose a discussion.

So, several people learned from each other until the evening.

When Han Yu's aura was exhausted, Lu Yi and Jiang Fan discussed, and when Jiang Fan's aura was exhausted, Lu Yi and Bai Yulong and Tie Man discussed.

Although Bai Yulong and Tie Man don't have many quest rewards, but they are idle anyway, so Lu Yi naturally won't let them go.

The four-person wheel battle, when the spiritual energy is exhausted, meditate to recover, and continue to fight when it recovers.

Lu Yi has been standing in the same place, his spiritual energy is like endless, not weakened.

When the sky was dark, the four Han Yu were all tired and paralyzed on the ground, sweating all over their bodies, and their expressions were numb.

With white hair and a handsome face, Han Yu looked at Lu Yi silently: "Friend Lu Yi, won't your aura run out?"

Bai Yulong was even more direct. Lying on the ground, he was about to stick his tongue out. He weakly called out, "Junior Brother Lu, are you still human? It's been a day since you fought, and you don't even need to recover?!"

Even as free and easy as Jiang Fan, he smiled bitterly: "Junior Brother Lu Yi, is your aura a bottomless pit?"

Tie Man is relatively simple and honest, and uses the most strength. Now he is slumped to the ground, and he has no strength to speak.

Lu Yi was also helpless. With their fighting intensity, Lu Yi's automatic recovery speed exceeded the consumption speed. How could he need to meditate to recover?

It's not easy for him to say that, so as not to hit the four people too much and affect their Taoism.

He smiled slightly and said, "My cultivation technique was given by the master, and the level is very high, and I am also very solid in foundation building. The amount of spiritual energy is much more than that of ordinary foundation building cultivators, so I can still hold it."

"This is a lot more than the Foundation Establishment cultivator? Is it a lot more than the Jindan cultivator?" Bai Yulong complained.

Lu Yi just smiled, if he really wanted to say, Bai Yulong was right.

After a few people rested, Lu Yi invited them to have a meal of spiritual food and wine, and then the four of them left, making an appointment to discuss frequently in the following days.

Lu Yi expressed his satisfaction.

Today's day of sparring, he has obtained more than 20 drops of Centennial Spiritual Essence, dozens of drops of Ten Thousand Years Spiritual Milk, and a large number of Millennium Spiritual Milk, not to mention, his artistic conception of ice and water. There is a small improvement.

It can be said that the harvest is quite rich.

Just the 100-year-old spirit is enough to make Lu Yi happy for a long time.

Lu Yi sighed in his heart that he still learned from geniuses and gained the most.

Hmm... and Yun Xi, she too, it seems that she will often learn from her.

The rest of the time, Lu Yi practiced at night, and spent the day basically in sparring.

Yun Xi and Han Yu came to Lu Yi's cave almost every day, and Jiang Fan and the others were not polite. With their relationship, they naturally followed, eating and drinking.

Lu Yi is naturally welcome.

It's just Han Yu and Yun Xi, even if they take turns to learn from each other, they will not be able to recover, plus Jiang Fan and the three, often at the end, a few people will be exhausted.

It can only be said that Lu Yi is too long-lasting.

A month later, the policy of combining the three sects of Baiyun Sect, Wanhua Sect and Bitter Winter Valley was finally determined. Han Yu and Yun Xi bid farewell to Lu Yi, and after a big drunk, they left.

During this month, the two have been discussing with Lu Yi every day. Under the pressure of Lu Yi, they have a lot of insights. In addition, in order to cultivate the two, Lu Yi has obtained the spiritual liquid and Breitling milk that are suitable for them before. I also gave them some, and their cultivation speed will be faster.

At that time, Lu Yi's rewards will naturally be better.

Even the three of Jiang Fan, under the pressure of Lu Yi's pressure, their strength has grown by leaps and bounds, and their training speed has also increased a lot.

Of course, to say that the biggest harvest is naturally Lu Yi, a hundred years of spiritual essence. In one month, Lu Yi obtained thousands of drops, the artistic conception of water, he has increased to 25%, the artistic conception of nature and the artistic conception of ice. 20%, the strength is greatly improved compared to before.

As for the other thousand-year spiritual milk and thousand-year-old spiritual milk, there are more. Lu Yi can still use the ten-thousand-year spiritual milk. As for the thousand-year spiritual milk, Lu Yi gave some Donggong Mingyue, and Lu Yi plans to use the rest. Then take it back to Lao Lu and mother to use.

Lu Yi gave them a lot of Breitling Spiritual Milk before, but now the Breitling Spiritual Milk has not improved their talent much, and the Millennium Spiritual Milk is just enough.

After Yun Xi and Han Yu left, Jiang Fan and Lu Yi also said goodbye. They planned to continue to take up tasks and obtain resources.

Lu Yi began to practice steadily again every day.

Time passed, and three months later, Lu Yi broke through to the tenth floor of the foundation building. Normally, it is the peak of the foundation building. Of course, Lu Yi wants to break the restrictions of the heaven and has not yet reached the real peak.

After reaching the tenth floor of the foundation building, Lu Yi issued a mission to himself with anticipation: "I want to break through to the eleventh floor of the foundation building."


Break through to the eleventh floor of the foundation building.

Reward: Dao Lingzhu*1

Accepted or not: yes/no

Lu Yi was pleasantly surprised when he saw the reward.

As expected, the reward for breaking the Heavenly Dao limit far exceeds the normal breakthrough reward.

This Dao Lingzhu, don't think about it, it must be the same treasure as Dao Qi. The heaven and earth treasures used to lay a solid foundation are exactly what Lu Yi needs to break through to the Jindan realm.

Lu Yi cheered up and continued to practice hard.

Eight months later, Lu Yi reached the pinnacle of the tenth floor of the foundation building. Just like in the realm of Qi training, he can still directly feel the two paths.

One is to directly break through to the realm of Jindan, and the other is to break the limit of Heavenly Dao.

Lu Yi was not surprised that he could directly feel the limitation of heaven. After all, his current physical body, spirit and aura were impeccable.

Physical body, after cultivating the Heavenly Thunder True Dragon Art, his current physical body is comparable to the best magic weapon, even stronger.

Reiki, Lu Yi has practiced the Immortal Sutra "Indestructible Sword Sutra", and he has already trained the foundation building to level 8. Even, Lu Yi already feels that it is not far from level 9, maybe it will take a few months. Breakthrough, what's more, Lu Yi's aura vortex was created by the aura of the avenue, which is much stronger than the general foundation.

Spirit, then naturally needless to say, Lu Yi's spirit has transformed, and even has formed a golden lake, the terrifying spiritual power is not much worse than that of the cultivator.

It can be said that Lu Yi's current basic strength is stronger than Jindan cultivator.

Lu Yi naturally chose the path of breaking the restrictions of the Heavenly Dao and started to obliterate the Heavenly Dao barrier by taking Wannian Spiritual Milk.

The Heavenly Dao barrier in the Foundation Establishment Realm is stronger than the Heavenly Dao Barrier in the Qi Training Realm. Lu Yi felt the majesty from the barrier.

Even Lu Yi felt cold sweat in the face of such coercion.

This has nothing to do with strength, it is entirely a matter of state of mind. Even if the cultivator's state of mind is not firm enough, even if the foundation is reached, he may not have the courage to stand up to the overwhelming pressure of the heavens, go up bravely, and break the barriers of heaven.

On the other hand, the process of breaking the barrier of heaven under the pressure of heaven is itself a kind of training.

It is their own will and xinxing to hone, and monks who can break through the triple restrictions are often people with a strong xinxing and an amazing will.

Lu Yi had already broken through the three-layered Heavenly Dao restriction while practicing Qi, and had sharpened his will under the pressure of the Heavenly Dao. In addition, he was very confident. At this moment, facing the more powerful Heavenly Dao pressure, he would not back down in the slightest.

His will is firm, and he runs the spiritual energy again and again, and the colorful spiritual energy is transformed into the inextinguishable sword intent, hitting the barrier, time and time again, perseverance.

Five days later, Lu Yi finally broke through a barrier, and ten days later, Lu Yi completely broke the restrictions of the heaven and officially entered the eleventh floor of the foundation building.

After reaching the eleventh floor of the foundation building, Lu Yi's cultivation level skyrocketed again, and his strength also increased significantly.

It's a pity that he doesn't have anyone to let him use his full strength now. After all, he is not out of the sect now, and he will not use his full strength in the trial tower trial.

After breaking through to the eleventh floor of the Foundation Establishment, Lu Yi was as calm as ever. He just drank a few glasses and continued to practice.

Another three months later, Lu Yi suddenly felt a powerful aura emerge from the entire Lingluo Peak, like a thunderous death.

Lu Yi opened his eyes, there were strands of golden sword light flashing in his eyes, he showed a smile, and walked away from the cave.

Outside the Donggong Mingyue's cave, Lu Yi suddenly appeared, and after a while, a sword light flashed, and Liu Ningshuang also appeared.

Seeing Lu Yi, Liu Ningshuang smiled and said, "Junior brother, are you here too?"

Lu Yi smiled and said, "Junior sister has broken through to the realm of foundation building. As a senior brother, of course I have to come to congratulate you."

Liu Ningshuang smiled slightly, feeling the terrifying power surging in the Mingyue Cave Mansion in the East Palace, and asked, "I heard that Junior Brother you gave Xiao Mingyue a few drops of Thunder Spirit Liquid?"

Lu Yi nodded: "Well, I have already established the foundation, and the effect of Thunder Spirit Liquid on me is not as great as that for Junior Sister."

Liu Ningshuang sighed: "Xiao Mingyue's luck is so good, even me, when I built the foundation, I didn't have so many treasures."

Lu Yi glanced at Liu Ningshuang and said with a smile, "If I have a treasure suitable for senior sister, I will definitely not be stingy and give it to senior sister."

Liu Ningshuang glanced at Lu Yi and smiled lightly: "Senior sister, remember."

At this moment, the door of the cave opened, and Donggong Mingyue's slightly arrogant laughter sounded: "Hahahaha! This young lady is indeed a genius in the sky! She has broken through to the foundation building realm so soon!"

However, after seeing Lu Yi and Liu Ningshuang outside the cave, Donggong Mingyue's smile stopped abruptly.

She blushed a little, and hesitantly said: "Senior Brother, Senior Sister, why are you here?"

Liu Ningshuang chuckled: "Naturally, I'm here to congratulate Junior Sister for breaking through to the Foundation Establishment realm."

Lu Yi gave Donggong Mingyue a thumbs up, and said solemnly, "Junior sister is indeed a genius in the sky, senior brother admires it!"

When Donggong Mingyue heard this, she couldn't hide her smile, her eyes narrowed: "Humph! That's necessary."

Lu Yi looked at the happy Donggong Mingyue and said to himself: "I want to defeat Donggong Mingyue."


Defeat Donggong Mingyue

Reward: 30 drops of ten thousand years of spiritual milk, the mood of thunder is improved

Accepted or not: yes/no

Lu Yi glanced at the task and grinned. The reward has increased a lot, but it is not enough.

He smiled and said, "I hope Junior Sister can make persistent efforts and quickly break through to the Golden Core Realm."

The smile on Donggong Mingyue's face suddenly froze, her eyes widened and she looked at Lu Yi in disbelief: "I just broke through Foundation Establishment, how can I break through to the Golden Core Realm so quickly?! Senior brother, what are you thinking? You're not so fast yourself!"

Lu Yi heard the words, coughed dryly, and said, "I have already established the eleventh floor of the foundation."

Donggong Mingyue: "???"

Her expression was stiff, and she looked at Lu Yi in disbelief, as if she was looking at the devil.

Even Liu Ningshuang, who was beside him, was no longer cold and looked at Lu Yi in astonishment: "Junior Brother is already on the eleventh floor of the Foundation Establishment?"

Lu Yi nodded slightly: "Well, I just broke through a few days ago."

"Why don't you feel the breath?"

Lu Yi smiled: "Didn't I have been learning the formation technique some time ago? It's a bit of a success. I set it up in the cave to isolate some breath."

Donggong Mingyue: "???"

Liu Ningshuang glanced at the dazed Donggong Mingyue, couldn't help sighing, and said, "Junior Brother Tianzong Wizard."

Lu Yi smiled modestly: "I'm just working harder."

Donggong Mingyue stood silently on the side, afraid to speak, cowardly.

Liu Ningshuang looked at her and couldn't help showing a smile.

Lu Yi glanced at Donggong Mingyue and said with a smile, "Since Junior Sister has made a breakthrough, we have to celebrate. Let me make something delicious."

"Okay, okay!" Donggong Mingyue suddenly revived with blood.

Lu Yi made some food in Donggong Mingyue's cave mansion, and took out the jasper wine. After Donggong Mingyue broke through to the foundation building realm, he could drink this wine.

Immortal cultivators spend most of their time in seclusion, and their days are quite cold. It is rare to have time to gather with relatives and friends, and it is also a pleasure to drink with each other.

Of course, for Lu Yi and the three, they are all close brothers and sisters, and they spend more time together, but there are still endless topics to talk about.

Most of them talk about Taoism, and also talk about recent events.

Liu Ningshuang said softly: "During this time, after the alliance of the three sects of the White Cloud Sect, we have gradually suppressed the allied forces of the Blood Spirit Sect and the Serpent Sect. Now the Blood Spirit Sect is too busy to take care of itself, and there is very little opportunity to stir up the storm in the territory of the White Cloud Sect. already."

Lu Yi drank a glass of wine and said with a smile: "This is a good thing. The disciples of the Blood Spirit Sect have done a lot of evil things in the territory of the White Cloud Sect. Now we have the opportunity to cultivate oneself in the territory of the White Cloud Sect."

Donggong Mingyue next to him wrinkled his nose and snorted softly, "It's best to hit their hometown and destroy them!"

Liu Ningshuang shook her head: "Blood Spirit Religion and Heavenly Snake Sect are not weaker than our White Cloud Sect, and the sect formation is extremely powerful. Even if the three sects unite, it is impossible to hit their mountain gate."


Lu Yi's eyes flickered, thoughtful.

He has practiced a lot of formations now, and feels that his formation level should be okay.

I just don't know, what is the level of the guardian formation?

If he can crack the Protector's Great Array, then he can consider to level the gates of the Blood Spirit Sect and the Heavenly Snake Sect.

Lu Yi is not a great sage who repays his grievances with virtue. Since both the Blood Spirit Sect and the Serpent Sect want his life, of course he is not stingy with his counterattack.

Killing them is naturally the best.

Looking for a chance, I can try it out to see what the guardian formation of my sect is like, and I have a clue in my heart.

Lu Yi remembered this in his heart.

However, now he can't go out.

After all, the people from the Blood Spirit Sect and the Heavenly Snake Sect have been staring at him, the immortal seed of the White Cloud Sect, and they don't know if someone is squatting on him outside. Whether it is the master or the elders of the gods, they are unwilling to let him out. Zongmen, lest there be an accident.

Lu Yi can actually and he is not in a hurry.

Up to now, there are still some ten thousand years of spiritual milk left, plus the thousands of drops of the hundred years of spiritual essence that he just obtained, Lu Yi is not short of resources, and he is also not short of skills and techniques. No idea of ​​going out.

Use up the resources first, and then improve the cultivation base.

At that time, you can stop by and visit the old lair of the Snake Sect and the Blood Spirit Religion.

Just as they were chatting, a powerful momentum suddenly emerged in the distance, and a loud shout sounded: "I heard the name of the White Cloud Sect Immortal Seed, come to learn from it!"

Hearing this voice, the faces of Lu Yi and the others changed slightly, and a cold look appeared in their eyes.

This is a disrespectful behavior to drink outside the Baiyun Sect like this, and it is obvious that they do not take their sect in the eyes.


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