Chapter 84 Strange Villains

Contrast Quanyue was abandoned in the center of Villain alone, facing a heads-up with no idea what the situation was. The others were also scattered and transported by Kurogiri.

At the mudslide site, Shoto Todoroki was cold. In front of him were countless Villain frozen. He exhaled a long breath of white mist, “Split us apart and kill us? I know that doesn’t make sense, but no matter how you look at it…you are just empty quirks.”

As the product of a quirk marriage carefully cultivated by his father, he has experienced cruel quirk training since he was a child, and his flexible use and development of quirk is considered to be the top three in the whole year. He looked at the howling chicken and understood the state in his heart that these people are all abandoned children.

The real combat effectiveness should be only four or five. For example, the guy covered with hands, the black mist that can teleport, and the black ninja against Quanyue. “Do you have any way…or is there any basis for killing All Might?”

And, why target Quanyue.

After all, what good is it for them to target a student who can only become a therapy department.

In the same mudslide zone, Quanyue tried to stand up against the gun in a hollow hole, his panting eyes were blurred by blood. He was covered in blood, the Combat Suit was cut, and the mask fell to the ground. “Ah, it’s really… embarrassed.” Quanyue said awkwardly, “But it looks like you didn’t use quirk.”

The other party is silent.

Feng Nu chuckled and laughed, she clambered forward and said: “Young Master, you don’t want to play with him. Just stun and take it away.” The black ninja shook his head and handed the sword to Uncle Qingyuan who came up. Take off his gloves, stretch out his hand and say: “Launch quirk on me.”

Quanyue:……? ? ? ?

This person has a brain problem, right? Quanyue hadn’t seen this kind of Villain yet, and he watched the opponent’s outstretched hand vigilantly. It was a pair of very young hands, with obvious joints and calluses on the fingers.

Quanyue gripped it, and the next second he activated [Damage Replacement], he only felt that his quirk was walking inside his body as if he was uncontrollable. It was as if a tiger roared inside. The other party held his hand and stood firmly without speaking.

Quanyue gritted his teeth and slowly controlled the quirk, transferring all the wounds on his body to the opponent. He moved very slowly, and the other party never let go, even staring at his face.

Until the black-clothed ninja smelled of blood, Quanyue’s wound only left a shallow eight-horizon. The black-clothed ninja just let go. He was a little faint, stumbled to his feet and was supported by the following Uncle Qingyuan and Fengnv.

“Little Lord.”

“Young master.” Two subordinates who cared about him stepped forward to check the injuries, but the young master refused. He shook his head. There was already blood on the ground. He said, “Handle the scene, we will withdraw.”

“But Villain Alliance——” Feng Nu had something to say, but the young master glanced at it and stopped talking. The young master meant that the matter of killing All Might below was not involved.

Their purpose has been achieved.

“Fog Tiangou, I beg you now.” Young Master was helped by Feng Nu to leave, and he straightened his back and said, “Kill everyone on the periphery.”

Outside the wind wall are mobs.(Read more @

As soon as the voice fell, the wind wall withdrew. There was a flash, and blood was flowing outside. Everyone was fatal with a single sword, and the sword fell on the neck, neatly and without a trace of hesitation.

The sword bearer wore a tengu mask with a long nose and red face. He was wearing a Japanese robes and black leather gloves, and he laughed, “Young Master, can I stay?”


At this point, only Quanyue and the person known as the foggy dog ​​were left on the court. Honghu was determined to leave the battlefield without whereabouts under the leadership of Fengnv.

Damn it. Quanyue swears silently in my heart, I remember—Honghu’s ambition—this mysterious organization that has intervened twice and again must find out their details, and then calculate the general ledger!

He saw that the guy named Wutiangou gave himself a thumbs-up gesture, and then disappeared.

In addition, fierce battles were launched in various places in USJ. Quanyue is carrying his gun, and he can feel that his physical strength and energy are declining. This is a normal quirk use.

“Boom classmate.” He crawled out of the pit and saw Frost on the floor shouting: “Boom classmate, wait.” A half-red and half-white boy could be seen in front of him. Quanyue caught up with him and said, “Wait.”

Shoto Todoroki remembers the scarred boy in front of him, not only because of the other person’s special status in Class A, but also because of a time when his father asked himself about this person. It is said that it is a child of a well-known Heroes family, who has always had a very powerful feud against their family…

Of course, including this time Villain specially isolated Quanyue from the rest.

“Where did you come from.” Shoto Todoroki knew Quanyue’s identity in the treatment department. “Where is Villain?” Quanyue followed his steps. “Villain has already left. I’m in a pothole just behind you.”

Shoto Todoroki said: “I’m going to the main battlefield, don’t hold back the treatment department.” So you don’t hold back my legs. He strode forward, Quanyue still carrying a heavy gun, he could only watch Shoto Todoroki go further and further.

It’s really… Damn it! ! Don’t look down on the treatment department! Quanyue stopped, he walked back again, this time he found a commanding height, then took out his gun and silently installed the eightfold mirror.

Can’t close combat and physical strength, is he not allowed to come from a long distance?

He has practiced shooting for a while! Quanyue checked the condition of the gun, and then he stayed on the high ground with the gun.

In the flooded area, Midoriya Izuku and his team have just escaped. With the help of an eight-fold mirror, Quanyue can just see clearly the battle situation dominated by the central square. Teacher Aizawa Shouta is fighting hard alone, and there are too many Villain. Quanyue counted the bullets, and he chose to wait.

It’s too stupid to use your own [gun modified version quirk] without knowing the Villain quirk. If you miss a hit, it will increase the risk of exposing yourself. Although Shoto Todoroki means to clean up all the Villains in the mudslide area, it is inevitable that there will be fish that slip through the net.

There is nothing wrong with being careful.

Quanyue nestled on the commanding heights, and he watched the battle quietly.

Teacher Aizawa Shouta has already fought that strange man. He later remembered that the man had found himself in junior high school and even knew his name. This man definitely has something to do with Honghu’s ambition. Quanyue squeezed his finger on the trigger, and he held his breath.

In the central square, Aizawa Shouta fought against the dead handle wooden hanger in just a few seconds. His elbow appeared petrified and necrotic, but fortunately, it was not completely petrified. It seems that the other party’s quirk is very powerful, and it is related to Petrochemical… He has not had time to think carefully about the countermeasures, and the huge black shadow behind him is suppressed.


Aizawa Shouta’s head was smashed to the ground, and blood splashed out. The Midoriya Izuku trio hiding in the flooded area stared wide-eyed. They saw the cruel world of professional Heroes for the first time and corresponded to the terrible Villain for the first time.

They don’t know anything about this world.

Quanyue quietly aimed at the target and started his first shot.

Dead handle wooden crane, quirk is suspected to be petrified, and the launch conditions are unknown.

————A few chatter————

You are right, I am indeed a bit abused. I also want to start getting cool right away, and start expressing gratitude and grudges happily.

However, I still have to explain…that is, this explanation is a bit long hahahaha.

If you want to see the sex-turned text, type 1 for me, don’t write it if you don’t type~o(=∩ω∩=)m

I forgot to write the essay yesterday, and it was already twelve o’clock after finishing my homework. I’m sorry (apology JPG)

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