Chapter 53: The Situation Was Chaotic

“I’m sorry, our school doesn’t have any information about this classmate.” He thanked the teacher on the other side of the phone politely. He hung up the phone and looked at the scenery passing by the window with a long sigh.

The caring father asked, “Quanyue’s family.”

“Yeah. That’s it.” Shinso Hitoshi took Quanyue’s matter to heart. After learning that he was admitted to the U.A general course, his parents originally booked today’s air ticket and planned to take a family trip. After Shinso Hitoshi heard that Quanyue was injured, he was shocked to change the ticket, and the whole trip was postponed. “Dad, is U.A in front?”

“Yes, it’s the nearest from this road. Is U.A open during summer vacation?”

Shinso Hitoshi troubled his father to stop, and he looked at the U.A gate with mixed flavors.

“It’s okay, I believe in your abilities.” The heart-worried father comforted: “Entering U.A is already considered half a Heroes. As long as you work hard in the future, there is hope.”

“Dad, I’m a general course.” Xin Cai returned to the car, and he called the next school and started asking about Quanyue. When they came to the hospital, Shinso Hitoshi called all the schools that Quanyue had reported.

Except U.A High School.

Quanyue is eating apples. Sister Nara has been practicing the policy of “an apple a day, keep the doctor away from me”. For patients, besides apples, there are various so-called nutritious meals with clear soup and water. Seeing Shinso Hitoshi coming over, Quanyue choked twice and said in embarrassment, “Ahem…worried cough cough, why are you here?”

“Come and see how stupid you are to make yourself like this.” Shinso Hitoshi mocked, “I heard that you have encountered a mess again.”

“It’s just making a comeback, it’s okay. Anyway, it’s finally handed over to the professional heroes and the police.” Quanyue solved the apple a few times, and asked eagerly: “That…worry, can you…”

“What are you doing.”

Quanyue watched the play and said with blood all over his body: “Buy me some Weilong (spicy strips), so it’s a little bit smaller-oh.” The doctor during the round beat the disobedient patient twice and released it. The rolled up medical record sneered.

It is impossible to smuggle snacks.

“Doctor, I think I’m all right!”

“Do you think it’s all right when you are ready?” The doctor always sneered, making people wonder if he would only sneer. He asked the nurse to lift Quanyue into the wheelchair and said: “Go for the quirk test. Your second quirk test.”

Shinso Hitoshi was also interested, “Can I go together?” Quanyue didn’t matter. The doctor resolutely opposed it. In the end, I was worried about not witnessing the Quanyue test. In the current society, everyone seems to be accustomed to displaying their own quirks, but in terms of the professional ethics of doctors, they are not allowed to expose any patient information, even quirks.

What they tested today is the second quirk. In a separate room prepared by the doctor, there is a litter of fat little bamboo rats. Because Quanyue’s second quirk only works on creatures, and it must be touched to play out. They specially prepared the bamboo mice for experiment and tested them on the bamboo mice to better understand Quanyue’s second quirk.

“It’s almost impossible for a person to have two quirks, and this has not happened to you. The quirk is not revealed. Well, let’s test it anyway.” The doctor grabbed a rat and placed it in Quanyue’s arms. “Go ahead.”(Read more @

Quanyue releases quirk very casually.

The bamboo rat twitched in his arms and made a painful cry. The nurse records the index in the monitoring room. After the doctor waited until the bamboo rat foamed at its mouth, he pulled it out and handed it to the nurse next to him, “This one is made into a grilled rat.”

Then the second one, “This one will be braised.”

The third one, “This one will be steamed.”

The fourth one, “Is it dead? Oh, can I get it back? Then…simmer it in oil.”

If you ignore their conversation and look at the densely packed data records in the white coat and cold face, you would really think that this is a group of decent scientific researchers. Quanyue had a numb look. He watched the mice that were still convulsing and obviously angry getting into the pan, and his heart was full of distrust of the world.

Are you really here to test my quirk?

Quanyue watched as a group of medical staff ate a full rat feast in front of him and made a serious protest. On the second day, the doctor replaced the bamboo rat with a meat frog, and ate a spicy frog hot pot; on the third day, it was replaced with a whole fish spicy feast…If it weren’t for the fifth day, they would drop the complete quirk usage report on Quanyue. Quanyue wanted them to experience what is meant by “the pain that is visible but cannot be eaten”.

Of course, this is a few days later.

After the visit, Shinso Hitoshi began to practice the admissions office of U.A High School. After repeatedly comparing the number of admissions with the score line and the bonus policy, he realized that things were not easy. He directly visited Quanyue’s nominal guardian cat mother-in-law, and asked her to use the U.A high school contacts to check the U.A general admission list.

It’s Quanyue, Granny Cat definitely cares about it. She didn’t know if she didn’t check it, and it stabbed the hornet’s nest completely.

U.A did admit Quanyue, and their notice was also sent. It was already a month ago to calculate the time. The orphanages and schools have not received any news of admission at all.

Everyone’s first reaction was a loss.

People at U.A’s admissions office even said that they would print out the new admission letter immediately and send it to the door to apologize personally. However, when he logged into the background, he found that something was wrong.

Quanyue’s list of the student was locked.

It’s not their U.A backstage problem, but someone locked his data entry from above. All student data entry is collected from the local school to the Education Bureau, and then sent from the Education Bureau to each high school. Quanyue’s materials and all materials were immediately locked back to the Education Bureau after printing once.

Without the above instructions, their U.A high school cannot unlock the basic information of the student, and there is no way to print him a copy of the admission notice. Furthermore, the above blockade has not been solved. Even if the student receives the admission notice, the school system will default to Quanyue not a student of the school.

In the education system, as long as there are many things locked up, the schools below them can only stare.

On the other hand, the U.A Admissions Office immediately reported back to principal Nezu.

On the other hand, they have not dared to directly report to the parents of the students who called, knowing that the aftermath of the general admission incident has not passed, and then they will be exposed to the defects in admission. The name of U.A High School will fall again and again, even with All Might as a mentor after enrollment can not make up for the decline of the school’s momentum.

The U.A high school party immediately held a meeting, and then Principal Nezu and Aizawa Shouta went to the direct education department in a fierce manner. This time, I was wronged and the debtor was in charge. What happened to the next student inexplicably deducted? Do you still think that there are not enough things? As for adding blockage to U.A like this?

No one thought of disturbing the child who was still in the convalescence stage.

Trouble found him.

“I’m very sorry, in accordance with the rules of public security management. Quanyue, your quirk weapon is an illegal firearm and has been transferred to the city government for safekeeping. And according to the test in the quirk test, it is judged that your quirk is [extremely dangerous] To protect the safety of the public, the government needs Control your quirk.” Quanyue got up during lunch break and looked at each other dimly against the chicken coop.

The other party was wearing the clothes of a law enforcement officer and grabbed his wrist to put him on a buckle. There is a small button in the center of the buckle. You only need to press a special medicine to pierce the body.

Then completely eliminate the human quirk.

Quanyue took out his hand, and the other party immediately came up to five or six people to press him on the hospital bed, and even used a pillow to stuff his mouth and nose and threatened him in a low voice: “You bastard, don’t toast or not eat or drink fine wine.”

Kang Dang-the leader was stunned by a head.

I don’t know who it is…Well, the doctor’s head fell in the middle of the bed and said angrily: “The bastard dare to touch Laozi’s patient. Laozi makes his head branch house.”

Behind the gate, the sturdy male nurse stood behind the headless doctor and uttered the roar of brother ♂ brother.

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