Chapter 24 Eugenics Bakugo Katsuki

Non-professional heroes cannot use quirk in public places. Quanyue had never been so thankful for this ordinance. He stumbled to his feet and staggered towards the school. [Pain Memories] After using too much, Quanyue found that her sensitivity to pain has decreased and she will be more comfortable in her actions.

This is a good thing, which shows that his adaptability to his quirk has increased.

But… it doesn’t help the current situation.

“I’m going to slaughter you-the scared weirdo!” Bakugo Katsuki deserves to be praised as a genius with outstanding endurance. He climbed up from the ground at a speed no less than Quanyue, and in terms of activity, he was faster than Quanyue. If it weren’t for the quirk not available on the street, Quanyue could now become coke.

Quanyue gritted his teeth and ran forward.

Bakugo Katsuki grabbed the bag on the ground and chased it forward. Two teenagers, one face was covered with a mask, and the wind blew his bangs. From his forehead, he could see that his face was full of scars. There is also a hideous expression that is frightening, and seems to be the unborn big demon with a sword to kill.

Pedestrians on the road gave way to teenagers who didn’t seem to be good people.

“what’s the situation?”

“Did weirdo appear?”

“No. Both are middle school students…Wow, that ugly one is about to be caught up.” Quanyue was originally in the cultivation stage and couldn’t compare with Bakugo Katsuki, who has been exercising. He has a long mouth and feels like he is dying.

“Huh? Don’t you finally want to escape?” Bakugo Katsuki stepped forward, tugging Quanyue by the collar and dragging him into the side alley. Passers-by talked a lot, but it seems that neither of the two evil spirits looks like a good person. In line with the idea that the wicked have their own wickedness, I chose to sit on the sidelines.

In the narrow, dark alley, Bakugo Katsuki threw Quanyue next to the trash can. The explosion sounded continuously from his hands, and his smile gradually distorted, “Scared bastard…”

Quanyue got up from the ground, he took a breath as he watched Bakugo Katsuki approaching. He definitely can’t stand this guy’s violent beating right now! Playing [Pain Recalls] for these two days has brought a lot of burden. Is this the rhythm to be finished now?

“Wait… Brother, Brother… We have something to say.”

“What do you call me, let me calculate yesterday’s account first.” Bakugo Katsuki grabbed Quanyue and pressed it against the wall. “Coward, I dared to run away by myself yesterday. Are you afraid of confronting me? ”

“…” No, this grumpy old man. I can’t beat you at all.

Quanyue chuckled awkwardly. Bakugo Katsuki’s forehead blue veins violently, he leaned over and gritted his teeth and said: “Do you know how long the gate was cleaned by myself after I was caught by the security yesterday? Ah!” The last word was roaring, Quanyue covered it slightly. Put your ears and neck back.(Read more @

“I know… I don’t know, I don’t know.”

The school does not allow students to use quirk privately. You still use the [Blasting] quirk openly at the school gate, the sound is loud, and the effect is gorgeous…who won’t you catch you? [Painful memories] But except for the two parties, no one can see the quirk. Quanyue whispered in his heart, he felt that today this matter may not be over.

Maybe I will miss the morning class.

“It’s annoying. You’re lucky today.” Bakugo Katsuki smashed one of the bags on his back on Quanyue’s face, carried Quanyue’s back collar with his hand, and dragged the person away. He kicked a small pebble, and said “Deadly.” Scared the onlookers away.

Quanyue held the bag that Bakugo Katsuki had thrown over and found that it had his name written on it.

…It’s my schoolbag. But the poor schoolbag was used as a weapon yesterday afternoon, and he sacrificed heroically for his escape time. Besides, is this villain-looking guy so kind? Quanyue began to doubt his eyes. In his senses, Bakugo Katsuki should be the kind of bad water.

He is still guessing where Bakugo Katsuki will drag him? Are you going to the forest to kill people and bury corpses? Or go to the port to pour cement?

Unexpectedly, it was… school.

They arrived at the school gate on time and caught up with the first morning class.

“Finally, I can happily! Beat you up rubbish!!” Bakugo Katsuki breathed a sigh of relief and immediately became excited. The explosion sounded from his hands, the quirk control accuracy was good, and the scope of the explosion was significantly reduced. Quanyue could see that there was nothing wrong with blasting half of his face with a punch.

Sure enough, do you still have to fight?

Forget it, I can’t run anyway.

Quanyue closed his eyes in confession. The expected fist did not fall for a long time, and he opened it suspiciously. Opposite is Bakugo Katsuki, whose whole person is gloomy, his face is even more horrible than before. The suppressed volcano is more terrifying than the erupted volcano, and this horror comes from his uncertainty.

“Are you looking down on me? Ha, quirk doesn’t apply, do you want to fight me if you don’t need anything? It’s too small to look down on people. Do you think you’ll be fine if you recommend UA?” Bakugo Katsuki thought I found it An opponent who can match his strength. After a simple test yesterday, he was convinced that the scared stranger in front of him must have a backhand.

After being attacked yesterday, he stayed up late to check the information and learn about the famous Quanyue Heroes family.

The Heroes family, which has always been named “for the death”, has a good reputation in the Heroes world. Their family is not only good at treatment, but also develops different characteristics in other aspects. For example, spear, fighting, kendo, etc…. They are the healer heroes who can fight against Villain on the battlefield. In order not to hinder their teammates, they have their own unique attack methods.

Quanyue is from Quanyue’s family, and he should also have his own unique attack method.

What kind of treatment heroes, what evasion, and even the inexplicable and unmanly attack methods behind are all excuses! It’s all cheating! This bastard just looks down on himself! I don’t want to have a dignified victory or defeat with myself!

Bakugo Katsuki was very angry when he thought of this.

But when the class bell rang, he loosened Quanyue’s collar and gritted his teeth and cursed: “You bastard, wait for me. My Bakugo will let you fight with me upright one day. I want to fight you. I can’t find the hit tooth.”

Quanyue who didn’t speak the whole time:…

What is wrong with you? Did I do nothing? I’m really a therapy department who knows nothing? My quirk is seriously overdrawn and cannot be used anymore. Don’t you trouble me to find me.

“Why are you standing? Get out of class.” Bakugo Katsuki said as he left.

Quanyue later realized that this irritable old man was an excellent student who was recommended internally by the school in the third year of the school, and he was a good student who got an A in simulated results.

One who gave up beating him so hard not to be late for morning class and not to miss class time… Bakugo Katsuki, a good student every day?

Quanyue gave himself twice to confirm that he was living in the real world.

Ok? Bakugo classmate is actually like this… good student? ?

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