My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 900: Yun Tianzong's true appearance, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!


The two forces collided, and in an instant, Tiandao Pen returned to its original shape and returned to Luo Tianqing's hands.

And that Emperor Zhan has also been destroyed by the power of Heavenly Dao Pen.

Ling Yunfeng and Luo Tianqing fought a tie again.

At this time, Luo Tianqing did not continue to attack, just smiled coldly and said: "Ling Yunfeng, you really have some means. But today, if you want to keep me, there is no possibility. Then you two juniors can only It's dead in vain, hahaha..."

After Luo Tianqing laughed, he turned and left with Wu Lie.

Ling Yunfeng watched Luo Tianqing leave, but did not stop him. Just because Ling Yunfeng knew very well in his heart, it would be nothing to fight any more. The two have the same level of cultivation, and if they want to kill each other like this without a full plan, it would never be possible.

However, what Luo Tianqing probably didn't expect in her dream was that after Chen Yang and Luo Feng were pierced with a sword, the two of them actually...none of them died.

The sword of Dao that day was indeed powerful, and the power of the Dao contained in it could make life worse than death.

But Chen Yang's resilience was too strong, the sword injury kept eroding, but Chen Yang's body kept recovering. In the end, the speed of body recovery exceeds the speed of erosion. After less than five minutes, Chen Yang was already alive and well.

This is simply a perverted BUG!

Cheng Jianhua was breathtaking!

As for Luo Feng, Luo Feng has nothing to do with him. At this time, Luo Feng's face was pale, but his injuries were gradually recovering. This is because Luo Feng's physique is also very special, he is the Gu King! After taking that Gu King in his body, he was already invaded by a hundred evils.

Moreover, Luo Feng and Chen Yang have blood demon blood. So the resilience of the two is really great.

At this time, Ling Yunfeng also noticed the situation of Chen Yang and Luo Feng. He couldn't help being surprised when he saw the extent of the two people's recovery. "The power of the Heavenly Path in the Heavenly Path is extremely arrogant, and you two survived the sword, and recovered so quickly, there really is something extraordinary!"

Chen Yang and Qin Lin ignored Ling Yunfeng, and they came to Luo Feng. Luo Feng smiled and said, "I'm fine." Then, he walked towards Ling Yunfeng.

"Thank you Xiongtai for your rescue!" Luo Feng said thankfully.

Luo Feng is not a very sociable person, but at this moment, he also knows that he should come out and talk to Ling Yunfeng.

Ling Yunfeng glanced at Luo Feng, and then said, "Are you all willing to go back to Tianzhou with me and join Yun Tianzong?"

Luo Feng nodded and said, "Yes!"

Ling Yunfeng said: "You can represent them?"

Luo Feng said, "It's a representative."

"That's good!" Ling Yunfeng then said to Luo Feng: "You helped Junior Sister Ye Yun pack the corpses of the two junior brothers into Jie Xumi, and then follow me."

Luo Feng said: "Good!"

Afterwards, Luo Feng and the others packed the two Yuntianzong disciples who had died so desperately into Jiexumiri. After that, everyone left with Ling Yunfeng.

Ling Yunfeng's speed is very fast, and Luo Feng and his party must try their best to keep up.

As he followed, Chen Yang couldn't help asking Luo Feng strangely: "Brother, why are you recovering so quickly?"

Luo Feng smiled and said, "You are allowed to recover quickly, but I am not allowed to recover quickly?"

Chen Yang laughed.

Three hours later, a crowd of people came out of this dense mountain forest.

Ling Yunfeng could actually use his soul to fly, but he didn't want to use his soul to carry such a large group of people. That would make him feel like a coolie, so he would rather lead the team.

After leaving the mountains and forests, he walked for another three hours and finally reached the nearby urban area. Everyone found a commercial vehicle in the city. Finally, the crowd sat down comfortably.

The place to go is the magic city, and I will take a plane later.

The location where Luo Feng and the others hid is too difficult to find, which is why Ye Yun and the others have been searching for so long to find it. What's more pitiful is that the Yuhua Gate hasn't appeared from beginning to end.

At seven o'clock in the evening, the crowd finally arrived at the magic city after several tossings and turns.

On a rooftop called Shengshi Hotel, Ling Yunfeng set up a magic circle on the spot!

Ling Yunfeng is a very charming person, and he is still a bit meticulous.

At this moment, Ling Yunfeng had a gossip pattern in his hand. This gossip pattern was sacrificed by Ling Yunfeng in the air, and then Ling Yunfeng used mana to urge the gossip pattern.

Suddenly, the small gossip pattern reflected a huge pattern.

In the pattern, the mana is running, and the magnetic field molecules are condensed in it.

Chen Yang saw it, and he immediately said to Luo Feng: "This is a very precise formation. On the Tianzhou side, there is also such a formation. Then we must use great mana to achieve the wormhole. Jump. This magic circle must express speed and strength to the limit, and it must exceed the speed of light. This is a necessary condition for wormhole jumping!"

Luo Feng couldn't help being surprised, and said, "How do you understand this?"

Chen Yang smiled and said, "There is no formation that I don't understand!"

Luo Feng said: "The formation method is complicated and profound, and it is not something ordinary people can understand."

Chen Yang didn't care, and said, "It feels very simple!"

Luo Feng smiled and said nothing more.

The Bagua, Shushu, Zhouyi, and many other subtle things included in the formation, including some mathematical equations, and geometric pi are all used.

This is quite esoteric.

Luo Feng didn't want to touch him anyway.

Many people belong to liberal arts students despite their high magic power. Once you encounter the formation method, it is like a liberal arts student encountering an equation, and you can hardly understand it.

But Chen Yang is a freak, he has a natural understanding of the formation. Especially during the time when he lost the mainland, he used the Taiyu Scepter to become familiar with all the formations in the world.

Because of this, he understood everything when he looked at Ling Yunfeng's gossip array.

Ye Yun couldn't help but glanced at Chen Yang, and said, "Unexpectedly, you still know a lot."

Chen Yang smiled and said, "Senior Sister Ye Yun, after we get along slowly, you will find that I know more about other things."

Ye Yun glanced at Chen Yang coldly, but was not in a mood to laugh.

Afterwards, Ling Yunfeng said: "Come into the map!"

Everyone stood in the gossip array mapped to the ground. This gossip array has become extremely huge.

At this time, Ling Yunfeng's law was solemn, and he used his mana to the limit.

As a result, the gossip array gave off a dazzling golden light, which was so dazzling that everyone could hardly see each other.

Then, the golden light turned into a golden shield! Chen Yang and others were sitting in a spaceship.

With a bang, Chen Yang and the others felt their eardrums roar in an instant.

Chen Yang could feel his body flying in the air, and the speed was so fast that the eardrum was pulling and bleeding.

Finally, suddenly, the whole person was relaxed.

All the roaring sounds also disappeared.

Then with a bang, the spacecraft landed.

Then, the golden light shield began to change into light.

This is the same situation as before taking off.

When the light gradually dissipated, Chen Yang and others saw that they were still standing on top of the gossip array.

However, the surrounding environment has changed. The gossip array gradually disappeared.

Chen Yang looked around, but the first thing he saw was a Taoist.

This man is immortal and has a ray of robes.

Moreover, he held the whisk in one hand, but in the other was a gossip array.

"The disciple pays homage to Master Ziyang!" Ye Yun immediately knelt down respectfully.

Ling Yunfeng also clasped his fists and said, "The disciple has seen Master Ziyang!"

This Taoist is the real Ziyang. He smiled at Ling Yunfeng and said, "Yunfeng, this trip is going well, right?"

Ling Yunfeng's face sank, and said, "Master Ziyang, the disciple went a little late this time. The fourth prince of the Demon Sect, Luo Tianqing, killed two of your second-generation disciples."

Master Ziyang was startled slightly, then asked: "What's the matter?"

Ling Yunfeng recounted the situation at that time.

Taking advantage of this gap, Chen Yang and others looked around the surrounding situation. This is on a mountain peak.

Chen Yang looked far away and saw that there were really 100,000 mountains, peaks and green seas.

And in the center of the Green Sea, there is another grand white palace. That palace is beautiful, like a magical creation, magnificent and magnificent!

In front of the palace is a huge dojo, surrounded by clouds and mist, like in a fairyland. And there are buildings on top of each mountain, and these mountain peaks surround the central palace, just like stars arching over the moon.

This huge Yuntianzong is actually a mysterious formation!

If the enemy invades forcibly, with the Yuntianzong palace as the center, the disciples will form a powerful seal.

Although Chen Yang and others looked around, they quickly retracted their eyes.

Both the real Ziyang and Ling Yunfeng collected the gossip array.

Master Ziyang heard what Ling Yunfeng said, his face was not pretty, he only heard him say: "The magic sect is rampant, I don't know how many disciples I have killed the Yuntian Sect. One day, the magic sect will pay the due price. "

Ling Yunfeng and others were silent.

True person Ziyang said again: "Yunfeng, you have also worked hard this time. The task assigned by the Supreme Master Teacher is also considered to be completed. You should go back to your Zizhu Peak to rest. Wait until tomorrow, I will bring this with you. A few little guys go back to the Supreme Master!"

Ling Yunfeng nodded and said, "Master Ziyang, the disciple retired." After he finished speaking, he sacrificed a golden soul!

This primordial spirit is the appearance of a big Peng spreading its wings. He sat on the golden big Peng bird, and the golden big Peng bird immediately spread its wings and left Lian Yunfeng with Ling Yunfeng.

Chen Yang and others realized at this time that this buddy can fly!

After Ling Yunfeng left, Zhenren Ziyang looked at Chen Yang and others. His eyes were gentle and not aggressive.

"You little guys are very good. Now that we have come to our Yuntian Sect, please feel at ease and don't have any other ideas." The real Ziyang then said to Ye Yun, "Ye Yun."

"The disciple is here!" Ye Yun said respectfully.

Zhen Ziyang said: "Take them to rest first, prepare meals for them, etc., don't neglect!"

"Yes, Master!" Ye Yun said.

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