My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 885: Return of Blue and Purple, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

Qin Linchao and Song Ning smiled slightly and said, "Sister Ning'er, if Chen Yang bullies you in the future, you can tell your second brother, and your second brother will help you crush him."

Song Ning suddenly smiled like a flower and said, "Thank you, brother."

Qin Lin then said again: "Sister Ning'er, you are in a hurry, and your second brother hasn't prepared a gift. This is for you, I hope you don't dislike it." Then, he found one from Jie Sumi. String of colored glass beads.

The glass beads are very beautiful, but they are not so valuable.

"Thank you brother!" Song Ning took it, very happy.

Song Ning was not only happy with this gift, but Qin Lin's approval.

Later, Chen Yang took Song Ning to see Lin Bing. Lin Bing was naturally kind to Song Ning. She heard Chen Yang talk about Song Ning the night before. She also admired and cherished Song Ning, the little girl in her heart. See you now, naturally it is incredibly cordial.

Song Ning was also very pleased with Lin Bing. She felt that there was nothing between Chen Yang and Lin Bing. It is pure family affection of the senior sister and brother.

So next, Song Ning stayed happily with the Undead for two days.

At night, Chen Yang let Song Ning live in a room alone, but he still maintained restraint and courtesy.

On the third day, Qin Lin was leaving. Lin Haoxuan used the Dragon Soul to send Qin Lin back to the world in Yang.

Lin Bing and Ye Ming accompanied Song Ning and Chen Yang around the Undead, and they also took a stroll out of the Undead Mountain.

In the past few days of the undead, it was Chen Yang's most leisurely and comfortable days.

At night, Chen Yang borrowed Lin Haoxuan's dragon soul.

"What, do you want to borrow my dragon soul? Damn, you thought it was a car!" Lin Haoxuan said, "Car and wife, that can't be borrowed."

"Sister!" Chen Yang said: "If you don't borrow a car, I'm afraid of accidents. If I borrow your Dragon Soul, I can still crash the car? Do you borrow it? If you don't borrow it, I'll bye bye tomorrow and won't play with you. "

"Borrow!" Lin Haoxuan said decisively immediately.

Chen Yang laughed.

He thinks that Lin Haoxuan is a bit cheap for his seniors! If you don't threaten, you won't obey.

"Go, Ning'er!" Chen Yang made an appointment with Song Ning.

"What are you doing?" Song Ning asked expectantly.

"Take you for a drive!" Chen Yang said.

"A drive?" Song Ning was puzzled.

But when Chen Yang released the dragon soul, Song Ning understood.

Song Ning was very excited.

Afterwards, the two got on the Dragon Soul. The dragon soul whizzed into the sky.

Traveling in the sea of ​​clouds is so uncomfortable.

The dragon soul is so spacious that it can be used as a bed.

Chen Yang did not fly very high, too high, and the air was thin, so Song Ning would feel uncomfortable.

At this time, Song Ning was lying in Chen Yang's arms. This was the happiest time in her life.

"If you can stay with Brother Chen forever and not separate, that would be fine." Song Ning said suddenly.

Chen Yang held her hand and said softly: "I will work hard for this goal."

Song Ning let out a cry, and she suddenly kissed Chen Yang's lips.

During this period, the two kissed a lot. But Chen Yang never crossed the last step. This was his respect for Song Ning.

But at this moment, Song Ning prayed softly: "Brother Chen, let me be your woman."

She guided Chen Yang's hand to touch her soft twin peaks.

So at this moment, the **** in Chen Yang's heart was also aroused.

Everything is so natural.

The two kissed fiercely, and Chen Yang's hand went from Song Ning's chest to her skirt.

Song Ning's whole body softened, and after a while she was panting.

This... can be considered an air shock.

While walking on the ground with the sword, Chen Yang asked Song Ning softly, "Don't you regret it?"

"Never regret it!" Song Ning's eyes were firm.

This was a fierce wave. In this wave, Song Ning completed the process from girl to woman.

After a long time, this wave finally passed.

Song Ning was lying in Chen Yang's arms, and she looked lazy.

But Song Ning's heart is extremely satisfying.

After returning to the Undead, Chen Yang and Song Ning lived in the same room that night. This evening, Chen Yang brazenly galloped on Song Ning. Song Ning's first taste of this happy taste, naturally, he also enjoyed it.

After this night, Song Ning also felt more secure.

She no longer suffers from gains and losses as before.

Perhaps it was because Song Ning had always understood that Chen Yang was a person with a strong sense of responsibility, and he would not ask for a woman easily. Once you have it, you will be responsible for a lifetime.

Of course, when Chen Yang used to play nightclubs, those women were not counted. In the nightclub, if you go to bed once, tell the other girl, I will be responsible to you. That would probably be regarded as a neurosis!

On the second day, Song Ning suddenly took the initiative to say: "Brother Chen, I want to go back."

Chen Yang was slightly startled.

Song Ning smiled slightly and said, "Brother Chen, I know you are very busy, how can you stay with me all the time. You will come to see me when you are free later."

Chen Yang did not intend to accompany Lin Haoxuan with the undead all the time. God knows when Lan Ziyi will return. Now that Song Ning took the initiative to go back, Chen Yang agreed. Afterwards, Chen Yang borrowed Lin Haoxuan's dragon soul to send Song Ning back to Song Emperor City.

On the way back, Chen Yang and Song Ning shot another passionately.

The taste of being in the air is so different!

Song Ning whispered to Chen Yang afterwards: "Brother Chen, if I had a baby, would you be unhappy?"

Chen Yang stayed for a while, and then said, "How can you be upset? Silly girl, I'm too happy to be happy."

Song Ning was full of expectations and said, "I wish we could have a baby so that I would not be so bored."

Chen Yang smiled and said, "There should be. But it's still not enough insurance. Come, let's do it again."

Song Ning couldn't help being shy, and said, "Brother Chen, you are a pervert."

Chen Yang laughed.

Song Ning was sent back to Emperor Song City. Chen Yang sent Song Ning to the gate of the city lord's mansion and left. He did not go to meet Song Tianjiao and Song Shuangxue again.

Chen Yang felt very stressful to meet them.

After waving goodbye, Chen Yang drove the Dragon Soul back to the undead alone.

Two hours later, at five o'clock in the afternoon, Chen Yang reached the undead.

To Chen Yang's surprise, Lan Ziyi returned.

This is what Lin Haoxuan said after Chen Yang arrived at Ye Ming's stone house. Lin Haoxuan was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot, and as soon as he saw Chen Yang coming back, he was as if he had seen a savior.

"Girl Blue is back, Girl Blue is back, what do you think I should do?" Lin Haoxuan asked Chen Yang anxiously.

Chen Yang couldn't help but laugh, and said, "It's a good thing that she's back. Haven't we been waiting for her to come back? Let me take you to see her."

Lin Haoxuan said, "What should I say when I see her?"

Chen Yang rolled his eyes and said, "Senior, you are a little more normal, you are a little normal, okay?"

Lin Haoxuan was still a little restless.

Chen Yang said, "I'm going to the Ice Phoenix Palace now, are you going?"

"Go, of course!" Lin Haoxuan said incoherently.

"Then go!" Chen Yang said.

Afterwards, Chen Yang took Lin Haoxuan to the Ice Phoenix Palace. Lin Haoxuan's whole body is shaking, this guy is really nervous!

Chen Yang couldn't help sighing, feeling a little distressed for Lin Haoxuan.

"Senior, it's okay, Miss Blue doesn't eat people." Chen Yang comforted Lin Haoxuan.

Lin Haoxuan nodded, Chen Yang suspected that he hadn't heard what he was talking about.

After arriving at the Ice Phoenix Palace, the maidservant guarding the gate did not stop him.

Chen Yang and Lin Haoxuan drove straight in, and they were in the Ice Crystal Palace. Chen Yang and Lin Haoxuan saw the long-lost blue and purple clothes.

Lin Bing and Ye Ming are here too.

The blue and purple dress is still a blue dress, graceful and elegant, luxurious and moving.

The appearance of the blue and purple clothes is not beautiful in the world. But what is rare is that her temperament, that temperament can not be imitated by any woman.

Unique dynamic temperament, which few men can resist. But not many men had a blasphemous heart against her.

"Blue and purple clothes!" Chen Yang shouted happily when they met.

Lan Ziyi was talking to Lin Bing and Ye Ming, and when he heard the words, he smiled slightly and said: "I said that guy dared to be so rude and rushed into the palace, so it was you."

Chen Yang chuckled and said, "Isn't the King Huang trying to cure my crime of disrespect?"

Lan Ziyi said, "Come on, if I punish you, Lin Bing can't tear me."

Lin Bing also smiled and said, "I absolutely approve of you to treat him, this guy is itchy."

"By the way, Lan Ziyi, let me introduce to you, this is..." Chen Yang didn't dare to forget Lin Haoxuan, and immediately introduced.

Lin Haoxuan flushed at this moment.

Lan Ziyi also looked at Lin Haoxuan, she was very kind, smiled slightly, and said, "I know, Mr. Lin Haoxuan! Mr. Lin, please sit down. You came from afar, and you are a guest of my Ice Phoenix Palace!"

Lin Haoxuan was flattered immediately, and he said: "Blue, Miss Blue, hello!"

Lan Ziyi smiled slightly.

Lin Haoxuan immediately took out something from Jie Sumi, and he said: "I... I brought you a gift, and I hope you will accept it!"

Chen Yang is depressed, and still laugh at it? Are you paying tribute? It's no wonder that he's always a bachelor who doesn't know how to pick up girls.

What Lin Haoxuan took out was a brocade box. As for what was in the brocade box, Chen Yang didn't know.

Lan Ziyi said, "Thank you Mr. Lin." She took the brocade box, and then asked, "Can I open it?"

"Of course!" Lin Haoxuan stammered.

Lan Ziyi opened the brocade box, but inside it was a black pill.

"Longevity Promise Pill?" Lan Ziyi was slightly startled, and said, "This is the legendary **** pill. I dare not accept it with such a heavy gift."

"Shen Pill?" Chen Yang was also taken aback.

God pill is the best of pill! It is said that the **** pill has spirituality and can be cultivated into a fairy!

After taking this medicine, its magical effects are endless!

Damn, Lin Haoxuan is really seeing a friend! Lao Tzu didn't give him such a good relationship, and came all the way to give Lan Ziyi's courtesy...

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