My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 865: Two evil gods, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

Ye Qingcheng remained silent.

Li Fei Ouyang said nervously, "How are you going to discipline?"

Chen Ling lowered his eyebrows and said, "I have my own opinion, so don't worry about it."

Li Fei Ouyang couldn't help standing up, and she said, "Chen Ling, I am just such a son. He is my only sustenance. In this life, I can't count on you. If you dare to kill Jiahong, I will Die in front of you."

At this moment, Li Fei Ouyang's gentleness was absent, and her beautiful face actually looked a bit hideous.

There was a trace of surprise on Chen Ling's face. After he was silent for a while, he said: "You weren't like this before." He paused and said, "I understand a little bit now why Jiahong became like this."

Li Fei Ouyang trembled, and said: "But how can you understand, how did we come over these years?"

A complex color flashed in Chen Ling's eyes, and then he stood up and said, "Li Fei, don't worry. Anyway, he is my son. What I did is not for his good, but it is also Lead him to the right path. It is not terrible to make mistakes when a person is young. The terrible thing is that no one will pull him on the way he makes mistakes."

Li Fei Ouyang's expression eased, and she whispered, "I'm sorry."

"I should go." Chen Ling said.

Ye Qingcheng said, "I will give it to you."

Chen Ling said: "Okay!"

Subsequently, Chen Ling and Ye Qingcheng left the house.

In the darkness, the two strolled.

"Can't you stay longer?" Ye Qingcheng said softly.

Chen Ling said, "Jiahong has caused a lot of trouble now, I want to rush over."

Ye Qingcheng said: "Then when will you come back?"

"After solving his problem, I will come to see you. Then, how about I take you to a place?" Chen Ling said.

Ye Qingcheng's eyes flashed with joy.

Then, she said again: "Where is Li Fei? Take her too."

Chen Ling said, "Forget it, don't take her." He looked a little bit distracted.

Ye Qingcheng said softly: "Don't be too harsh on Sister Li Fei, she has a different personality from me. I am used to such a person, but she is different. These years, she has had a hard time."

Chen Ling said, "You don’t know my difficulties. I was with her back then because I wanted to improve my cultivation level. I wanted their infrared imaging technology to establish the Great Truth. I wanted to save you. She got married. Later, it was not fake to have feelings, but it was also her choice. And now, I have come to this point. If I am at home and have fun with you, Chen Tianya, silent but they will not tolerate the first Down with me. Moreover, there is the infinite calamity, and the Ten Thousand-Heavy Heart Demon comes at any time. After all, others call me the Great Emperor of China, but I do so much just to live."

Ye Qingcheng took Chen Ling's arm, and she said: "I understand. But in the long years, it will always make people lonely. You need more understanding."

Chen Ling said, "I know."

Ye Qingcheng suddenly said, "Do you still remember the past? I often recall that when we were in Dongjiang, at that time, although there were a lot of troubles, we were also very happy."

Chen Ling was slightly startled, and his thoughts returned to the past.

Everything before, he remembered seeing Ye Qingcheng on campus for the first time, when she was only sixteen or seventeen.

He remembered the silence before and how high Shen Men was. At that time, Chen Ling was in his twenties, but he was just a master of cultivation.

He stood silently in front of ants.

Therefore, when Ye Qingcheng was Chen Ling's fiancee. Just because the silent male pet fell in love with Ye Qingcheng, he forcibly grabbed the love and became engaged to Ye Qingcheng.

That was the beginning of all grievances. After that, Chen Ling took Ye Qingcheng to flee, while the male favorite Zhang Mei caught Chen Ling's other beloved woman, Tang Jiayi.

At that time, Tang Jiayi already had Chen Ling's child.

In a rage, Chen Ling returned to Dongjiang alone to punish her male favorite Zhang Mei.

After that, the Young Master Shen Sect shot silently.

Silently killed Tang Jiayi and the child in her belly in front of Chen Ling. That was the silent and eternal grudge between Chen Ling and Shura the Great.

To this day, Chen Ling still has not let go of this grievance.

Once, the two had a duel, but Chen Ling was seriously injured and escaped silently. That can be regarded as an end to grievances!

Chen Ling has also experienced those youthful arrogance. Just like Chen Yang today, he was once hesitated, once brilliant, once loved and so on!

By now, everything has gone smoothly.

After a long while, Chen Ling said: "Miaojia, Miaoning, how are Tongtong and the others?"

Ye Qingcheng smiled slightly and said: "Their three sisters are doing well. Sister Qing and Long Ying are the happiest now. They are in Yanjing and they have always been fine."

"I will visit them when I have time." Chen Ling said, "Many times, I feel ashamed of you and these children."

Ye Qingcheng said, "But in my whole life, I have no regrets at choosing you. I believe that even Li Fei sister, she will not regret it."

Chen Ling smiled slightly.

Ye Qingcheng said, "You can also visit your sister Chen Siqi when you have time. She also has two children."

Chen Ling said, "Well, I will go to see it."

After the two stayed warm for a while, Chen Ling said, "Alright, Qingcheng, I'm leaving."

A look of reluctance flashed in Ye Qingcheng's eyes, but she still nodded and said, "Okay!"

Chen Ling then said again: "You also go to comfort Li Fei."

Ye Qingcheng said, "Well, I will."

Afterwards, Chen Ling turned around and flew towards the sky in a stream of light.

Cartier's night is dark.

In the morning of the next day, Chen Yang really couldn't see it and took the initiative to make breakfast.

Breakfast is millet porridge plus dry food, pickles, etc.

A crowd of people were satisfied after eating such a breakfast. Even Shen Mo Nong sighed, and finally had a good breakfast!

Chen Ling hadn't eaten anything, he was a soul, he only needed to absorb the aura and the dew in the air.

During this period, Chen Ling said nothing.

After eating breakfast, Shen Mo Nong received certain news. That is, Chen Jiahong and his party have arrived in this small town.

"Let's go and meet them." Chen Ling stood up and said.

Everyone has the great soul of China, but at this moment, they are not afraid of anything.

Afterwards, a crowd left the house.

And half an hour later, Chen Yang and his party also met Chen Jiahong and his party on a narrow road.

This is on a street, and this street is the only street in this town.

At this time, the morning light shone on the bungalows and streets.

This small town is very quaint and such a scenery is rare in China.

It's like going back to the 1950s of the last century.

On Chen Jiahong's side, it was not Chen Jiahong who was headed, but the King Jingyuan and another evil god. That Cthulhu was what Huo Chongtian communicated with.

This evil **** is called the King of Arms!

The whole-armed fairy king is dressed in a snow-white robe, with white beard fluttering, and he is about sixty years old.

Although they are evil gods, they are called by outsiders, but if they don't say they are long, they have to look like monsters.

As for the Jing Yuan Shen Wang, he wears it like Zeus in ancient Greek mythology of the last century. A middle-aged uncle wears a golden crown.

Jing Yuan Shen Wang looks in his fifties.

Of course, these seeming ages are not correct. Just like Chen Ling seems to be just over 30 years old. But having said that, Chen Ling's true age is only more than 40 years old.

When Chen Jiahong saw Chen Lingzhi, his expression suddenly changed.

The two sides stood still ten meters apart.

Chen Ling is dressed in white and is as gentle as jade.

However, the Jing Yuan Shen King and the Armed Immortal King faced Chen Ling, but they were not afraid of the aura.

Chen Jiahong, Chen Yihan, and Bing Wuhen are also there.

"Your Excellency must be the famous Chinese emperor Mr. Chen Ling?" Jing Yuan Shen Wang first spoke, and he said with a smile.

Naturally, these ancient gods would not have any respect or fear for Chen Ling.

Chen Ling was even more direct. He ignored the King Jingyuan, but his eyes were on Chen Jiahong.

When Chen Jiahong was seen by his father in this way, he felt as if he was stripped naked, and felt at a loss what to do.

"Jiahong!" Chen Ling said, "Come on, no matter what you do, as long as you come over now, you can be forgiven for your father."

Although Chen Ling is invincible, he is a father after all. So he still chose the maximum tolerance for Chen Jiahong!

Jing Yuan Shen Wang's face was suddenly hard to see the extreme, because Chen Ling did not put him in his eyes.

Chen Jiahong stood up, but he did not come. He suddenly summoned his courage and raised his head to face Chen Ling. "My child has seen my father first." He respectfully said a bow.

Chen Ling did not speak.

Chen Jiahong went on to say: "I don't know what the child did wrong, why is the first sentence of the father is forgiveness?"

A trace of anger flashed in Chen Ling's eyes, and he said, "Isn't it wrong for you to collude with these evil gods?"

Chen Jiahong said: "They are all cultivators, why does my father say they are evil gods? Does my father represent the righteous gods?"

Chen Ling said: "You are very clever. Well, I will tell you that they are righteous gods and evil gods, let alone these. But where do you collude with them, but where do you set your father?"

Chen Jiahong said: "Then the child asks his father. But the father cooperated with the person who took the child's wife, and instead came to deal with the child, where did the father leave the child?"

"Presumptuous!" Chen Ling suddenly furious. "Little bastard, you probably think that these two evil gods are supporting you today, so you don't need to put your father in your eyes, right?"

Chen Jiahong said in a deep voice: "The child is just fighting for reasons, but he doesn't know why his father is so angry."

Chen Ling took a deep breath, and then said, "Very well, since you are so confident today, I won't tell you for the father. I want you to see with your own eyes whether the two evil gods can keep you."

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