My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 848: Kill, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

Jiang Shiyao didn't speak at all.

She chose to be cold to Chen Jiahong!

For her, such a marriage is Shura hell. She felt that she was suffering in eighteen layers of **** every day.

Chen Jiahong was reluctant at this time and said: "Speak, speak!"

Jiang Shiyao said: "I have nothing to say to you." Then, she turned and left.

Chen Jiahong grabbed Jiang Shiyao's subdued, and asked sharply, "Where are you going?"

"You care where I go!" Jiang Shiyao said angrily.

Chen Jiahong sneered and said, "You are my wife, of course I have to take care of it."

Jiang Shiyao said: "Let go."

Chen Jiahong continued to sneer and said, "Not only will I not let go, but I will also tell you today, how can I be my wife. What is a wife? A wife has the obligation to satisfy your husband." He reached out and talked about Jiang Shiyao. skirt.

"Pop!" Jiang Shiyao slapped her face suddenly.

Chen Jiahong's face suddenly became red and swollen.

Jiang Shiyao shook off Chen Jiahong's hand. She stepped back and said, "Chen Jiahong, don't be too much. I am married to you, but I also have the right to refuse. You should at least understand what respect is!"

"Bane maid!" Chen Jiahong froze for a while. He said, "Talk to me about respect. I don't respect you today." After he finished speaking, he rushed towards Jiang Shiyao like a hungry tiger.

Jiang Shiyao flickered and avoided. Chen Jiahong flashed faster and stopped directly in front of Jiang Shiyao.

Jiang Shiyao suddenly offered a gleaming sword.

That was a gift from the Holy Emperor Dongfangjing when Jiang Shiyao and Chen Jiahong were married.

This sword is called the Green Rainbow Sword!

In the Green Rainbow Sword, there is the spirit and spirit left by the holy emperor, and there is vigorous vitality and righteousness in it. Once the Haoran righteous energy is condensed, it will be able to emit Haoran sword energy.

Very fierce!

This awe-inspiring sword aura is the absolute heaven and earth authentic aura, which can kill demons.

"Meaner, would you dare to move your sword with me?" Chen Jiahong became even more furious when he saw this.

Jiang Shiyao coldly said, "Chen Jiahong, don't force me. If you force me again, I will die with you!"

"To die together? Haha, do you have this ability?" A magic weapon appeared in Chen Jiahong's hand. It was a magic weapon similar to what Chen Yang had before.

It's too similar to the dragon-binding gloves, but the color is different. Chen Jiahong's gloves are flame color!

This glove is called the Flame Dragon!

In fact, Chen Yang's previous gloves were not inferior to this blazing dragon. The dragon-binding gloves were originally called the Frozen Dragon, and it was precisely because of the preciousness of the Frozen Dragon that the Human Emperor would obtain it and break through. Moreover, the Emperor also gave Chen Yang a great thanks.

After all, Chen Yang didn't suffer too much.

Chen Jiahong's flame dragon was also bestowed by the Holy Emperor.

When Jiang Shiyao saw Chen Jiahong's glove, her expression changed.

It is worth mentioning that Chen Jiahong only has one glove.

After Jiang Shiyao stepped back, her face suddenly became serious. She squeezed the technique with both hands, and then shouted: "Haoran condenses sword energy, God illuminates the earth!"

As soon as she finished speaking, the powerful and surging mana in her body was poured into the sword of the green rainbow sword.

In an instant, the Qinghong Sword's rays of light flourished. Afterwards, a mighty gas erupted from inside.

That Haoran Qi revolved in the air, and then Haoran Jian Qi was formed!

With a swish of sword air, he slashed at Chen Jiahong violently.

"Ban maid, you dare to come for real." Chen Jiahong waved his hand.

Suddenly, there was a roar in his flame dragon gloves. Then a dragon of flames flew out, and the flames of the dragon of flames rolled, and they fought with that Haoran sword.

The flames of the Dragon of Flames were controlled by Chen Jiahong, so that the office was not damaged.

All the flames are roasting awe-inspiring sword aura.

The Green Rainbow Sword is always a good treasure, but Jiang Shiyao's skill still cannot be compared with Chen Jiahong.

After a brief duel, Haoran's sword energy was directly forced back into the Qinghong sword.

Jiang Shiyao's expression changed, and she was surprised: "How can your mana improve so fast?"

Chen Jiahong sneered.

Jiang Shiyao then drove the sword and shouted: "Light sword technique!"

The Green Rainbow Sword instantly gave out hundreds of sword lights, and the sword lights flew around. The office was suddenly messed up, and debris flew around.

And the crystal chandelier was shattered.

The office is dark.

Chen Jiahong's face was calm, he suddenly shouted: "Catch the dragon!"

The blazing dragon was tactful and wishful, and turned into a catcher. The dragon catcher swallowed all the sword light of the light sword technique into his belly, and finally, the dragon catcher directly captured Jiang Shiyao.

The Qinghong Sword was also ejected by Chen Jiahong with a finger of sword energy, and that finger of sword energy directly knocked the Qinghong sword to the ground.

The blazing dragon collected the blaze and turned into a pure dragon catcher. Like a giant python, Jiang Shiyao was tightly entangled in an instant.

At this time, Jiang Shiyao was already unable to move.

"Chen Jiahong, you let me go." Jiang Shiyao said angrily.

The flame dragon glove in Chen Jiahong's hand is gone, because the entire glove has become the dragon that tied Jiang Shiyao.

Chen Jiahong sneered and said, "Do you think you are qualified to compete with me?"

Jiang Shiyao said: "What do you want?"

"What do I want?" Chen Jiahong said: "The same was true for you on the day we got married. In the end, I was forced to take action. On that day, I wanted you three times. Today, I want you to experience that feeling again."

"You are shameless!" Jiang Shiyao was frightened and angry.

Chen Jiahong said: "Haha, my husband and wife are affectionate, this is the taste and duty, where can there be shameless talk?" After he finished speaking, he walked towards Jiang Shiyao.

Jiang Shiyao couldn't move, her face was pale and her whole body trembled.

It can be seen that Jiang Shiyao is really afraid that Chen Jiahong will come hard.

The joy of fish and water is a happy thing, but Jiang Shiyao feels that this is a great torture for Jiang Shiyao and Chen Jiahong's relationship. Not only physical pain, but more importantly, spiritual shadows.

At this moment, Chen Yang suddenly made up his mind.

Chen Yang suddenly slapped the French window glass in front of him with a palm.

With this palm, the floor-to-ceiling glass shattered immediately.

Most of the glass shards were urged by Chen Yang's mana, and shot towards Chen Jiahong like a sharp sword.

The dense shards of glass shot crazily.

Chen Jiahong couldn't help being taken aback. He never expected that someone was peeping outside.

All of his mind was on Jiang Shiyao's body. At this time, things suddenly happened, and Chen Jiahong instantly sacrificed a sword in his hand.

"Blood Slaughter Sword!"

A **** sword came out of Chen Jiahong's hands.

Afterwards, a burst of blood rushed out and instantly shattered all the broken glass.

"Where is the rat, get out!"

Chen Jiahong shouted angrily.

At this moment, Chen Yang appeared in front of Chen Jiahong in a flash.

"Chen Yang?" Chen Jiahong's eyes were cold.

Chen Yang couldn't help but stay, I rely on, I am disguised, do you want to recognize this accurately?

However, Chen Yang is not scared. No matter if you really recognize it or you are blind, he just doesn't speak.

Moreover, at this time, Chen Yang did not use his own signature to fight the sword.

He sacrificed the Fire Fiend Sword.

"Chen Yang, take off your mask." Chen Jiahong sneered and said: "You think you are wearing a mask, and I don't know you."

Chen Yang pointed his throat and changed his voice. When he was mixing in Africa, what he was best at was to change his voice.

"What nonsense, I will take your life today!" Chen Yang said with a sneer.

Chen Yang's opening immediately made Chen Jiahong a little confused. "Is it because I guessed wrong?" Chen Jiahong asked secretly.

Chen Yang's heart moved, and the Fire Fiend Sword immediately shot and killed Chen Jiahong.

Chen Jiahong snorted coldly and said: "Looking for death!" He opened Chen Yang's Fire Fiend Sword with a single sword.

The two swords collided in the air for a moment, immediately sparking brilliant sparks.

The Fiery Fiend Sword turned in the air, and then, Jianguang turned, but it was killing Jiang Shiyao.

It is impossible for Chen Yang to fight Chen Jiahong without using all his strength. However, once you use your full strength, your identity will be exposed.

So at this moment, Chen Yang made the worst plan, instead attacking Jiang Shiyao.

Chen Jiahong couldn't help being surprised when he saw this, he quickly recalled the Flame Dragon.

Jiang Shiyao was free instantly.

The blazing dragon turned into a dragon hand and lightning caught the Huosha sword!

Chen Yang urged the Fiery Sword. The fierce fierce magma came out immediately.

With a "boom", the scene was full of flames.

The dragon catcher was completely ignited.

However, this flame dragon is also a flame attribute, so nothing will happen.

Chen Yang then came to Jiang Shiyao's face, and he whispered: "I will take you away."

Jiang Shiyao immediately understood, and she recalled Qinghong Sword in one hand.

The two slammed into the rear window with lightning.

"Damn it!" Chen Jiahong was furious. He was about to make a move, and Chen Yang hid behind Jiang Shiyao.

Chen Jiahong cast the rat avoidance device and was taken aback.

In this time, Chen Yang and Jiang Shiyao had already knocked open the window.

In the eight-story building, Chen Yang took Jiang Shiyao and jumped like this.

While jumping down, the Fire Fiend Sword was also summoned by Chen Yang back into the Black Yellow God Valley Seeds.

Shaved against the wind, Jiang Shiyao was frightened in the darkness.

I just jumped down like this before I saw it.

Can a master be so headstrong?

Chen Yang hugged Jiang Shiyao's waist. He used his mana and caused a lot of resistance in the air. After several consecutive times, when he finally landed, he was light and silent.

This is also how Chen Yang has turned his mana into a realm of good fortune. It was absolutely impossible for Jiang Shiyao, and it was absolutely unimaginable.

Chen Yang did not take advantage of Jiang Shiyao, he let go of Jiang Shiyao, and immediately said: "Let's go!"

Jiang Shiyao wanted to break away from Chen Jiahong's clutches in her dreams, so naturally she would not hesitate at this time.

So the two hurriedly left the scene.

Chen Jiahong didn't chase, not because he didn't want to chase, but because the office was on fire. This Jiahong Mansion was where his efforts were made, and he couldn't watch it catch fire and ignore it.

After that, Chen Jiahong put out the fire with great mana.

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