My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 829: Hand picking stars, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

Beidou Hansha entered Chen Yang's body.

This feeling is very strange, just like Chen Yang is a prismatic mirror, gathering the heat of the sun to a point under the sun, and finally this point burns.

And Beidou Hansha is like sunshine, originally at night, it was everywhere. However, Chen Yang used the Big Dipper Seven Star Fist to swim away from his own blood, and finally succeeded in gathering the Han Sha at one point and entered his body.

This Beidouhansha wandered through Chen Yang's body, like a sharp knife cutting through his blood.

Chen Yang let out a sigh of pain.

He screamed, but he bends his legs directly, like an overlord lifting a tripod.

A round of Mingyue Town Danding!

Chen Yang immediately took out the golden badge that had been prepared, and then cut his finger to make his blood stain the golden badge. After that, Chen Yang put the golden badge in his mouth, without any other thoughts in his mind, and only thought of the Chinese Emperor Chen Ling!

Beidou Hansha blended with Chen Yang's bloodline, blended with the golden badge!

At the same time, the passage of the void was opened.

Chen Yang still didn't know what happened, he just followed this method.

But at this time, the passage of the void cannot be said to have been opened. It's just that, in the void, hundreds of millions of miles away, it's like the signal has been broken through.

The golden badge belonging to the Great Emperor of China, containing the aura of Chen Ling's predecessors and Chen Yang's strong mind, was perfectly sent into the void through this void channel.

At this time, it also depends on Chen Yang's luck. See if the Chinese emperor in the void can sense this strong idea.

"Huh!" At this moment, a familiar voice sounded in Chen Yang's mind.

"Senior Chen Ling's voice!" Chen Yang couldn't help but ecstatic. He immediately communicated with this voice in his brain, "Senior Ling, Senior Ling, is that you?"

There was silence for a long time before he said, "It's me, you are little friend Chen Yang?"

Chen Yang said hurriedly: "It's just a junior!"

The Chinese Emperor was quite surprised, and said: "Unexpectedly, you can contact me in this way. You must have something to find me?"

Chen Yang said: "Exactly. Senior Ling, now the Giant Spirit Sect is in trouble in Tianxiong City. My two brothers and I came to help the government suppress the Giant Spirit Sect. Everything went well, but I didn't expect the Giant Spirit God to descend. Yuanshen, we are not rivals. Right now my two brothers are fighting the enemy hard and their lives are at stake. The juniors are really forced to come to you."

Then Chen Ling said: "Okay, don't cut off this passage, I will drop a soul to come."

"Thank you senior!" Chen Yang was ecstatic.

Chen Ling said again: "Do you have jade pendant in your hand?"

Chen Yang was stunned for a moment, and then he knew that Bai Chen of Gou Ri was still not honest. When the soul descends, there must be a foothold first, because this is a void teleportation.

Otherwise, this distance of hundreds of millions of miles, if the soul is to fly, when will it have to wait?

Fortunately, Chen Yang really has a piece of jade in his hand. It was a gift from the Emperor.

Chen Yang immediately took out the jade pendant.

Then, Chen Yang opened his mouth.

A cloud of cold evil rushed directly into the jade pendant in his hand.

After this, Chen Yang saw a cloud of white smoke rising from Yu Perry.

This cloud of smoke was ethereal, and finally formed a human form.

The human form changed rapidly, condensing the surrounding magnetic field. Soon, the human form became full of flesh and blood, and even the clothes were condensed.

It looks like Chen Ling, the Great Chinese Emperor.

Chen Ling was dressed in white, floating out of the dust.

But when Chen Yang saw Chen Ling this moment, he was still stunned.

Because this senior Chen Ling and Devil Emperor Chen Tianya look so alike.

However, if you look closely, you can still see the difference between the Chinese Emperor and the Devil Emperor. This senior Chen Ling is upright, and he is like a spring breeze. But the Devil Emperor is full of demonic energy, extremely cold.

Chen Yang had already heard Master Tiandu talk about the matter between the Devil Emperor and Chen Ling's predecessors, so it didn't feel strange at this time. He just sighed the strength of Chen Ling's own genes. He split into two people alone, and the two people became the Devil Emperor and the Great Emperor of China among the Four Emperors.

"Senior Ling!" Chen Yang immediately clasped his fists.

Chen Ling didn't say much, his face was gentle, and then his eyes changed slightly, and he said: "It's important to do business first." Then, he grabbed Chen Yang by the collar and jumped directly downstairs.

Chen Yang suddenly felt like clouds and fog.

At this time, Luo Feng and others were facing the second flash of thunder from the Giant Spirit True God.

Together, they could barely resist a flash of thunder with a finger. Now, the giant spirit **** is displaying a second flash of thunder with a finger, and they really cannot resist. Seeing that Luo Feng was about to die.

At this moment, Chen Ling grabbed Chen Yangru and appeared in front of Luo Feng.

The thunder light that shook the thunder with its fingers directly shot towards Chen Ling's throat.

Chen Ling snorted, and then he grabbed the Absolute Immortal Sword in Luo Feng's hand.

Chen Ling slashed towards the thunder with a sword.

With a boom, sparks shot in all directions.

The thunder light was thus eliminated invisible.

Chen Ling's body remained motionless, as stable as Mount Tai.

Luo Feng and the others were undecided, and they were relieved.

Chen Yang immediately said to Luo Feng and others: "This is the Great Emperor of China, Senior Chen Ling!"

In the face of this senior, even for a proud person like Luo Feng, he lowered his noble head. Luo Feng, Luo Ning and Qin Lin clasped their fists together and said, "The juniors wait to see the seniors!"

Chen Ling waved his hand and said, "No need to be polite."

After that, Chen Ling looked at the True God of Giant Spirit.

True God Giant Spirit also looked at Chen Ling.

"The deity has heard of you." The Giant Spirit God said lightly.

Chen Ling said, "But I have never heard of you."

The true **** of the giant spirit said: "The younger generation is terrible, but the younger generation is also arrogant. You are a new star. In the void, you have fought many demon heads. There is no grudge between you and me. The deity advises you not to visit today. This muddy water."

Chen Ling said lightly: "Since today has come, this muddy water must be swept. Moreover, the Giant Spirit Sect must also be destroyed."

The eyes of the true giant spirit changed, and he then said: "Okay, young queen, you are really arrogant. Then the deity will destroy your soul today. Even in the void, the deity will also find your body, Punish you."

Chen Ling said, "Since we are going to fight, why bother talking nonsense."

The true **** of the giant spirit no longer talks nonsense.

At this time, Chen Yang took the initiative to step back.

Liu Daozhou and a group of black-clothed masters also stepped back. Everyone was afraid that the battle between these two true gods would be too terrifying and terrifying.

In the field, the Giant Spirit True God turned his wrist, and then he shot out with a palm.

The giant grabbed his hand.

In an instant, it seemed that at this moment in the air, all the magnetic fields, molecules and other forces were all extracted by the giant spirit true god. Even the air became extremely thin.

The giant spirit bred a terrifying spirit and profound meaning in his hand, and the magnetic field power was violent to the extreme.

The big grappling hand formed a giant claw of a monster, which was taken toward Chen Lingshe.

Chen Yang and his group were horrified when they watched from the sidelines. They knew in their hearts that they would have no way of resisting and avoiding such a big capture.

In the field, Chen Ling faced this giant spirit, and he did not avoid it, but suddenly stabbed a sword.

This sword is astonishing, but not so fierce!

It was just a sword stabbed, and the big grappling hand was immediately frightened like a group of crows and scattered around. All the magnetic field forces dispersed in this instant.

The Giant Spirit could not help but lose his color.

It turned out that Chen Ling's sword was not simple, and it pierced the core of his strength, thus destroying the entire giant spirit.

It's like a magnet attracting all the small iron filings, and Chen Ling shattered the magnet with one sword.

Originally, the Giant Spirit True God took the lead, just using his scheming. He first controlled all the magnetic field power, so that Chen Ling had no external power to use. The power of the magnetic field is only so much in the outside world. He grasps the first opportunity and then kills. To use the power of the magnetic field, Chen Ling must be attracted from farther away.

The True God of Giant Spirits seized the opportunity to defeat Chen Ling.

But no one knew that this difficult equation was broken by Chen Ling in an instant.

Chen Ling broke open the core of the magnetic field with one sword, and at the same time, all the magnetic field forces collapsed.

Then, Chen Ling threw the absolute sword fiercely. Jue Xian Jian was inserted on the ground.

Afterwards, Chen Ling screamed and showed the real dragon roar of Jiubalong Fist.

"Boom!" Nine Dragons gathered in the air for an instant, and finally Nine Dragons were unified, and a violent and terrifying dragon appeared.

This dragon is shaking its head and tail in the air, gathering a large amount of magnetic power.

"Kill!" Chen Ling shouted again, the dragon finally turned into pure power.

Turned into a fist!

The fist contained all the spirit and profound meaning of Chen Ling, which was terrifying and vast, huge, and an irresistible force.

The true spirit of the giant spirit could not help but lose his color, he displayed the giant spirit infinite step in an emergency.

The body shape continued to change, and finally he slammed out a giant spirit palm.

Although his giant spirit Wuji step is extremely powerful, it can't avoid Chen Ling's Nine Dragons Gui big martial arts.

In the end, the true giant spirit had to use the palm of the giant spirit to deal with it.


The fists violently smashed together.

Afterwards, the giant spirit palm completely collapsed.

That Jiulonggui Great Boxing Technique directly hit the giant spirit true god.

In an instant, the body of the Giant Spirit Real God collapsed and became ethereal again.

The true giant spirit immediately condensed the power of the magnetic field and wanted to restore his true body.

At this moment, Chen Ling squeezed the tactics, and his eyes burst into light. His big hand waved out, as if a big hand stirred the sea. The infinite magnetic force formed a huge vortex.

Then, Chen Ling fingered the sky. He grabbed it with one hand, and the brilliance of stars appeared in his hand!

This is a grasp of the spiritual profound meaning of the stars.

All things have spirits, and stars have brilliance, as well as their spirit and characteristics.

Chen Ling put the brilliance and spirit of these stars into the huge vortex...

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