My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 817: Arrogant young master, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

Outside the villa, when Yang Rong and the group were fully armed and ready to break in directly.

It was at this time that He Changwen and Shen Mo Nong, directors of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, came urgently.

Shen Mo Nong shouted, "Stop!"

Yang Rong was in a police uniform at this time, heroic. She was angry and had a gun in her hand.

This girl, this time is desperate.

"What are you doing?" When He Changwen came, he was also angrily.

When Yang Rong and the others turned around, she didn't know Shen Mo Nong. But when she saw He Ju coming, she felt chills in her heart. He Ju is the number one boss of the Public Security Bureau!

Is it possible that the number one boss is colluding with this giant spirit cult?

Yang Rong and others stopped the attack first.

He Changwen and Shen Mo Nong came, and He Changwen faced Yang Rong and Captain Kuang of the Armed Police Force. He angrily said, "Have you got the approval from your superiors? Is there any organization or discipline in your eyes? "

Yang Rong's eyes were red, and she said angrily: "He Ju, do you know what happened? You criticize us like this without asking questions? Do you think it's appropriate?"

He Changwen looked at Yang Rong sharply.

Captain Na Kuang has always admired Yang Rong, he immediately stood up and said: "He Ju, here are the people of the Giant Spiritualism. The three followers of the Giant Spiritualism took turns torturing an innocent girl. Now they are still violent. To resist the law, we must arrest them and bring them to justice."

He Changwen said angrily: "Yang Rong, do you think I really don't know anything? Now, in our city government, who doesn't want to bring the Giant Spirit Religion to justice, do you think we are born with a bone? After he said, he pointed to Shen Mo Nong again, and said, "Do you know who this is? This Miss Shen was sent from above. The Giant Spirit Sect has already attracted attention from above. Reckless, do you know how much unnecessary trouble it will cause us?"

Yang Ronghong said with a glance: "I can't control that much now. It is my sister who is being bullied. Don't say that I am a policeman. Even if I am not a policeman, I will fight for this life."

Shen Mo Nong looked at Yang Rong, and she said in a deep voice, "Captain Yang, I understand your feelings very well. But don't worry, wait a moment."

"I really don't understand, what on earth are you worrying about?" Yang Rong didn't understand.

She hasn't seen the true magical powers of the Giant Spiritualism, only knows that the Giant Spiritualism is very arrogant, and the government is also very jealous and tolerant.

At this moment, the door of the villa opened.

Afterwards, Hong Qingtian and Bai Chen, as well as Nagu Taiyi and the three elder brothers, Xu Fusheng, Wang Guan, and Li Ren also came out. Two men in black followed. The two men in black were the subordinates of the young master Bai Chen, who were the left envoy and the right envoy in black.

"It's these three beasts!" Yang Rong was furious when she saw the three of Xu Fusheng, her eyes red.

At this time, the three of Xu Fusheng were a little scared when they saw this posture.

"Why is it so lively here?" Gu Taiyi spoke first, with a sneer in his eyes, and his eyes turned to He Changwen. "He Ju, what do you mean?"

Facing Gu Taiyi, He Changwen had a trace of fear in his eyes. However, He Changwen took a deep breath and finally said, "Mr. Gu, we are here to apprehend three vicious criminals. I hope you don't make it difficult for us."

Gu Taiyi said: "Really? Who do you want to arrest? But I have no criminals here, and some of them are believers who believe in my true giant spirit. If you offend the true giant spirit, you will be condemned by heaven."

Yang Rong said angrily: "I care about you, this is Huaxia, Tianxiong City. In our place, we must follow our laws. If you break the law, I will arrest you." Then, She waved her hand and said, "Crap the three villains and take them home."

"Yes, Team Yang!" The six criminal police officers got the order and immediately went to arrest the three of Xu Fusheng.

"Stop!" At this moment, Shen Mo Nong spoke.

Yang Rong looked at Shen Mo Nong in amazement. Shen Mo Nong's eyes were sharp. She said to Yang Rong, "Now, all command is in my hands. Don't give orders. This is an order, understand? "

Yang Rong took a deep breath and said, "Ms. Shen, I don't care who you are, but today, I have to take these three people back. No one wants to stop me."

Shen Mo Nong ignored Yang Rong, but she looked at Bai Chen.

"This must be the Young Master, Mr. Bai Chen, right?" Shen Mo Nong said.

Bai Chen looked at Shen Mo Nong. He smiled slightly and said, "Miss Shen is so beautiful and extraordinary. I didn't expect you to send you such a beauty. However, I don't think you are on Yanjing's side. What's the future? It's better to come and be a concubine for me and promise you the unexpected benefits."

The young master was extremely arrogant and arrogant when he spoke.

The people on Yang Rong's side were out of anger, but Shen Mo Nong was calm.

At this time, Na Hong Qingtian also said: "Shen Mo Nong, last time you fought with my fifth brother, don't think it was really your Soul Eater that beat him back. That's because we don't want to fight with you It’s too stiff, so I saved your life."

Shen Mo Nong smiled rather than smiled, and said, "I have to thank you so much." Hong Qingtian laughed and said, "The True God of Giant Spirit is still in the void. Once the True God of Giant Spirit comes, all over the world, Don't dare not follow it. I advise you to be a brilliant person who knows the current affairs."

Shen Mo Nong said, "Let's talk about these things later. For now, let's talk about the current affairs."

"How do you want to talk?" Bai Chen said with a smile.

Shen Mo Nong said: "Right now, none of us want to go to war. However, the three of Xu Fusheng really violated our country's laws. You still let us take them away, which is good for everyone."

Bai Chen said: "We believers of the Giant Spiritualism have always had legal immunity. Few of the Giant Spiritualists are lawless. Am I asking you to take them away?"

Shen Mo Nong said: "It seems that we can't agree on this matter?"

Bai Chen said: "Yes, just can't agree, what do you want?"

Shen Mo Nong went silent.

Bai Chen smiled again and said: "Moreover, it's not just that we can't agree, Shen Mo Nong, if you come today, don't even think about leaving. So, in order not to cause trouble, we don't want to kill and robber. You all retreat, leaving behind you and this beautiful female police officer. This is my last bottom line!"

"Unreasonable!" Yang Rong was instantly dazzled by anger. She suddenly raised the gun and shot it at Bai Chen's head.

Yang Rong has always been jealous of evil, and Bai Chen in front of him is really deceiving too much.

You know, she is not an ordinary person, she is a policeman!

This criminal is too arrogant.

Bang Bang, Yang Rong fired twice in a row.

Shen Mo Nong couldn't help but lose his color, she knew that things were getting worse.

Bai Chen was still smiling, and he did not hide.

At this moment, the black left envoy behind him suddenly shot. Suddenly a magic sword appeared in the hand of the black left envoy, and then he slammed it!

It was this understatement that knocked Yang Rong's two bullets into flight.

This kind of skill, no matter how high the martial arts level is, it is difficult for people to do it. Martial arts masters can avoid bullets, but they cannot split them. It's just a pity that Hei Yi Zuo used mana, and he shot fast enough. Instantly sensed the trajectory of the bullet with mana, and then shot, in one go, without any mistakes.

At this moment, everyone was eclipsed immediately!

Have those policemen ever seen such a terrifying person?

Even at this moment, Bai Chen smiled coldly and said: "I like this little pepper, grab it for me."

"Yes, Young Master!" The black-robed right envoy responded, and then saw the figure flash, and he rushed towards Yang Rong like lightning.

The speed is too fast, the members of the armed police team and the criminal police team can't react at all, and at this moment, they are not allowed to order from their superiors, and they dare not shoot at will.

Yang Rong couldn't help being shocked. She didn't see anything clearly, and she saw a black shadow flashing in front of her.

Yang Rong didn't even think of hiding.

It was also at this time that Shen Mo Nong came to Yang Rong in a flash.

"Get out of the way!" Heiyi's right hand shouted coldly, and then slapped Shen Mo Nong with a palm.


Shen Mo Nong also slapped it.

Two palms collided, Shen Mo Nong kicked out three steps, almost hitting Yang Rong to the ground.

Shen Mo Nong barely stopped his figure, then spit out a mouthful of blood.

The black right envoy laughed and said, "This is the true power of the giant spirit, take another palm of me."

The black clothes right envoy moved extremely fast, and Shen Mo Nong hadn't even had time to sacrifice the Soul Devouring Bell.


Shen Mo Nong took another three steps, her face like golden paper.

The black clothes right envoy did nothing at all.

"Don't come here!" Yang Rong and the others, as well as the team members, all aimed at the black right envoy with guns.

"It's all looking for death!" The right envoy in black suddenly roared.

"Ah..." This group of players immediately felt the eardrum tear, and the pain was terrible. They dropped their guns, hugged their eardrums, and groaned in pain.

The same is true of including He Changwen.

Only, Yang Rong in the field is fine.

Shen Mo Nong couldn't help being annoyed. She didn't expect the giant spirit real power of the black right envoy to be so fierce...just now she was eager to save Yang Rong, so she said. Otherwise, she used the Soul Devouring Bell earlier, and she wouldn't be so embarrassed at the moment.

Yang Rong was stunned.

At this moment, she finally understood the scruples above.

The people of this group of giant spirits are too powerful to be human.

Yang Rong felt a deep sense of powerlessness. Although she was in the crowd, no one could save her at this moment.

The black-clothed right envoy came to Yang Rong and coldly grabbed Yang Rong's subdued, and said, "Go!"

Yang Rong only felt that the other party's strength was so great that she had no power to resist at all.

"Stop!" At this moment, a figure rushed over very quickly.

The figure came to the front of the right envoy in black like lightning.

"Looking for death!" The black-clothed right-hand envoy didn't pay attention to the future, and slashed it over.

"Hey!" The other party also slapped.


This time, the result was different. The black-robed right envoy was directly slashed out...

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