My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 811: Not drunk, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

Luo Feng could imagine that Ye Ziqing must be on campus at this moment.

The sunlight combined with the shade of the campus is a very youthful and yearning breath.

This is a life Luo Feng has never dared to imagine, and a life he has never experienced.

In today's society, there is also such an argument that it is useless to go to university. It is also true that after coming out, many ordinary college students have no advantage in facing graduation and working in society.

Not as good as someone who came out as an apprentice at the age of fifteen. After years of accumulation, the apprentice has become a master. College students are still college students.

Thinking like this is sad.

However, the apprentice only experienced sadness in advance. If college students are willing to put down their bodies, after a few years, they can also become elites.

College students have more than apprentices not only knowledge, but also vision.

In the university, learning is not only knowledge, but also personal education, cultivation, and the friendship with roommates and classmates in the university. The friendship of spending the night together and drinking together.

Also, that innocent love that you can't experience after college.

That is the unforgettable memory of college students.

Of course, it is also said that after some college students come out, they still have no education, cultivation, etc. However, the educated and well-trained still account for the majority.

No amount of hard work and industriousness, many times can not be worth two words. It is not a choice, but a vision. Only with vision can you choose.

A child who grew up in Yanjing City will have a higher vision than a college student who came out of a ravine. This is a different starting point!

A child who grew up in a city wears the same clothes as a child in the country, and they stand together, but they can tell the difference between the children.

Children from poor families are not only poor in material terms. The more terrifying poverty is the poverty in the bones. When a wise parent educates a child, he will teach him to share and give, so that although it will suffer a loss, it can be recognized by people. It's not that everyone is a friend, but others will think of letting you make a comparison when there is something good or a business. Because they know that if you know how to give, you will return.

If you are the kind of person who must compare the baht, who would be willing to give you good things?

Besides, at this time, Ye Ziqing was happy and unexpected when he received Luo Feng's call. "Brother Luo Feng, why would you have time to call me?"

Luo Feng smiled slightly and said, "Ziqing, do you have time?"

"Ah? Time, what are you going to do?" Ye Ziqing asked.

Luo Feng said, "I will be with my two brothers and my second younger siblings right away. I told you, you know them."

"I know!" Ye Ziqing said.

Luo Feng said: "We are going to Tianxiong City, Ningnan Province to deal with some things. We have plenty of time, so I want to ask you if you want to come and play together."

"Ah, that's great." Ye Ziqing was extremely happy. But she was a little upset right away, and said: "But Brother Luo Feng, I only went to apply for a restaurant yesterday, and I am going to work as a part-time job for two months. I want to train myself so that I will be able to find a job in the future some."

Luo Feng frowned slightly. He said, "I can make arrangements for you where you want to work and where you want to go. You don't have to worry about this. Don't go to any restaurant to be a waiter."

"Ah? Will I embarrass you like this?" Ye Ziqing worried.

Luo Feng said, "No, you won't shame me in anything. But I don't want you to suffer!"

Ye Ziqing said, "I know Brother Luo Feng, you are rich, but I still want to rely on myself, I don't want to be your parasite."

Luo Feng said, "Silly girl, don't always think about these messy things. How about, do you want to come?"

Ye Ziqing hesitated for a while, and said, "I want to come."

Luo Feng smiled and said, "Then what about your day job?"

Ye Ziqing said, "I made a fruit platter for the foreman who applied for me, and then apologized to her."

"What a polite silly girl. Then you leave as soon as possible and take the flight directly to Ningnan Province, where will I be waiting for you. Call me when you arrive." Luo Feng said.

"Good!" Ye Ziqing said happily.

After talking on the phone, Luo Feng came back to meet everyone.

Then, everyone found a restaurant to sit down and eat.

What kind of simmering pot is this restaurant, a few kinds of meat, vegetarian simmered in the pot, put a special sauce, the taste is very good.

Chen Yang was in good spirits and asked for a drink.

Xuanyuan Yadan immediately asked the waiter to bring the good Wuliangye over.

Chen Yang laughed and said, "Second sister-in-law, you are so virtuous."

Xuanyuan Yadan smiled slightly and said, "If I'm not virtuous, I'm afraid of being rejected by our brother Lin. If he goes to find so many wives like you, where will I cry by then!"

Chen Yang had a bitter face immediately, and he said to Qin Lin: "Second brother, how do you praise me behind my back!"

Qin Lin laughed and said, "I just told your sister-in-law, you see how good I am, and you will always be a wife. You can't count the guys like the third brother, who cares about big carrots, and he can't count the many wives."

"It's not much, I can't count it. You can break it with the finger of a hand." Chen Yang called to Bing Tianqu.

Xuanyuan Yadan snorted, and said, "You are just a radish with an insatiable affection. You will never be bothered anymore. Otherwise, I will knock your head."

Chen Yang said, "Second brother, you really hurt me."

Luo Feng and Chen Yang were sitting together. He smiled and said, "Second sister, you can't blame the third brother. He has such a temperament, a cultivator, once he suppresses his own nature and pleasure, he will do everything. It won't work."

Xuanyuan Yadan said, "Fortunately, Brother Lin, we don't have this nature!"

Luo Feng smiled slightly.

The wine is here and the dishes are braised. Everyone began to feast on.

Chen Yang and the three were very alcoholic and drank three bottles of Wuliangye in total.

In the end, Luo Feng's face was red, and he already had a little smoke. He said: "Between me and Xiaoye, I actually thought about it a lot. I know, she is not like you, she is a member of the Xuanyuan clan. She is a very ordinary girl and the purest girl. Mine The world and her world are basically two worlds. So, I thought about giving up and let her give up. But I didn’t expect that in her thin body, there would be such a strong power. She took a knife in In front of me, she said that she thought very clearly and did not regret this life. If she could not be with me, she would die. Later, she really cut off her pulse. When I saw the red blood, Just know that I can't live up to her in my entire life."

Ye Ziqing committed suicide not because of being abandoned. But because she knew Luo Feng's concerns, she was expressing determination. Her determination is tragic, and she has never moved forward. So Luo Feng was finally moved.

Chen Yang was also a little emotional. He said, "Although Ziqing's sister-in-law is younger than me, she will always be my most respected sister-in-law." After he finished speaking, he immediately said: "Ah, no, the second sister-in-law is also very respected by me. of."

Xuanyuan Yadan chuckled and said, "You can't make up your words." She continued, "However, I also admire Sister Ziqing. At least, I don't have her courage. ."

Luo Feng smiled, and he said: "Cheers, I am very happy today. I should say that I have been very happy these months." He paused and said, "I used to hate this god, I think God is right I am very unfair. Since I was a child, I will suffer so many hardships and tribulations that ordinary people can't imagine. But after having you brothers and Ziqing, I realized that God gave me good things. Behind. Now for me, nothing in this world is more important than you brothers and Zi Qing."

"Cheers!" Everyone toasted.

Chen Yang then was quite moved.

Anyway, this is the problem with men. Once they drank too much, a group of brothers would be like lunatics together. I couldn't finish talking about my heart, crying and laughing.

Chen Yang said: "I was raised by my master since I was a kid. When I was a teenager, I didn’t understand anything and I was thrown to Africa. The bullets rained every day, but I was very happy. I think the world is big. I think I Unfettered and unconcerned. Until one day, I learned that I had parents and I also had a younger brother. However, my father killed my mother. My father didn’t kill me, just because he killed his son. .But my younger brother received the greatest love from my father. My father felt that I was a lowly species and should not survive in this world. I was born to be a hundred and one thousand times inferior to my so-called younger brother. I'm not convinced!"

Chen Yang suddenly patted the table.

Fortunately, this is a box, and it won't disturb others.

So Xuanyuan Yadan didn't need to comfort the guests, she had heard something about Chen Yang faintly. But now listening to Chen Yang personally speaking, she still feels very moved.

Xuanyuan Yadan felt that compared with Luo Feng and Chen Yang, she was extremely happy. Moreover, Qin Lin is also happy compared to them.

Chen Yang went on to say: "Princes and generals, I would rather be kind." He stood up and said with red eyes: "One day, I will step on Chen Yihan under my feet. I want to tell Chen Tianya that you will cultivate and love you. Incomparable son, in front of Lao Tzu, is a pile of mud. Lao Tzu doesn't need you to teach him, he will not be worse than any of you."

This is Chen Yang's deep arrogance and dissatisfaction, which he rarely shows. But he was really hurt. Why is he also Chen Tianya's son? He is so humble to be seen, but Chen Yihan is a baby in the palm.


Am I born worse than him?

"Third brother, you must be able to. You are already very good now." Xuanyuan Yadan said with a slight red eye socket.

Luo Feng also said: "Third brother, no matter what happens, we will always stand by your side and face it with you."

Chen Yang laughed again and said, "Happy, I'm happy! What are those? They don't care about me, how can I care about them, hahaha..."

This is really crying and laughing, a group of people have become crazy...

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