My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 801: Dragon Banshee, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

Lama Yinyue said: "Reverse and repeat, come and go, and there is always time. Chen Yang, little thief, you have had several contests with the poor monk. Every time you run away, but this time, your The aura is truly exhausted. No miracle will happen again. The only thing you can do is die!"

Chen Yang's face changed slightly. He naturally knew that Lama Yinyue was not a person who likes to blow the air. He said that, it proves that he already has a killer.

Chen Yang darkened his face.

At the back of Jingning Four Girls Middle School, Mi Hua was upset at first. She said first: "You slutty monk, so loud. Last time I let you escape by luck, I will never give you a chance today."

"Four Elephant Sword Formation!" Jingning said with a dignified face and shouted.

In an instant, four magic swords were sacrificed.

Chen Yang didn't plan to talk nonsense anymore, and immediately gave the Lama Seal of the Moon a second, regardless of whether he could recruit him later.

So Chen Yang immediately sacrificed Xuanyuanjian!

"Good luck swordsmanship, ten thousand swords return to one!" Chen Yang showed his ultimate move in a flash.

The Four Elephant Sword Array has also been deployed, and the four swords are interwoven into four sword nets.

The cold light flickered in the field for a while, and the sword aura was vertical!

Chen Yang's Wanjian Guiyi is the most powerful, violently shooting past, unstoppable!

Layers of fire are torn out in the air!

The Lama Yinyue was overwhelmed by this powerful attack firepower in an instant.

It was also at this time that the sea changed again.

With a bang, the waves aroused Melaleuca.

Then a huge thing rose from the ocean, boom!

The monster opened its mouth in the blood basin, and then an endless water sword spurted out, until ten thousand water swords came and killed it.

This Shui Jian Dao is fierce, and it directly destroyed the Sixiang sword formation of Jingning's four daughters.

Only Chen Yang's Wanjian Guiyi was extremely fierce, and it was lightning that stabbed the monster's head.

The monster clicked, and the mouth of the blood basin suddenly closed, but it bit Chen Yang's Xuanyuan sword!

Kaka Kaka, the monster smashed Xuanyuan Sword in a few strokes, and the last time it raised its head, it swallowed the bits of Xuanyuan Sword into its stomach. Chen Yang couldn't help but cried out bad!

At the same time, the four magic swords of Jingning's four women were also forced back into their hands.

Chen Yang once again realized one thing, that is, there is no magic weapon to be used.

Damn it, everything from the Dragon Pattern Sword to the Yinsha Demon Sword to the Lixue Weiyang Sword, and this Xuanyuan Sword, were all destroyed.

If Lao Tzu holds a monstrous creature sword in his hands, he can feel this kind of bird aura.

Chen Yang quickly took out the Absolute Immortal Sword. Although the Jue Xian Sword was given to the eldest brother, at this time, in the face of crisis, he couldn't care about so much.

At this time, everyone saw the monster clearly.

The monster is huge, and when you look closely, it looks like a dragon, but not a dragon!

It's... Jiaolong!

Chen Yang suddenly remembered the Flood Dragon Banshee that Baili Buqi said.

"Haha..." Chen Yang burst into laughter, and he said to Lama Yinyue: "I said, why did you suddenly increase your skill? It turns out that you have cultivated the tantric method with this dragon banshee! Yinyue, your taste is really enough. Heavy."

Lama Yinyue's face changed slightly. He didn't expect Chen Yang to guess everything so accurately. He then said coldly: "You don't need to care about the matter of the flesh. You little thief, are you still immune to death today?"

The flood dragon also roared, and this roar made people feel that the sky was shaking.

A fishy wind blows over his face.

Liu Yan and the crew were about to stand unstable, backing back and forth.

For Liu Yan and the others, this trip was too special. Strange things of God appeared before him, just like a fairy tale adventure on the sea. What giant pythons, dragons, flying swords, and special things actually appeared.

Chen Yang's brains were undoubtedly turning extremely fast, he was already fused with Absolute Immortal Sword while speaking.

Chen Yang said to the flood dragon: "You female demon, have you forgotten the emperor's teachings to you? The emperor is kind, and let you go, how dare you come out and make trouble?"

"Roar!" The dragon was furious, and suddenly opened his mouth to speak. "Damn little thief, dare to laugh at this seat?"

Chen Yang's face sank.

Lama Yinyue said: "My lord, this little thief is really hateful with a sharp mouth. Please also ask the adults to capture the little thief, and the little monk will use a hundred sharp methods to torture the little thief."

Jiaolong nodded, its body is still in the sea, but its head can be higher than the deck. This guy is an absolute behemoth in the water.

Chen Yang didn't dare to be careless, he immediately urged Xianxian Sword!

Immediately, the poison gas rolled on Jue Xian Sword.

Chen Yang thought to himself, if you have the ability to bite again, even if you are so cultivated and poisoned by the sword of absolute immortality, you will still be dead.

"Good luck swordsmanship, ten thousand swords return to one!" Chen Yang performed this trick again.

In an instant, the sword light filled the sky like a natural disaster!

In another instant, all the sword lights were magically shrunk into a sword light!

The Great Sword of Absolute Immortal formed, and it shot towards the dragon.

Seeing this, Jiaolong immediately felt the danger. It spit a sword!

This saliva sword is also huge!

The water sword and the absolute sword collided, and the extreme poison instantly dyed the water sword black.

The water is also extremely toxic, so you can't touch it.

The water sword was immediately disintegrated, and shot at the dragon again.

The Jiaolong was taken aback. The Jiaolong was not stupid. He knew the power of Chen Yang's sword.

So the dragon retreated quickly, and then the giant tail raised, and a hurricane shot out. The giant tail hit Jue Xianjian.


The dragon is extremely powerful, the giant tail swept the sword, and the power of the absolute sword was exhausted, it could only be defeated and flew back to Chen Yang's hands.

Black energy appeared on the dragon's tail, but the dragon hadn't broken its skin, so it didn't matter.

The dragon shook again, shaking off a few golden dragon scales on its tail. These dragon scales have been corroded by Absolute Immortal Sword.

This shock happened to completely resolve the extreme poison of Jue Xian Sword.

Jiaolong was also taken aback. He didn't expect this sword poison to reach this point.

Chen Yang saw all this in his eyes, he sneered, and said: "You female demon, you don't want to ruin the thousand-year Taoism, it is best to leave immediately. Otherwise, I will release the poisonous evil in this absolute sword. It depends on how you resist."

"This little thief is slandering people again!" Lama Yinyue said: "My lord, if he was really poisonous, he would have been released long ago. Why bother you to retreat?"

Chen Yang said: "Yinyue, you don't understand this. Poisonous evil is the root of the sword of absolute immortality. Once it is released, the sword will be useless. I will not release it unless it is a last resort. But you should not think I'm afraid of you. Do you think you can turn defeat into victory if you have an adventure? Tell you, I must be a sword, you come and let me kill you, this is the real providence."

The sky was uncertain in the Jiaolong's eyes.

It is indeed a bit afraid of the fairy sword.

But in fact, Chen Yang is a lie to say where there is any evil.

Jiaolong really didn't want to wade in this muddy water now. After the double repairs between her and Yinyue, there was a little feeling between her. This is a small effort and is willing to help, but it is life-threatening, so the Lama Yinyue is worthless.

But Jiaolong couldn't put it down a bit, it seemed too shameful to walk like this.

Lama Yinyue's face changed drastically. He had a foreboding that if this continued, Xiaoming would really end.

Lama Yinyue immediately shouted, withdraw!

When Jiaolong saw that the lama was about to be removed, she naturally wouldn't hesitate. Turn around and run!

The Lama Yinyue flashed, and then traveled a hundred meters away.

At this time, Chen Yang issued two big kills in a row, and his mana was consumed severely. In fact, he didn't have the ability to send Wan Jian once again. Everything is just bluff!

The Lama Yinyue wanted to leave, so he naturally didn't stop him. But Jingning's four daughters didn't have the ability to stop them, so they could only watch Lama Yinyue escape.

The Yinyue Lama and the Flood Dragon appeared 100 meters away, and the Yinyue Lama rode on the Flood Dragon.

When the dragon enters the sea, that is what Chen Yang and the group can do.

Chen Yang let out a long sigh of relief.

Jingning's four daughters felt a pity, and they also admired Chen Yang for resolving the crisis once again.

In fact, if it weren't for the wonder of Jue Xianjian, then this time, everyone was really dead.

Often things are so wonderful.

If the Lama Yinyue came before Chen Yang did not obtain the Jue Xian family, then Chen Yang would be incapable of returning to heaven.

Chen Yang also realized the power of the Ultimate Immortal Sword.

This dragon has a profound cultivation base, spits water into a sword, and has profound mana. I'm afraid that the cultivation base of the Jiaolong is still above the yin and yang purple electric double snake. But unfortunately, the attributes are mutually exclusive. The poison of Jue Xian Sword has no effect on Yin Yang Zidian Double Snake. But Absolute Immortal Sword can hurt Jiaolong.

But at this time, a crew member suddenly said in panic: "No, they are back."

Chen Yang and the others immediately looked.

Sure enough, not far away, that Jiaolong carrying Lama Yinyue actually went and returned.

"Damn!" Chen Yang cursed secretly. His mana is greatly damaged now, and he can't fight at all. Why is this dragon coming back again?

How can you resist this one?

The mood of Chen Yang and everyone at this moment felt more exciting than riding a roller coaster!

Ji Yun sneered and said, "It seems that they are here to die, Chen Yang, you put poisonous evil spirits on it, let's see what they do."

Chen Yang couldn't help but want to look up to the sky and sigh, this little Nizi's IQ is really touching!

Although Jingning knew that Chen Yang was already a foreigner, she still resisted saying nothing.

The Jiaolong and the Lama Yinyue came quickly, and the Lama Yinyue jumped onto the deck.

"Damn, Yinyue, are you looking for death, right?" Chen Yang said liedly. At the same time, he bluffed and sacrificed the absolute sword.

Lama Yinyue's face was extremely ugly, but he looked at Chen Yang vigilantly and did not speak.

"Huh!" Chen Yang immediately felt something was wrong. He looked at the flood dragon, who was also dejected.

At this moment, six water columns rose from the bottom of the deck!

Then, six merfolk appeared on the water column.

Chen Yang looked intently, and there were two old acquaintances among the people who came. They were Tie Sheng and the fourth prince who never abandoned them.

Among these six people, the one headed by them is majestic, and his body contains the aura of a true dragon.

This man wears a bright yellow python robe.

The shirt was soaked in water, but it was still dry.

The water is on it, but it is not contaminated, which also illustrates the extraordinary nature of the python robe.

Chen Yang doesn't need to guess to know that the person here is not someone else, but the emperor!

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