My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 781: Betting, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

Chen Yang and Jingning are both interested in this topic. People living on the sea naturally have a better say than Chen Yang and Jingning.

This is also because Chen Yang and Jingning understand the mysterious factors in the world. They know that in the unknown, there are many possibilities.

In Liu Yan's view, she was just listening to some novel stories. She can only be regarded as a possible legend, but Chen Yang and Jingning know that in the boundless ocean, there must be powerful creatures.

Uncle Xiong smiled at this time and said: "Actually, I have heard from the hearsay that we have been walking on the sea for a long time. I have also seen some strange things, such as water monkeys... Once, we really salvaged a piece of water. monkey."

"Water monkey?" Liu Yan couldn't help being excited. She said: "Does the water monkey you mentioned is the kind of water monkey we have heard of. It is the soul of a person who changes after death? That is the water ghost?"

Uncle Xiong said, “I’m not sure if it’s a water ghost. Anyway, after the water monkey was caught, it looked very ugly, but it can be seen from the outline that it is a monkey. The monkey is very fierce. Struggling desperately, grinning. Moreover, after it came up, the eyes were very bitter. Everyone dare not look at it! At that time, there were not as many camera phones as you now, so we didn't leave any information. I wanted to take this monkey back, and I wanted to give it to the government or sell it to the black market, and see if I could change it for some money, but then, for some reason, our boat became heavier and heavier, and it was about to be dragged down. When we checked, we were horrified to find that there were densely packed water monkeys under the ship. At that time, we were terrified and thought we were going to die on this sea."

"Later, an experienced old man was wise and asked us to release the water monkeys and kowtow to the water monkeys. We threw a lot of food into the sea, and then the water monkeys gradually dispersed. At that time, I’m only twenty years old, and I don’t know how to be awe-inspiring. Afterwards, the longer I walk on the sea, the more I know awe. So afterwards, they were going to the evil island, and I chose not to go."

Liu Yan said: "Will the water monkey be a monkey that lives under the water? It is not a water ghost at all."

Uncle Xiong smiled slightly and said, "Then I don't know."

Chen Yang smiled and said, "Liu Yan, why do you think that the water monkey is a monkey, not a ghost?"

Liu Yan said: “Because my experience and knowledge tell me that most feudal superstitions are based on falsehoods. Unless you see them with your own eyes, you can’t believe them. Many things like water ghosts are falsely spread by old people. We are a modern society and we must dare to question. Everything must be explained with a scientific attitude. What is illusory is not credible after all."

"Maybe it's not vain." Chen Yang smiled slightly, and said: "This society is actually very strange. Those high-ranking officials with high education and high social status desperately worship Buddha, and they pay attention to Feng Shui. On the contrary, the poor and white people don't believe in those superstitions. I think those things are deceiving ghosts."

"Isn't it a lie?" Liu Yan said, "How many of the Buddhist temples are really experts in the Buddhist school?"

Chen Yang said: "You are right. In the age of interest, most Buddhist temples have become commercial and have become a sustenance for people to seek inner peace. People who have done bad things need these things, and they have money in their hands. Then, This has business needs. I understand this truth!"

Liu Yan said: "Yes, it is true."

Chen Yang said: "But what needs to be said is that this universe is too big. This earth is too big, and this human being is too small. How long have humans existed? And how many years have the creatures on earth existed? Human beings cannot be too arrogant and think they know everything. The last thing we can't explore is in the infinite ocean. What is materialism? You see the growth of rice, and you see it with the naked eye, it is materialism. You think the water ghost is illusory. It’s just an old man’s rumor. But how did the water ghost form? Maybe, it can also have traces of its growth like rice. For example, when people are alive, everything is in their heads. Brain waves. So, if you feel you exist, you will obviously feel that all thoughts are formed in your head. Once this brain wave dies in the body, it will die because there is no carrier. But, maybe On the contrary, can sea water become a carrier of brain waves? After death, the human soul, that is, brain waves, is very unwilling to carry it through sea water. The longer the time, the stronger the thoughts, and later, they become stronger because of the soul. Then, you can be attached to some small creatures. Finally, after evolution, growth, and finally become the water monkey now. The reason I say this is not to say that I know that water monkeys are water ghosts. Rather, if you want to explain, it may not be impossible to explain."

"We human beings are too small, and we need to be in awe of all unknown things. You can't just deny the existence of these things and things if you haven't seen them." Chen Yang said, "Blindly feudal superstition, this is of course a big mistake. Very wrong. But blindly feeling that there is no **** and no ghost in the world is too idealistic."

Both Liu Yan and Xiong Bo looked at Chen Yang in surprise. They felt the great wisdom in Chen Yang.

At this time, Liu Yan finally understood a little bit, why Chen Yang was able to get to this point.

He is not a local tyrant on the surface, this man has a tiger in his heart!

And it is extremely wise.

Jingning was also slightly surprised, but she didn't say much.

"If I had a chance, I would really like to see what constitutes this water monkey." Chen Yang smiled afterwards.

Uncle Xiong said hurriedly: "Don't watch it. Just as you said, we still have to be in awe."

Chen Yang said: "Awe is awe, but you must also have the heart to explore."

Liu Yan smiled and said, "Mr. Chen is what you said anyway."

Chen Yang laughed.

Jingning said: "We should continue to talk about the King of the Sea. In your opinion, the old man, what is the King of the Sea?"

Uncle Xiong said: "A filmmaker once came to our fishing village for an interview." He smiled and said, "The filmmaker also asked a similar topic. I told him a legend."

"What legend?" Chen Yang and Jingning asked almost simultaneously.

Uncle Xiong said: "You should know about tortoises. Some of the same tortoises are tortoises and some are sea turtles. I also heard an old man walking on the sea say. He said that in ancient times, humans were divided into two branches, one The branch is a human being on land. Another group lives in the water because of the loss of land. Over time, they have evolved a mermaid that is half human and half fish, that is, the merman tribe."

Liu Yan gave a dry cough, and said, "There is a movie now in theaters called Mermaid. The ancient times you talked about with the old man is a template."

Jingning said: "I also watched this film, but it's not very credible. One of the reasons is that the mermaid in it is too weak. You know, if there is a race of human fish, then they already exist in the sea. Countless years. Even if they don’t develop technology, they will definitely develop magic skills."

"Spell?" Liu Yan was stunned.

Chen Yang understood it in seconds.

Humans on land can control spells, so the mysterious mermaid tribe in the ocean should be more powerful.

"So, old man, do you think the king of the land is a human being, and the king of the sea is a mermaid?" Jingning said.

Uncle Xiong laughed and said, "I don't think anything, it's all hearsay. Today is also boring, so just talk about it casually."

The topic is almost here.

In the afternoon, Chen Yang stood in front of the guardrail and looked at the endless sea.

He kept seeing dark.

When it was dark, Jingning came behind Chen Yang.

"Are you wondering, is there any mermaid in the ocean?" Jingning stood beside Chen Yang and said.

Chen Yang said: "Is there a mermaid? Everyone has never seen this. No one dares to say that there is. But the only thing that is certain is that there must be a powerful and unknown force in the depths of the ocean. Just like in the universe, there are more than just beings on the earth."

Jingning said, "It doesn't matter whether you have it or not. Why do you have to think about it for so long? We can all know about so many things in the world. Isn't it enough to live a good life?"

Chen Yang said, "You're right, I just got interested for a while, so I think more."

Jingning said, "I suddenly had an interesting idea."

"Oh, let's hear it." Chen Yang said.

Jingning said: "We use our respective mana to dive into the sea to see who can catch a sea mount. Then, we control the mount and have a water race. After we catch the mount, we get off the yacht. After the yacht goes a certain distance. In the end, whoever gets on the yacht first wins."

"Okay!" Chen Yang smiled and said, "Since it is a game, there should be some bets for fun."

Jingning said, "What do you want to bet on?"

Chen Yang said: "You talk about it first, because you brought up the game."

Jingning said: "If I win, you have to promise to do something for me. As for what it is, I haven't figured it out yet. As long as you can do it, you can't refuse."

"If you let me kill, then I won't do it!" Chen Yang said, "If you want my property, that won't work!"

"It's definitely not deliberately making things difficult." Jingning said.

Chen Yang said, "That's good."

Jingning said again: "If I lose, I will promise you the same things."

Chen Yang smiled and said, "I have nothing to do for me!"

Jingning said, "Are you still interesting?"

Chen Yang said, "What if I want your body?"

"Of course not!" Jingning said.

Chen Yang said, "What about kissing you?"

"This...this line!" Jingning hesitated for a moment and said.

"Don't hesitate to engage in a kiss, it would be cheaper for you. If I lose, how much will I pay? Besides, I haven't kissed you." Chen Yang laughed.

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