My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 4378: The disaster is coming, the fastest update to the latest chapter of My Beautiful Wife!

The time within the realm of the Time Ocean can become extremely slow, but it cannot change the external time.

Chen Yang also felt that the magnetic field in his body was changing rapidly... as if it was about to explode. Both he and the Snow Mountain Old Demon felt that thunderclouds began to gather over the church.

The thunder tribulation of the Taixu Tenth Heaven is much more severe than the thunder tribulation of the Ninth Heaven.

Chen Yang felt that if he didn't jump into the sea in time to dissolve part of the thunder, there would be a problem whether he could survive.

Therefore, at this moment, he must quickly deal with the threat of the Snow Mountain Old Demon. Otherwise, all the long-term plans will come to nothing with his death!

The old Snow Mountain Demon also knew that the enemy did not have much time, so he was not in a hurry to attack at this time, but concentrated on defense!

It is not convenient for Chen Yang to use the Heaven-Destroying Seal in this ocean of time. The Sky-Destroying Seal is too huge, so more mana is needed to break through the time limit.

Without thinking too much, he first drove out the three thunder sword qi from his body. Infused with his magic power, the three thunder sword qi rushed towards the old snow mountain monster killer like lightning. When he was getting close to the old demon in the snow mountain, Chen Yang transformed his hands into magic seals and turned the three thunder sword energy into three thunder dragons. The three thunder dragons quickly wrapped around the old snow mountain demon. At the same time, the thunder dragon spit out the power of thunder and killed the general.

The old snow mountain demon felt that the thunder on this thunder dragon was particularly authentic and terrifying, and it was not an ordinary magical thunder. He didn't dare to underestimate him at the moment, and immediately activated the Yin Po Soul. The Yin Soul Soul quickly turned into ten ice ropes, locking all three thunder dragons.

At the moment of being locked, the supreme freezing power was unleashed!

The three thunder dragons immediately became ice sculptures. As for the Thunder God Slash issued by the Thunder Dragon, the Snow Mountain Old Demon waved his sleeves and robes to defeat them all. ΚáИδんǔ

After the three thunder dragons became ice sculptures, Chen Yang was not discouraged and just listened to him let out a light drink. The three thunder dragons quickly turned into pure thunder, and there were flashes of lightning, several booms, and then, all the frozen particles were electrocuted into pieces.

Chen Yang's eyes were blood red, and with a roar, three thunderbolts turned into big thunder sword energy and killed the old demon in the snow mountain!

"This is such a small trick, but I can't help it!" The Snow Mountain Old Demon sneered again and again, and then grabbed it with his big hand, and the Yin Soul Soul turned into a Yin Soul vortex in his hand. In the vortex, there was like a storm of thousands of years of cold particles. The Thunder Sword Qi penetrated deep into it, as if entering a black hole, bottomless. Read a book

The thunder struck all around, like mud cows falling into the sea!

But the deeper you go, the more powerful the ice particles become, freezing up quickly, and finally completely freezing the three thunder sword energy!

At this time, Chen Yang could no longer drive the Thunder Sword Qi.

"Old man, what other tricks do you have? It's already been three minutes. In two more minutes, the thunder disaster will come and you will die!" The old snow mountain demon said to Chen Yang with a ferocious smile.

Everything that happened on the scene was still in this church.

The two men fought with ferocious ferocity.

Luo Tianyao and others saw the appearance of the thunder dragon, and also saw the ghostly soul Wushuang.

But because of the obstruction of the ocean of time, they were not affected in any way. Even the various objects in the church were not damaged...ωωw.ΚAAЙδhυ㈤.net

Chen Yang poured his magic power towards the big thunder sword energy, but the Snow Mountain Old Demon tried his best to restrain it with the Yin Soul Vortex, so no matter how hard Chen Yang tried, he couldn't move at all.

The old snow mountain demon was like a strong man, trapping Chen Yang in front of him.

Although he couldn't defeat Chen Yang instantly, he could wait for the thunder disaster as long as he persisted for two more minutes!

Time continues to pass.

The ocean of time is still spreading all around, making it impossible for Bonihei to help the old snow mountain demon.

Finally, two minutes passed.

The thunderclouds in the void also gathered, and then, a terrifying thunderstorm struck down.

The target is Chen Yang!

At this moment, the Snow Mountain Old Demon breathed a sigh of relief. He felt that the outcome had been decided and the overall situation had been decided!

And this is the moment that Chen Yang has been waiting for. His great weapon is the Great Destiny Soul.

The tyranny of the thunder is beyond words!

When the attack came, it directly opened a large hole in the roof of the church, and at the same time, it attacked Chen Yang in the ocean of time.

At this moment, Chen Yang finally gave up the Thunder Sword Qi, and instead used all his magic power to form a protective golden shield to resist the thunder!

A ferocious smile flashed on the face of the old Snow Mountain Demon, and he shattered the Thunder Sword Qi without mercy, and at the same time condensed the Yin Soul Divine Sword to strike at Chen Yang's eyebrows.

At this time, there is absolutely no need for womanly kindness.

It was also at this time that the ocean of time suddenly shrank and quickly turned into a blur of human soul. Then, it turned again in the void and turned into a black sword of destiny!

God of Destiny!


The Destiny Sword Qi thundered and slashed at the back of the old snow mountain demon.

When the old Snow Mountain Demon was feeling proud, he launched his attack on Chen Yang with all his strength, but he didn't expect that Haiyang could attack by himself at this time. Moreover, he felt that the attack was very powerful.

During the crisis, the snow-capped old demon's white hair quickly grew longer, forming countless silver threads strangled towards the God of Destiny!

At that moment, the Divine Slash of Destiny turned into a whirlpool of destiny.

Countless time powers controlled the silver threads, and then the fate particles strangled them crazily. Soon, those silver hairs were twisted into pieces.

The whirlpool of destiny turned into the Divine Slash of Destiny again and came to kill again.

The old snow mountain demon was really anxious now. All the nails in his hands flew out and turned into ten demon swords to kill him.

The God of Destiny knocked all ten flying swords away with one blast.

The old snow mountain demon was helpless. His figure suddenly grew and turned into a real old demon, with silver scales all over his body. He roared loudly and condensed all the scales on his body into his chest, forming a scale storm to resist the God of Destiny's Slash!


The God of Destiny struck the storm of scales, and then the God of Destiny was bounced away.

The Divine Slash of Destiny spun in the void, and then turned into the Great Fist Seal of Destiny!


This great fist seal of destiny quickly struck into the storm of scales, knocking the scale storm away at once, and the great fist seal of destiny bombarded the old demon in the snow mountain.

At this moment, the Snow Mountain Old Demon felt that all his internal organs had been displaced, his meridians were reversed, his blood flow was rising, his magic power was frantic, and Venus was dancing in his eyes.

He couldn't hold it on anymore and spit out a mouthful of blood.

At the same time, Chen Yang also felt very sad.

His golden light shield barely resisted the thunder of heavenly tribulation, but the Yin Po Divine Sword also came to kill him.

If the Snow Mountain Old Demon hadn't used all his strength to kill the Yin Po Divine Sword, he wouldn't have been instantly embarrassed by Chen Yang's Great Destiny Soul.

At that critical moment, Chen Yang used all his strength to release the Heaven-Destroying Seal.


In just one stroke, the Heaven-Destroying Seal was chopped into pieces by the Yin Po Divine Sword.

The aftermath of the battle was particularly terrifying, and the church was instantly reduced to pieces.

Bonihe quickly grabbed Quentin and the guard and retreated backwards.

Even so, Quentin and the guard were shocked to the core by the aftermath, each spitting out blood.

Master Hidden Dragon received Chen Yang's instructions in advance, so he reacted first when the ocean of time contracted and caught Luo Tianyao. Qin Yunshuang and Luo Yunfeng quickly retreated aside.

He captured them with magic power, so there was no reason why he couldn't catch the three of them!

But even so, the aftermath shocked Master Hidden Dragon to the point of frenzy.

Qin Yunshuang and Luo Tianyao even spurted blood from their orifices...but this was not a serious injury. It was simply that the shock wave was too powerful and the blood in their bodies was out of control.

Chen Yang's Heaven-Destroying Seal couldn't stop the Yin Po Divine Sword, and then, the second thunder struck again!

The Yin Po Divine Sword also came towards Chen Yang again.

Chen Yang was so bold that he suddenly used a big hand seal to grab the Yin Po Divine Sword. At the same time, he used the Thunder Drawing Technique with his other hand!


That day, lightning struck Chen Yang, and with the help of the lightning-inducing technique, it quickly passed through his body and finally struck the Yin Po Divine Sword.


The Yin Po Divine Sword was originally designed to destroy Chen Yang's defenses and kill him. But at this time, the terrifying thunder struck and directly knocked the Yin Soul Sword away. The Yin Soul Divine Sword continued to circle in the void, and finally turned into the Yin Soul Soul, and quickly flew back to the body of the old snow mountain demon.

Although Chen Yang cleverly used the thunder-inducing technique to resolve this thunder!

But there was no end to the thunder. It condensed again and struck at Chen Yang again.

One after another, it seemed like they were going to kill Chen Yang before they could stop.

Chen Yang immediately summoned the Great Destiny Spirit, who formed a vortex of destiny above his head.

The sky thunder struck into the whirlpool of fate, was controlled by time, and was strangled by the particles of fate.

But this is not a solution, because as long as the magnetic field problem in Chen Yang's body is not resolved, the thunder will strike endlessly.

Even if this wave of thunderclouds ends, more powerful thunderclouds will gather.

Catastrophe is inevitable!

In the past, Chen Yang was the king of destiny, and the magnetic field of heaven and earth never rejected his body's magnetic field, so there was no such terrible disaster!

The Great Destiny Yuanshen was made from the three corpse Yuanshen, so it can naturally absorb the magic power around it.

So now, Chen Yang is finally relaxed.

However, he was also seriously injured, because the tribulation passed through his body and caused considerable damage to his internal organs. any case, his injuries were much lighter than the old snow mountain demon.

Because the old demon of the Snow Mountain endured a great fist seal of fate, and at the same time also endured a heavenly calamity.

Although the Yin Po Yuan Shen took over the catastrophe, the old Snow Mountain Demon was already injured at that time, so the Yuan Shen also suffered a lot of damage.

The damage to the soul is also equal to his own damage, and they are closely connected to each other. If his body is not injured, he can help Yin Po Yuansheng withstand all the damage from the catastrophe.

Chen Yang quickly came to the old snow mountain demon.

The old snow mountain demon stood up with all his strength, and shouted to Bonihei in the distance: "Pope Bonihei, he is at the end of his battle, come and help me kill him!"

Chen Yang sneered and said to Naboni: "I advise you not to seek death!"

Some people died, but not completely…

After the endless coma, Shi Yu suddenly stood up from the bed. If you want to read the latest chapters, please download the Aiyue Novel app and read the latest chapters for free without ads. The website has not updated the latest chapter content, but the Aiyue Novel APP has updated the latest chapter content.

He took a big breath of fresh air, his chest trembling.

Confused, confused, and all kinds of emotions came to my mind.

Where is this?

Afterwards, Shi Yu subconsciously observed his surroundings, and then became even more confused.

A single dormitory?

Even if he was successfully rescued, he should be in the ward now.

And my could it not be injured at all?

With doubts, Shi Yu's eyes quickly swept across the room, and finally his eyes rested on a mirror beside the bed.

The mirror showed his current appearance. He was about seventeen or eighteen years old, and he looked very handsome.

But the problem is, this is not him! Download the Aiyue Novel app and read the latest chapters for free without ads.

My previous self was a handsome young man in his twenties who had been working for a while.

And now, no matter how you look, this appearance is that of a high school student...

This change made Shi Yu stunned for a long time.

Don't tell him that the operation was successful...

The body and appearance have changed. This is not a matter of surgery or not, but magic.

He turned into a completely different person!

Could it be...that he traveled through time?

In addition to the mirror placed by the bedside, which was obviously not feng shui-friendly, Shi Yu also found three books next to it.

Shi Yu picked it up and took a look. The title of the book instantly silenced him.

"Essential Animal Breeding Manual for Beginner Breeders"

"Postpartum Care of Pet Pets"

"Evaluation Guide for Interracial Beast-Eared Girls"

Shi Yu:? ? ?

The names of the first two books are pretty normal, but what happened to the last one?


Shi Yu looked solemnly and stretched out his hand, but his arm soon stiffened.

Just when he was about to open the third book and see what it was about, his brain suddenly felt a sharp pain, and a large number of memories came flooding back.

Icefield City.

Pet animal breeding base.

Intern pet breeder. The website is about to be closed. Download the Aiyue app to provide you with the ultimate master of "The God I'm Smiling to the Sky"

Beast Master?

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